View Full Version : Any other foot fetish guys here?
12-29-2004, 02:43 PM
Any besides me that is. I'm just curious. It seems ballkicking and a foot fetish go hand in hand. Sara, Once again I beg thee to let us see your feet. :ibow4u:
12-29-2004, 07:18 PM
I would consider myself more of a shoe fetishest, especially high heels, I love being kicked and trampled by them, I do find feet sexy too , but even more so in heels!!
12-30-2004, 01:01 PM
I would have to agree with Bodacious. High heels drive all the way to the bone or slap the sac. I like barefoot kicks the best as long as her feet are nice. I have asked Sara a few times to see her feet. Maybe she will, one can only hope.
12-30-2004, 04:53 PM
high heels are good for trampling.
For ball-busting, I like nice rounded shoes - trainers (sneakers) can do a great job, and boots, but more rounded ones.
12-31-2004, 12:16 AM
The foot fetish Forum is at:
- Sara :)
12-31-2004, 11:42 AM
Nobody is there Sara, I was just trying to see if there was any correlation between BB and FF. I guess for some there is.
12-31-2004, 07:41 PM
Nobody is there Sara, I was just trying to see if there was any correlation between BB and FF. I guess for some there is.
And nobody will be there unless people who are interested in foot fetishes (like those posting in this thread) actually post there and help bring that Forum back to life.
Suggestion: Please help out by posting foot fetish related material in the Forum for foot fetishes. Even if it means posting both here and there.
Anyway, I have no objection to foot fetish posts in this Forum at all, provided that it's related to ballbusting.
And you're right -- there is some overlap between ballbusting and foot fetishes.
Also, thanks for creating a new thread here about it. There obviously are members who are into both fetishes. But there are also members who appreciate one or the other, but not combined. That's why I agree with you starting a separate thread here about BB + FF.
But still, it would be nice if you and other members interested in FF were to post FF material in the FF Forum (as well as here). It would be a good way to show others that there really are members interested in FF, and that the FF Forum still has a reason to exist.
- Sara :)
01-01-2005, 02:10 PM
Sara, If I start posting on the FF board will you then post a pic of your feet? :bananajum
01-01-2005, 02:29 PM
Hi! There's a bit of a foot-fetish thing beginning in my "story" thread. But there's lots of other stuff in it, too.
01-02-2005, 08:29 PM
Hi! There's a bit of a foot-fetish thing beginning in my "story" thread. But there's lots of other stuff in it, too.
Thanks for the info.
Off-topic posts will be deleted or moved.
- Sara :)
01-02-2005, 09:01 PM
Sara, If I start posting on the FF board will you then post a pic of your feet?
Hi again Magnum. :)
Short Answer: - No.
Better Answer: - I really don't understand the foot fetish thing. Maybe you'd like to tell me what kind of pic of my foot/feet you'd like. Camera angle, one foot or both, barefoot or otherwise, just standing on floor/ground or doing something with my foot/feet, and any other details about the kind of photo that you'd like me to post. Within reason, of course. For example, it's not practical for me to have a pic taken of me using my feet to ballbust right now.
If I get multiple replies about the way in which other members would like to see a pic of my feet, I'll copy/move this thread to the FF Forum before I reply or comment. Likewise, if the topic of this thread turns more to the foot fetish topic rather than ballbusting.
- Sara :)
01-02-2005, 11:35 PM
If I get multiple replies about the way in which other members would like to see a pic of my feet, I'll copy/move this thread to the FF Forum before I reply or comment. Likewise, if the topic of this thread turns more to the foot fetish topic rather than ballbusting.
GOT IT!!! I'd like a picture of your foot jammed against my crotch from a kick. I'm thinking with your cowboy (cowgirl?) boots, and, therefore, a hard kick but nowhere near full force. The camera angle from overhead looking down on where your boot is sayng hello to my sack; close-up on that boot and groin meeting, our faces not in the pic.
You know you want to. ;)
01-03-2005, 01:40 AM
Isn't the foot-fetish forum for barefoot only? What about those of us who have a shoe fetish? And why have over half my posts (mostly those that refer to shoes) been deleted? You want people to post on here, and I've been one of the few who has been posting here in the last 4 days and bang go half of my posts.
01-03-2005, 08:37 AM
Sorry Sara, I see where this is going. Ok, so after this post any other FF questions will be posted on the appropriate board. I would love to see your feet from top and side showing the top of your feet and the side with your arches showing. Of course I would love to see your feet crushing some grapes (I'll pretend that they are balls), kicking, stomping etc. but the two I first listed would be awesome, easy for you, and nothing pornographic. Thanks Sara for being such a great sport about everything us guys on here talk about and request. You are definitely a rose in the desert of ballbusting. :ibow4u:
01-03-2005, 06:11 PM
Isn't the foot-fetish forum for barefoot only? What about those of us who have a shoe fetish? And why have over half my posts (mostly those that refer to shoes) been deleted? You want people to post on here, and I've been one of the few who has been posting here in the last 4 days and bang go half of my posts.
