View Full Version : Links - smackMyNuts' Homemade Videos
12-01-2004, 10:23 AM
I've updated the site again, adding new videos which thornapple sent me. Also, there are MPEG versions of some of the videos of his which I already had there. For those of you who managed to see all his videos that he's put up on other sites, then this probably doesn't contain anything new to you. But for everyone else, there are probably videos you haven't seen. And, of course, my three videos are up there. Hopefully we'll be making a few more this weekend.
12-03-2004, 08:45 PM
Thanks smack. These are som of the videos that I tried to post but wasn't able to.
12-08-2004, 11:45 PM
I've updated the site. I've added some new clips of me being busted by my girlfriend while she wears a tight sweater, jeans, and socks. This update is all knees and kicks, but there will be some squeezing in another update yet to come. I've shot more footage than I've edited and encoded, so there'll be more in a while.
12-09-2004, 09:43 AM
Thank you much, very cool. Thank your GF for us too, thats very kind of her to share her bod with us.
01-11-2005, 12:28 AM
I've posted more new clips on my site (
There are four more of my girlfriend in a tight sweater and one more of her in a black outfit. There's some knees to the groin and some where I kneel in front of her and she kicks me in the balls.
01-14-2005, 09:35 PM
i love the videos... very good stuff... hope you post more soon :)
01-20-2005, 03:29 AM
post more soon ;)
01-21-2005, 03:46 AM
I have a request.
On your site you mention that femaledom is a pay site. You then mention the BB Forum here. You include links. Thanks. On your site (maybe after the word "nifty") could you please insert the word "free", or in some way indicate that this forum is free?
Thanks! ;)
- Sara :)
01-21-2005, 11:01 AM
All requests have been granted. (I feel like a Genie)
For Sarah:
I added the word free and even added another bit at the end indicating that the forums are free and a good place to discuss bb and femdom. This is now on the index page and will show up on all archive pages to be created in the future. So the archive page for this last update will have that in its links section. The archive pages for the two other updates which are on the main page and not in the section at the bottom have already been created, so it won't show up there.
For BBTex and coolppoo (and everyone else):
More videos.
There's another new update. This is the last of the videos from the previous session. A total of 9 video clips in this update, so it's actually a bit bigger than the previous ones. There's some kicking, some squeezing, and some slapping. For some of it I'm clothed, for some naked, for some I'm standing, for some I'm kneeling, and for one, I'm handcuffed face down on my knees getting kicked from behind. That last one hurt pretty good. She does some kicking in strappy sandals and some barefoot, so between this and the last updates with the socks, I think we've covered everyone except those with a fetish for stockings or pantyhose.
Anyway, check it out. I'll put the URL here just in case this is the first post of the second page of the thread.
We've already shot the footage for next time, and I have to say that I like it a lot. It involves boxing gloves. I'll get that made into clips within the next few weeks.
01-23-2005, 02:37 PM
All requests have been granted. (I feel like a Genie)
For Sarah:
I added the word free and even added another bit at the end indicating that the forums are free and a good place to discuss bb and femdom. This is now on the index page and will show up on all archive pages to be created in the future.
. . . . . . .
Thanks! :)
Your site looks better already. :D
- Sara :)
04-10-2005, 11:47 PM
There are new ball busting videos up on my site tonight (link in sig if anyone isn't paying attention). This time we went with a sports theme. There's some ping pong (well, some ball paddling with a ping pong paddle), some boxing (okay, just a bunch of low blows with boxing gloves), and some nutball. Sorry I took forever to post it. Check it out.
04-14-2005, 09:38 AM
If you guys don't find this interesting, I can stop putting notificiations here when I do update. Several hundred people have read this thread since I posted, but not one person has had anything to say.
04-14-2005, 10:13 AM
nice clips actually
but are you going to do some bare videos?
04-14-2005, 01:25 PM
The efforts are much appreciated. I don't have the equipment nor the willing woman so I can't contribute any original material. Lucky you. Thanks again smackMyNuts
04-14-2005, 03:56 PM
Thoroughly enjoyable clips. I particularly like the chemistry between the two of you, which really shines through again and again. Not to mention, you all give about equal time to squeezing, my favorite type of bust.
Keep it up! You have a devoted fan-base, even if we aren't always that loud about it. It doesn't feel right to just say something like "nice vids," but I guess too many of us have let that keep us from saying anything at all.
