View Full Version : Julie's Fetishes (Part 1)
01-13-2005, 06:33 PM
I am 23, female, and love both BB and CB. I am bi and both my bf and gf are into this as well :) I am ony into consentual BB and CB adna have never and will never kick a person that doesnt want me to. That, to me, is sexual assualt, wether it be to a girl OR a guy.
I am not into giving or recieving extreme pain and never go beyond the limits set out before a session starts.
To be 100% honest and up front, I really prefer CB, guys know its gonna hurt and are ready for it, but lots of girls think they wont get hurt so the reaction is FAR better :eek:
To all the people that are going to ask, no I dont shave my pussy and dont like others shaved either. I like people to look like they have passed puberty :p
I prefer wearing just panties and a bra when busting and the girl or guy to be dressed the same, guys dont have to wear a bra tho :P I prefer either busing in my platfom boots or in stockings.
Well thats a little about me :) I have been here for nearly a month and have said next to nothing other than posting links to two vids and about 3 other posts, so I thought I better say more :)
01-13-2005, 07:59 PM
Well, I really only have one more question after reading your last message.
When do we get hitched, babe?
01-14-2005, 12:23 AM
Welcome. Just curious. How did you get into this? I just can't seem to figure out how to get a woman interested in this sort of thing.
What d you do like to do for CB? And in regards to how you got ino this, have you always known you liked it? It's always interesting to find out.
01-14-2005, 01:24 PM
Thanks for reading my thread :) and heres some answers to ur questions :)
Well, I really only have one more question after reading your last message.
When do we get hitched, babe?
I am currently in New Zealand, so if ur ever over here, just get in contact :)
01-14-2005, 01:31 PM
Welcome. Just curious. How did you get into this? I just can't seem to figure out how to get a woman interested in this sort of thing.
I am assuming that ur asking about the BB. My current boyfriend is that only guy I have been with were the BB has played a big part in the relationship. He knew from the start that I liked giving adn recieving pain, so one day asked if I would kick and knee him in the balls. I am not sure about the rules on giving out other sites adresses, but there are some sites out there that specialize in people what want to meet people like us :)
01-14-2005, 01:47 PM
What d you do like to do for CB? And in regards to how you got ino this, have you always known you liked it? It's always interesting to find out.
For CB, I like the girl to be either just in panties and a bra or maybe a hipster mini and tight top if she prefers. I hate thongs and g-strings so prefer bikini or French cut. Normally I get them to stand with there legs spread really wide, hands behind their back so they cant 'reflex block' Getting them to close thier eyes is also a bonus. THen I either kick or knee them, depending on what we have talked about before hand. My current gf prefers hard knees :)
I didnt get into this in a nice way :( A very close friend of mine in year 4 (grade 4) was kicked in the balls by a girl at our school because he bumped into her in the hall, so I went up to her and said something like "I bet you wouldnt think it was so funny if I was to do that to you." Her reply was along the lines of "I wouldnt care because girls cant get hurt there" So, I asked her if I could kick her. Her and her friends thougth that that would be a great joke, so she spread her legs and said "Take your best shot" and I did. I will never ever forget the look of utter and total shock on her face as she doubled up and fell to the floor screaming. I consider that consentual as she did ask me to take my best shot :)
01-14-2005, 02:26 PM
Wow! A gal that busts both sexes. At this moment Julie my legs are spread and awaiting your kick. Will you give me a cyber kick? :ibow4u:
play with my plums
01-14-2005, 03:09 PM
Hello Julie18nz :)
I must admit, I never realised CB existed untill you posted. Well at least not in the form of women taking knees & kicks anyway.
I would be curious to hear you describe what it feels like to be CB`d, as I`m sure its gotta hurt but would like to know if you get the intense mix of pleasure & pain that us blokes get from BB?
I`m a little ashamed to say I once had a BB/CB incident many years ago with a girlfriend, at one of my schools lame disco`s. She was really pissed with me about something & started frantically trying to kick me in the nuts. I can`t say as I was into having them kicked at the time & as we fell to the cola covered floor, her legs still flailing at me, I reactionally kicked one of mine out & accidently caught her squarely in the c**t! :o
Judging from the look on her face & her instant sillence, it must of hurt.
Needless to say we were no longer boyfriend & girlfriend after that.
Still, maybe that sparked an interest in CB with her, like kicking that girl did with you. I mean I wasn`t into letting her kick away at my balls back then but the idea seems quite apealing now! ;)
I too have only been at this site for about a month & like you have hardly posted (mainly cause I`m shy & lazy) but definately intend to post more now & look foward to reading more of your posts. :)
01-14-2005, 04:42 PM
Wow! A gal that busts both sexes. At this moment Julie my legs are spread and awaiting your kick. Will you give me a cyber kick? :ibow4u:
I believe in equality, whats good for one sex should be good for the other :p For the cyber kick, would u like me to do a run up, or do it from a standing start? :D
01-14-2005, 04:53 PM
Hello Julie18nz :)
I must admit, I never realised CB existed untill you posted. Well at least not in the form of women taking knees & kicks anyway.
I would be curious to hear you describe what it feels like to be CB`d, as I`m sure its gotta hurt but would like to know if you get the intense mix of pleasure & pain that us blokes get from BB?
I think that CB must be one of the best kept secrets on the Net:p and saddly there are very few good pics and I have yet to see a half believable video, just over acted WWF stuff and we ALL know how real THAT is :p
I would assume that the pain is different for girls as we dont have testicles and my bf tells me that is what hurts like hell, but if I get a few good swift kicks and get a little turned on, and get a good stiff knee to the clit then the pain is almost unbearable. The mixture of pleasure and pain has given me some of the best orgasms I have ever had.
I wish I had been at that disco to see ur gfs face :eek: It really DOES catch girls by surprise, but there is more than just a couple of lips down there, and even they can hurt like hell will a well placed kick or knee :) Its just a shame that she wasnt into it at the time, you could have had kick for kick competions :) Maybe you should look her up sometime :p
play with my plums
01-14-2005, 06:13 PM
I think that CB must be one of the best kept secrets on the Net:p and saddly there are very few good pics and I have yet to see a half believable video, just over acted WWF stuff and we ALL know how real THAT is :p
WWF not real! Why just yesterday they showed these two panda`s going at it... oh hang on, I`m getting confused. :weryfun
...The mixture of pleasure and pain has given me some of the best orgasms I have ever had.
It`s a winning combination. Not so keen on it when I`ve still got the pain afterwards though. ;)
I wish I had been at that disco to see ur gfs face :eek: It really DOES catch girls by surprise, but there is more than just a couple of lips down there, and even they can hurt like hell will a well placed kick or knee :) Its just a shame that she wasnt into it at the time, you could have had kick for kick competions :) Maybe you should look her up sometime :p
Yeah she did look pretty suprised. :o
No I definately don`t want to meet up with her again. She was becoming a really nasty & manipulative person before that event & really messed with my head. Not going to go into it here but it was more than just her I had to get over when we split. :(
Thanks for the brief description of CB technique & sensation. I have never liked the idea of hurting a woman but I think if its done in a fun, non violent way, with definate sexual stimulation for her then what the hey. It must be kinda fun to give pleasure & pain whilst receiving it at the same time. :)
Like a lot of single guys, I browse through a fair bit of porn on the net. So if I see anything thats up your alley, (so to speak :p) I`ll send you the link.
Hey Julie18nz, I think it's cool how you stuck up for your freind. You don't hear about that happening often enough. Most boys don't have female freind to even the score when they get busted.
01-14-2005, 08:00 PM
Thanks for the brief description of CB technique & sensation. I have never liked the idea of hurting a woman but I think if its done in a fun, non violent way, with definate sexual stimulation for her then what the hey. It must be kinda fun to give pleasure & pain whilst receiving it at the same time. :)
Like a lot of single guys, I browse through a fair bit of porn on the net. So if I see anything thats up your alley, (so to speak :p) I`ll send you the link.
Not a problem Plums :) Giving and recieving at the same time is great, to me that is TRULY mutual.
About the mind games :( I just dont understand why some girls do that adn it seems to be a female thing then a male one. I know my current bf was pretty messed up when I first met him :(
ANY links you could find would be great. I have looked and looked nad have yet to find anything passable.
01-14-2005, 08:04 PM
Hey Julie18nz, I think it's cool how you stuck up for your freind. You don't hear about that happening often enough. Most boys don't have female freind to even the score when they get busted.
I was going to get him to do it, but just a few days before, a boy had been sent home for just shoving a girl that had hit him, so I didnt want him getting into trouble. All that happened to me was that I was told not to do it again. I am glad I took no notice of THAT suggestion :p
01-14-2005, 08:33 PM
I didnt get into this in a nice way :( A very close friend of mine in year 4 (grade 4) was kicked in the balls by a girl at our school because he bumped into her in the hall, so I went up to her and said something like "I bet you wouldnt think it was so funny if I was to do that to you." Her reply was along the lines of "I wouldnt care because girls cant get hurt there" So, I asked her if I could kick her. Her and her friends thougth that that would be a great joke, so she spread her legs and said "Take your best shot" and I did. I will never ever forget the look of utter and total shock on her face as she doubled up and fell to the floor screaming. I consider that consentual as she did ask me to take my best shot :)
I'd say that that qualifies you for a medal. Or a cunt punt, whichever you prefer.
(I think the phrase "cunt punt" is seriously underused -- I got it from a bisexual ballbusting gf after I slept with her woman and she found out and then informed me that she "cunt punted" the poor dear. Spoke to the other woman later and she was definitely NOT into getting kicked in her reproductive organs, and was even embarrassed that it had hppened, which made it all the sexier to me. Mmmmmm, cunt punt.)
01-14-2005, 09:29 PM
I'd say that that qualifies you for a medal. Or a cunt punt, whichever you prefer.
(I think the phrase "cunt punt" is seriously underused -- I got it from a bisexual ballbusting gf after I slept with her woman and she found out and then informed me that she "cunt punted" the poor dear. Spoke to the other woman later and she was definitely NOT into getting kicked in her reproductive organs, and was even embarrassed that it had hppened, which made it all the sexier to me. Mmmmmm, cunt punt.)
