01-26-2005, 01:31 PM
Hey its Andy
Ive had this question logged in my mind for a while, and after a long night of "ball breaking" as my gf likes to call it, or a couple years of nights like that, is it still possible to have kids? When i grew up, not that im that old, there were the rumors of if you got hit in the balls, you wouldnt be able to have kids, so i want to hear anyones input or personal experiene with possibly not being able to have kids, or being busted and still being able to produce. :confused:
01-26-2005, 06:23 PM
Don't worry, kid, I've been severely abusing my nuts since I was younger than you and mine worked well enough to make three babies. They're probably tuckered out by now but they still like to be squished and flattened regularily. If you're not ready to settle down and set your mind to the awesome task of raising kids, don't forget to contra-conceive when you "stick it in." It's fun to stick it in once in a while but it's also great to have fun playing with your nuts...let your girlfriend test your mettle, she won't hurt them.
If you've got a camera, take some pics and show us how she does it.
The Geezer
01-27-2005, 12:04 AM
Hey its Andy
Ive had this question logged in my mind for a while, and after a long night of "ball breaking" as my gf likes to call it, or a couple years of nights like that, is it still possible to have kids? When i grew up, not that im that old, there were the rumors of if you got hit in the balls, you wouldnt be able to have kids, so i want to hear anyones input or personal experiene with possibly not being able to have kids, or being busted and still being able to produce. :confused:
Ballbusting is risky business. The risks don't seem to be too great; a LOT of balls get kicked. Heck, a lot of balls get injured in sports. Balls get injured in all kinds of accidents. But the number of balls broken in consensual ballbusting is, it seems, low in number.
A girlfriend of wife (generally) does not want to ruin your reproductive organs (when they do, just say thanks for all the fun, it's been great, I'll always remember you, blah blah blah, and then RUN for it); they'll play rough, but they aren't trying to do you injury and that counts for a lot.
I think the worst that usually happens is that a partner "overdoes" it. The pain is not only more than what you wanted, blood shows up in your urine, and etc. Here's what you do: find another hobby for a little while. Try oral sex or something. Practice makes perfect, can never get too much practice in on oral sex. Let your partner know something like, "DAAYYYYYUMN, baby, don't mosh my bawls like that. Might need them someday. Jeezus."
The kinds of injuries that can happen are many and varied; testicles are actially complicated things, with many components. There are tubes within coils that make the sperm, then another coil that holds made sperm, then there's the seminal vesicles, the cowpers gland, the sheathes that hold the nuts in place, the cords and tubes that connect everything -- annnnd, one good thing is that if something in all that breaks, that one thing should not make you infertile, although it might decrease your fertility. Plus, unless your partner prefers to hit you with a block of concrete, almost any blow that does manage to damage a testicle will only damage one; and you still got the other one. The odds of getting injured are small (so long as the two of you are being reasonable), the odds of having something injured so badly that your fertility will decrease is even smaller, and the odds of losing the function of both balls by mistake is... well, I've never heard of or read of both balls getting broken while having fun with them.
I think the one thing to avoid is twisting them. Twisting balls before squeezing or hitting them greatly increases the odds of injuring something; twisting balls is a self-defense move, and not appropriate for play. Well, not more than a little, anyway. ;)
01-27-2005, 04:48 PM
well thankyou for your input
01-29-2005, 07:24 PM
I have been kicked kneed and even bitten for about 15 years and am awaiting a baby in July. Don't include twisting or stomping them on the ground and avoid really pissed off ladies and you should be ok :)
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