So, from me and mine, thanks.
04-17-2005, 12:55 PM
Thanks guys. It's nice to feel appreciated.
To reply to spaceclubba. I'm not quite sure what you mean by bare videos. If you mean, is my girlfriend going to get naked: no, she isn't. Or at least, for the moment, she's said no. She may change her mind at some point in the future. I'm not going to hassle her about it though. I'm pretty well happy with her just dressing up in something tight or skimpy. If you mean to ask something else, then please clarify.
04-17-2005, 05:13 PM
Nicely done! and especially with the GF actually talking about squeezing the balls...we don't hear that enough in these clips (not yours in particular - more the whole genre)...Thanks!
04-18-2005, 07:00 AM
sorry about the ambiguity smack. I meant whether you would do any bare without anything covering the balls.
04-18-2005, 05:59 PM
There are already several videos with bare balls being busted up. The fifth and sixth videos from the top of the page, for instance. Also a couple of the ones lower down in the black outfit section. My balls aren't bare quite as often as wifesballs' are, but I've definitely done some. Also, mine don't hang nearly as much and we haven't done close-ups much. Perhaps we'll do more close-ups next time.
04-18-2005, 08:34 PM
You're my hero Smack. I responded to you in the "BB Fantasy" thread, but you didn't comment so you may not have seen my post.
You girlfriend is hot as all hell, too. Let's see some topless BB from her. You can crop out her face for her privacy, but I'd sure love to see her big tubes bouncing around in harmony with your danglers!
04-19-2005, 12:33 AM
Ah, I see what happened. You replied to SmackMyBalls. I'm smackMyNuts. It's an easy mistake to make. I hadn't even read that thread until now. Frankly, I feel a little irritated that he chose a name so close to mine, but it's okay, really. Really, though, if there are any other people who are going to register who want to use a name which conveys a similar idea: please don't choose one which starts with "smack". Instead, try one of the following:
KickMyCrotch, PummelMyPlums, GrabMyGrapes, DamageMyDanglers, ThwapMyTesticles, BoxMyBalls, WhackMyWeddingTackle, ScrambleMyScrotum, HitMyHappySack, GripMyGonads, or BruiseMyBits.
Anyway, that said, thanks for the kind feedback. If she decides that she's willing to go topless, I promise that I'll post some videos. But really, it's her decision. She's got lovely breasts, and I'm glad for her to share them with the world, but she has to do so of her own free will.
The next update is going to have more of her in the bikini top, though. So although that isn't topless, at least it's skimpy.
04-19-2005, 01:12 AM
The next update is going to have more of her in the bikini top, though. So although that isn't topless, at least it's skimpy.
You DAH MAN! :ibow4u:
Okay, when she's not looking, yank down the bikini top. Oh, come on, she's not actually going to KILL you, is she?
Regarding SmackMyBalls, the similarity of his name and yours makes it pretty certain that he's a copycat -- but please do not overlook the chance of a heee-yooooge coincidence.
04-20-2005, 10:15 PM
Frankly, I feel a little irritated that he chose a name so close to mine, but it's okay, really. Really, though, if there are any other people who are going to register who want to use a name which conveys a similar idea: please don't choose one which starts with "smack".
Sorry "Smack" (or maybe "smack") but you haven't been granted any rights over the use of the word "smack" in UserNames. But I'm sure that anyone who hasn't signed up yet will take your advice into consideration -- if they read your post above.
People who sign up are free to choose ANY username that isn't already taken. They aren't obliged to check the Members List to see if their chosen name is similar to an existing UserName or not.
If there's reason to believe that a new user is trying to impersonate a pre-existing member or otherwise using a UserName in "bad faith", then a Private Message can be sent to me with the details and I'll get the impersonator to change their UserName by signing up again. In this case there's no such evidence.
In addition, if a UserName is "objectionable", the same procedure applies. I've already done that once this year by asking a member (by Private Message) to sign up again and choose a UserName that isn't "objectionable".
By the way, UserNames are case sensitive. That means that "SmackMyNuts" is probably still available, but "smackMyNuts" is taken!
That kind of UserName is so generic to ballbusting that it was only a matter of time before someone else chose a similar name.
