View Full Version : Anyone here open about their bb fetish?
Is anyone here open about liking their balls getting busted. If my family or social circle ever found out about my fetish I'd have to move to another country :( . Anyone here got freinds who know (and don't keep it secret).
01-11-2005, 11:28 AM
Why must we be open about our fetishes? Why tell everybody? Most people do not say anything about their sexlife. I think, that there are a lot of people with a fetish. I hope, that they can talk about it with their partners. I know there are a lot, who think they can't.
01-11-2005, 04:48 PM
I have told many gals but only one guy which is one of my best freinds. I wouldn't tell any other guys I know, they wouldn't understand.
01-11-2005, 07:56 PM
Is anyone here open about liking their balls getting busted. If my family or social circle ever found out about my fetish I'd have to move to another country :( . Anyone here got freinds who know (and don't keep it secret).
No way! :o
It's part of my personal life that I only share with my intimate partners.
And here on the forum, of course, where I assume I'm anonymous (for all practical purposes).
I don't tell relatives, friends or acquaintances about how I'm into ballbusting. But I don't tell them anything about what I do in bed with my partner. That's private!
In most cultures and societies it's not considered "correct" or "polite" to talk about exactly what one does in bed sexually with one's partner, especially if it's something that isn't 'standard'. Fetishes or "deviant behaviour" aren't 'acceptable' topics of discussion, unless one is talking about a third party. Like about a politician, for example! :D And even then, everyone is supposed to act shocked and horrified and pretend that they don't have their own secret sexual fantasies or practices.
Honesty is not the best policy when it comes to fetishes. Especially if one has a job or career or ever hopes to have one.
Also, those who know me (in real life) would probably think that I'm really weird. I mean, even weirder than they already think I am! :D
On my resumé, for example: Under "Other Interests", I really can't imagine writing:
"I'm the moderator and administrator of an online sex fetish forum on ballbusting because of my level of experience and first-hand knowledge. I'm adequately articulate and I like to improve my writing skills in English by telling everyone how much I enjoy squeezing, punching and otherwise causing testicular pain to my current sexual partner. I also relish educating others on the joys of inflicting and receiving unusual pain to the testicles, in imaginative and sometimes unusual ways. I do this to further improve my already above average communicative skills."
So, no. In real life I'm not open about my interest in ballbusting.
- Sara :)
You write English better than most English people. :Baahaha:
01-11-2005, 11:00 PM
Is anyone here open about liking their balls getting busted. If my family or social circle ever found out about my fetish I'd have to move to another country :( . Anyone here got freinds who know (and don't keep it secret).
I would never tell my relatives or my male friends. Some of my female freinds know but that's about it. Mostly just the ones that are close to me. I try not to make a habit out of sharing my personal sex life. So you guys are my only outlet. Hell my bf has been with me for over a year and I just got the nerve to talk to him about it a few days ago. I might be Evilgrl but I can also be chicken_grl.
Also, those who know me (in real life) would probably think that I'm really weird. I mean, even weirder than they already think I am! :D
Aren't you worried that a freind of a freind might come across this forum while doing research for a study/article, and see your picture? Don't want to cause alarm or anything, it's just something that would worry me if I put my picture on the forum.
01-12-2005, 12:01 AM
You write English better than most English people. :Baahaha:
Thanks. :D My Dad (Canadian) used to teach English in Mexico, as just one of his multiple simultaneous jobs. Had his own private language school and for a while was head of the English department at a government university.
I sometimes help him with translation work.
He has always only spoken to me in English since the day I was born, so I had a good teacher! (My Mom was Mexican and only spoke to me in Spanish.)
Aren't you worried that a freind of a freind might come across this forum while doing research for a study/article, and see your picture? Don't want to cause alarm or anything, it's just something that would worry me if I put my picture on the forum.
Maybe I should be more worried but I'm not. I think that if they find this forum, they're probably into ballbusting too, or at least open-minded and curious about it. It would give us something more to talk about. ;) Besides, having such a fetish isn't illegal, and shouldn't affect my future career. Here in Canada people are relatively open-minded about such things.
(But my interest in ballbusting still isn't something that I'd want widely known where I live, work and study.)
- Sara :)
01-12-2005, 12:15 AM
Maybe I should be more worried but I'm not. I think that if they find this forum, they're probably into ballbusting too, or at least open-minded and curious about it. It would give us something more to talk about. ;) Besides, having such a fetish isn't illegal, and shouldn't affect my future career. Here in Canada people are relatively open-minded about such things.
