View Full Version : this forum sucks
01-05-2005, 09:28 AM
I know that if you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything, but
this forum compare to mistress destiny's forum really sucks. People here post once a month and there's no pics. The trample section doesnt even exist. Why even bother?
01-05-2005, 11:11 AM
The forum can only be as good as what people post here. And we do have a few females posting here too, which is good.
If you want to post about another forum there is a place here to post links about other sites.
By the way, your post is completely off-topic for this particular forum so may well get moved to the general forum or deleted.
01-05-2005, 01:42 PM
there are not a lot of forums out there for bb as far as bb forums go, this seems very nice with meaniful talk and sincere people. Tony.
01-05-2005, 05:49 PM
if you dont like it then dont post
01-05-2005, 06:31 PM
I know that if you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything, but
this forum compare to mistress destiny's forum really sucks. People here post once a month and there's no pics. The trample section doesnt even exist. Why even bother?
Exactly what I was thinking: Why do you bother?
Your other post today at: (
was equally negative. That's where you greet a member who posted for the first time about his fetish by telling him "How the hell does that turn you on?" and "That's some sick shit man".
On these Forums we try to accept the fetishes of others and encourage them to post. If you can't do that, then please don't discourage them with insults and negative posts. Even ignoring them would be better.
The members here have a variety of fetishes and interests, and very few (if any) would be interested in every fetish mentioned on these Forums. Going out of one's way to criticize others is something that most members here find no delight in.
You say that people here post once a month? Members here are free to post whenever they want. No limit. If some choose to post once a month, there's nothing wrong with that.
I think most members here would rather read constructive and interesting posts from a once-a-month poster than the 2 negative posts that you made today.
You say there are no pics here? There are several threads dedicated exclusively to photo pics, cartoon pics, links to video clips made by members, etc...
The Trample Forum exists. Those who are interested are free to post there. If there's little activity there, that only indicates the members' collective level of interest or lack thereof. If you (or any other members) are interested in Trampling, at least there's free space provided there for you to post and hopefully generate more activity there.
If you don't find these free Forums to your liking, then as you say, "Why even bother?" You could just go elsewhere.
A more constructive idea would be for you to find some thread here that interests you and join the rest of us in sharing our fetish related experiences, fantasies and interests, in a friendly positive way.
- Sara :)
01-05-2005, 08:01 PM
seriously dude, if you don't like it then take a hike.
01-05-2005, 09:13 PM
I know that if you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything, but
this forum compare to mistress destiny's forum really sucks. People here post once a month and there's no pics. The trample section doesnt even exist. Why even bother?
You've posted three times. If you have somehting insightful to say then do so and maybe things will pick up. If not then go to that other forum you like so much.
01-05-2005, 11:53 PM
You've posted three times. If you have somehting insightful to say then do so and maybe things will pick up. If not then go to that other forum you like so much.
I've got one! I suggest that bojan1 start a new thread with a title like, "Evilgrl is DA BOMB!" and explain why he thinks ballbusting is great and why women like evilgrl are such incredible, wondrous, amazing finds in this otherwise drab world. Be sure to mention her chest. 34C. And those are just two of her extraordinary attributes.
(Pssssst: Okay, evilgrl, can I be your slave now?)
Alternatively, you could start a thread with the title, "Sadistic Sara is SSSSSSSSMOKIN'!" and I would have to agree with you. My one qualm about that is that there already are a lot of threads about Sadistic Sara (she inspires us to write).
Other good choices would be:
"My MOM Kicked Me in the Nuts! What the Heck?!?" -- People would probably read it.
"I'm a Sexually Frustrated Pervert and People Should Ignore Me" -- Fits, and would warn us not to bother to read it.
"10 Reasons Why I Don't Like Evilgrl" -- Sinner!!! A message like this would clearly mark you as an agent of the Devil and/or Homeland Security.
"What's That Part of the Body That Women Kick That's Right Behind the Balls?" -- Dry topic, but sure to get a dry response from someone like me (you know, "That's the perennium; there are several nerves and one major sperm duct that are just under the skin there. Some people also call it [blah blah blah]...").
"I Want to Get Busted by Pamela Anderson Lee" -- Some people might read it and even reply; I wouldn't.
"Evilgrl is the Goddess of Love and Sara is the Goddess of Pleasure and Pain" -- Oh, PLEASE! Start this thread! Quick!
"Did Lempel Really Get Kicked in the Balls When Explaining the LZ77 Algorithm?" -- No, I made it up. Don't start this thread.
"Do Women with a 34C Chest Prefer Ballbusting or Some Other Form of SM?" -- I would be very interested in this discussion.
Look at all those great ideas! I'm impressed!
On the other hand, if you really must, you can go with the old standby: start a thread entitled, "Trouble's Sense of Humor SUCKS!" Some will agree; others won't. Most won't give a damn; they're here for the nut-cracking, not my corny wise-cracking.
01-06-2005, 09:34 AM
I say- don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out. I post at multiple forums and I can say that for months DBabble totally sucked when it first started. but it finally picked up because the word got out and now look, there is an entire new page each day. Besides that I don't know of any other forum where the gals who post actually come to your house and meet and bust you personally. Or was that just a dream? :Baahaha:
01-06-2005, 07:10 PM
Umm, maybe this guy just made a few posts so he could get some of the pics off the forum. That's right, isn't it? That you have to make a couple posts to see the full size pics or somethin'? So he registers, makes a few crappy posts, and then gets what he wants. Or it could be all the burbon I've been drinking... I've been drinking. :bananad: I think the banana illustrates that quite well.
01-07-2005, 07:08 PM
Umm, maybe this guy just made a few posts so he could get some of the pics off the forum. That's right, isn't it? That you have to make a couple posts to see the full size pics or somethin'? So he registers, makes a few crappy posts, and then gets what he wants.
. . . . . . .
Hi Mainvein :)
Yes, you're right. That's a possibility.
So far, 'bojan1' hasn't logged in since he wrote those 2 negative posts in 1 day.
But I've decided to ban him today.
As an unregistered 'guest' he can still read our comments on his 2 negative posts.
I'm leaving 2 of his posts intact, since they clearly show that the members here are able and willing to tell such negative posters that we don't want that kind of posts on our Forums.
But I'm not going to let him try to benefit from his nasty posts.
I hope most members realize that I'm not being mean by banning him. It's just that we don't appreciate the kind of posts that he made, and we don't want more posts like that from him.
If he wants to participate here in a positive way, he can register again and start fresh.
Thanks to all who have written posts telling 'bojan1' that he's out of line, and I hope that most members will agree with my decision to ban him.
- Sara :)
Don't sweat it Sara, he deserved it. it makes for better reading from folks who DO have something to say, not just negative giberish.
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