View Full Version : Where do I buy this video?
12-07-2004, 08:40 PM
Does anyone know the URL of the site where I can buy this video in the picture below?
12-07-2004, 11:21 PM
can't help you with that particular video just yet, but check out for a list of similarly themed videos... or good ol' although they're down to just two videos now, from Soft on Demand.
12-07-2004, 11:30 PM
見つけた! (found it)
ordering it may be more difficult, though...
12-08-2004, 05:32 AM
there were some sample downloads to this vidio i got them but i dont know where i put them if i could remember the file name i would post them
12-08-2004, 06:54 AM
I’m sure I’m not the only guy that lives vicariously through the pictures on this site.
Usually, I’d rather “imagine” the pain than actually experience some of these situations. Having said that; it is difficult even for me to imagine the intensity of a heel being dropped onto your exposed balls while you are basically standing on your head.
I thought this was one of the most inventive covers I had ever seen.
12-08-2004, 10:51 AM
Try this site-scroll down a ways and you should find it.
12-08-2004, 06:47 PM
Does anyone know the URL of the site where I can buy this video in the picture below?
I have a 15MB sample clip from that video. I would gladly post it here if I knew the rules about clips from other sites :) It has quite a few good busts in it :)
12-08-2004, 07:50 PM
Hi again, Julie ! :)
As Sharon stated in the thread "Some Ballbusting Pics", the limit is 2 MB total per member for attached pics.
(That's where she and others also explain a way to post pics here without "attaching" them to your post. That's called "hotlinking". There's no limit for posting hotlinked pics.)
These are the image formats that can be attached to posts in this Forum, along with the individual file size limits:
jpg 300 KB
jpeg 300 KB
jpe 300 KB
png 200 KB
gif 200 KB
You didn't mention if the clip you have is online on some website, or if it's on your computer's hard drive.
If the clip you're talking about is online, you can let others here see it like this:
For video clips, you'd have to post the URL of where it is.
Others could then click on the URL to access the video/movie clip.
If you only have the clip on your computer, you'd have to upload it to some website or get someone else here to upload it to their site. Several members have their own websites and would probably be willing to put your clip on their website.
Then you could post the URL here so other members could find it.
As I mention in another thread, you don't have to worry too much about legal copyright matters.
However, if you ask people to pay you to see or download the clip, that would be illegal.
If you just want to freely share it, you can do so in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107 of the US Copyright Law, which states that it's considered "fair use" to distribute copyrighted material without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving it for research and educational purposes.
I (Sara), hereby express MY interest in viewing and/or downloading the clip you mention for research and educational purposes.
If the legal owner complains, we simply delete it or its link from this site. ;)
Let us know if you need any help with this.
- Sara :)
12-08-2004, 08:22 PM
...If you only have the clip on your computer, you'd have to upload it to some website or get someone else here to upload it to their site.
If somebody needs a place to upload to, you might try:
You can upload any clip there and then they will email you a link that you can then post. It's free and they seem to have plenty of bandwidth and no size limit. They also give you a link so you can delete your file anytime, and also they will delete it for you if nobody looks at it for 30 days. The only drawback is you have to look at their ads for a few seconds before you can download- not a big deal for free space and free bandwidth.
12-09-2004, 03:04 AM
Hi People,
Sara, the file was on a site, but due to bandwitdth problems it was taken down, so as far as I know its only on my 'puter, but I am uploading it to that site that Tamakeri mentioned. I have a few other rather large clips, 10 - 25MB that I will also upload. I wil post the link here when its uploaded, but as I only have a dial up connection and a 56.6k modem, it may take a little while. I have just over 300MB of clips that I would be more than willing to share with everyone here, but all are just sample clips, most are pretty good tho.
Thanks for letting me know the rules, Sara :) and a BIG thanks to Tamakeri for the link to the site :)
12-09-2004, 04:46 AM
ok, heres the link. It only took 1 1/2 hours to upload. Oh the JOYS of dial up ;) anyway I hope people like it :)
12-09-2004, 07:36 AM
That is an awsome clip. But I respectfully suggest you try re-encoding those as wmv or DivX clips to save yourself (and us) a lot of time and bandwidth. The original clip is MPEG-1 format which is commonly used on video CD. It is roughly VHS quality (not great), so using a modern video compression like WMV or DivX would cut the size of that clip from 15M to 3MB or 4MB without much if any loss of quality.
If you don't know how to do that, PM me with your computer configuration and I can help. But it will save you a LOT of time, and you will be happy you did.
By the way, I found out that the ezshare site DOES have a few limits. Maximum upload per file is 20MB, and maximum download (per viewer) is about 15MB per hour. If you shrink those clips down first then that won't be an issue. If you don't, people can only see 1 clip an hour.
12-09-2004, 12:12 PM
ooops, I am really sorry if I wasted anyones time, but HERE is the correct link. I uploaded the wrong clip.
12-12-2004, 02:34 AM
thanks for that i was able to find the files i put them on my server as they are gone from the jap site now
Thanks for the links guys. Those girls looked pretty damn sexy in those outfits. Dish the punishment out with style too. That part in the sample fsd16.mpg where the guy on the chair starts shaking his head and then cups himself... Thats pretty hard to watch even though I'm a BB fan.
01-19-2005, 05:10 PM
Does anyone know the URL of the site where I can buy this video in the picture below?
that's definitely something I like.
Sometimes I check their site (that Freedom thing.. don't remember the correct name), they release lots of videos of many many kinds of fetishes. There are lots of BB videos, and from the samples I saw from time to time, they look very interesting, especially because the girls really seem to enjoy what they do, and there are often lots of girls busting one only male and really enjoying it.
I saw various scenario, from school to office. The movies are also erotic, since the girls often undress their victims slowly, and then apreciate the feeling of the skin by undressing their feet or knees or using their bare hands.
I think they do even bets and competitions.
Unfortunately they're all in japanese, and of course not available in my country. :( Even ordering would be a problem, because of the language, and honestly I do not even know if they ship internationally...
What to say... I ever liken japan so much, I hope someday to be able to visit that wonderful (and, for some reasons, "magic") place.. maybe I'll be also able to buy some vids or mangas about BB.
(I really love manga :) never found any with decent BB here, but I'm sure that in japan there are a lot!)
P.s.: does anyone know the Gu-Gu Ganmo cartoon series? I think it's most popular in Japan and France.. there are lots of busting in it too..
01-26-2005, 02:59 AM
er I dont know if I am supposed to recommend this but try a decent P2P system, lots of the full freedom vids are on there............if i aint supposed to say that sara, just let me know and I will shut up about it :)
08-16-2010, 11:57 PM
bumping long dead thread.
if you have the full video of this (somebody must), can you please upload it?
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