View Full Version : Question to expert ball-kicking women
12-31-2004, 04:13 AM
I mention ball-kicking because I am interested only in this method of ballbusting, i.e. a kick rather than a knee or a squeeze.
My questions is as follows:
Are you able to kick a guy in "open play", i.e. without him standing there still with his legs open for you.
I have heard that the best option is to catch them by surprise, but if the guy is expecting it, would you be able to score a hit anyway?
01-02-2005, 03:40 AM
I mention ball-kicking because I am interested only in this method of ballbusting, i.e. a kick rather than a knee or a squeeze.
My questions is as follows:
Are you able to kick a guy in "open play", i.e. without him standing there still with his legs open for you.
I have heard that the best option is to catch them by surprise, but if the guy is expecting it, would you be able to score a hit anyway?
Truthfully if a guy is expecting a kick in the balls it's hard to get a kick through. Balls are easy to protect if they see the hit coming. When I'm playfully fighting with a guy they always protect their nuts. I guess it's pretty obvious that girls will go for the balls. So the only way I could get a kick through would be to kick fast and hard. This probably isn't good if we are just playing around. In my experience if a guy just isn't standing there openly waqiting for my kick I best take him by surprise.
01-02-2005, 06:59 AM
Thanks for the reply. I have found that to usually be the case.
I did read of one girl saying she used what she called the wheelbarrow position - pick up the guys legs then kick in between. For that you have to get him on the ground first.
Yeah... have to agrea. I'm a martial arts instructor.... the groin is a very hard to hit target when fighting. Always best to use a diversion such as a slap to the face first or simular.
01-03-2005, 09:20 AM
Hey Evil, will we ever get to see any pics of you in action kicking some balls?
01-06-2005, 10:19 PM
Hey Evil, will we ever get to see any pics of you in action kicking some balls?
Unfortunately I do not have a picture of me enjoying my hobby. I must be honest though even if I did I would probably lean towards keeping that private. :D
01-06-2005, 10:35 PM
Unfortunately I do not have a picture of me enjoying my hobby. I must be honest though even if I did I would probably lean towards keeping that private. :D
Well, yeah, but what about a picture which is just a close-up on your boot (as described in another thread) connecting with, oh, say, my balls? You could be perfectly happy and pretty much anonymous with that, so long as we make sure that the chick who takes the picture understands she has to keep her trap shut, else we'uns toss her in the East River.
The crazy lady I know (crazy women are great) has a naked photo of me on her refrigerator. Not only is the photo naked, but so am I -- I can't imagine the kind of mindset (well, other than that I conclude she's crazy) that comes up with those ideas...
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