Our society doesn't look down on women ball-busters, it actually raises them on a pedestal. Men who get their balls busted, however, are generally regarded as either scum because they deserved it or pervs because they liked it. Both are bad for your career and the respect you get from others. As a beautiful woman, you should have nothing to fear, but as a middle aged man with a wife and family and a career in corporate America, I fear I do. I agree that nobody is going to "stumble" across this ballbusting site or any other like it and recognize me without being interested themselves in the fetish. But if she's female, she could certainly ruin my life anyway.
-Tamakei (looking over my shoulder)
01-12-2005, 03:27 AM
I never say a word about it. Instead, I wear a t-shirt that says, in great big letters, "I LIKE TO GET KICKED IN THE NUTS BY WOMEN LIKE EVILGRL!" On the back of the t-shirt, it says, in very small letters, that masochism is less and less considered a "mental disorder" by the psychiatric profession, that Evilgrl would kick me if she weren't chicken_grl in her alter ego, and it lists the number for 911 in case anything goes wrong.
People ignore it because my other t-shirt advertises lakefront property on Mars.
Camouflage, you understand. It's the art of misdirection.
01-12-2005, 09:31 AM
I have said this to many women, those I know and those I don't, when they ask something like "how are you?" I many times reply, "a swift kick in the balls and I probably would feel better". Many times a gal might be having a bad day and when I ask "whats wrong", many times they refer to someone who has ruined their day. Then I might say, "wouldn't you like to give them a hard kick right in the balls?" The vast majority of the time they laugh and agree. It's amazing. I'm telling you, I do this constantly and it gives me a small thrill. One other thing I do when the opportunity arrises I will say to a woman "maybe you should take up martial arts or self defense and learn to protect yourself". Many say I already know how or just agree but it almost always gives me an opening to say "I'll be your practice dummy" and sometimes I say "you can even kick me in the balls but please don't hit me in the face". Usually I get the same laugh as a reaction but one of these days a gal will take me up on it.
01-12-2005, 09:48 AM
Maybe people can be more open about these things in the USA and talk openly about it.
My wife knows, of course, as she is the one who does the kicking. She doesn't know I post on sites about it. I think a number of people know I have a bit of a shoe fetish, but they don't know it goes so far as wanting to be kicked with them.
01-13-2005, 12:03 AM
On talking about sex:
No, one doesn;t say (at ;east not around here), "I'm homosexual and I like [put description of sexual activity here]." or "I'm straight and I just love to [put description of hetereosexual thang here]."
There are two very good reasons for this:
1. Sex is not beautiful; it's GROSS! Well, let me amend that a bit: sex, done correctly, is not beautiful, it's incredibly gross and sometimes quite violent. Sure, there might be people out there who have beautiful, non-gros, non-violent sex, but I pity them for all that they are missing. Abtwat, it is always impolite to discuss ross subjects.
2. Sex is best when it is implied and subtle and all that. For example, when my friend K says or does something which I really appreciate, I don't say, "When you do something for me that I really appreciate, it makes me want to throw you down and pound the mazola out of your cervix,: If I want to be flirtacous, I might say, "A woman who does a favour like that deserves a reward." or something. You know, you imply something, you hint at the edges, that kind of thing. When the two of you are alone and drunk later, THEN you slam the willies out of her.
That's kind of what Magnum is saying: a person doesn't, in a conversation with friends and/or family, say, "I've taken up ballbusting. Well, Im a bustee, of course, meaning that busters kick me in the knackers. Jolly good fun after you get over the pain." I've been around friends and had some very salacious talk out in public, of all places, but nothing specific was really stated. No, "I prefer to have the guy in [such and such] position, s that I can hold his nards while I'm heaving my body up against his hairy tummy." You know, I enjoy -->wondering<-- about some of my female friends, but if they came out and said it, I'd be like, "Yuck!" With one of my friends who WAS very open and inclusive about her sex life, I found myself thinking, "Wait... AND Chuck? Doesn't that make... let's see... there was Bob and then Joel... and then that guy she met at the pub... and her roommate... possibly her other roommate, too, judging by what he said... Thomas... David... that ugly greasemonkey from the Post Office... that'd be, what? 23 guys? Last month? That's worse than ME! That's worse than Greg, even!!! Eeeeeeewwwwww!!!!"
I had to start ignoring what she said. To illustrate, this is my standard for a woman that I am willing to date:
She has to still be breathing.
This is Greg's:
The body has to be be warm. At the time, anyway.
(Names changed to protect the guilty.)
01-13-2005, 05:19 AM
yes, keep it personal, share with those u trust.
01-13-2005, 09:58 AM
We live in a very hypacritical society. Getting kicked in the balls is harmless to anyone else except the one receiving the kick and the very people that would look down on you for it turn around and screw someone out of thousands of dollars or beat their wives etc. Our fetish may be a little strange but if the adults are concenting then no harm, no fowl.
