View Full Version : What's the most common reaction?
12-07-2004, 05:15 AM
I'm sure I am not the only guy on this board that loves the picture you associate with your posts because we easily day dream that those are our balls you've got trapped in your hand.
After reading your account of slapping and knuckle punching a guys balls, I've got a question: (and any ladies with an opinion or experience please feel free to answer)
What's the most common reaction of a guy who's having his balls smacked around? Does he beg for mercy? What "exactly" does he say or is it all just moaning? Does he keep his erection or does he go limp? Is there pre-cum?
When you figure out his tolerance level and then punch/squeeze just a little harder than you know he can take; how would you describe the look in his eyes? How would you describe the facial expression that goes with "hey...that's a harder smack than I can take!"
Again, please any ladies with experience and an opinion please give your input...
12-07-2004, 05:57 PM
The guy's reaction?
Well, first of all, I'd like to explain that I do it (almost) exclusively with willing partners. Like boyfriends or intimate friends.
And it's almost always because they request it.
A guy asking for it isn't as unusual as most people think.
Even in that classic book called something like "Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex -- But Were Afraid To Ask", it says that most men are very favorably stimulated by having the woman squeeze his balls when he's near orgasm. That famous sex guide-book just cautions that overdoing it by squeezing too hard will stop things cold.
For guys, it might be a good idea to get a copy of that book, underline, highlight, circle, or mark that paragraph, and show it to their partner.
Maybe even give her a copy to read at her leisure in privacy, because that book really is educational.
It's a respectable, mainstream book that gives tips for both genders, not some "sleazy" fetish book for "weirdos". It's not something that book stores keep hidden "under the counter". It's respectable and educational, written by a doctor.
It shows your partner that it's normal, and that it's something worth trying.
From there, you can gradually get your partner to increase the intensity, over a period of days, weeks or months.
About the book:
"Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex but Were Afraid to Ask"
by David R. Reuben, M.D.
(It has nothing to do with the Woody Allen movie with the same name.)
It has sold over 30 million copies since it first came out about 30 years ago.
The version available now in stores has been updated, but I assume and hope that it still includes the advice on squeezing balls. (But I'm not sure.)
If you want to look for it, here's the information:
Hardcover: 368 pages
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers; All new ed., (January 1, 1999)
The most recent softcover version is:
ISBN: 0553231677
Publisher: Bantam Books; Reissue edition (June 1, 1982)
At places like you can get either version, new or used, as well as previous editions all the way back to 1969, at cheap prices, with international shipping available.
If you're lucky, your local library might even have it available. ;)
Knowing that it's "normal" makes it acceptable to experiment with.
In the past, I've sometimes showed that part of that book to boyfriends, and asked them if they'd like to give it a try. Most agree, since the doctor who wrote the book says that most men find it pleasurable. It's just a matter of time and experimenting to find out how far they want it taken.
I was surprised when I first read that, about 10 years ago. (Yeah, I was reading stuff like that when I was 16.)
But it's a fact that most guys do like it ! (At least to a certain intensity.)
From that to more severe treatment of the testicles ("ballbusting") is only a matter of degree.
For guys, liking having their testicles over-stimulated ("ballbusting") is a combination of psychological factors and conditioning. But I won't get into that in this post.
Pain is pain. Even for masochists, it hurts even if it's also pleasurable.
So a guy being ballbusted acts just like having someone use a hammer on his fingers -- except that he's also sexually stimulated.
His face and writhing body show that he's in pain.
But his erection and silly grin between hits or squeezes show that he likes it.
His erection diminishes (but only temporarily) if I do it too hard, but he still likes it.
While being "busted" hard, his instinctual reaction is to shout, scream, cover or protect his balls, wiggle around twisting his body, and trying to avoid the pain in any way he can. And yes, he usually begs me to stop.
But when the pain stops, he wants more!
Yes, there usually is pre-cum.
I like to combine pain and pleasure.
So I also stimulate his erect penis while ballbusting. In several ways -- tongue, mouth, hand, etc...
But I don't let him cum until after I've had a half hour of ballbusting at different intensities. I tease him by keeping him close to having an orgasm until I want him to climax.
When I let/make him cum is when I also inflict maximum pain to his testicles. Balanced, simultaneous pain and pleasure make him have a very intense orgasm.
For me, the "hard part" is determining his tolerance level.
That's why I start moderately, whether squeezing or hitting or whatever, and build up the intensity gradually.
He lets me know when I've done it too hard by telling me.
That's when I give him a bit more than he thinks he wants. Not usually during his first session though.
His reaction to that?
A look of pained sheer panic, horror and shock on his face! Especially if his hands are restrained and he can't escape!
I always make sure not to cause any permanent damage. That wouldn't be fun for either of us.
But damage can be avoided even if he passes out from so much pain.
If I can make him pass out as he's having an orgasm, that makes for an intense experience that seems to be addictive!
I think it takes practice on a few guys for the girl to be able to judge how much is too much. Or repeated practice on the same guy, in the case of a steady and stable relationship.
