View Full Version : Busting in Selfdefense
01-25-2005, 09:04 PM
I really like seeing a girl bust a guy in the process of defending herself from an attack, especially if there are multiple male attackers. I wish this kind of theme showed up more often on this site. Don't get me wrong, I love what I've seen so far. Anyone else agree?
01-25-2005, 09:39 PM
I think that is the hottest way of ballbusting. What about a male and a female in a fight in which both sides are out to prove something like after an argument. I think thats so hot when the guy thinks he can really crush this girl, but she takes him down in one shot.
01-25-2005, 11:55 PM
As Homer Simpson would put it:
"Mmmmmmmmm... random violence."
Seeing a chick kick a guy in the balls during a fight is great. Of course, seeing girl kick a guy in the balls for no reason is pretty good, too. :)
01-26-2005, 02:51 AM
ya it about time a real "ballbuster" of a movie was made.............Angelina Jolie, Black leather catsuit...boobs boobs boobs, and legs legs legs and lots of busts....
no need for script and plot.........perfect
01-26-2005, 11:36 PM
ya it about time a real "ballbuster" of a movie was made.............Angelina Jolie, Black leather catsuit...boobs boobs boobs, and legs legs legs and lots of busts....
no need for script and plot.........perfect
Come on, yah gottah have a script!
Angelina: Where It Counts
(Excerpt from the upcoming movie)
Act II, Scene 3.
Angelina Jolie grabs the head bad guy by the balls and twists. The pain is enough to effectively paraluze him.
Two of his goons come rushing at Angelina who, still holding the top bad guy's crotch, jumps into the air, giving us a beautiful view of her legs as each of her feet impact two testicles apiece. Goons collaps, roll around, write, etc.
As she lands, the camera angle switches to a close-up of her chest bouncing around. (Gottah love it when chicks jump.)
Two more goons come at Jolie; one from the front and one from behind. Angelina knees the guy in front of her (goon crumples, goes down), and then back-kicks the guy behind her, giving another good camera shot of her leg, abd then another close up of her chest having its usual reaction to when she moves.
Angelina handcuffs the main bad guy's left wrist to his sac, and drags him outside, holding him by the balls in one hand and his right wrist in the other.
Bad Guy: "You can't [cough] you can't do this... I have rights..."
(Angelina is hauling him toward a cop car I guess she's a cop in this movie, whatever...)
Jolie: "They took my partner's bagh nakh away because the Courts ruled that hitting scum like you with spikey Japanese weapons was 'cruel and unusual punishmnt.' That's not 'cruel and unusual punishment'." (Opens car door, starts to shove bad guy in, still holding his balls. At the last moment...) "THIS is!" (knees the balls in her hand, propelling him the rest of the way in where he gets to writhe and moan and cry.)
Jolie: "By the way: you're under arrest."
See? There has to be a plot, or, at least, an implication that there sort of might be one.
01-26-2005, 11:51 PM
U have WAY tooooooooooooo much free time Trouble :p
01-27-2005, 12:33 AM
U have WAY tooooooooooooo much free time Trouble :p
I got dumped. Ah! I know what you are thinking: "But why... why would anyone dump a spicey, beefy Latin lover like Manuel Alphonse Rodriguez de la Rocha (IF that is your real name, Mr. Trouble-person!)?"
And I'd have to answer you: "Dunnoh. Maybe cuz she's a RETARD?!?"
That'd be my guess. Whatever her Vulcan half-wit "reason", she's gone and I have all the time I used to waste on her to waste on my movie starring Angelina Jolie... Mmmmmmmmmm, Angelina Jolie...
01-27-2005, 12:33 PM
Is it me, or do Asian women seem to be more deadly?
Also - Anyone in colorado?
10-21-2007, 09:59 AM
I really like seeing a girl bust a guy in the process of defending herself from an attack, especially if there are multiple male attackers. I wish this kind of theme showed up more often on this site. Don't get me wrong, I love what I've seen so far. Anyone else agree?
this certainly sounds cool, but in reality I guess that fighting MULTIPLE attackers off by a groinkick is not very realistic. after the first one is clutching his balls and gasping for air the other ones would probably protect their danglers much more carefully.
a more or less realistic (and fun :D ) scenario I could imagine is, that the girl tricks one of her attackers (peferably the leader) to let her get hold
of his testicles. then she can force the other ones to leave her alone.
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