View Full Version : EvilGrl please explain something
12-05-2004, 02:48 PM
In one of your posts, you talk about a "playground" game you played in grade school that scored points for how many guys you kicked, making them cry and some other catagories.
Please explain this game to us s-l-o-w-l-y and very detailed, please!
*gets on his knees to beg for the details*
12-05-2004, 04:24 PM
I agree. I'd like to hear about it in great detail.
12-05-2004, 10:39 PM
I wish I could take credit for being the brain child for this "game" but I did invent it. In fact I have no idea how it got started. The older girls where doing it and we just kind of picked up on it. The game was really simple. We, the girls, would basically pick a guy for one of us to go kick. The girl would go in search of this guy and try to kick him. Now I don't remember the points rules exactly so I'm going to guess. If we think the kick made contact but he didn't fall or anything the kicker is awarded one point. If boy goes down kicker is awarded 2 points. If boy crys kicker is awarded 5 points. Now boys are not as dumb as we are led to believe, obviously they figured this out and they'd watch for us and cover up so we had to be subtle about it. I think it became as much a game for them as it was for us. About half the girls participated at one time or another. And yes we did get in trouble a few times. There was even a couple calls home to my mother. And yes for all the Male rights activists who fear that the sexist mean girls were harming the little boys, please note that no boys were damaged in anyway. We were just little kids having some fun that's all.
12-06-2004, 01:25 PM
I'm sure I could answer this question myself, but it would be more entertaining for the forum to have you answer it!
How did you go about making sure you got the points for making a guy cry? Was it how hard you kicked? Did it depend on where your foot landed? Did the "toughness and size" of the guy have anything to do with it?
Exactly where did you want your foot to connect with his pants if you were going for the highest points?
iron horse
12-06-2004, 04:33 PM
Well if you and your friends had fun EvilGrl, good for you! I experienced one very erotic ball kicking when I was a kid. This boy grabbed the breasts of a young girl joking that there was nothing there. There were several of us standing around and she was embarrassed.
But a couple of minutes later he was standing there talking to a group of us, including a couple of girls. He was wearing gym shorts and one girl came up behind him and depansed him pulling his shorts and underwear to his knees. Before he could reach down, the girl that had been groped kicked him hard in his balls. He fell to the ground grabbing his balls moaning without pulling up his shorts. The girl that depansed him saw the back of his balls protruding through between his legs as he laid there in a fetal position, and kicked him in his balls again. The girls laughed, inlcuding those standing there talking to us, as they loved the sweet revenge. He then wrestled up his shorts.
He never did that again!
I found this cartoon that I laughed when I saw because it was a something like what we witnessed.
12-06-2004, 07:29 PM
But a couple of minutes later he was standing there talking to a group of us, including a couple of girls. He was wearing gym shorts and one girl came up behind him and depansed him pulling his shorts and underwear to his knees. Before he could reach down, the girl that had been groped kicked him hard in his balls. He fell to the ground grabbing his balls moaning without pulling up his shorts. The girl that depansed him saw the back of his balls protruding through between his legs as he laid there in a fetal position, and kicked him in his balls again. The girls laughed, inlcuding those standing there talking to us, as they loved the sweet revenge. He then wrestled up his shorts.
He never did that again!
I found this cartoon that I laughed when I saw because it was a something like what we witnessed.
Great Story. A free kick to a naked pair of balls, that is sweet revenge.
12-06-2004, 07:39 PM
I'm sure I could answer this question myself, but it would be more entertaining for the forum to have you answer it!
How did you go about making sure you got the points for making a guy cry? Was it how hard you kicked? Did it depend on where your foot landed? Did the "toughness and size" of the guy have anything to do with it?
Exactly where did you want your foot to connect with his pants if you were going for the highest points?
There were certain boys that cried easier than others. I didn't really have different levels of kicking Hard, Medium, softly or anything like that. At that age I was just happy to make contact. I of course would try to kick near my hardedst because I wanted the speed because the boys were trying to flee. At that time I would actually aim right between the boys legs. It wasn't until a little latter that I realized that if my aim was perfect I would have missed my intended target. For the longest time I wondered "how did boys walk with those things?"
I wish I could take credit for being the brain child for this "game" but I did invent it. In fact I have no idea how it got started. The older girls where doing it and we just kind of picked up on it. The game was really simple. We, the girls, would basically pick a guy for one of us to go kick. The girl would go in search of this guy and try to kick him. Now I don't remember the points rules exactly so I'm going to guess. If we think the kick made contact but he didn't fall or anything the kicker is awarded one point. If boy goes down kicker is awarded 2 points. If boy crys kicker is awarded 5 points. Now boys are not as dumb as we are led to believe, obviously they figured this out and they'd watch for us and cover up so we had to be subtle about it. I think it became as much a game for them as it was for us. About half the girls participated at one time or another. And yes we did get in trouble a few times. There was even a couple calls home to my mother. And yes for all the Male rights activists who fear that the sexist mean girls were harming the little boys, please note that no boys were damaged in anyway. We were just little kids having some fun that's all.
I know I'm not making myself popular by saying this but I have to disagree with the last statement made here. Kicking a kid in the balls to the extent that he ends up crying is not on. It may have just been little kids having fun but, (and I hate to be the one to break it to you) if a kids crying their NOT having much fun. Bullying (of all kinds) at school can have major reprecussions on a kids life (especially if they're sensitive). Sorry if I'm sounding too preachy but I just thought I had to point that out.
Keep your posts coming though, I love reading them.
01-11-2005, 02:51 AM
Sounds like fun I wish I'd been at your school and been your age.
What shoes did you used to wear?