I'm sure that many members have at some time signed up for a free email address somewhere and found that their preferred UserName was taken. I've had that happen to me, but I certainly wasn't trying to impersonate anyone else or cause any confusion. I was acting in good faith, trying to get a UserName that I liked.
It's the same story when you try to register a domain name. It's common to find that dozens of the "good ones" are unavailable (taken) before finding one available that you really want to register.
Even in the unlikely case that the second UserName was chosen deliberately because it was similar to "smackMyNuts", you should take it as a compliment. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
After all, that's why "Usama" (anglicized: "Osama") has been the number one choice of names given to male children born in Pakistan for several consecutive years now. That's a factual example, not a political comment.
Anyway, you say that you're OK with the other UserName having been registered and used, so we'd better leave it at that.
At least this has hopfully alerted or reminded members that similar Usernames exist.
We recently went through a similar situation recently in another thread with the UserNames "inquisitive" and "inquisitiv", as most members may recall. In that case, it was the one who signed up first who was the "dud" who hasn't posted anything, while the supposed "copycat" ("inquisitiv") is really the good, active member. ;)
- Sara :)
04-20-2005, 10:26 PM
the supposed "copycat" ("inquisitiv") is really the good, active member. ;) I luv you :iluvu:
PS. I am so tempted to change my handle to SmackMyBalls but that’d just be downright mischievous. ;)
04-20-2005, 11:03 PM
I luv you :iluvu:
PS. I am so tempted to change my handle to SmackMyBalls but that’d just be downright mischievous. ;)
I know what you mean. I had a fleeting thought of signing up as "sadisticSara", but a) I would be doing so in bad faith and b) if I actually confused enough people, then I might start getting offers from guys who want me to tie them up and punch them in the sac, which is kind of the opposite of what I want in life.
04-20-2005, 11:22 PM
Sheesh. All I said was that I felt a little irritated. I didn't claim any special rights. I didn't say that he had chosen it intentionally. I didn't ask for him to be banned or renamed or anything like that. I didn't accuse him of breaking the rules. I even explicitly said "but it's okay, really." Can't a guy be irritated?
That said, I should also say that you're wrong, Sara, about it being generic. "Smack" is not a commonly used verb (slap, kick, knee, squeeze, and bust all come up much more), and having a name indicating what specifically you want done to you is not at all common in these sort of forums. It's generally sort of assumed if you're on the forum that you want that sort of stuff. I really only adopted it because I used to hang around the Yahoo Fetish chat rooms, and using it meant that I didn't have to pop into a room and say "anyone want to bust my balls?" and look like a troll. I actually met several people who saw me using it, liked the idea, and changed their own handle to something similar (but not something easily confused). I've been reading BB, CBT, and femdom groups for a little over eleven years now, and I've never before seen anyone else which used a name which started with "smack". If it were just random choice, the odds would favor having some other similar name starting with "bust" or "kick" first.
So, it could certainly be coincidence, but it's at least as likely to not be. But whether or not it's a coincidence, I feel irritated by it, and that's all there is to it.
04-20-2005, 11:25 PM
Anyway, to get back to the real point: there are new videos. My girlfriend puts on a bikini top, climbs atop me, and does some slapping, punching, and squeezing. I think it's some of our best work so far. Check it out.
04-21-2005, 01:55 AM
Sheesh. All I said was that I felt a little irritated. I didn't claim any special rights. I didn't say that he had chosen it intentionally. I didn't ask for him to be banned or renamed or anything like that. I didn't accuse him of breaking the rules. I even explicitly said "but it's okay, really." Can't a guy be irritated?
Of course. It's natural to feel a little irritated.
I wasn't reprimanding you.
Please read what I wrote again.
I was explaining a few facts for all members. Not just for you. Certainly not exclusively for you or even exclusively about you.
What I said about "objectionable" UserNames doesn't apply to you either.
The fact that UserNames are case sensitive has been posted by Sharon in another forum in reply to a question by a member who wanted to know if he could change the first letter of his UserName to upper case. But it hadn't been mentioned in this forum before. I thought it was worth informing members about.
I said:
Anyway, you say that you're OK with the other UserName having been registered and used, so we'd better leave it at that.
At least this has hopfully alerted or reminded members that similar Usernames exist.
but now you've chosen to explain further, so I'm answering your added comments.