Hello 'me_no_wimp' :)
No, the 'Footfetish Paradise' forum is not for barefoot only.
Please have a look at the last pic posted at: (
It shows a pic with the kind of shoes that I think you like. (I hope.) ;)
That's just one example.
No doubt you'll find other kinds of shoe related material on the Foot Fetish forum too.
I'm not saying that you can't post shoe fetish comments here in the 'Ballbusting World' forum as well, but all posts in this forum must be related directly to ballbusting.
I already answered your comment about your deleted posts, in the thread you started in the '' forum entitled "Where have half my posts gone???", but I'll repeat it here (in more detail):
You are correct.
Yesterday I deleted 14 of your 25 posts, leaving 11 of them.
The posts I deleted were all off-topic and all had as their main message how much you hate sandals. About how you refuse to view any links posted by other members that include sandals, how you hate postings that have anything to do with sandals, and on and on...
As well as being off-topic, those 14 posts were just too negative and offered no constructive comments, being only overly critical and very repetitive.
A single such post stating your hatred and intense dislike of sandals would have been acceptable.
But 14 such posts were not appropriate. That was excessive. Besides, you already mention your dislike of sandals in your profile.
OK. Now we all know that you dislike sandals. That's fine. No problem. No need to post again just to tell us the same thing.
I dislike censorship.
I encourage posters to post about anything at all that isn't off-topic, no matter whether other members are interested in it or not, preferably in a separate thread.
A couple of examples are the threads called "Transvestite Ballbusting": (
and "UP Anyone?" (Urethral play): (
They both specifically mention ballbusting, so they're not off-topic. The majority of members don't seem to prefer those topics but some are interested or curious and post in those threads.
But part of my job as Moderator (and Administrator) is to delete multiple posts that consist of the same negative message over and over, as well as off-topic posts.
Especially if I get complaints from other members (reporting 'bad posts' or by Private Message) about how tired they're getting of reading how much you dislike sandals, repeated again and again.
Please note that I haven't banned you. I left your 11 previous posts which were on-topic and in which you contributed to the topic of the thread you were posting in.
I have nothing against you, your interests, your likes and dislikes, or anything else about you. But you overdid it with so many repetitive, negative and off-topic posts.
You could even start a new thread about your dislike of sandals if you want to, and discuss it with whoever may want to participate in such a thread.
Just please put any such new thread in the appropriate Forum. That could be the 'General', 'Ballbusting', 'Trample', or 'Foot Fetish' Forum, depending on which Forum's topic you want to associate your dislike of sandals with. You could even post such a new thread in more than one Forum to see where there is more interest in such a discussion. Just try to keep it within the subject of the Forum you post in. (For example, it wouldn't be on-topic in the 'Facesitting' Forum, unless you specifically also mention Facesitting in your 'no-sandals' thread.)
By the way, there is a thread in this forum called "Footwear" in this forum at: (
You might want to check it out. ;)
Incidentally, the posting rate has gone up (as compared with a year or so ago), partly because we are keeping the Forums relatively free of posts that are off-topic, negative and overly repetitive, etc...
I thank you for your 11 posts that weren't deleted. If you can (please) refrain from telling us over and over that you hate sandals, any posts you make in the future will be welcomed by all.
Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.
You are an active member in good standing and your posts are welcome.
- Sara :)
01-03-2005, 09:06 PM
Sorry Sara, I see where this is going. Ok, so after this post any other FF questions will be posted on the appropriate board.
. . . . . . .
Thanks Sara for being such a great sport about everything us guys on here talk about and request. You are definitely a rose in the desert of ballbusting.
Thanks Magnum :)
You're a real gentleman. And considerate. :D
Maybe some of the other members don't know how much work I put into trying to be Moderator (and Administrator) here, to have things properly organized for everyone. Merging threads, splitting threads, moving posts, deleting junk posts, etc...
And maybe some members don't realize that I'm not getting paid anything for doing this. My only compensation is a subscription to, to familiarize myself with what other members might be saying about the content of the website. Nothing else. I'm not greedy. I'm just like any other member here who is interested in ballbusting. As I've posted several times, I'm not a "pro". I'm just an ordinary girl.
I used to be just another member here, but Sharon offered to make me Moderator after a year or so. As it says in the FAQ:
"Becoming a moderator for a specific forum is usually rewarded to users who are particularly helpful and knowledgeable in the subject of the forum they are moderating."
Last year I became one of the 'Administrators' here too, thanks to Sharon.
I'm not complaining though!
I like this forum. And I like being Moderator.
I wouldn't be Moderator if I didn't like trying to bring some semblance of order to what would otherwise probably be a very chaotic Forum.