Or a cuntpunting medal??? :D
Can u give me the name address and phone number of ur ex, always looking for more girls into this :p
01-14-2005, 09:58 PM
Or a cuntpunting medal??? :D
Note to self: design cuntpunting medal. Subsequently, design web page devoted to cunt punting. design self-defense course and/or tournament centered on the cunt punt ("the cuntpunting championships"?). Marry Julie. Oh, and evilgrl. And clone Sara.
Can u give me the name address and phone number of ur ex, always looking for more girls into this :p
I'm afraid she partied a bit too much. Well, a LOT too much. Her liver shut down from alcohol poisoning and she is gone. The woman she punted and I were two of her primary caretakers in her final days, which were not many; she insisted on continuing to drink (I don't know which "friend" of hers was buying her the booze). Her name was Amy, but her address and phone number are forevermore unlisted.
01-14-2005, 10:35 PM
I'm afraid she partied a bit too much. Well, a LOT too much. Her liver shut down from alcohol poisoning and she is gone. The woman she punted and I were two of her primary caretakers in her final days, which were not many; she insisted on continuing to drink (I don't know which "friend" of hers was buying her the booze). Her name was Amy, but her address and phone number are forevermore unlisted.
I am really sorry to hear that :( The 'friend' that was getting her the booze, is the sort we can ALL do without :(
01-16-2005, 02:34 AM
hey julie
im in sydney australia- really close to u!
do u ever come around to aus?
01-16-2005, 12:02 PM
Hi Space,
Sorry, but I havent been to Oz in years, and currently am unable to leave the country
Jennifer tv
01-16-2005, 11:05 PM
I think this might be the sexiest thread I have seen yet......I'm just all tingly about it!
And I don' mind wearing the bra too
I have had some very sexy bb with bi and lesbian women....who like doing to me when I look like a girl.
Feel free to ask any questions
01-17-2005, 09:01 AM
you couldn't be any further away from me :)
But you can give me a cyber-kick in the nuts. For me, that will first mean describing the shoes, and possibly posting a picture of them (or a link to a site that sells them).
The rest I can leave to my imagination :)
01-17-2005, 12:01 PM
A BB/CB BATTLE between a man and a woman? bothe in the nude - taking turns till one begs for mercy? :bananajum :bananajum
01-17-2005, 12:02 PM
I think this might be the sexiest thread I have seen yet......I'm just all tingly about it!
And I don' mind wearing the bra too
I have had some very sexy bb with bi and lesbian women....who like doing to me when I look like a girl.
Feel free to ask any questions
Hi Jennifer :)
It would be no problem if u kept the bra on. My current bf is a crossdresser and I LOVE it when we 'dress; for a session, my fave is when we both dress as cheerleads adn go kick for kick :) I like it when he tucks, it looks almost like a girl then so I get two for one :p
01-17-2005, 01:11 PM
you couldn't be any further away from me :)
But you can give me a cyber-kick in the nuts. For me, that will first mean describing the shoes, and possibly posting a picture of them (or a link to a site that sells them).
The rest I can leave to my imagination :)
Ok, heres the link. My boots are the 5" chunky ones, both styles, pull up or lace up :) have fun dreaming of them being used on ur balls :)
01-17-2005, 01:22 PM
A BB/CB BATTLE between a man and a woman? bothe in the nude - taking turns till one begs for mercy? :bananajum :bananajum
Hi :)
I would prefer to be wearing panites if that's ok, its just a little fetish of mine :p I have had kick for kick battles with my current bf, so far hes winning 33/26 :( I have to cath up :p
01-17-2005, 02:14 PM
Have you ever really beaten up a guy? Made him cry? :ibow4u: :ibow4u:
01-17-2005, 05:11 PM
Have you ever really beaten up a guy? Made him cry? :ibow4u: :ibow4u:
Have done it both ways ie: kicked my bf till he cried and been kicked by him till I cried
Jennifer tv
01-17-2005, 05:38 PM
Hi Jennifer :)
It would be no problem if u kept the bra on. My current bf is a crossdresser and I LOVE it when we 'dress; for a session, my fave is when we both dress as cheerleads adn go kick for kick :) I like it when he tucks, it looks almost like a girl then so I get two for one :p
Wow, that is my fave fantasy as well!!!
I have some pics if u want to see.
Be fun to have a three way kick fest!!!
How tall is your bf? Im 5'9
Jennifer tv
01-17-2005, 05:40 PM
ps-I wish girls like u were around when I was
Jennifer tv
01-17-2005, 05:54 PM
Thanks for posting are a rare bird!!
01-17-2005, 07:43 PM
Wow, that is my fave fantasy as well!!!
I have some pics if u want to see.
Be fun to have a three way kick fest!!!
How tall is your bf? Im 5'9
Hmmmmm must have something to do with the height coz hes 5'9" too :p Either that, or your him under another name :p Thank you thank you thank you for the pics, they are YUMMIE :ibow4u:
FINALLY I have REAL pics of a girl getting kicked and kneed :D
01-17-2005, 11:53 PM
Will u post them julie 18nz
01-18-2005, 12:07 AM
Hmmmmm must have something to do with the height coz hes 5'9" too :p Either that, or your him under another name :p
Nope; it's got to be the height. I'm 183cm (5'10"), but people argue that I am not. My posture is lazy and my back permanently warped from years of trying to read a Commodore 64 screen. When I straighten up, people say I look much, much, much bigger.Okay, so now we know that women who have a 34c chest are into kicking guys in the balls (based on data supplied by EvilGrl), and we know that guys who are around 180cm (5'9") are into having their nuts turned into pulp.
That's what we'uns call a thorough study of the demographics of ballbusting.
01-18-2005, 01:33 AM
Ok, heres the link. My boots are the 5" chunky ones, both styles, pull up or lace up :) have fun dreaming of them being used on ur balls :)
wow, you are one cool sexy chick! I like both the black and the white boots, both with and without laces.
01-18-2005, 02:00 AM
Nope; it's got to be the height. I'm 183cm (5'10"), but people argue that I am not. My posture is lazy and my back permanently warped from years of trying to read a Commodore 64 screen. When I straighten up, people say I look much, much, much bigger.Okay, so now we know that women who have a 34c chest are into kicking guys in the balls (based on data supplied by EvilGrl), and we know that guys who are around 180cm (5'9") are into having their nuts turned into pulp.
That's what we'uns call a thorough study of the demographics of ballbusting.
Your conversion from cm to ft/in is not quite accurate. You must divide number of cm by 2.54 to get number of inches. I am 1.79m and 5'10½"
183cm is 6"
5'9" (69 inches) is only 175cm
Still, being approximately 180cm must explain why I like having my nuts cracked.
01-18-2005, 02:43 AM
* Gives Julie18nz a virtual CB back * (hey, that caught you by surprise). With these shoes:
Jennifer tv
01-18-2005, 04:37 AM
Hmmmmm must have something to do with the height coz hes 5'9" too :p Either that, or your him under another name :p Thank you thank you thank you for the pics, they are YUMMIE :ibow4u:
FINALLY I have REAL pics of a girl getting kicked and kneed :D
Those pics are me getting kicked.....
Do u have any pics of u and your bf in a skirt?
01-18-2005, 08:53 AM
Your conversion from cm to ft/in is not quite accurate. You must divide number of cm by 2.54 to get number of inches. I am 1.79m and 5'10½"
183cm is 6"
. . . . . . .
:Baahaha: Hee, hee! :Baahaha:
This is where 'Trouble' points out to you that 183 cm is not 6".
It's 6'.
(Feet. Not inches.)
I'm only joking and being "picky". Just a typo I guess! :D Sorry. ;)
- Sara :)
01-18-2005, 10:24 AM
yeah, silly me - I deserve a good hard kick in the balls for that.
01-18-2005, 01:33 PM
Okay, so now we know that women who have a 34c chest are into kicking guys in the balls (based on data supplied by EvilGrl), and we know that guys who are around 180cm (5'9") are into having their nuts turned into pulp.
That's what we'uns call a thorough study of the demographics of ballbusting.
I think u may be onto something with the 34c thing. I am a 34c too :p
01-18-2005, 01:35 PM
* Gives Julie18nz a virtual CB back * (hey, that caught you by surprise). With these shoes:
OUCHIES :eek: and thank you :)
01-18-2005, 01:38 PM
Those pics are me getting kicked.....
Do u have any pics of u and your bf in a skirt?
I know its you, and ur a girl :)
My bf has a few, none of us kicking tho. I will have to ask his permission to post them, and thank you for posting more :D
01-18-2005, 05:51 PM
Hi Julie.........
Missed most of this post till now :( sound like the kinda girl I need to meet up with for an afternoon :)
Hope to catcha around...
01-18-2005, 07:50 PM
Hi Julie.........
Missed most of this post till now :( sound like the kinda girl I need to meet up with for an afternoon :)
Hope to catcha around...
or maybe an evening or maybe both :) I could kick you all afternoon, then you could kick me all evening
Hope I see u around :)
01-18-2005, 09:49 PM
I think u may be onto something with the 34c thing. I am a 34c too :p
Oh, stop it, you're just trying to make me drool on my keyboard.
D'OH! Too late.
Yes, and now we know that I prefer to avoid multiplying numbers that I cannot factor in my head; I memorize a lot of stuff and sometimes get things wrong. It's true. I'm sorry and shit. I'm actually only 6 inches tall.
2.54 is not readily conducive to factoring, so I don't multoply anything by it unless I really have to.
Anyway, the point is that we now know that a 34c chest is a sure sign of a ballbuster. I'll be sure to carry some measuring tape with me from now on.
01-18-2005, 10:03 PM
Oh, stop it, you're just trying to make me drool on my keyboard.
D'OH! Too late.
Yes, and now we know that I prefer to avoid multiplying numbers that I cannot factor in my head; I memorize a lot of stuff and sometimes get things wrong. It's true. I'm sorry and shit. I'm actually only 6 inches tall.
2.54 is not readily conducive to factoring, so I don't multoply anything by it unless I really have to.
