View Full Version : Ballbusting party
12-20-2004, 08:12 PM
There are parties for everything. How about a ballbusting party? It could be a regular event. Three or four women and a man and an evening of ballbusting? Anyone for a ballbusting party? I live in the Northeast and would be happy to be the "bustee" :ibow4u:
12-20-2004, 09:24 PM
Well, it's a wonderful concept, but don't hold your breath waiting, unless you already know and have discussed this with the 3 or 4 women involved. You will be very unlikely to find ANY women willing to spend an evening busting a stranger's balls. Women just don't work that way. You may find one willing to take a shot or two on a dare or because she's mad or even just out of curiosity. But to spend an "evening" with 3-4 women doing this is gonna cost you some money. Plain and simple. That said- I think it's still a reasonable thing to do if you can move the number of men from 1 up to something big enough to keep your costs reasonable. 4 women x 2 hours in Los Angeles will cost you about $800-900, whether the women are pro dommes ( or exotic dancers (with tips) ( You can check the prices for yourself. If you go in there with 9 of your closest friends, it will cost you $80-90 each (still cheaper than dinner, wine, and a movie for two), and I'll bet you have the time of your life!
If you choose to wait until you meet 4 women who will do this with you for just an evening of pure "enjoyment", I think you will still be looking for them in your retirement home.
Still it's a nice dream- I'll grant you that. Maybe you can find a sorority initiation that's willing to take you on!
12-21-2004, 07:07 AM
Thanks for your reply...I guess it was just a dream. Maybe I should scale back my hopes to just one or two women? Okay, just one woman! Liked your idea of hiring a few dommes. How about this one: start my own film studio and make great ballbusting films.
12-21-2004, 11:45 AM
They had one here: (which had an entry fee) although it was not just one guy.
12-21-2004, 02:27 PM
Thanks for your reply...I guess it was just a dream. Maybe I should scale back my hopes to just one or two women? Okay, just one woman! Liked your idea of hiring a few dommes. How about this one: start my own film studio and make great ballbusting films.
Cynthia. Rothrock.
She sucks as an actress, but she excels at kicking guys in the nuts. Tell her I said so (PLEASE!!!).
Because Rothrock sucks at the acting thing, she's cheap to hire, relative to someone like, say, Jennifer Garner. Yes, you will never be busted by Jebbufer Garner.
But Cynthia Rothrock? Set yourself up as the main bad guy or her partner (whatever) and enjoy the fireworks.
12-21-2004, 03:59 PM
My theory is this...if someone has already said it, it's probably been done. I just thought of having a ballbusting party and then learn that it was already done at the Den of Inequity. Guess I'll have to wait till next year. Also, does Ms Rothrock get amusement from busting balls? If so, I might just check into that!
12-21-2004, 09:28 PM
Also, does Ms Rothrock get amusement from busting balls? If so, I might just check into that!
She either enjoys it a lot or is a better actress than anyone gives her credit for.
She is (for real) a five-time world champion in karate, double broad sword, and a number of other weapons. Like Chuck Norris, she was an excellent martial artist before turning to making bad movies. In her league, men and women competed in the same matches (not segregated into men's and women's karate) -- I'm not one to suggest she cheated (she could kick my ass), but you think she got to be a five-time world champion in a co-ed competition WITHOUT ever taking advantage of a groin shot?
Write a bad movie, get Hollywood to produce it, hire Cynthia Rothrock to do the job. In one of her movies, she plays a character named "B.B." While I am no telepath and cannot read her mind, do we really NEED any more hints?
iron horse
12-22-2004, 01:37 AM
In her league, men and women competed in the same matches (not segregated into men's and women's karate) hints?
I spent many years in the martial arts and in various types of tournament fighting. Hollywood is great at making fighting flicks where a fighting tigress females takes on a number of guys and kicks their ass. I'm not here to denegrate the ahtletic prowess of the fairer gender, but that's only in Hollywood.
Matches can be staged, just like WWF wrestiling for entertainment. But I spent a lot of time in dojos with female black belts, and have witnessed true competition too much to put an credence in that in any manner.
Genetically, women are considerably smaller, lighter, weaker and it is very very rare when they can defeat a man in any type of hand-to-hand combat. I've seen the attempts in the ring too many times. Of course, if you take a woman who is at the pinnacle of her group, and place her against a man of the same weight and frame, then yes, she may be able to take him.
If anyone disagrees, I suggest turning off the television and instead getting a reality check at your local dojo.
12-22-2004, 09:15 AM
Sadly true for most martial arts. I spent eight years getting a blackbelt in a standard striking/grappling art (Goju) during the UFC years and in such arts size, upper body strength, and muscle density play too large a part for the "average" female to fairly compete with the average male. Although there were noted exceptions, due either to offsetting superior technique or excellent conditioning. Since this was originally a martial art developed for men, by men, it shouldn't prove too surprising. Even Judo needs weight classes.
On the other hand, there are a number of martial arts that minimize the need/value of such things. About 3 years ago I switched over to Aikido. I will not lie, Aikido is not an easy art to learn, and does not lend itself to immediate use. It does, however, do an excellent job of evening up the playing field. For every time my size has been an advantage, it's been a disadvantage. It's also noncompetitive and a lot more relaxed, which to me make it more fun.