That said, I should also say that you're wrong, Sara, about it being generic. "Smack" is not a commonly used verb
I said:
"That kind of UserName is so generic to ballbusting that it was only a matter of time before someone else chose a similar name."
I said "that kind of UserName. I didn't say 'that exact UserName'.
I was (obviously) talking about the concept of the phrase that composes your UserName, not of the word "smack".
About whether or not the verb "smack" is commonly used in English, we'd have to consult a linguist.
I have a "Word Frequency List" of the words commonly used in English, that I downloaded from a linguistics site a couple of years ago. It was computer generated by analysing about 100 million words (100,106,029 to be exact) in the form of contemporary English (such as newspapers and other nontechnical public material) in common usage.
It's about 4 MB as a text document.
While "smack" as a noun and as a verb in the simple past tense are more commonly used, the verb "smack" (excluding meanings such as "to smack one's lips") in the sense you mean is still in the top 20% of the ordered list.
To me, that means it's commonly used.
In fact, that even puts it ahead of "pissed" in all its meanings as an adjective!
I could cite other linguistic sources, dictionaries, links to English linguistics information etc... but what's to be gained?
So, our opinions of whether or not "smack" is a commonly used verb in English differ.
If it were just random choice, the odds would favor having some other similar name starting with "bust" or "kick" first.
Actually, if you go through the Members List, you'll see that there are 4 UserNames that start with "bust" and 5 that start with "kick". And that doesn't include the 1,420 UserNames that I've "removed" from that list. So you're right about there being more UserNames starting with those words.
However, I would hardly consider users choosing their UserName on these forums to be "random".
For a list of registered domain names that start with "smackmy" click on:
As you can see, there's even a registered domain name ""!
Face it. It could be true that "it was only a matter of time before someone else chose a similar name".
I'll say again; "you say that you're OK with the other UserName having been registered and used, so we'd better leave it at that."
And yes, I know that you're irritated.
And no, I'm not berating you. In my above post I was providing information for all members -- including you of course. Your post just gave me the opportunity to explain a few facts.
- Sara :)
04-21-2005, 02:14 AM
AAAArrrrrrhhhh.... if I ever get my hands on that inquistive :soomad
04-21-2005, 06:18 AM
AAAArrrrrrhhhh.... if I ever get my hands on that inquistive :soomad
HEY... Are you talkin' to ME?
04-21-2005, 07:32 AM
HEY... Are you talkin' to ME?
:weryfun BRILLIANT!:weryfun
I so asked for that one.
Hey Sara, does the email address used give a clue to who this is?
04-23-2005, 12:27 PM
Wow! That last update was hot! Keep up the good work. :bananajum
04-23-2005, 03:42 PM
:ibow4u: O H S M A C K ! ! ! :ibow4u:
Now, let's see some knees and lose the bikini top. Let those puppies swing free!
06-06-2005, 07:04 PM
Yoda has announced that the free sites hosted by tlcnet (including mine) are going to be taken down soon due to there not being enough bandwidth for the pay sites. It was very kind of him to give me free space to begin with.
So if you want to download copies of the videos, you need to do it in the next few weeks. You're welcome to download and save anything you want from the site.
The site itself is completely portable and hopefully I'll be back if I can find some new web space which I can use. If anyone has some that's available, please let me know.
06-06-2005, 09:28 PM
thanks for all you've given us, Smack! Hope to see ya back up soon!
06-09-2005, 12:22 AM
Great side,
My wife studied all movies, and as a result she wants me to stretch my sac as big as yours.
I now wear a ballstretcher, ring type, of 275 grams wich she wants to replace by a 650gr weight next month.
She more and more use's the ring to chain me to the wall for some hours.
No slapping yet, but oh my god what will come.
06-12-2005, 07:29 AM
Thanks, Rok_couple, but that's not me, that's wifesballs. He's also around here on these forums.
And speaking of him, I got two more new clips from him, and they have now been put up in what may be the site's last update. So don't dilly-dally, the site will be disappearing soon unless I get good some unexpected good news.
07-12-2005, 11:22 PM
Here are some video clips that my girlfriend and I have done recently. I don't have a web site any more, so I'm using rapidshare. If anyone here hasn't used it before, on the first web page, tell it that you want a free download, and then on the second page, wait until the counter has reached 0 and then you can download the file.