Anyway, the point is that we now know that a 34c chest is a sure sign of a ballbuster. I'll be sure to carry some measuring tape with me from now on.
Going around measuring girls tits everywhere you go would be one SURE FIRE way of getting kicked in the balls more :) I wonder if that would work for ME too
:D Well NOT in the balls coz I dont have any :p, but it may be worth a try :p
01-18-2005, 10:22 PM
Goinf around measuring girls tits everywhere you go would be one SURE FIRE way of getting kicked in the balls more :) I wonder if that would work for ME too
You mean women DON'T go around measuring each other? I guess my fantasies are a bit out of touch with reality...
My previous best friend (long story...) is a flat-chested chick that I have known all my life. I strongly suspect that if I so much as asked if I could measure her that I would greatly increase my chances of getting kicked in the balls. Too bad we don't talk any more.
My CURRENT best friend is also a chick, but, unfortunately, she's a Vulcan. If I start to measure her, she'll probably look at me and say something like, "If you were thinking of getting me a brassiere for Christmas, I feel it is my duty to inform you that the Holiday has already come and gone and my birthday is not until September. I see no other logical reason why the size of my chest would matter to you."
(Vulcan chicks are a little slow to figure things out. Her most recent one was, "Hm. This poem you wrote is about being in love with a woman who is a Virgo with three sons. Quite a coincidence; I'm a Virgo and I have three sons. By the nature of the poem, it would seem logical to conclude that this person is someone you really love. Are you going to give her a copy of this poem? It's well-written; I think she'll like it.")
And, yes, I DO call her a "pointy-eared halfbreed", but she doesn't get the reference.
01-18-2005, 10:29 PM
:D Well NOT in the balls coz I dont have any :p, but it may be worth a try :p
How did I miss this part?
*Kicks Julie18nz in the balls.*
You're welcome.
Jennifer tv
01-19-2005, 06:59 AM
I know its you, and ur a girl :)
My bf has a few, none of us kicking tho. I will have to ask his permission to post them, and thank you for posting more :D
I think you are an ideal woman......your whole attidie is so hot!!!
Hope to see u some time.
(meet you after school in our kilts...)
ps-check out the pics in my post on office clothes in the other forum
01-19-2005, 09:10 AM
Sounds like a great day to me..........your on :)
Just say the time and place and I will put my best Kicking boots on lol.....
01-19-2005, 01:46 PM
And, yes, I DO call her a "pointy-eared halfbreed", but she doesn't get the reference.
Sounds like "pointy eared halfWIT" would be a better discription :p and u missed the other bit coz u answered as I was editing it :) I am the Typo Queen, so always have to edit at least twice :p
01-19-2005, 01:49 PM
I think you are an ideal woman......your whole attidie is so hot!!!
Hope to see u some time.
(meet you after school in our kilts...)
ps-check out the pics in my post on office clothes in the other forum
School uniforms :bananad: I just LOVE a girl in a uniform :loveeyes
01-20-2005, 02:02 AM
Sounds like "pointy eared halfWIT" would be a better discription :p and u missed the other bit coz u answered as I was editing it :) I am the Typo Queen, so always have to edit at least twice :p
At least you're a Queen. ;)
The pointy-eared halfwit eventually figured it out. She's still sort of, "I'm not certain if logic dictates that I have comparable feelings for you or not."
On the one hand, it's actually really cute; on the oher hand, I entertain thoughts of demonstrating the Vulcan Bitch Slap.
I also figure that, if I persevere, I might soon experience the Vulcan Nerve Pinch in the location they didn't use in Star Trek. Then there's the Vulcan Nut Grip, the Vulcan Testicle Grind, etc. Mmmmmm, Vulcans.
01-20-2005, 08:07 AM
Julie I have sent ya files over so check ya mail.................and "or maybe an evening or maybe both I could kick you all afternoon, then you could kick me all evening "
Lets get it on lol :)
01-20-2005, 01:18 PM
At least you're a Queen. ;)
The pointy-eared halfwit eventually figured it out. She's still sort of, "I'm not certain if logic dictates that I have comparable feelings for you or not."
On the one hand, it's actually really cute; on the oher hand, I entertain thoughts of demonstrating the Vulcan Bitch Slap.
I also figure that, if I persevere, I might soon experience the Vulcan Nerve Pinch in the location they didn't use in Star Trek. Then there's the Vulcan Nut Grip, the Vulcan Testicle Grind, etc. Mmmmmm, Vulcans.
Oh, do the Vulcan nerve pinch on ME first :bananajum and u KNOW where :)
If you do persever, I hope she 'sees the logic' in kicking you in the balls :D
01-20-2005, 01:21 PM
Julie I have sent ya files over so check ya mail.................and "or maybe an evening or maybe both I could kick you all afternoon, then you could kick me all evening "
Lets get it on lol :)
Thanks Tommy, they are very nice. I really liked the pic of th egirl kneeing the guy up against the car. I looked at her shoes adn went off into a little day dream :p
01-20-2005, 01:29 PM
I woud like to say a very BIG thank you to Sara for letting me talk so openly here. I have joined BB groups and boards before, but as soon as I have mentioned CB I have been banned.
This is a really great board, I would have to say, the best I have ever seen. With really great people. Thank you for letting me stay :)
01-20-2005, 02:58 PM
If you do persever, I hope she 'sees the logic' in kicking you in the balls :D
Don't ALL women, sooner or later, come to the conclusion that logic dictates a good kick to the nuts?
As for being banned for mentioning cuntbusting on other boards: yes, this place is great. I usually get banned as soon as I mention Lempel-Ziv 77. ;)
So this crowd accepts:
-Kicking testicles as erotic subject matter;
-Kicking cunts (like julie18nz's) as erotic subject matter;
-Data compression algorithms as less-than-hated subject matter (the brief discussions on technology, like Tamakeri's question about access mode and mine about any number of geek stuff, have not been loaded with the pretentious snot-nose 'tude that often shows up on programmer dicussion groups);
-Foreign language posts (English preferred, but not required);
-I mean, heck. If I brought up that red bell pappers typically have a greater vitamin C content than green bell peppers in an erotic and stimulating way, they'd probably allow that, too!
(Okay, if she kicks you in the balls, use the green bell pepper; if she kicks you REALLY HARD, use the red bell pepper. Insert into her and slowly suck the thing out of her as you munch it down. Mmm, yeah, swallow that bell pepper down, tiger.)
01-20-2005, 06:13 PM
No probs, glad you like them...............if I find anything else you might like Ill send it over...
01-21-2005, 04:40 AM
I woud like to say a very BIG thank you to Sara for letting me talk so openly here. I have joined BB groups and boards before, but as soon as I have mentioned CB I have been banned.
This is a really great board, I would have to say, the best I have ever seen. With really great people. Thank you for letting me stay :)
Hey, no problem, Julie :)
Your thread is popular. Over 1,700 page views so far and over 60 posts.
Your posts are related to ballbusting in some way, and you're popular here! :D
Besides, as 'Trouble' pointed out, I'm not overly strict. :Baahaha: This forum is for the members to share everything related to ballbusting.
As long as posts have something to do with ballbusting, other fetishes (or combination of fetishes) are OK here.
Other types of posts (as mentioned by Trouble) that deal with posting problems, viewing problems associated with certain file formats posted by others, etc... are OK too.
I hope you continue to post, Julie.
- Sara :)
play with my plums
01-21-2005, 06:52 PM
Hurmm... I see a patern forming here. I`m 5`9" myself. So the next time I`m out & spot a couple - where the girls got a 34C chest & the guys my hight - I`ll be thinking "I know what your into". :Baahaha:
Well my curiosity`s aroused now. So go on Sara, in the name of ballbusting research, tell us the size of your boobies! :D
01-22-2005, 01:16 AM
Don't ALL women, sooner or later, come to the conclusion that logic dictates a good kick to the nuts?
As for being banned for mentioning cuntbusting on other boards: yes, this place is great. I usually get banned as soon as I mention Lempel-Ziv 77. ;)
So this crowd accepts:
-Kicking testicles as erotic subject matter;
-Kicking cunts (like julie18nz's) as erotic subject matter;
-Data compression algorithms as less-than-hated subject matter (the brief discussions on technology, like Tamakeri's question about access mode and mine about any number of geek stuff, have not been loaded with the pretentious snot-nose 'tude that often shows up on programmer dicussion groups);
-Foreign language posts (English preferred, but not required);
-I mean, heck. If I brought up that red bell pappers typically have a greater vitamin C content than green bell peppers in an erotic and stimulating way, they'd probably allow that, too!
(Okay, if she kicks you in the balls, use the green bell pepper; if she kicks you REALLY HARD, use the red bell pepper. Insert into her and slowly suck the thing out of her as you munch it down. Mmm, yeah, swallow that bell pepper down, tiger.)
ANYONE who mentions Lempel-Ziv 77 SHOULD be banned :p There ARE limits, you know. I take it that u dont find Data compression algorithms erotic??? I am starting to worry about you, Trouble :p
Eating peppers is never going to be the same now :p
01-22-2005, 01:19 AM
Hurmm... I see a patern forming here. I`m 5`9" myself. So the next time I`m out & spot a couple - where the girls got a 34C chest & the guys my hight - I`ll be thinking "I know what your into". :Baahaha:
Well my curiosity`s aroused now. So go on Sara, in the name of ballbusting research, tell us the size of your boobies! :D
I think I may be looking at a few of my friends slightly differently from now on :p
01-22-2005, 09:37 PM
ANYONE who mentions Lempel-Ziv 77 SHOULD be banned :p There ARE limits, you know. I take it that u dont find Data compression algorithms erotic??? I am starting to worry about you, Trouble :p
It seems like just the other day that I was flirting with a young, well-bosomed computer science chick by slowly describing the ins and outs (and ins and outs, and ins and outs, etc.) of CmpByteRun1. My goodness, how innocent is that, compared to the LZ family? Or (BLUSH) Huffman?
Eating peppers is never going to be the same now :p
It was good for me, too, baby.