On the other hand, Krav Maga is an excellent art that focuses on disabling strikes to vital areas. It's fast, designed for combat, has a much shorter learning curve, and is immediately applicable.
I suppose this could be related back to ballbusting by comparing and contrasting the Aikido Grab/Hold/Threaten/Educate approach to the Krav Maga Smash/Smash/Smash/Taunt approach. My g/f's an Aikidoka. :D
iron horse
12-22-2004, 12:01 PM
I realize the variances in martial arts styles. The *only* area a woman has an advantage over a man are of course his balls. Men vary insofar as their sensitivity to this. Here are the typical myths:
1. Woman can deliver a hard blow to a man's crotch. In tournament fighting, the men typically wear cups. This is *not* boxing and kicks to the groin come unexpectedly. Also, a kick to a man's groin is against tournament rules. Lastly, men expect that every other punch or kick from a woman may be targeting his groin, and the amount of time it takes to get your foot from the matt to his groin is far greater than the time to react by a turning of the pelvis or a downward block/parry.
2. In a street fight/**** attempt, a woman can hit the guy in the groin and send him down. In a highly emotional frenzied state such as a **** or street fight, the body doesn't react like you think it would. I've been in a severely brutal street fight with a guy where blood was spewing all over, tendons tearing, skin ripping, etc. It was a real bad scene and I remember neither he nor I realized how severe our injuries were until well after we left (only because police were coming). I know personally know two guys that got into a fight, one pulled out a .32 caliber and shot the other guy in the stomach, but still lost the fight. Again, Hollywood has created a fantasy land about how street violence happens and that blows are calculated and when they land have an affect....and it is rare for a guy to get cold cocked and go down with his lights out.
The reason I make issue of this is the bulllshit I hear about teaching women had to defend themselves against rapists using martial arts. I see all of these women practicing kicking or hitting a guy in his balls. It is a false sense of security. Fighting off the man is a last resort. The best defense is for her to run screaming at the top of her longs "****!". If she has a rotweiller, good idea. If she carries a .357, right on, blow the guy away. Fighting may work, but she more likely to be scratching his eyes out, squirming out of control and biting him, making it not a very fun thing for him.
Lastly, as it pertains to man vs. man tournament fighting, regardless of the style, for the *heavier weight classes*, those that are highly trained and are accomplished in simple boxing always win. It is the most effective. The amount of force delivered into the head by a hard right blow, or upper cut (which is when most KO's are delivered) far exceeds what the feet can do. This is why most tournaments require a certain number of kicks to be delivered each balance it out such that the boxers won't dominate the competitions.
This is simply what I've learned from watching and doing it for so many years. I chuckle every time I see on television or in the movies something that makes street fighting much more than it is. It is just ruthless, vicious, frantic and emotional.
12-22-2004, 11:58 PM
Matches can be staged, just like WWF wrestiling for entertainment. But I spent a lot of time in dojos with female black belts, and have witnessed true competition too much to put an credence in that in any manner.
I have not fought Rothrock, myself; at this point in my life, doing so would be suicide. Does she have five staged victories or five real ones? I do not know; it is pretty difficult to swallow.
Could Jackie Chan kick my ass? I really doubt it; Jackie has been training his entire life in how to MISS the other guy or how to hit the other guy ineffectually. The other guy is a stuntman and Jackie knows in advance where he is going to be and what he is going to do. In a real fight? Those skills are exactly the ones you DON'T want to know.
The trophies Chuck Norris won -- real or were the fights rigged? I suspect it may have been either way, but the point is that Norris (and Rothrock) are now making movies. Rothrock's movies are better because she kicks stuntmen in the cup.
As for the power of a kick vs. the power of a punch: not the point. A leg is used because it has over twice the reach of an arm, not just because it is more powerful (which it is, but that's not why it is used).
As for self-defense stuff: the reason why iit works to fight back, shout, or whatever, is that rapists, muggers, and other trogs are looking for a victim, not for a fight. If they encounter resistance, most trogs will move on to look for easier prey.
As for the limitations in women's anatomy: well-known. The upper body strength advantage of the human male is at least doubled by the ihigher concentration of oxygen in the blood. Yes, ounce for ounce, males kick much booty over females of equal skill level.
Now here's yer problem: among the various trophies that Rothrock has are five world championships in mixed male-female competition as well as numerous weapons' championships. To get these, she'd have to have:
1) Whupped a whole lot of bigger, stronger male ass (unlikely); or
2) Cheated - through many many many competitions (unlikely); or
3) Had a lot of competitors paid to take a dive (unlikely).
No, I don't know how she won. Maybe this was the WWF League of karate. Maybe she is astonishgly fast and skilled. Maybe she eats Wheaties.
Not the point.
The point is that now she makes movies, and if you like to watch movies in which guys get headbutted in the groin, kicked in the groin, etc., go to a video rental store and order a hot, steaming cup of Rothrock.
iron horse
12-23-2004, 01:18 AM
Agreed. Well, I think our digression here has gotten us off topic to the point where we need to come back home or Ms. Sara will kick both our asses (or more likely, our balls!)
12-23-2004, 01:30 PM
I still want to talk about Aikido Ball Busting vs. Krav Maga Ball Busting. In fact, I'm going to start a thread. :D
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