And it's probably not a good idea to get into the extreme stuff when you're drunk, high, or otherwise inebriated or intoxicated. That seems to be common sense to me, but some people get carried away and over-enthusiastic when "under the influence". That's how accidents happen.
- Sara :)
12-07-2004, 06:27 PM
*gulps* wow...that detail was incredible. If I smoked, I'd need a cigarette right now.
I hate to be a pest just asking questions over and over, but your response did bring up some additional questions:
What approach do you take when you've got a guy in your grip? Are you sarcastic and say "What's the matter? You look like your in pain!" Do you take a more aggressive approach and say "now you know who's in total control of you sexual future?"
I know these aren't the exact words you'd use, but I meant along those lines.
How do you verbally tease a guy when he's squirming under the pressure of your grip?
12-07-2004, 06:43 PM
:ibow4u: Sara:
You certainly have an knowledgable approach and appreciation of reactions that males have to testicular tension and/or compression. While you suggest that "conditioning" and "psychological factors" are for another discussion, I'm of the opinion that they really have a place in talking about a male's variety of responses. Here's why I say that!
1) Basically, conditioning in the field of sexual sensations tends to suffer from diminishing returns, i.e., the male has less and less response to the same level of stimulation. So one would think that a woman busting the same guy for an extended period of time would observe the "tolerance" phenomenon developing for that male bustee. In that case, how to you assure yourself that you would not be lead into force beyond the damage limit, when you take your guys beyond their limits (which due to the tolerance problem can become greater and greater, thereby necessitating harder and harder blows or greater and greater force to get the desired responses frombusting his balls)?
2) the male sexual responses are intimately involved with his thinking and psychological factors. As you probably know, the valve muscles that are in control of inflow and outflow of blood to the cavernosa are not controlled by the same chemical signals: in flow is alpha blocking signals like vasodilators while the out flow is controlled by brain chemical cascades (as well as the central nervous system autonomic protection chemical dump retching reflex and instant soft on) in response to his balls being in extreme pain. Therefore a sadistic lady is well advised to take into consideration how to mess with a guy's mind as well as his balls, as this can postpone and even eliminate that tolerance that diminishes the desired responses! You seem to be very well aware of that from your medical knowledge; but, many of the other forum members might not be.
And as to responses, which of ones you talked about are your favorites? THe howling scream or the terrified look of panic or a reflexive gulping of a man with his balls at real risk. Afterall, unless the lady enjoys what she is doing and gets some satisfaction too, the ballbusting play sessions will just slowly die away! ;)
Respectfully, PapaBear :)
12-07-2004, 09:26 PM
. . .
What approach do you take when you've got a guy in your grip? Are you sarcastic and say "What's the matter? You look like your in pain!" Do you take a more aggressive approach and say "now you know who's in total control of you sexual future?"
. . .
How do you verbally tease a guy when he's squirming under the pressure of your grip?
I like the more agressive approach.
But just as a game, not seriously.
"You know those expensive leather boots I saw downtown?
You're going to buy them for me, right?
No, 'Maybe' isn't good enough!
I'm going to squeeze your nuts until you agree, or until they pop.
So, what's it going to be?
(and so on, repeated hard squeezes, until he has to agree.......)
Yes? Really?
If you go back on your word and don't buy them for me tomorrow, the next time I get your balls in my hands I'm really going to pop them!
Is that OK with you?
(and so on until he has to agree.......)
Remember that you gave me permission to pop them if you change your mind, OK?
(and so on.......)
I don't actually hold him to his word, of course, since it's just a game.
But I like being in control.
Or, for non-materialistic matters. Like:
"You said you were going to quit smoking!
You've been smoking again!
See that knife on the kitchen table?
Yes, the big sharp one.
If I ever catch you smoking again, you're going to let me cut off these little balls and have them made into earrings, OK?
(pulling, twisting, gabbing them like in my pic and knuckle-punching them until he has to agree...)
One more cigarette and I can cut them off?
(more testicle torture.......)
These would look better on me than they do on you anyway!
And you know I'm serious!
You've seen my little collection of testicles in bottles of formaldehyde that I have from when I was helping that veterinarian. Sheep, goats, pigs and cattle.
But YOURS I want as earrings!
Just let me catch you smoking ONCE MORE and these will be MINE.
(more testicle torture.......)
Want me to bring the knife and show you how I'll cut off these pieces of useless meat?"
(and so on, with intermittent hard ballbusting.......)
It's all just a game though.
But I CAN be very convincing when playing these games.
Much more so than just writing about a couple of made-up examples.
- Sara :)
12-07-2004, 11:28 PM
You certainly have an knowledgable approach and appreciation of reactions that males have to testicular tension and/or compression.
. . .
Thanks! :)
. . .
1) Basically, conditioning in the field of sexual sensations tends to suffer from diminishing returns, i.e., the male has less and less response to the same level of stimulation. So one would think that a woman busting the same guy for an extended period of time would observe the "tolerance" phenomenon developing for that male bustee. In that case, how to you assure yourself that you would not be lead into force beyond the damage limit, when you take your guys beyond their limits (which due to the tolerance problem can become greater and greater, thereby necessitating harder and harder blows or greater and greater force to get the desired responses frombusting his balls)?