I think I may be looking at a few of my friends slightly differently from now on
You can borrow my measuring tape. Don't ask about the mark at 23cm. :o
01-23-2005, 05:22 PM
Well my curiosity`s aroused now. So go on Sara, in the name of ballbusting research, tell us the size of your boobies! :D
I wasn't going to mention this, but I'm also a 34C.
Just a coincidence I guess! :o
- Sara :)
play with my plums
01-23-2005, 06:31 PM
I wasn't going to mention this, but I'm also a 34C.
Just a coincidence I guess! :o
- Sara :)
01-23-2005, 06:59 PM
You can borrow my measuring tape. Don't ask about the mark at 23cm. :o
Hmmm, 23cm, the circumfernce of ur balls are I have given them half a dozen good hard knees ??? :p
Originally Posted by SadisticSara
I wasn't going to mention this, but I'm also a 34C.
Just a coincidence I guess!
- Sara
Looks like 34c RULES the BB world :bananad: Now all I need to do is find a few 34c girls into CB and I am in HEAVEN :bananajum
play with my plums
01-23-2005, 07:11 PM
Looks like 34c RULES the BB world :bananad: Now all I need to do is find a few 34c girls into CB and I am in HEAVEN :bananajum
NOOO... don`t take them all Julie! Leave me at least one 34c, to work on my balls. :Baahaha:
01-25-2005, 03:52 PM
Julie, since you have a sadistic side and a masochistic one, would you let someone like, say, me, kick you in the boobs instead of your cunt?
01-25-2005, 04:13 PM
Julie, since you have a sadistic side and a masochistic one, would you let someone like, say, me, kick you in the boobs instead of your cunt?
Kick my pussy, kick my boobs, tie me down and whip me. Bring on the pain :bananajum
Ok, now I am off to have a quick cold shower :p
01-25-2005, 11:47 PM
Ok, now I am off to have a quick cold shower :p
Yeah... Same here... Whoo!
01-26-2005, 03:03 AM
Kick my pussy, kick my boobs, tie me down and whip me. Bring on the pain :bananajum
Ok, now I am off to have a quick cold shower :pLOL.........Julie your mad and i like it :)
01-26-2005, 06:52 PM
Kick my pussy, kick my boobs, tie me down and whip me. Bring on the pain
Julie, your comment is probably one of the first woman-written acknowledgement of really enjoying erotic pain. I guess that all of us men who like to have our balls abused, must like the pain...the pain I generate when I squeeze my balls is wonderful...rather the endorphine rush that ALWAYS follows the pain is what's wonderful...I just have to put up with the agony of the ball pain, knowning of what's coming.
Do you get a chemical high from erotic pain or is your enjoyment from another source? My wife never got into enjoying any kind of pain and she really thought I was wierd in liking my balls crushed to the degree that I achieved. May times I suggested that she, too, might enjoy the rush from some erotic type of pain, but she never would even try.
Do you have a "favorite" method of having pain inflicted on you? Would you be so kind as to tell us a little about your enjoyment of pain.
The Geezer
01-26-2005, 08:39 PM
Julie, your comment is probably one of the first woman-written acknowledgement of really enjoying erotic pain. I guess that all of us men who like to have our balls abused, must like the pain...the pain I generate when I squeeze my balls is wonderful...rather the endorphine rush that ALWAYS follows the pain is what's wonderful...I just have to put up with the agony of the ball pain, knowning of what's coming.
Do you get a chemical high from erotic pain or is your enjoyment from another source? My wife never got into enjoying any kind of pain and she really thought I was wierd in liking my balls crushed to the degree that I achieved. May times I suggested that she, too, might enjoy the rush from some erotic type of pain, but she never would even try.
Do you have a "favorite" method of having pain inflicted on you? Would you be so kind as to tell us a little about your enjoyment of pain.
The Geezer
I think a lot of women enjoy pain, but are scared to admit it. Society sees men that like pain as strange enough, but accepts that men are 'weird', were as 'women' are supposed to be 'normal'. What ever the heck 'normal' is supposed to mean :p
Yes I do get a 'high' from pain. I have even had a few orgasms from it too :) I dont know if I have one single favourite method, but I would HAVE to put CB on the top of the list. I also like pussy clamps, nipple claps, breast bondage and VERY hard spanking. When I am having pain inflicted to a certain part of my body, its sort of like that is the ONLY part of my body that exsists at that moment, it lets me FEEL that part of my body, that is probably why I LOVE CB and breast torture soooooooooooooo much :)
I hope this explaination helps a little :)
01-27-2005, 12:14 AM
I think a lot of women enjoy pain, but are scared to admit it. Society sees men that like pain as strange enough, but accepts that men are 'weird', were as 'women' are supposed to be 'normal'. What ever the heck 'normal' is supposed to mean :p
You know, the thing that guys can do that yooooooo can't (nyah nyah!) is cervix-busting. I've always heard that women are *more* likely to enjoy pain because the mechanis of intercourse can be, kinda, you know, rough on 'em. Trouble, for example (yes, that Latin lover known to all of you as Manuel Alphonse Rodriguez de la Rocha), has had women try to explain to him that it feels really good for "something" (Manuel is minding his manners) hit the cervix, but it's also painful.
Manuel listens, of course, but, yeah, right, like I care either way.
01-28-2005, 04:11 PM
I would HAVE to put CB on the top of the list...I LOVE CB and breast torture soooooooooooooo much.
Thanks for your comments. Could you be a little more specific about exactly what CB is? Methods, tools, duration, know, some details. It must be clear that I really don't know what CB is and how you administer it (get it administered??).
Many of us men have trouble getting our partners to apply more than minimal pressure/pain. Do you have trouble getting your partner to CB you hard enough to cause you the amount of pain you desire?
Do you self-CB? Using what methods? What's your favorite technique of raising your erotic pain level when you are alone?
I'm into slow and severe testicle squeezing at this time in my life and sometimes I'm amazed at how much pressure I can apply to my much pain I can endure...and how, several years ago, I'd have stopped way before the levels I can achieve now. I usually isolate my balls with metal rings or light cord then apply pressure either manually or by placing one or two or three lobster-claw rubber bands on each isolated ball. Sometimes my fingers get tired but the rubber bands will squeeze forever. Occasionally I use one of several types of locking clamps or pliers or a home-made dowel humbler with a crusher bar.
I, too, can occasionally have an orgasm merely by squeezing and manipulating (only) my nuts over a long period...often it takes several hours of working on my balls to achieve a pain-induced orgasm. Those orgasms just sort of creep up on me and when I feel one approaching, I step up the pressure until I find myself spent and covered. Then I clean up, put my balls away and go about my business for the day (I usually ball-squeeze in the mornings before I shower).
I've had no after-effects of my ball manipulations...maybe occasionally, some slight ache in my pelvic area but no ongoing ball pain or more severe I have no intention of stopping. I used to do some UP a few years ago but stopped after I developed a bad bladder infection and narrowly missed having to go to the hospital. It was great and I often fantasize about doing more but I don't want any hospital time for that reason.
Thanks for your comments.
The Geezer
PS: How about posting some least of your tits being tortured. :wooow
01-30-2005, 04:31 AM
Thanks for your comments. Could you be a little more specific about exactly what CB is? Methods, tools, duration, know, some details. It must be clear that I really don't know what CB is and how you administer it (get it administered??).
Many of us men have trouble getting our partners to apply more than minimal pressure/pain. Do you have trouble getting your partner to CB you hard enough to cause you the amount of pain you desire?
Do you self-CB? Using what methods? What's your favorite technique of raising your erotic pain level when you are alone?
First off, CB is CuntBusting, ie: kicking a girl where a lot of girls, or so it seems, think its so funny to kick a guy. I prefer bare feet or paltform boots myself. My gf prefer me to knee her. She uses boots on me, my bf uses bare feet.
As far as getting them to kick me hard enough. I had a little trouble getting my bf to kick me as hard as I wanted, mainly, I thinks, becuase nearly every guy knows what it feels like ot get hit there, even it its just fron falling on a pole or something. So yes it took a while to get him to kick hard. My gf, as with most girls, thought "What the heck, nothing there to hurt anyway" and kicked me as hard as she could, which was just a little harder than I really wanted. After I kicked her back, about 15 minutes later when I was able to stand up, she quickly found out that it DOES hurt girls too :eek:
If I am in the mood for a 'bust' and am by myself, I noramlly strip down to my panties and bra, spread my legs nice and wide and either get one of my platform boots or a mini baseball bat, and just close my eye and swing :)
I have a few, saddly not very good, photos of CB off the net. I am still desperately trying to get at least semi realistic ones. THe over abundence of BB and the extreme lack of CB leads me to think that the girls who are so tough about kicking guys are really just BIG chickens :) At least I get as good as I give :)
Here are a few picks, if people want more, I will post more.
01-30-2005, 09:21 AM
Is there a special (point-specific) location that excites you most when being busted? Labia? Clit?...or is it just the general pubic area? When you get kick busted, what (location) hurts the most? How long does the major pain last?
Do you get any kind of endorphine rush from the pain?
Other than being kicked and hitting yourself as you described, do you ever use other pain-inducing methods like applying clamps or pulling (stretching)?
When you girls are cunt busting together, do you do anything that us guys wouldn't have the imagination to think to do?
Tell us a little about your breast torture methods? Do you bind or wrap your breasts, squeeze or stretch your nipples?
Where do you like the most pain? Vulva? Clit, Labia, Breast, Nipple? Specifically what do you do to reach a pain-induced orgasm? Can you have an orgasm merely by manipulating your breasts and nipples or to you have to involve your pink parts?
I know these questions may make you think that I'm naive or a dirty old man...actually I am very naive about women enjoying erotic pain AND I am an old man (by most standards) and most people (if they knew what I was really thinking most of the time) would think that my mind is cluttered with "dirty" thoughts...I'd use the word erotic rather than "dirty" though...don't you think?
Thanks for your direct responses...and "more pictures?" of course!!...preferrably of you and your parts.
I think that internet pics are fine to illustrate a point but I sure think that most pics posted to this kind of forum "ought" to be pics of the posters, themselves. The pics I've posted to this forum (maybe 15 or 20 in different threads, I guess) are all of my own "darlings." :iluvu: and are pretty unique (if I do say so myself).
