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12-30-2004, 12:04 AM
Hi eveyone I really enjoy the messeages here

I have a Question

Why do balls hurt so much when kicked
What makes the balls so fragile

12-30-2004, 01:36 AM
Hi eveyone I really enjoy the messeages here

I have a Question

Why do balls hurt so much when kicked
What makes the balls so fragile
Although testicles hang outside the body, they are internal organs; as you probably know, testicles start out in the abdomen and then descend out into the world where they can get whacked.

All of your other internal organs (well, except the eyes [which are protected primarily by - wait, never mind]) are fairly well protected by either bone (such as how the brain is protected by the cranium, while the heart and lungs are protected by the ribcage) or muscles (such as how the muscles throughout the abdomen do a fairly good job of protecting the digestive system).

Your 'nads, by comparison, are completely unprotected -- neither bone nor muscle shields nor pads them. Their only defense is that they hand fairly loose and tend to squirm out of the way of incoming objects, like evilgrl's feet (for example). When trapped between the pubic bone and a knee, WHAMMO! No protection, nowhere to squirm, internal organ gets hit right on.

The second cause of their vulnerability is the number of nerve endings going to your sac and how it is wired to the spine. Your sexual organs are designed to carry a lot of sensation to your brain so that you get the clue as to how to carry on the race (yes, fellow cave man, we meet a girl and then we "whomp the yak", so to speak). In addition, a harsh strike to the balls carries a great deal of signals to the spine on a great big nerve (name I forget; vesavagal? pudendal? somebody help me out); the amount of neurotransmitters n' shit that fire off from a hard whack in the ghoulies effectively "overloads" this nerve and leads to the brain's misperception that you just got hit throughout your lower digestive system, which can cause shock, nausea, possibly even a loss of consciousness (death from resulting neurogenic shock is recorded in very few cases).

Put simply: it's a design flaw. Mother Nature is a bitch and she gets a real laugh out of seeing smaller, "weaker" females kicking you in the nuts.

12-30-2004, 11:18 AM
Is there a big risk, that you will end in a hospital by some kicks in the balls?

12-31-2004, 01:35 AM
Is there a big risk, that you will end in a hospital by some kicks in the balls?
Let me start out by saying that I am not a doctor AND I don't play one on TV. My medical knowledge is very limited.

That said: there is always a risk of injury, but it doesn't seem to be too great. Almost every man gets kicked between the legs at some point in his life, and some get hit a lot. Some of my fellow sickos here -- oops, I mean, some of my fellow bb enthusiasts -- have been kicked a lot of times. Some women have kicked a lot of balls in their lifetimes.

On the other hand, guys do get hospitalized, men sometimes get a testicle ruptured in fairly minor scuffles, etc. There are ways of striking the male genitals that drmatically increase the odds of injury, and ways that seem to minimize the chance of injury. I don't know for a fact tht most guys into ballbusting who are participating in it with a consensual partner DO NOT get serious injuries, but I suspect so. The real danger seems to come mostly from random violence or from women who are using self-defense techniques (strikes that are deliberately intended to damage something between the guy's legs).

In summary: bb probably isn't tremendously dangerous, but, yes, there is always a small risk.

12-31-2004, 04:10 AM
You say that they are not protected by muscle, but they are. The muscles in the thighs will protect them from most major contact, eg being hit with a baseball at full impact.

A fact of the matter is that most kicks to the nuts are not direct hits, in fact a lot of the time the muscle in the thighs takes a lot of the impact reducing the blow.

In addition, as most of the time you will be wearing some sort of protective clothing which will also generally reduce the impact.

01-01-2005, 05:32 AM
You say that they are not protected by muscle, but they are. The muscles in the thighs will protect them from most major contact, eg being hit with a baseball at full impact.
Noted, the muscles in the thighs do not shield the balls, but they can pad some hits. However, even when the thighs pad a groin hit, the effect is dramatically different from hits to the other internal organs, which are both shielded AND padded by muscle mass, skeletal structure, or both.

01-01-2005, 08:11 AM
When I was young, I had a friend, who ruptured one ball. He fell on the bar of a bicycle. Later the other ball functioned well. He got kids.

01-01-2005, 08:56 PM
When I was young, I had a friend, who ruptured one ball. He fell on the bar of a bicycle. Later the other ball functioned well. He got kids.
Not that I want kids, but this makes a great argument in favour of riding "girl's" bikes, no?