01-13-2005, 11:02 AM
Another thing - it's more of a thrill when the girl comes up and kicks you without you requesting it, or in particular does it not knowing you want it.
01-13-2005, 07:12 PM
My fetish is just that. MY fetish. I choose who I want to know about it (or participate in it). I'm sure some people know about it, but nobody has ever complained about it yet.
play with my plums
01-14-2005, 05:26 PM
Is anyone here open about liking their balls getting busted. If my family or social circle ever found out about my fetish I'd have to move to another country :( . Anyone here got freinds who know (and don't keep it secret).
No I think we`re all in the closet over this one, its why these forums exist. :bananad:
Maybe in a hundred years time they`ll be teaching ball busting & other fetish`s in school as part of sex ed but for now recieving pain to the balls is something that 99% of the population only see as a funny incidental occurance that happens, usually accidently, to every male at some point in his life.
I`ve only told one friend about my interest in BB. Most of my other friends are way too narrow minded & I`ve got a fairly good selection of intellectual friends!
Like Bodaciousballs00 was talking about in the thread "Ball Busting And Life" I myself have asperations of entering politics & it really would ruin my chances of ever been taken seriously if my fetish became public knowledge at that time.
I know that some of my nosey friends have found some pics & vid`s on my computer ( I often host little Lan partys to play Call of Duty etc) & probably think that I`m into some pretty weird shit based on those few things. But as far as I`m concerned they can think all they want.
Theres a big difference between people knowing & speculating. :)
Anyway a big thank you to all the guys and girls on this site (especially the girls ;) ). For each one of us is providing an invalluable service to our fellow BB`ers by posting & thus showing that we`re not the lone freaks we maybe thought we were! :thumbup
Plums. :)
01-14-2005, 08:01 PM
Yes, the difference between knowing and speculating is important. Among my friends, there seems to be a LOT of speculation ("Ye think maybe 'e likes farm animals, then?") -- one of them recently gave me a copy of an interview with Wendy Carlos (formerly named Walter Carlos, yanno, before the operation).
Uhhhhhh, no.
I used to have an underage assistant, and I managed to get her on the Board of Directors of various nonprofits and such. I was tckled pink by the thought that my friends could now speculate, "Aaaaaahhhhh! Now he's gone past farm animals and is going after minors! 'E's a madman, 'e is!"
Uhhhhhh, no.
Okay, so trans-sexuality is kind of okay, sorta. Bestiality? Well, it's okay for discussion at the dinner table, but your friends will give you queer looks, and not the homosexual kind. Dating a minor? Oh, heck, your mates will clap you on the back and congratulate you so long as she's not TOO young.
But ballbusting? Oh, for God's sake, keep it under wraps!!!
01-19-2005, 11:59 AM
Yeah, me too. The only human who ever knew me and knew about my ball-manipulation fetish is now dead (other than you wierdos and a few others on some other forum sites...but then, you don't know me, do you?)...and that sucks. I'd love to have a group of other buster and bustee friends that I could get together with, say once a month, and watch and who would join in and both bust me and let me bust them...sort of like a pinochle group.
When my wife was alive and would "do" me, she never really got into it as I wished she would, she just squeezed me for my was all sort of one-way and although I'd always get off when she did me, it was pretty unfulfilling. I've always been hetero but if a couple other of the male pinochle players were also hetero, I think I could bring myself to test their orbs and maybe even see what kind of imagination they had.
My biggest shortcoming in the fetish vein is not having as wild an imagination as I would like to have. Until I found the WWW, I thought that I was the only one in the world who enjoyed ball pain and doing terribly wierd things to my nuts. Now, the stuff I do to my balls is still pretty far-out but I know that many others do pretty wierd stuff too...and I've learn a lot of new stuff. My balls love the internet.
The Geezer
04-21-2005, 01:56 AM
Never. Why? All the reasons Sara mentioned plus they'll think you're weird if you're a girl, but lose all respect for you if you're a guy!
05-30-2005, 10:25 AM
Ok, Ballbusting IS a fetish, which of course, isn't "normal". True, as Sara has pointed out, "normal" is a little too uninteresting too. I've had this fetish for a long, long time, but only one or two people know about it. I've been with my current girlfriend for many months now, yesterday was our anniversary. She didn't know about my fetish until yesterday, mostly because I was really worried what she would think of everything when I told her.
The girl i was with last I told about it, and we talked recently - she told me to just tell my current girlfriend about it - that she won't really think anything bad of it.
Well, lets just say I finally "got the balls" to do it, and when I told her about it she really thought it was perfectly fine - whatever makes me happy, everyone's different, and such. If you've been with someone a long time I think they'll accept this as just another part of you. I'm really happy now..