The Geezer
01-31-2005, 01:58 PM
I was suprised to find my wife liked it when I spanked her clit! Not into hard kicks or any thing like that but she also likes it when I grab a hold of her clit as hard as I can and pull and tug on it. I related to it much the same as when she grabs my nuts and squeezes them and pulls on them. Such a mixture of pleasure and pain. I find it is the same with her. I keep thinking their must be something for females that would be the same as when weights are tied to a guys nuts. Any one ever find anything like that for females? I know she my wife would let me try it on her. She will let me tug on her clit hard but little bugger slips out of my fingers. Need to find something so it can go back into hiding! LOL
01-31-2005, 06:37 PM
1. Is there a special (point-specific) location that excites you most when being busted? Labia? Clit?...or is it just the general pubic area? When you get kick busted, what (location) hurts the most? How long does the major pain last?
2. Do you get any kind of endorphine rush from the pain?
3. Other than being kicked and hitting yourself as you described, do you ever use other pain-inducing methods like applying clamps or pulling (stretching)?
4. When you girls are cunt busting together, do you do anything that us guys wouldn't have the imagination to think to do?
5. Tell us a little about your breast torture methods? Do you bind or wrap your breasts, squeeze or stretch your nipples?
6. Where do you like the most pain? Vulva? Clit, Labia, Breast, Nipple? Specifically what do you do to reach a pain-induced orgasm? Can you have an orgasm merely by manipulating your breasts and nipples or to you have to involve your pink parts?
I know these questions may make you think that I'm naive or a dirty old man...actually I am very naive about women enjoying erotic pain AND I am an old man (by most standards) and most people (if they knew what I was really thinking most of the time) would think that my mind is cluttered with "dirty" thoughts...I'd use the word erotic rather than "dirty" though...don't you think?
Thanks for your direct responses...and "more pictures?" of course!!...preferrably of you and your parts.
I think that internet pics are fine to illustrate a point but I sure think that most pics posted to this kind of forum "ought" to be pics of the posters, themselves. The pics I've posted to this forum (maybe 15 or 20 in different threads, I guess) are all of my own "darlings." :iluvu: and are pretty unique (if I do say so myself).
The Geezer
I numbered ur questions so that they woud be a bit easier to answer :)
1. I like getting kicked in the Labia the most, tho a good 'clit kick' every few kicks DOES feel nice :p
2. I get a hell of a 'rush' from the pain, unless it is extreme.
3. I use all three, nipple clamps, pussy clamps and getting my gf or bf to pull on my lips.
4. Probably not. I do use an anal vibrator some times, but I think most guys would think of that as well :)
5. I like my breats bound VERY tightly and spanked and I LOVE my nipples beihg squeezed hard.
6. That depends on how I am feeling at the time, but mainly the Vulva and nipples. Sometimes I will wear nipple clamps while being CB'ed
I dont think ur a dirty old man, u just like pain and are interested in how I like it :)
01-31-2005, 06:47 PM
I was suprised to find my wife liked it when I spanked her clit! Not into hard kicks or any thing like that but she also likes it when I grab a hold of her clit as hard as I can and pull and tug on it. I related to it much the same as when she grabs my nuts and squeezes them and pulls on them. Such a mixture of pleasure and pain. I find it is the same with her. I keep thinking their must be something for females that would be the same as when weights are tied to a guys nuts. Any one ever find anything like that for females? I know she my wife would let me try it on her. She will let me tug on her clit hard but little bugger slips out of my fingers. Need to find something so it can go back into hiding! LOL
heres one link u can find LOTS more if u go to and put pussy clamp in the search box
02-01-2005, 06:01 AM
Thanks Julie, the butterfly with weights does look like something she would like. Looks like we will be needing more weights for our house. Ones for my nuts and ones for her clit!
I can see it now, it is going to be going at it doggy style with weights for both of us! mmmmmm fun.
Gets to be that competitave thing with us, who will handle the most weight, my "SORENUTS" may not be able to keep up to her. She will cheet to win a contest. Lots of the time we will be playing a game taking turns and she will start to squeeze my nuts and jack me off just so I can't concentrate and will lose the game. She wins and gets to do what she wants to my nuts. (I guess if you look at it that way we both win) :bananad:
02-03-2005, 01:13 PM
Thanks Julie, the butterfly with weights does look like something she would like. Looks like we will be needing more weights for our house. Ones for my nuts and ones for her clit!
I can see it now, it is going to be going at it doggy style with weights for both of us! mmmmmm fun.
Gets to be that competitave thing with us, who will handle the most weight, my "SORENUTS" may not be able to keep up to her. She will cheet to win a contest. Lots of the time we will be playing a game taking turns and she will start to squeeze my nuts and jack me off just so I can't concentrate and will lose the game. She wins and gets to do what she wants to my nuts. (I guess if you look at it that way we both win) :bananad:
Maybe you should try hooking the two clamps together with a chain, and putting the weights on the chain, that way u 'share' the weight. That would be perfect for doggy style. Just be careful not to get too carried away :p
max vS
02-11-2005, 04:32 AM
As I (male) am into bb and, even more, into cb, I am glad to her about a girl that likes to be kicked in the c. (I only like girl-girl cb)
What concerns cb on the web, there are a few, but good source and I have a large collectin of stuff. If someone is interested, I can post some pics (and links)
02-11-2005, 02:35 PM
As I (male) am into bb and, even more, into cb, I am glad to her about a girl that likes to be kicked in the c. (I only like girl-girl cb)
What concerns cb on the web, there are a few, but good source and I have a large collectin of stuff. If someone is interested, I can post some pics (and links)
PLEASE DO :ibow4u:
I have been searching for ages to try and find anything even NEARLY believable and have only been able to find stuff like WWF which is about as far from reality as you can get :p I asked Sara a while ago if it would be ok to post CB pics on this thread and she said it was ok, so I assume that links would be ok as well.
After talking to so many guys here and finding out how many like the idea of CB I can only assume that the lack of it on the net is because other girls are just too damn chicken to do it :( BB is EVERYWHERE, which is a GOOD thing. I just wish CB was as easy to find.
As far as M/F F/F CB goes, I like either my bf or my gf doing it to me, but when it comes down to pics and vids, nothing beats F/F :) OK, I'm a bit kinky :p
02-12-2005, 04:37 AM
All I can say is that I'm into cb, I guess inly F/F. But what I'm really into is the idea of a girl thatr's into cb and bb. Holy crap it's a great idea. I had never thought of it until I read your posts, Julie. How awesome would that be to go shot for shot in the crotch with your girl. Playfighting would be the coolest. Picture it, you're wrestling on the ground and she grabs your nuts and twists. So you punch her in the clit to make her let go... and you both get off on it. I'd kick her in the cunt (not too hard) all day long in hopes that she would smack my crotch. It would be like Kato and Inspector Cluseau. (I'll shit myself if that's spelled right) It would just be so much fun.
Anyway, Julie, I just wanna add that you are wonderful. I have no idea what you look like but you're beautiful. If I was your BF I'd never leave you. At least not whitout kicking your cunt first and then running really fast. But seriously, Thank you for being you.
02-12-2005, 01:43 PM
Wow, a thread for everyone into CB! Don't let us get too carried away Sara, we'll be wanting our own forum!
Anyways, some CB links or pics would be very nice, it is so hard to come by.
One of the sites i've found is quite small, but has some decent pics. It's at
02-13-2005, 02:41 AM
Ah-HAH! So you must be about 5' 0" - 5' 10" (around 180cm)!
As to Julie's comment about BB being more accessible than CB - okay, now, I know women have their uses (nudge, nudge, wink, wink), but the Internet, just like cars, was built by men. Yes, studly humans with testicles and penises. Let's be honest: the Internet is full of porn because we, the men, we who created the highways and bridges, and the rock and roll music, love porn. Do we want to see CB? No. Well, yes, but not as much as BB. We, the men of this world, we who created fast food and gymnasiums and math, we stocked the Internet with much advertising and spam -- and why? Because men are suckers and we love to rip each other off by offering a cream that enlarges the proboscis, or a credit card with a lower interest rate. Ha ha! Suckers.
You see, Julie, without men, there would not be airplanes or nylon stockings or the paintings of the renaissance period. There would be, what, cooking? Did women invent anything else? :p
(In answer to what I know you are thinking: yes, I can convince almost any woman to kick me in the balls. It's a gift.)
Cars that break down, Internet that freezes, Bridges that fall down, roads that get cracked and full of pot holes, planes that fall out of the sky and stockings that ladder if u look too hard at them. Ummm, did men event anything that WORKS ???:p
02-13-2005, 10:11 PM
Cars that break down, Internet that freezes, Bridges that fall down, roads that get cracked and full of pot holes, planes that fall out of the sky and stockings that ladder if u look too hard at them. Ummm, did men event anything that WORKS ???:p
Yes. Rap music.
02-14-2005, 12:41 AM
Yes. Rap music.
By RAP music, you ARE meaning the noises that eminate from your mouth when I RAP your nuts REALLY hard with my closed fist, aren't you ??? :p
02-14-2005, 12:54 AM
By RAP music, you ARE meaning the noises that eminate from your mouth when I RAP your nuts REALLY hard with my closed fist, aren't you ??? :p
Ooh, baby. I'm yo' MC, and you mah DJ. Yo, sweetness, show me them knuckles. Mmmmmm, yeah. Y'all is my number one thing. A'ight, beat mah sac, hunny, show me we still got the knack.
Mmmmmm, yeah.
02-14-2005, 12:51 PM
Okay, dis is how it is, a'ight? I'll be MC Left Nut and you be DJ B.B. You can be DJ C.B. in that all-girl leather-clad punkette teeny bopper band you wastin' yo' life in. But when we roll into the world of hip-hop, bay-bee, you be my DJ B.B. and I'll provide yo' MC Left Nut. I'll still be MC Dread Lock in my other band with mah homies. Mmmmmm, yeah.