In these clips, my girlfriend wears a bikini as she climbs atop me and squeezes and slaps and pulls at my naked balls. Check them out. Let me know if you enjoy them.
Anyway, here they are
07-12-2005, 11:53 PM
:ibow4u: :ibow4u: :ibow4u:
Outstanding Smack! Thank You,
and thank your rack-a-licious lady!
The red letter day will be when she finally
lets you free those funbags and we get to
watch them deliciously bounce with every
smack of the Smack Sack!
07-13-2005, 07:44 AM
love em smack...! much appreciated :)
07-13-2005, 01:33 PM
Smack, I have to ask. Who is the one between you two who initiated the ballbusting?
07-13-2005, 02:44 PM
Smack, you are now officially one of my heroes! Thank you very much for sharing those with us!
07-14-2005, 09:26 PM
You really shouldn't ask questions like that, Magnum. If you didn't ask, people could go around pretending that she was the total ballbuster and I just the innocent victim who happened along. Instead, they have to find out that actually it was I who introduced her to ball-busting. See how that lessens things? There's some things that it's better that you not know because all they can do is serve to make things less sexy.
Excellent vids! I'm going to show those to the lady tonight. :)
07-16-2005, 12:31 PM
Awesome, thanks so much for sharing!
07-16-2005, 03:40 PM
My Windows Media 10 did not read these files. This is really distressing, because Smack's videos are among the most gratifying I've seen on the web. Previous dowmloads were mpg. Any suggestions?
I sure wish my gf could be so willing and casual about hurting my balls.
07-16-2005, 11:10 PM
Get Xvid. AVI is just a wrapper format. These days without getting plugins from Xvid, Divx, 3vix, and others (which can often all be gotten in one plug-in pack), you're not going to be able to view most AVI files in Windows Media Player. The previous files were available as either XVid-encoded AVIs or MPEG-1s. The AVIs were always the -much- better quality files and I said so on the web page.
07-22-2005, 03:34 AM
Hello smack, i missed the last wifeballs vids before the site went down.. is there a way to get them?
btw: your vids are the best! thnx for that! :)
07-22-2005, 10:31 AM
I can`t see youe web
I read: You do not have permission to access the requested file on this server.
09-06-2005, 12:02 PM
The website is back up. I set it up using free hosting for both the site and the clips. It means much more advertising, but hey, that's how it is.
The new site is at
(Notice that it's "smakmynuts" and not "smackmynuts" because there was a limit of 10 characters for the name).
So far it hasn't been updated since the last time. I haven't even added the files from rapidshare, but I'll add those soon. Then we've got some more coming down the pipeline within a few weeks. So, anyway, enjoy.
09-06-2005, 02:18 PM
Thank you very much. Awsome vids, I sure do appreciate it. :bananad:
09-06-2005, 07:23 PM
Thanks and kudos to you and the missus. Looking forward to the new stuff and perhaps we can convince wifesballs (Thornapple) and his lady to post new material also. Good stuff.
12-06-2005, 07:56 PM
So, I finally got the new videos I referred to up. We had shot them back in September when I told you about them, but I was handcuffed in this one, so my girlfriend did the camera work and she didn't do as good a job of making sure that faces didn't get into the shot, so I had to spend more time editting this one. Not that it took me three months, mind you, but that's why I kept putting it off. We've actually shot another session since then. The new one shouldn't require much editting, so it should be up in time for Christmas.
But anyway, this one is mostly about me being handcuffed to the bed while she hurts my balls. There's a good clip which would go well in the balls-on-a-string thread, but we shot it back before that thread even existed. There's also a couple of nice clips where she just shows off her cleavage for those of you who might enjoy that (I know that I did).
Still at
12-07-2005, 11:52 AM
I really love the videos.
I don't know if we're allowed to make requests/suggestions, but stockings or pantyhose in one of the videos would be totally awesome.
Thanks for sharing with us man. :)
12-07-2005, 03:27 PM
Smackmynuts! I loved your vids when they were on groinkick. I was wondering what happened to you :P
12-07-2005, 11:32 PM
Thanks smack! Being tied up is not my cup of tea, but everyone who's into that will go wild. As I've said before, your lady friend has a monster rack! I can hardly wait until you get her to do some bare breasted knees! Looks like she's getting closer :-)
12-08-2005, 10:08 AM
Thanks, Smack. Due to lost hard drive (lightning went right through my surge protecter) I have lost most of my links. Still trying to replace them.