It's just that I have a really bad cold/flu right now with an infected ear and I'm not feeling very well at all. (*sniff, sniff*) And complaining members don't make me feel very appreciated sometimes. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, and hopefully I'll be feeling better soon. Then my Christmas break will be over and I'll be back to studying and working. (*sigh*)
Anyway, thanks for the boost, Magnum. ;)
- Sara :)
01-04-2005, 08:47 AM
Anytime Sara, I offer my balls to you to do as you please. BTW, I know how you feel, I am just getting over pneumonia and the rest of the household has been very sick also. IT SUCKS!! Hope you get better.
play with my plums
01-04-2005, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by SadisticSara
Maybe some of the other members don't know how much work I put into trying to be Moderator (and Administrator) here, to have things properly organized for everyone. Merging threads, splitting threads, moving posts, deleting junk posts, etc...
And maybe some members don't realize that I'm not getting paid anything for doing this. My only compensation is a subscription to, to familiarize myself with what other members might be saying about the content of the website. Nothing else. I'm not greedy. I'm just like any other member here who is interested in ballbusting. As I've posted several times, I'm not a "pro". I'm just an ordinary girl.
I'm not complaining though!
I like this forum. And I like being Moderator.
I wouldn't be Moderator if I didn't like trying to bring some semblance of order to what would otherwise probably be a very chaotic Forum.
Your not an ordinary girl Sara, your an EXTRAORDINARY GIRL. :ibow4u:
I know that I for one, would not have become a member of this forum, if it was not for you and the work you put in here. I also hope you feel better soon & wish you a fulfilling & fantastic 2005, here and at everything else you do. :) You deserve it! ;)
01-04-2005, 01:17 PM
I know that you didn't post this because you were looking for sympathy from the group. At the same time, I want to add my name to the long list of guys who are attracted to this forum because of your participation.
Thank you for all your effort and time. We appreciate it.
01-04-2005, 05:16 PM
Thanks very much
Magnum :)
play with my plums :)
and high_voice :)
Thanks for your kind words of encouragement guys!
My doctor prescribed some meds for me today, so I hope to feel better soon. :D
You're right about me not fishing for sympathy. If I were to do that, my previous post wouldn't have been 'hidden' here in this obscure thread where few may even read it.
Sometimes I just feel a bit unappreciated here. But you guys helped me with your comments. ;)
I have the idea that most members think I'm being paid well for what I do here, and I wanted to dispel that myth.
I'm doing this because I like to.
That also means that I could just leave this Forum whenever I want, or if I get too upset or too discouraged by what some members say or do. This isn't a "job" for me, and I already have quite a busy life.
So if (or when) I make a mistake and inadvertently mess things up a bit, please cut me some slack. Not because I might just disappear, but because I'm not getting paid for being here. I do the best I can, but I'm not perfect. I sometimes lack the good judgement or knowledge to do things perfectly. But I try to be patient, understanding, tolerant and friendly, while at the same time trying to keep the Forum organized and in good shape for everyone.
Mainly, I guess, I wanted to let you know that you shouldn't expect too much from me, since I'm really just another (unpaid) member -- the same as you are.
So thanks again guys, for voicing your appreciation of my efforts here! :D
- Sara :)
Thanks very much
Magnum :)
play with my plums :)
and high_voice :)
Thanks for your kind words of encouragement guys!
My doctor prescribed some meds for me today, so I hope to feel better soon. :D
You're right about me not fishing for sympathy. If I were to do that, my previous post wouldn't have been 'hidden' here in this obscure thread where few may even read it.
Sometimes I just feel a bit unappreciated here. But you guys helped me with your comments. ;)
I have the idea that most members think I'm being paid well for what I do here, and I wanted to dispel that myth.
I'm doing this because I like to.
That also means that I could just leave this Forum whenever I want, or if I get too upset or too discouraged by what some members say or do. This isn't a "job" for me, and I already have quite a busy life.
So if (or when) I make a mistake and inadvertently mess things up a bit, please cut me some slack. Not because I might just disappear, but because I'm not getting paid for being here. I do the best I can, but I'm not perfect. I sometimes lack the good judgement or knowledge to do things perfectly. But I try to be patient, understanding, tolerant and friendly, while at the same time trying to keep the Forum organized and in good shape for everyone.
Mainly, I guess, I wanted to let you know that you shouldn't expect too much from me, since I'm really just another (unpaid) member -- the same as you are.
So thanks again guys, for voicing your appreciation of my efforts here! :D
- Sara :)
For what it's worth Sara, I didn't think you were paid to moderate here as I'm sure many here didn't. kudo's to you for taking the time and expending the effort to keep things on the up and up in this forum. Many of us either don't have the time to take on such a task, or are unwilling, so for your efforts, I salute you.
By the way, where were you before I got married??!!?? Oh yeah... not born yet! Damn.... God how I wish I'd have found a gal like you who really seems to enjoy playing rough with a guy!
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