To answer the question that I know must be running through yo' mind, sweetness, YES, I am a lot of fun in person. Wannah move to Oregon and stay for a while? After just a few weeks, I know we'uns could shake things up and really get the word out bout MC Left Nut and DJ B.B.
Oh, yeah.
Have you kicked someone in the balls with sneakers? I'm wondering because I love sneakers. Could you please tell me how was that and if it's so diffent in comparation with platforms?
Thank you.
02-14-2005, 01:01 PM
You sick bastard! :D
02-14-2005, 05:18 PM
Have you kicked someone in the balls with sneakers? I'm wondering because I love sneakers. Could you please tell me how was that and if it's so diffent in comparation with platforms?
Thank you.
I prefer the balls I kick to not have sneakers on :Baahaha: but seriously, yes I do have sneakers, both plain and platform. I prefer eitehr barefeet or platform boots to kick of to be kicked with. Its just one of my many fetishes :p
02-14-2005, 05:20 PM
Okay, dis is how it is, a'ight? I'll be MC Left Nut and you be DJ B.B. You can be DJ C.B. in that all-girl leather-clad punkette teeny bopper band you wastin' yo' life in. But when we roll into the world of hip-hop, bay-bee, you be my DJ B.B. and I'll provide yo' MC Left Nut. I'll still be MC Dread Lock in my other band with mah homies. Mmmmmm, yeah.
To answer the question that I know must be running through yo' mind, sweetness, YES, I am a lot of fun in person. Wannah move to Oregon and stay for a while? After just a few weeks, I know we'uns could shake things up and really get the word out bout MC Left Nut and DJ B.B.
Oh, yeah.
As long as we can have some female back up singers dressed in SUPER tight leather that I can kick, you're on :bananajum
02-14-2005, 11:33 PM
As long as we can have some female back up singers dressed in SUPER tight leather that I can kick, you're on :bananajum
Now, wait a minute -- ballbusting is one thing, and wouldn't be long after we took our act out on the road before I'd have to change my name to MC Right Nut, and cuntbusting is another thing -- but you'd SERIOUSLY consider joining a rap band just so you could kick some platform boots up into some background singers' crotches?
You perv.
02-15-2005, 12:40 PM
Now, wait a minute -- ballbusting is one thing, and wouldn't be long after we took our act out on the road before I'd have to change my name to MC Right Nut, and cuntbusting is another thing -- but you'd SERIOUSLY consider joining a rap band just so you could kick some platform boots up into some background singers' crotches?
You perv.
Oh, not just to kick them, there are the guys and girls in the band to kick :letsplay and all the guys and girls in the road crew and all the groupies :bananad: :bananajum: :bananawin , and then there is the management team and advertising people. Plus I would have LOTS of money to get LOTS of sexy clothes and LOTS of platform boots to wear while doing the kicking and is it getting hot in here or is it just me???:p
Yes I am a perv and PROUD of it:D
02-15-2005, 09:16 PM
Oh, not just to kick them, there are the guys and girls in the band to kick :letsplay and all the guys and girls in the road crew and all the groupies :bananad: :bananajum: :bananawin , and then there is the management team and advertising people. Plus I would have LOTS of money to get LOTS of sexy clothes and LOTS of platform boots to wear while doing the kicking and is it getting hot in here or is it just me???:p
Yes I am a perv and PROUD of it:D
Don't forget the masochism part; we also get to get booted by our fellow band members, including the three backup singer chicks in the tight leather outfits, and we can also put them in platform boots and we could tie you down and blindfold you and leave you to the mercy of the road crew! This is a GREAT IDEA, I'm glad you thought of it.
By the way, noticed your avatar. Usted es un pescado, senorita. Do you really look like that or did the picture just come out kind of pale?
02-15-2005, 11:38 PM
Don't forget the masochism part; we also get to get booted by our fellow band members, including the three backup singer chicks in the tight leather outfits, and we can also put them in platform boots and we could tie you down and blindfold you and leave you to the mercy of the road crew! This is a GREAT IDEA, I'm glad you thought of it.
By the way, noticed your avatar. Usted es un pescado, senorita. Do you really look like that or did the picture just come out kind of pale?
Tie me down, blind fold me, and bring on the platfrom boots :bananajum
Yes thats really me, just no makeup is all :p
02-16-2005, 02:58 AM did you get on with the link I sent you ??
Sorry aint been about for a while.....moved house recently and it has been a nightmare...
02-16-2005, 12:25 PM did you get on with the link I sent you ??
Sorry aint been about for a while.....moved house recently and it has been a nightmare...
I like it :D and thank you. As I have said before, there is very little CB on the Net :(
I hope things are settling down at home so that you can get back to the really important stuff, like surfing for BB :p
02-16-2005, 08:45 PM
I like it :D and thank you. As I have said before, there is very little CB on the Net :(
I got a camera, a scanner, and a foot; I think that's all we need to get started. Soon, pictures of your crotch getting punished will be on every pervert's PC on the planet... perfect!!!
In my experience, if it doesn't exist, that means one has to build it oneself. Let's start by grabbing the domain name "" )if it's already taken, we'll grab "" or """.
The way most search engines work, the name with the dashes will improve the number of "hits" we get, because search engines often do not even try to parse url's like "" -- ooh! Actually, I like that name!
Mmmmmmm. Yeah. I'm liking this project already.
02-17-2005, 12:54 PM
I got a camera, a scanner, and a foot; I think that's all we need to get started. Soon, pictures of your crotch getting punished will be on every pervert's PC on the planet... perfect!!!
In my experience, if it doesn't exist, that means one has to build it oneself. Let's start by grabbing the domain name "" )if it's already taken, we'll grab "" or """.
The way most search engines work, the name with the dashes will improve the number of "hits" we get, because search engines often do not even try to parse url's like "" -- ooh! Actually, I like that name!
Mmmmmmm. Yeah. I'm liking this project already.
I would love to start a site, but the only other girl I have found that is into CB is my gf and she has told me that NO WAY am I putting her on the net, even if its only her feet :(
Personally, I feel that the reason most girls wouldnt be into being on a CB site is that they just dont want guys to know that it hurts us too, there by taking away the 'false advantage' that they feel they have. This is only my point of view, but I have come to this conclusion after reading hundreds of articles on the net. Also, most men dont want to know it either.
There seems to be a whole sub-culture in the BB community where the female has to been seen as over-poweringly superior, this is ok for a fantasy, saddly tho, most guys I have talked to cant seem to seperate fantasy from reality. On the other hand tho, most of the guys I have spoken to here seem to have a fairly healthy attitude towards SM stuff.
I am far more into a little 'shocked laughter' or a bit of sympathy than the "I am going to crush your balls, you useless piece of shit" approach, but thats just me :)
play with my plums
02-17-2005, 06:53 PM
I am far more into a little 'shocked laughter' or a bit of sympathy than the "I am going to crush your balls, you useless piece of shit" approach, but thats just me :)
I`m pleased each time I hear someone say this. :)
I`m not into degradation of either sex either & enjoy ballbusting only because it`s a pain that a women can give without knowing what it`s like to receive & thus relish in that superiority with a laugh & a smile. If this can kind of be reciprocated with CB then all the better, I will sympathetically laugh at her too. Why some people feel the need to let themselves be treated like shit I don`t know but there are non BB/CB friends of mine with conventional tastes that seem to be drawn to those relationships all too often. :(
02-17-2005, 10:01 PM
I would love to start a site, but the only other girl I have found that is into CB is my gf and she has told me that NO WAY am I putting her on the net, even if its only her feet :(
No problem! We'll use Magnum's feet. He probably kicks a LOT harder than your gf, anyway.
Personally, I feel that the reason most girls wouldnt be into being on a CB site is that they just dont want guys to know that it hurts us too, there by taking away the 'false advantage' that they feel they have. This is only my point of view, but I have come to this conclusion after reading hundreds of articles on the net. Also, most men dont want to know it either.
Most men have only ONE USE for that organ in women and we - er, they, they sure as heck don't want to damage it.
There seems to be a whole sub-culture in the BB community where the female has to been seen as over-poweringly superior, this is ok for a fantasy, saddly tho, most guys I have talked to cant seem to seperate fantasy from reality. On the other hand tho, most of the guys I have spoken to here seem to have a fairly healthy attitude towards SM stuff.
I had no idea that the inability to tell fantasy apart from reality was getting so bad! I'll report this to Lord Vader at once.
I am far more into a little 'shocked laughter' or a bit of sympathy than the "I am going to crush your balls, you useless piece of shit" approach, but thats just me :)
Oh, honey doll, I would never say I was going to crush your balls. See, the way I perceive it, I'm the Mac and you the Cheese -- it's best if we stick together, you know?
02-17-2005, 10:13 PM
I had no idea that the inability to tell fantasy apart from reality was getting so bad! I'll report this to Lord Vader at once.
If you gonna tell Lord Vader, you better send it in code, so that the Klingons and Borgs dont find out :p
02-25-2005, 01:08 PM
Hey, Julie? Mind if I ask you a question? How bad does it hurt to be kicked in the groin? I mean, can you compare it to something? For example: Getting kicked in the groin is about as painful as getting punched in the arm, or: Getting kicked in the groin is about as painful as getting said arm ripped off. :)
I'm curious as to how much it hurts women in comparison to men, and obviously there aren't a whole lot of places where I can ask. So if you don't mind, I'd really like to hear from you (and any other women who'd like to respond). Oh, and if you feel like talking about how bad getting hit in the boobs hurts, feel free to discuss that, too. Yay for boobs.
02-25-2005, 05:37 PM
Hey, Julie? Mind if I ask you a question? How bad does it hurt to be kicked in the groin? I mean, can you compare it to something? For example: Getting kicked in the groin is about as painful as getting punched in the arm, or: Getting kicked in the groin is about as painful as getting said arm ripped off. :)
I'm curious as to how much it hurts women in comparison to men, and obviously there aren't a whole lot of places where I can ask. So if you don't mind, I'd really like to hear from you (and any other women who'd like to respond). Oh, and if you feel like talking about how bad getting hit in the boobs hurts, feel free to discuss that, too. Yay for boobs.