12-08-2005, 03:18 PM
I've made my own videos with my GF. I use Vegas Video to encode them in WMV format. I've tweaked it so that it's a really small file size yet still good quality. Just for kicks I rendered one of your MPG ones as a WMV. The filesize went from 2700 to about 800 KB. And it still looks quite good. Maybe it's something you should look into ;)
12-08-2005, 03:47 PM
Here easy video
12-08-2005, 07:08 PM
There's also a couple of nice clips where she just shows off her cleavage for those of you who might enjoy that (I know that I did).
GOOD LORD!!! Marvelous and wondrous, exceptional and beautiful! Your girlfriend is a woman with all the acting talent that an actress ever needs. Yes, from this short clip all we can tell for sure is that she is on a par with the acting ability of Angelina Jolie, but look how much money Jolie made off of having a mobile rack!
I have decided that I am going to start every morning with a cup of boobs and a look at your gf's coffee.
12-08-2005, 11:57 PM
Thanks for the suggestion, sumguy, but I'm a Mac user, so I don't think that your solution would work for me. Plus, I'm already encoding into two different formats: divx for high quality, mpeg-1 for compatibility. I'm sure that I could squeeze a little more space out of the divx encoding if I fiddled with the settings more, but it's just not that high a priority, especially since I'm not having to pay for bandwidth for clips at all.
12-10-2005, 12:15 PM
Ah okay I see.
12-14-2005, 08:33 AM
Hi There,
I've tried to access your site via the link you put in your post and it opens a new page that's blank with a message saying that I don't have permission to access the files on that page. Any idea why? :confused:
Marky Mac
12-14-2005, 12:20 PM
You might try using the URL which is at the bottom of each and every one of my posts and in all of the recent posts rather than the one from months ago. You also might want to read the thread since the whole issue with the site move is explained in it.
12-14-2005, 01:23 PM
im gonna start the smack fanclub :bananajum
You might try using the URL which is at the bottom of each and every one of my posts and in all of the recent posts rather than the one from months ago. You also might want to read the thread since the whole issue with the site move is explained in it.
what is the url again???
12-15-2005, 08:06 PM
what is the url again???
Gee, I can't imagine what it could be... Hmmmm... (
12-16-2005, 12:16 AM
acting pissy when another user asks questions is not productive, regardless of the validity of the provocation.
12-16-2005, 01:35 AM
acting pissy when another user asks questions is not productive, regardless of the validity of the provocation.
Mayhap not, but the text is a hyperlink to the site for which the chap seems to be asking. It's just my nature to be pissy and helpful at the same time.
I remember Sharon saying she didn't want this to be a fileshare site, which is what it is becoming; and, with that, a certain change in atmosphere.If it is just to be a fileshare site, then the requirement that a message be posted is just an annoyance, to the person who has to post it before grabbing pics of porn and to those of us who have to wade through the vacant posts.
Ah jist hate seein' the ole' place goin' down the tubes. Plus, menopause, you know.
12-16-2005, 03:46 AM
Ah jist hate seein' the ole' place goin' down the tubes.Well I guess it was always going to go that way without a firm hand on the helm. Sharon’s obviously too busy to police the place like Sara did and so we’re on an asymptotic (or is it worse than that?) decline toward them tubes. Maybe you should take over :) You’ve got the necessary experience and I’ve seen you write prose and allsorts. Ridgel1n9 is right, if 'we' get ‘pissy’ toward posters here they’ll get pissy too and then were left with a piss-pot. I understand your frustrations but calling folk 'fucktards' is only gonna get 'em angry. Some clever input to a clever thread might halt the decline. So come on lets be ‘avin summa that witty Trouble back in these parts and less of the cantankerous old git :D
I know wot you mean about the menopause :(
Oh and to stick to topic: Wicked vids Smack :ibow4u:
12-16-2005, 08:17 PM
Ridgel1n9 is right, if 'we' get ‘pissy’ toward posters here they’ll get pissy too and then were left with a piss-pot. I understand your frustrations but calling folk 'fucktards' is only gonna get 'em angry. Some clever input to a clever thread might halt the decline. So come on lets be ‘avin summa that witty Trouble back in these parts and less of the cantankerous old git :D
I know that Ridgeling is right; on the other hand, I thought starting a message, "Dear fucktards:" was hilarious -- on the other hand (yes, I have three hands), most people do not share my sense of humour.