I finally got the balls to tell her...and we spent the rest of the day into today with her trying to take those balls away from me. It was the best ballbusting I'd ever had up to this point :D
05-30-2005, 11:46 AM
Hi An1m051ty,
I have your same problem since i know 2 girls quite well, but i still didn't talk to them about my fetish; Well, I have already said them that I got a foot-fetish, but I didn't tell about ballbusting...
Your post is nice since it has a "good end" :) but I think I won't tell them the true...don't know why, maybe I'm not ready....or as you said "I've not the balls" to do that...
05-30-2005, 12:52 PM
Yeah its a tough one. My current girlfriens knows (ish) but I dont really think she has any idea how I like it or to what extent, if that makes any sense. Like many I am wary of ever letting out what I really would like to see or happen. For example: I am pretty sure if she found some of the .avi's I have hidden about with various BB scenario's, she would feel a little unsure of how to proceed.
My last gf knew and I think she had a better idea. The problem I think is the natural character of the female in question. In simple terms, either she has it, or she dont.
Like my current gf, does it kinda, just becasue I like it but not because she does, which for me pretty much defeats the point.
Also something else I find is that often fantasy and reality are mutually exlusive. When they meet, its often not what was expected and sometimes with disappointing results. right now I think I would rather keep the fantasy and if one day I meet a girl with the same desires then who knows........but for now Ill keep it safe and simple. My secret.
05-30-2005, 04:05 PM
She didn't know about my fetish until yesterday, mostly because I was really worried what she would think of everything when I told her.
A lot of people feel like this before telling someone they care about, and I'm glad things worked out well in this case.
If you think about it logically, there's nothing so terrible about BB that any of us needs to feel ashamed of ourselves for. It doesn't hurt anyone else. To most people who are not into BB, when they hear about it, it is at most a slight curiosity. They normally couldn't care less. We only think it's a big deal because it is so important to us. Everyone I know has seen me on my site and it is of almost no interest to them. I suppose what I'm saying is the dire consequences we expect to happen when letting someone know don't necessarily happen. It's still important to be aware of your partner's feelings and treat BB as you would anything else that you share, i.e. try to make it enjoyable for both of you. In my experience, when people who are not into BB find out about it, it is just not the shocking revelation that we think it is going to be, so maybe we shouldn't worry so much.
David B.
05-31-2005, 01:46 PM
My last gf knew and I think she had a better idea. The problem I think is the natural character of the female in question. In simple terms, either she has it, or she dont.
Like my current gf, does it kinda, just becasue I like it but not because she does, which for me pretty much defeats the point.
You're probably right about much of that. My gf was rough to begin with - a former rugby player. She threatens to kick guy's asses all the time, I knew it would be an easy transition.
After I told her I liked it and after she did it a few times, she admitted to me that she actually finds it kinda fun, and as we proceed I can see her getting into it alot more. Shes all like "say my name!" and playing around all dominatrix-like. Its possible that more women just need to be exposed to it, since from the beginning they are taught that it shouldn't be done to a guy unless you are being attacked/raped - and that it certainly, most definately would not give a guy pleasure. Opening them up to this new experience might make them more curious and interested...
By the way, sorry I didn't notice there was another topic like this when I made my original post.
06-01-2005, 01:25 AM
Only my girlfriend from a few years ago knows about my BB fetish. I work at a stuffy university and I would never reveal this sort of thing to anybody there. Thank goodness for this forum and yalls!
06-02-2005, 03:19 AM
Almost all my friends know about mine.
I've a livejournal dork, and I spend alot of time modding a community called Brutal_honesty. This was the first place I confessed my ballbusting fetishes, and then, unbeknownst, I had a few IRL friends lurking in the community.
Then I made a secret journal where I explained to a few people how my fetishes came to be, why I think I have them, misconceptions, etc. Well, I accidentally placed the entry on the wrong page, and didnt realize it for 10 minutes. A good number of my IRL friends saw then too.
Now, it gets brought up as a joke on a semi-regular basis.
My friend calls me for a party the other day, I'm in bed...tell him I dont want to go. Hot redhead in the background yells "Tell ____ I'll kick him in the balls if he comes..."
I have yet to have many people take me up on it, but most of my female friends have male boyfriends. But, as more people find out, the better my chances get. The people only act really weird about it, if you act really weird about it. If you're almost nonchalant, they feed off it. Or open up about theirs...Ive found some freaky shit out about my friends.
However, I'll wake up some mornings, and a few of my hot friends (one in Washington) leaves AIM messages like "I was just trying on this sexy pair of shoes, and thinking how much I want to take a road trip, just so I can kick you in the balls". Way to wake up in the morning.
Then again, I think I have a fetish for confessing my fetishes.
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