To be able to truly compare how much it hurts men in comparison to women, you would really need to talk to a transgendered woman as only a M2F TG has had both :)
To compare it so that both sexes would understand, I would say that the pain can vary form a really HARD pinch to being hit in the stomach with a softball bat so hard that you thru up. Getting hit in the boobs genterally hurts more often, but I think that is more because they are an easier target to hit:)
02-25-2005, 10:01 PM
Getting hit in the boobs genterally hurts more often, but I think that is more because they are an easier target to hit:)
Thank the Saints Above that Julie is well endowed so tht she may be stricken in the knobs most often. Amen.
02-26-2005, 10:30 PM
Kick my pussy, kick my boobs, tie me down and whip me. Bring on the pain :bananajum
Ok, now I am off to have a quick cold shower :p
You are one WONDERFUL lady! Alas that we shall probably never meet. Here are some pics though you might like- I know they're not exactly balllbusting or cuntbusing, but since you like pussy pain........ :iluvu:
03-02-2005, 10:09 PM
You are one WONDERFUL lady! Alas that we shall probably never meet. Here are some pics though you might like- I know they're not exactly balllbusting or cuntbusing, but since you like pussy pain........ :iluvu:
Yes pussy clamps are fun for a change, tho, to me, nothing will ever replace a well placed foot :D
03-03-2005, 04:01 AM
julie, got any pics of you or your hands etc?
03-03-2005, 10:44 AM
Just got this heads up from another board. You may be interested in some of these preview movies.
This one has a quick Cgrab in it.
There's lots to wade through including some BB!
03-03-2005, 03:54 PM
julie, got any pics of you or your hands etc?
Dear sir:
Put up a pic of your own grapefruit before asking that.! Sheesh. We're here to be dominated, to be submissive; so start subbing and offer Julie some pics of YOU before you start asking for pics of HER.
Yes, I'm probably being a hypocritical bastard. My suggestion, previously, was a practical one:
Julie: Not enough CB on the web.
Trouble: Let's get a camera and fix that.
When deciding on my avatar, my only other real idea was to upload a pic of my reproductive organs, to give Evilgrl something to fantasize about. And Julie. And Agnetha. And Mistress Cat. And-- Well, not Sadistic Sara; she's a bit too clinical when it comes to balls:
Trouble: (Uploads pic of his nuts)
Sadistic Sara: Hmmm... (Thinks: "Let's see, I'd tie them off there, then place the knife there, and then make a circular incision and then...")
Be thou wary of women who worked ********** animals on the fam.
Julie, my scanner isn't working and like Hell I would go to aPhoto shop or copier plce and ask them to digitize a pic of my reproductive system. But would you rather see my face (at upper left -- serious, that's really me!) or would you rather have a picture of my nuts on every post (I'd include the dick unless Sara or Sharon told me to just show off my nuts).
For that matter, what part of toyboy do you want him to upload first? Don't worry about his feelings or anything, he's marketing himself as a toyboy; use him as such. Be creative. ;)
03-03-2005, 04:17 PM
FYI: ToyBoy and toybag_cellphone are two different posters. I'm just me.
03-03-2005, 04:48 PM
Dear sir:
Put up a pic of your own grapefruit before asking that.! Sheesh. We're here to be dominated, to be submissive; so start subbing and offer Julie some pics of YOU before you start asking for pics of HER.
Yes, I'm probably being a hypocritical bastard. My suggestion, previously, was a practical one:
Julie: Not enough CB on the web.
Trouble: Let's get a camera and fix that.
When deciding on my avatar, my only other real idea was to upload a pic of my reproductive organs, to give Evilgrl something to fantasize about. And Julie. And Agnetha. And Mistress Cat. And-- Well, not Sadistic Sara; she's a bit too clinical when it comes to balls:
Trouble: (Uploads pic of his nuts)
Sadistic Sara: Hmmm... (Thinks: "Let's see, I'd tie them off there, then place the knife there, and then make a circular incision and then...")
Be thou wary of women who worked ********** animals on the fam.
Julie, my scanner isn't working and like Hell I would go to aPhoto shop or copier plce and ask them to digitize a pic of my reproductive system. But would you rather see my face (at upper left -- serious, that's really me!) or would you rather have a picture of my nuts on every post (I'd include the dick unless Sara or Sharon told me to just show off my nuts).
For that matter, what part of toyboy do you want him to upload first? Don't worry about his feelings or anything, he's marketing himself as a toyboy; use him as such. Be creative. ;)
You are not being hypocritical :) I made a statement, you offered a sollution. So WHEN are you getting you camera and taking some pics of me and my gf kicking each other ??? :p
03-03-2005, 04:57 PM
FYI: ToyBoy and toybag_cellphone are two different posters. I'm just me.
Sorry about that - I noticed the error and I think it should be correct now.
03-03-2005, 04:57 PM
FYI: ToyBoy and toybag_cellphone are two different posters. I'm just me.
Yes, I think we know that, but why did you feel the need to tell us??? :)
03-03-2005, 05:21 PM
You are not being hypocritical :) I made a statement, you offered a sollution. So WHEN are you getting you camera and taking some pics of me and my gf kicking each other ??? :p
(Being a man, I think with my balls. To understand how this works, watch your bf for about three or four minutes and you will then have observed the entire range of male mentality. Although my brain knows what is proper and improper behaviour, my balls regard my brain as a vestigial organ and do not often ask the brain's opinion before compelling the mouth to say something stupid. So I have more than my share of having said things that I wish I hadn't. If you thought with a pair of testicles, you'd find yourself making plenty of mistakes, too.)
You must think Trouble is just El Mariachi and has no memory, just wandering the countryside from village to village, playing his guitar and making up songs for beautiful women while trying to pry his way into a hacienda for the night, or some nookie, or a free meal. Well, the last laugh is on you, sweetcheeks:
Julie: Not enough CB on the web.
Trouble: Let's get a camera and fix that.
Julie: My gf would NEVER go for that.
Ha! You think Manuel Alphonse Rodriguez de la Rocha, supreme latin lover, is one of the campesinos, eh? Maybe Manuel did farm work once, but it is time you come inside and smell the Arabica beans: Manuel remembers what you say.
Now, if NEVER has finally come around, let Manuel know and he will put on his El Mariachi hat and clothes (ooh! someone get Sara a glass of water and help her up onto the couch!) and start wandering the countryside, singing his heart out for air fare.
Maybe I could make more money as MC Left Nut and just play house parties arounf here, actually...
(Wanders off into the sunset, singing:
"Agnetha lifted her knee__ and went-a BANG!
Where her boyfriend's balls__ used to hang
Before that , she got__ him with an elbow
And turned his nuts into__ a sac of jello..."
Disappears, wandering from village to village
Roll credits)
03-04-2005, 03:32 AM
I'd never take any pictures of my 'grapefruit' and upload them onto the net.
03-04-2005, 12:21 PM
I'd never take any pictures of my 'grapefruit' and upload them onto the net.
Exactly. We need to keep in mind that our burning desire t see Julie's chest, leg, face, hips, and, uh, well, you know, whatever else there is when they build a woman, is the same thing to her as it is to us. Different hardware, but the feeling is the same about posting pictures thereof.
As for my hardware, I would be fine with people looking at my sac on the net, so long as my whole boy wasn't in th picture. Sorry, kids, but for full frontal nudity, you're going to have to pay for a movie ticket...
...and someone will have to help me land a role in which it is cinematically appropriate for me to drop my towel...
03-04-2005, 03:38 PM
Sorry Julie :cussing:. I couldn’t really find any good CB but I hope you find this interesting anyhow:
PS. I’ll show my tackle to any cute lass (that asks me too).
03-14-2005, 10:58 PM
Okay, WHAT happened to Julie18nz? Maybe the rest of you were done with her, but Manuel Alphonse Rodriguez de la Rocha was looking frorward to another turn...
Aw, she lived in the UK, anyway... She's prolly cracking coconuts left and right and leaving mine just hanging here... You'd think that once, JUST ONCE, she'd grab a transatlantic flight and bust me one in the kahones, but NOOOOOOOO!
All right, I see which side of the butter I'm toasted on. But I'll miss 'er, durn tootin'.
03-15-2005, 01:48 AM
Okay, WHAT happened to Julie18nz? Maybe the rest of you were done with her, but Manuel Alphonse Rodriguez de la Rocha was looking frorward to another turn...
Aw, she lived in the UK, anyway... She's prolly cracking coconuts left and right and leaving mine just hanging here... You'd think that once, JUST ONCE, she'd grab a transatlantic flight and bust me one in the kahones, but NOOOOOOOO!
All right, I see which side of the butter I'm toasted on. But I'll miss 'er, durn tootin'.
Coconuts in the UK??? Are you suggesting that coconuts migrate,or are you going to try and get me to believe that Swallows carry them when every ones that a one ounce bird could NEVER carry a one pound coconut??? (for those who have NO idea what I am talking about, please refer to 'Monty Python and The Holy Grail' :p
I am currently livining in New Zealand, which, saddly, puts me even further away than if I was in the UK :(
As to my where aboutsover the last few days. I have been here reading the new posts at least twice a day (I think I need a life :p) but just havent really been in the mood to post anything. I was seriously thinking of writing a BB story but from what I have read so far, most guys are quite heavily into Domination and I am more into the shear FUN of it. One femdom told me that its the Subbies that hold the REAL power, and I feel that that is quite true. One can be subserviant with out being Dominated, but you cant be Domme if no-one gives a shit :p
Well, thats more than enough waffling from me for one day :bananawin
03-15-2005, 06:29 AM
Coconuts in the UK??? Are you suggesting that coconuts migrate,or are you going to try and get me to believe that Swallows carry them when every ones that a one ounce bird could NEVER carry a one pound coconut??? (for those who have NO idea what I am talking about, please refer to 'Monty Python and The Holy Grail' :p
Do you mean an African Swallow or a European Swallow?
I am currently livining in New Zealand, which, saddly, puts me even further away than if I was in the UK :(
I am in the Western US, so, actually, you are closer to me than you would be in Britain. I'm sure you can feel the magnetic pull...