Oh and to stick to topic: Wicked vids Smack :ibow4u:
No doubt! And the chick! I mean, the x-chromosomed person (to be politically correct) with the huge cans (to be politically incorrect)! What a find!
12-17-2005, 06:26 AM
I thought starting a message, "Dear fucktards:" was hilarious !You do have a point there :weryfun However, I think most here are younger and less childish than you and I :D
02-04-2006, 03:56 PM
Is anyone else having trouble accessing the link?
02-07-2006, 01:21 AM
smackmynuts- Awesome vids man! One suggestion though- could you try and improve the lighting? They are really dark...
Also, think you could talk your girl into going topless? :D She has a great rack!
02-12-2006, 08:59 PM
I might have tried a dozen times, and it never loads. Although I usually give up after about 3 minutes of blank page. Since the site has moved that is.
02-14-2006, 02:37 AM
Yeah, seems to have gone poof. None of their sites are loading, not even their home page. I first noticed it a few days back, but thought that they might just be having temporary problems, but they're clearly having major issues. I would guess that they're out of business. So now I just need to find another free adult web hosting service to use which doesn't ban s&m sites. I'll spend some time looking in the next few days and try to get the site back up. I still have all the pages saved locally and the videos are actually still accessible through, so it won't be tough to get it working again with a new host. I'll let you know the URL when I have one.
As for the lighting, unfortunately, there's not much I can do. We just don't have much in the way of strong, repositional lights. I turn on all the lights in a given room when I shoot, but video cameras are only so good indoors. I know it's not great, but, in the circumstances, it's tough to do much better. If someone wants to buy me a studio, I'll shoot it there instead :)
As for talking her into going topless: you can give it a shot if you'd like. She does read the comments here.
02-19-2006, 05:27 PM
Bite the bullitt and set up a site on a server where you're paying money thus the server owner needs to deliver a good service. That is how all the other ballbusting sites have got going, on the whole, including mine. There is no mystique and I love the idea of more sites, devoted to ballbusting, irregardless of being a site owner. Get started and just improve over time as you learn and can buy better equipment. Free server space, has forever got catches that you can't control or influence. Check out my profile and I'll gladly help you out.
Yeah, seems to have gone poof. None of their sites are loading, not even their home page. I first noticed it a few days back, but thought that they might just be having temporary problems, but they're clearly having major issues. I would guess that they're out of business. So now I just need to find another free adult web hosting service to use which doesn't ban s&m sites. I'll spend some time looking in the next few days and try to get the site back up. I still have all the pages saved locally and the videos are actually still accessible through, so it won't be tough to get it working again with a new host. I'll let you know the URL when I have one.
As for the lighting, unfortunately, there's not much I can do. We just don't have much in the way of strong, repositional lights. I turn on all the lights in a given room when I shoot, but video cameras are only so good indoors. I know it's not great, but, in the circumstances, it's tough to do much better. If someone wants to buy me a studio, I'll shoot it there instead :)
As for talking her into going topless: you can give it a shot if you'd like. She does read the comments here.
ariane V
02-24-2006, 07:42 PM
Just a short message to say congratulation to you smackMyNuts !
And thank you for your vids ! :ibow4u:
02-28-2006, 12:12 PM
Your vids and wifes balls vids are the best i've ever seen they are perfectly inline with my fetish me and my wife share just wanted to second the congrats. please do more
02-28-2006, 12:48 PM
hey smackMynuts, i got some prolems with the link you posted... i cannot open your homepage, does anyone know how could i see that page? what could the problem be?
11-29-2006, 11:49 AM
Will you be uploading any new videos any time soon?
11-29-2006, 12:17 PM
your vids and wifesballs vids are what made me cross the threshold and get my wife into ballbusting I downloaded all of the videos i could from your lovely wife and you and wifesballs clips and converted them to dvd my wife and I were drinking one night and I had her watch the dvd with me from about a third of the way through it until present day she has been abusing my cock and balls (ESPECIALLY MY BALLS) to both of our delight. If you never post again I thank you so much If you post more then more power to you everytime I log onto femaledom I look for a post from you about your site please continue to keep up the good work:bananawin
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