01-11-2005, 10:54 PM
I know I'm not making myself popular by saying this but I have to disagree with the last statement made here. Kicking a kid in the balls to the extent that he ends up crying is not on. It may have just been little kids having fun but, (and I hate to be the one to break it to you) if a kids crying their NOT having much fun. Bullying (of all kinds) at school can have major reprecussions on a kids life (especially if they're sensitive). Sorry if I'm sounding too preachy but I just thought I had to point that out.
Keep your posts coming though, I love reading them.
Ok.......Yes bullying is bad. But many kids do it. It was just something I did. Were we being sadistic little girls. Yes probably we were. Did we hurt the boys, we probably did. Are the poor sensitive ones damged? I don't know maybe they are. were we talking about again?
01-12-2005, 02:58 AM
Ok.......Yes bullying is bad. But many kids do it. It was just something I did. Were we being sadistic little girls. Yes probably we were. Did we hurt the boys, we probably did. Are the poor sensitive ones damged? I don't know maybe they are. were we talking about again?
We were just saying how kids do stupid things. Them we grow up and do REALLY stupid things!
I got busted when I was a kid; a friend of my mother used to hit me in the nuts with her purse, and I thought, "Wait-- was that an accident? Or...?" and finally I figured out how to stand when she was around so she couldn't whack my balls. Then I decided to check, and I stood normally, and she hit me in the nuts with her purse. So, that was about the dumbest thing I did as a kid ("Does she do that on purpose? Hmmm, lemme check... Owwwwwwww...")
Then I became... an adult. Wow. Cool. Amazing. I tried smoking; didn't like it. Tried drinking; didn't like it. Played in a rock band; people said we sucked and threw things at the stage. The term "seeing a chick" took on a different meaning... and I ASKED chicks to bust me.
Okay, now, smoking, drinking, and sucking at playing the viola (in a rock band no less) are clear signs of stupidity, but asking chicks to kick you in the balls shows stupidity of a degree only slightly worse than going around sticking your hand in open flames.
Isn't being an adult great? I'm gonnah stay up late, register to vote, drive, and try that alcohol stuff again. Not necessarily in that order.
01-12-2005, 09:51 AM
hey, evilgrl you never answered my question!
01-12-2005, 10:22 PM
We were just saying how kids do stupid things. Them we grow up and do REALLY stupid things!
I got busted when I was a kid; a friend of my mother used to hit me in the nuts with her purse, and I thought, "Wait-- was that an accident? Or...?" and finally I figured out how to stand when she was around so she couldn't whack my balls. Then I decided to check, and I stood normally, and she hit me in the nuts with her purse. So, that was about the dumbest thing I did as a kid ("Does she do that on purpose? Hmmm, lemme check... Owwwwwwww...")
While kids busting kids is cool. I don't think adult busting kids is ever cool. But I'm glad it worked out well for you.
01-12-2005, 10:24 PM
hey, evilgrl you never answered my question!
Sorry the reason I didn't answer is because I didn't have any particular pair of shoes I wore to kick boys. I wore sneakers a lot as a child so I think I mostly kicked with those. Sorry I wasn't running around int 4th grade with spiked heeled boots that were thigh high. :)
01-13-2005, 12:32 AM
While kids busting kids is cool. I don't think adult busting kids is ever cool. But I'm glad it worked out well for you.
She was a pedophile. It was recently revealed that the former Governor here was a pedophile who carried on a several-year "affair" with a chick from when she was 14 to 17. Somebody said that someone who is 14 is NOT able to make his/her own decisions and I remarked on what happened to me and then defended the woman in question and then my argument fell apart as I realized I'd been sexually abused. D'oops.
I'm thinking it's the y-chromosome, but I seem to have come through it a lot better than the 14-year-old girl that Goldschmidt raped. However, I agree that adults should not be busting kids.
01-13-2005, 03:11 AM
Sorry the reason I didn't answer is because I didn't have any particular pair of shoes I wore to kick boys. I wore sneakers a lot as a child so I think I mostly kicked with those. Sorry I wasn't running around int 4th grade with spiked heeled boots that were thigh high. :)
Why would you think I would expect that? I like sneakers - they are one of the best shoes for busting. Were the lace-up or velcro-straps? I think laces are much nicer. Did you wear Reebok or Nike or Adidas or other?
01-13-2005, 10:06 AM
Hey Evil, I knew many girls in grade school who kicked boys in the balls. I was one of them. I loved it. It was fairly harmless and the only time a boy ever really got hurt is when this one gal (who busted guys throughout High school) grabed one boy by the balls and squeezed as hard as she could for what seemed like about 5 minutes judging by the length of his screams. He deserved it though, he was an idiot who always hit the girls and teased them etc. My only wish was that you would have been one of the gals at my school Evil. We could have snuck behind the cafeteria where you really could have kicked me hard.
01-13-2005, 10:48 AM
Perhaps it's not too late for her to kick them now?
01-13-2005, 07:49 PM
Hey Evil, I knew many girls in grade school who kicked boys in the balls. I was one of them.
Do you realize that, taken literally, you just said you were one of the girls who usesd to kick boys in the balls? You don't mind if I die laughing, do you?
01-13-2005, 10:21 PM
Why would you think I would expect that? I like sneakers - they are one of the best shoes for busting. Were the lace-up or velcro-straps? I think laces are much nicer. Did you wear Reebok or Nike or Adidas or other?
Laces, Velco always looked cheap. I wore Nike. It was in style at the time so anyone who was anyone better have Nike Air something or other.
01-15-2005, 05:02 PM
evilgrl, let me know if you ever come to London!
01-16-2005, 02:54 AM
evilgrl, let me know if you ever come to London!
I have not trip planned but I would so love to visit England one day!
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