. . .
I think that's true to some extent, but the tolerance built up for pain is mostly psychological, not physiological. So it's limited. (Assuming zero or minimal damage to the nerve endings, of course.)
Ex: Stubbing your toe still hurts about the same, even if you do it (accidentally) every week or so for years. Again, assuming there's no permanent damage done, and disregarding the diminishing sensory perception due to the physiological effects of aging.
Sooo... as long as I take reasonable precautions to avoid causing damage, I'd still be able to inflict more than sufficient pain to the testicles to cause all the instinctual pain-avoidance behavior as well as the overwhelming sensation of extreme pain in a healthy male.
. . .
2) the male sexual responses are intimately involved with his thinking and psychological factors. As you probably know, the valve muscles that are in control of inflow and outflow of blood to the cavernosa are not controlled by the same chemical signals: in flow is alpha blocking signals like vasodilators while the out flow is controlled by brain chemical cascades (as well as the central nervous system autonomic protection chemical dump retching reflex and instant soft on) in response to his balls being in extreme pain. Therefore a sadistic lady is well advised to take into consideration how to mess with a guy's mind as well as his balls, as this can postpone and even eliminate that tolerance that diminishes the desired responses! You seem to be very well aware of that from your medical knowledge; but, many of the other forum members might not be.
. . .
That almost goes without saying. Hee, hee! :D
That's why self-busting is so ineffective or psychologically unsatisfying, without a vivid imagination to give it a boost.
It's akin to trying to tickle yourself.
Psychological torture is practically as effective as physical torture, as American interrogators know from their practice and experience in dealing with captured suspected "terrorists".
Yes, I like to play mind games when ballbusting.
... Ummm....... Has anyone told you that you write like a doctor? Except what you write is more legible! ;) Anyway, it's nice to discuss things with an educated intelligent person.
. . .
And as to responses, which of ones you talked about are your favorites? THe howling scream or the terrified look of panic or a reflexive gulping of a man with his balls at real risk. Afterall, unless the lady enjoys what she is doing and gets some satisfaction too, the ballbusting play sessions will just slowly die away! ;)
. . .
I think you already know my answer to that one.
The terrified look of panic, of course.
The fact that the guy doesn't know where the boundary is between reality and "the game". Only I know that, and I control his perception of reality.
Thanks for the interesting post!
- Sara :)
12-08-2004, 12:13 AM
I hope that I will be able to contribute more to your liking in the future. But since you identified terror as your most delightful response in the eyes and body posture of your hapless male, and you have elsewhere identified that playing mind games concerning ultimate testicular destruction is a treat for you, how about combining abject terror with your man having to fight against his natural sexual responses that you are manipulating unmercilessly. Just let your mind consider how you might have your male's testicles firmly within your grasp (or the grasp of a shop vise, lexan crusher, misplaced humbler, tens device taped to his scrotum, a parachute hooked to a ceiling pulley, nutcracker poised to close... you get the picture.. and where you are also stimulating his penis towards the point of no return for his climax. Then you softly but firmly whisper the words to him, "If you cum before I allow it, your balls are goners!" What fun for the lady, and what a terrifying dilemma for the poor male! Increase the stimulation intensity using a vibrator, tens unit, even a lowly vacuum cleaner hose, and you have hours of torturous fun for you and vividly horrible frustration and terror for him!!!
PapaBear :)
12-08-2004, 12:25 AM
And speaking of responses one might get, the pic posted by Thornapple at the top of page 3 of 4 in the Ballbusing Pics thread shows a lady with real control of a man's testicles. It is set up as a domination/punishment scene, but just imagining myself in that predicament causes two involuntary body responses: a fast, muscular twitch and shaking over my whole doay and an uncontrollably deep gulping! For you see, ball spanking is my achilles heel with respect to ball busting activities; but, much to my saddenness, my wife of nealry 35 years still considers all such "play" as perverted, and I must live vicariously through pictures like the one Thornapple posted (thank you, thank you, thank you!). Do you delight in causing such involuntary body shivers and gulping in your males as you bust their balls? It sure is humilating to me!
PapaBear :)
12-08-2004, 07:34 AM
A few thoughts. First, as usual I find myself in total agreement with Sara (hi beautiful-it's amazing how we think alike!!), when she says that self-busting is not very effective or fulfilling. I like the "trying to tickle yourself" analogy. Second, when I am the victim I am sometimes not sure whether the torturer would prefer me to ask for me, or to beg him/her to stop. I suppose which of these is more of a turn-on for the torturer is a matter of personal taste. From my perspective as victim, I would prefer to beg her/him (hopefully her...) to stop, and protest that it hurts too much, etc., but still have her/him not stop anyway. That leads to a discussion about safe words, but that is enough of a different topic that I am going to start a new thread of that today (12/8/04). Hope you drop by on that thread!
hi Sara, first i want to say that you are a real dream for me. You are amazing. Can you explain to me something about ballbusting in boots that you have done to a boyfriend, please?
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