As to my where aboutsover the last few days. I have been here reading the new posts at least twice a day (I think I need a life :p) but just havent really been in the mood to post anything. I was seriously thinking of writing a BB story but from what I have read so far, most guys are quite heavily into Domination and I am more into the shear FUN of it. One femdom told me that its the Subbies that hold the REAL power, and I feel that that is quite true. One can be subserviant with out being Dominated, but you cant be Domme if no-one gives a shit :p
Some days I do not log on; some days I check the mail here fou times. We gottah do what we gottah do... We're perverts, remember?
You should definitely write a story; maybe other chicks will like it, or maybe guys will. Just because guys write about their ultra-domination fantasies doesn't mean that they don't want to see wha you hsve to say.
03-15-2005, 03:01 PM
I was seriously thinking of writing a BB story but from what I have read so far, most guys are quite heavily into Domination and I am more into the shear FUN of it.
Hi Julie,
I say you go far it. I know I would love to read a story you wrote, and I'm sure that just about everyone else here would, too.
Hey Julie, I think ur a pretty cool girl, telling us all this stuff. I didn't know that girls also could get hurt there pretty badly. I was actually a bit surprised that your bf won in kicking battles, lol. Well, hope to hear more from you.
04-02-2005, 07:31 PM
3rd down on left is good :)
(although not nearly severe enough 4 Julie – I’ll keep looking)
04-03-2005, 03:52 PM
Cunt crushing photos (so it says):
Cunt whipping:
Electrical cunt zapping and needling pics and movies (sounds like it HURTS!):
Needlework (not for the squeamish):
Real HEAVY weights:
04-04-2005, 03:42 PM
There was a REALLY excellent cuntbusting site around over a decade a go. Does anybody remember what this was? It was PACKED with CB (movies and pictures) but had about 2% BB (that caught my interest). There were no good BB sites I was aware of back then (c1991) and I was v jealous that there was such an excellent CB site. I wonder what happened to all that material?
A question for Julie:
Sorry to be naïve about this stuff but is it only kicks & hits that you’re into? There is, of course, a whole bunch more ways that one could do to inflict pain. Do you – or anybody else here for that matter – like being ‘stretched’? What about the electrical zapping above? Good thing or bad thing?
I’m just inquisitiv.
04-04-2005, 07:17 PM
There was a REALLY excellent cuntbusting site around over a decade a go. Does anybody remember what this was? It was PACKED with CB (movies and pictures) but had about 2% BB (that caught my interest). There were no good BB sites I was aware of back then (c1991) and I was v jealous that there was such an excellent CB site. I wonder what happened to all that material?
A question for Julie:
Sorry to be naïve about this stuff but is it only kicks & hits that you’re into? There is, of course, a whole bunch more ways that one could do to inflict pain. Do you – or anybody else here for that matter – like being ‘stretched’? What about the electrical zapping above? Good thing or bad thing?
I’m just inquisitiv.
To answer your question :)
I am into kicks, hits, knees, pussy clamps, wax, breast bondage, nipple clamps, VERY hard spankings, wetting, general BDSM. Hmmmmmmm putting all this down makes me look like one sick little cookie :o but I have yet to try something I didnt at least like a little. I am always open to try something new 5 or 6 times :) I would LOVE to try the electrical stuff. I get so damn turned on just looking, it would be GREAT to try, from BOTH sides :)
About that site.
I hope someone can find out what happened to it as I would certainly LOVE to have a look.
Thank you so very much for all the links, I loved them ALL :bananajum
04-04-2005, 10:17 PM
I hope someone can find out what happened to it as I would certainly LOVE to have a look.Yes there was virtually no BB back then but a shining FTP site with 98% CB. I wish I could remember its name but it might have simply been called Cuntbusting (?).
I am into kicks, hits, knees, pussy clamps, wax, breast bondage, nipple clamps, VERY hard spankings, wetting, general BDSM. Hmmmmmmm putting all this down makes me look like one sick little cookie :o but I have yet to try something I didnt at least like a little. I am always open to try something new 5 or 6 times :) Oh you do sound like a sick cookie :) but not as unusual as you think. While I’ve not met women into ‘kicks’ I do know at least two that like to be completely restrained and then ‘tortured’. I guess all I’ve ever tried is hard clit/cunt spanking, pinching and fisting/large objects. The latter seemed to get them off real well if I stayed on the edge of the pain barrier and double clicked their mouse at the same time :). It could be that they would’ve been into a good kick too but I would find it difficult to judge how hard to do it and have never thought of trying such.
Do you like the idea of being helplessly restrained while having your bits tortured?
I would LOVE to try the electrical stuff. I get so damn turned on just looking, it would be GREAT to try, from BOTH sides :) Have you found wired (see for updates and samples). It’s pretty damn cool. They have 11 pages of stuff but you have to pay to see any more than the pictures. Some of it gets my dick hard! I think I have some early promo vids from the site I could email you or post somewhere.
Thank you so very much for all the links, I loved them ALL :bananajum Thanks for the encouragement I’ll post more as I come across them :)
04-05-2005, 09:57 AM
I found some wiredpussy promo vids (they have better):
04-05-2005, 03:06 PM
I am into kicks, hits, knees, pussy clamps, wax, breast bondage, nipple clamps, VERY hard spankings, wetting, general BDSM. Hmmmmmmm putting all this down makes me look like one sick little cookie :o
Hi Julie :)
For those of us as ignorant as I am about such stuff, could you please tell me what "wetting" is? For me the other stuff is pretty self explanatory, but my imagination comes up with several possibilities for "wetting", such as 'golden showers', 'wet skin-tight T-shirts', etc., etc...
Thanks Julie ;)
- Sara :)
04-05-2005, 04:32 PM
Hi Julie :)
For those of us as ignorant as I am about such stuff, could you please tell me what "wetting" is? For me the other stuff is pretty self explanatory, but my imagination comes up with several possibilities for "wetting", such as 'golden showers', 'wet skin-tight T-shirts', etc., etc...
Thanks Julie ;)
- Sara :)
Ummmmmm :o The reason I didnt go into any detail about my little kinks is because I didnt really want to go TOOOOOOO far off topic, tho I suppose my WHOLE thread is pretty much 'Off topic' ;) To answer your question, wetting is peeing with your clothes on, normally just a skirt and panties, but sometimes jeans.
04-05-2005, 09:36 PM
Ummmmmm :o The reason I didnt go into any detail about my little kinks is because I didnt really want to go TOOOOOOO far off topic, tho I suppose my WHOLE thread is pretty much 'Off topic' ;) To answer your question, wetting is peeing with your clothes on, normally just a skirt and panties, but sometimes jeans.
Errrr... Okay, I'm convinced, yer a sicko, all right. (I love it!)
The TOPIC of this thread is you and your preversions (sic), so I don't see how you can go off-topic. Leave that to me, I'm a pro at it by now. ;)
I figure that you are about as good as anyone, if not way better, to ask: if my Vulcan halfwit friend gets her brain back online and wants to be friends again, and if she is into trying SM, how hard can I hit her in the breasts before I risk breaking something important?
04-06-2005, 12:05 AM
Errrr... Okay, I'm convinced, yer a sicko, all right. (I love it!)
The TOPIC of this thread is you and your preversions (sic), so I don't see how you can go off-topic. Leave that to me, I'm a pro at it by now. ;)
I figure that you are about as good as anyone, if not way better, to ask: if my Vulcan halfwit friend gets her brain back online and wants to be friends again, and if she is into trying SM, how hard can I hit her in the breasts before I risk breaking something important?
Even is she DOES get her brain back online, I doubt very much if she would see the logic in SM ;) I can take a fairly hard wack with a strap, certainly hard enough to turn my breast red, but I would be a little more careful if u used a cane or a paddle. My fave way is to have them bound REALLY tight and then strapped about 15 or 20 times. I feel straps are better as they sting but also 'give' so dosent push down on the breast tissue as much as a cane or paddle does.
Hope thats of some help :bananad: :bananad:
04-06-2005, 02:49 AM
Hope thats of some help :bananad: :bananad:
They both are. Yes. Mmmmmm.
I figured that the actual "punch the chick in the boobs for being such a jerk" was a no-go; breasts (as we all know and love) are malleable in all kinds of ways, and fun to play with, and nifty, and if they're Julie's, you can bind them tightly and whack them, but a fist? I don't think too many chicks would put up with that. (A pity; she deserves it!)
Oh, and the other great thing about breasts: jiggle:
:bananad: :bananad:
04-06-2005, 05:57 PM
OK Julie babe – I’ve uploaded a wmv movie file of what has to be the ultimate cuntbust at:
Let me know what you think,
04-06-2005, 06:16 PM
2X wmv cunt spanking movies are waiting for you at:
Enjoy :)
04-06-2005, 08:16 PM
LOVED the spanking vids, THANK YOU :)
04-07-2005, 01:06 AM
04-09-2005, 07:38 AM
04-09-2005, 03:48 PM
Hi Julie, :bananawin
I see yer logged in. I’ve posted a wmv file of one hell of an orgasm for you at
:bananad: :bananajum
04-09-2005, 03:49 PM
Thank you :D At least now I have SOME pussy spanking vids :) I have still to find a half decent kick or knee clip. I think that must be coz most girls cant handle what they dish out :P There were a few on 'Kicking Girls' but they kicked so lightly I doubt very much if the girl getting kicked actually felt anything at all :P
04-09-2005, 03:54 PM
Thank you :D At least now I have SOME pussy spanking vids :) I have still to find a half decent kick or knee clip. I think that must be coz most girls cant handle what they dish out :P There were a few on 'Kicking Girls' but they kicked so lightly I doubt very much if the girl getting kicked actually felt anything at all :P There were some damn good knees to the groin in that old cuntbusting FTP site I mentioned. Somebody, somewhere must have copies. Hopefully they'll post 4u :)
Later, :asleep
PS. I'll keep my eye out for a real good bust :)
04-13-2005, 09:20 AM
This thread is continued at "Julie's Fetishes (Part 2)", at: (
(since there are already 150 posts here, and Julie agrees)
- Sara :)
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