View Full Version : Anthem
02-16-2005, 08:53 PM
My Magnum opus, Anthem to Magnum:
Magnum and his size 12 Red Loggers
Kicked the nuts of one of those bloggers:
The guy was a parasite
On the local fetish site
And he wanted the kick -- the mind boggers!
02-16-2005, 09:37 PM
(No specific tune; think something lalong the lines of "America" by Falco, only without the scrambled German and English.)
Down at the hot club, where all were hot
Sweat came off from bodies dancing
There she was was, a good girl (NOT!)
And there he was, advancing
He offered to buy a drink
And take her to the dance halls
Without sopping to think,
She kicked that touchy-feely guy in the balls
Oh, Evil Girl
You know you really rock my worl'
Oh, la la la la
My Evil Girl
You really made that guy hurl!
Oh, la la la la
We all have to work sometimes, you know;
Life's not always one great big party
She gets pestered by this guy named Joe;
A co-worker, thought he was a smarty.
Compliments and gifts, you know what he wants
He'll only take 'yes', no ifs ands or buts
So he tries to get her to the hangouts he haunts
He said yes and she said no; and, yes, she kicked him in the nuts
Oh, Evil Girl
You deserve your very own URL
Oh, la la la la
My Evil Girl
And you deserve a painted mural
Oh la la la la
I'm into ballbusting, and so is my Evil Girl
I'd like her to knee my nuts hard in play,
So she can watch me retch, writhe, and curl
But will we ever see the day --- ?
I asked her for her hand, and offered mine
And I said, "Are you really all that evil?"
She kicks ,my balls up into my guts and grinds
And say, "I'm a ballbusting dee-vil."
Oh, Evil Girl
I treasure you just like a pearl
Oh la la la la
My Evil Girl
You and me, let's give life a whirl
Oh la la la la
Oh, Evil Girl
When you bust me, my head goes tworl
Oh, la la la la.
My Evil Girl
Ket your BB fantasies unfurl
Oh, la la la la...
(c) 2005 Left Nut Recording Studioes
(Yes, I can do better' let me get back into prctice.)
Pretty cool there, Trouble..
02-17-2005, 12:46 AM
Pretty cool there, Trouble..
I'm hoping it will touch the heartsrings of Evilgrl. Or maybe just her kneestrings. Actually, yes, I was aiming for the kneestrings. But I'd probbly settle for some heartstrings since her knees are a couple thousand miles away (waaaaahhhh!).
Magnum, on the other hand, I know will just swoon.
I'll try to write little ditties for Julie and [drmatic chord] Sadstic Sara. A little melody for Evilgrl just popped into my head, which is why I tarred and feathered her already. Oh, and I started wit Magnum because I knew that if I didn't, he would get jealous. :Baahaha:
Yeah but how I'd like the knee strings. I'd love to try, since I travel alot for work (say where Chicago? ). I'd probably chicken out or die from the fear first....
02-21-2005, 12:37 AM
This is so beautiful. Tears are in my eyes as I write this. No one has ever written an anthem for me before. I am so touched.
03-02-2005, 01:02 AM
HA! You probably thought I'd forgotten all about this stupid idea, din'tcha? Well, the joke's on me -- I have had Anthem for Julie (actual title: "Julie's Bust" -- double meaning! Ooh!) percolating in my noggin for, like, a few days now and I finally typed it up.
Writing songs about ballbusting is about as hard as I thought it would be. Writing songs about these topics is far easier: breaking up, falling in love, eating a cheese sandwhich, applying for food stamps, "freedom", being poor as dirt, revenge, stamp collecting, and basically ANY OTHER TOPIC ON THE PLANET. Now the part that sucks for you folks is that you can't hear the music in your head while reading these, so it might come out at the wrong tempo or pitch.
The parts in parentheses ("lah___") are sung by the three background singer chicks in tight leather outfits (yes, Julie, you get to kick them in the crotch after the show, or during, depends on what we can get away with).
Julie's Bust
(c) 2005 MC Left Nut
Julie on the town
She's going to kick some crotch tonight
Knows what she wants
Goin' to get some pain and delight
Dressed at the height of fashion (fashion___)
She goin' after a night of passion (passion___!)
And it's "Him!" And it's "Her!"
And it's "Got my prize in sight!"
I'm out to dance
Trying to win somebody's heart tonight
I spotted her
Never saw leather look so tight
Tonight's the night we'll spend together ('gether___)
Decked out in platform boots and leather (leather___!)
And it's "Yes!" And it's "Us!"
And it's "Your place or mine tonight?"
Back at the house
There's nervous fumbling for the keys
Finally inside
Now we can do whatever we please
You know I've got to touch her bust (her bust___)
Cuz I'm a man, and must do what I must (I must___!)
And it's "You!" And it's "Wait!"
And it's "Don't be a tease!"
She slows it down
She whispers all that she's got in mind
The beauty of it all
She's everything that I was out to find
Our first night spent in ball busting (busting___)
It's so intimate and so trusting (trusting___!)
And it's "Oh!" And it's "No!"
And it's "No, don't twist or wind!"
From her turn to mine
Her rack was full and beautiful for me
Thirty-Four C
A better combination couldn't be
I told her that they was just lovely (lovely___)
She said Thanks - now just hurt me (hurt me___!)
And it's "Ah!" And it's "Ow!"
And it's "No - not so gentily!"
Curled up together
Sharing pain and sharing company
Everything I ever wanted:
Yeah, I busted her and she busted me
Holding her I don't want to let go (let go___)
When the time comes I'll say Please, no (please no___!)
And it's "Bye" And it's "No!"
And it's "I'm yours, don't set me free!"
03-02-2005, 09:58 AM
I can't believe I've never read your poems Trouble. So much talent, I can't wait for the others. I must ask, Just out of curiousity what is it you do for a living? I'm serious, you seem to have a large vocabulary. Are you a teacher? If you tell me I'll tell you.
03-02-2005, 12:30 PM
Wow, Trouble, I am actually speechless. If you knew me better, you would know that that is quite a big deal :p That was really amazing. I certainly hope that you are using this talent that you have, if your not you deserve to get your balls booted so hard that they pop out your nose, or maybe you would really like that :D
03-02-2005, 04:10 PM
Nice work dude! Me likes the limerick… which reminds me…..
There was a young man from Bream*,
Who tried a testicular-growing cream.
He woke in the night,
With a terrible fright
Cos another had grown in between
* Yes it is a real place on the English side of the Welsh boarder. I’ve attached a map to prove it!
03-02-2005, 04:13 PM
Wah ha ha ha ha! Manuel Alphonse Rodriguez de la Rocha speared another one of his favourite prey: FEMALES!
I am a minor muck among the mucky-mucks of the politcal scene here. Metaphorically, I specialize in sabotage. "Trouble, we need the Area Coordination Committee to pass our budget request, but the majority of the Board is opposed! How do we win this one?" (Trouble looks through his copy of Robert's Rules of Order, then his copy of the Area Coordination Committee Bylaws, etc.) "My son, you must go to the Clerk. Ask for Anne; if she's not there, come back another time. [blah blah blah] Then it has to be sent to the Executive Committee of the Area Coordination Management Task Force, and you have a majority there." "Thank you, Trouble!" "No problem. Always glad to help out one of my minions."
I have no formal education; just a high school diploma. I don't know where I learned all this stuff. I've not been employed as a teacher.
As for having my balls booted out through my nose... Wellll, alright, just this once. But only for you, Julie. :)
(That last line goes for EvilGrl, as well.) :bananad:
03-02-2005, 04:48 PM
She said that I’d empty my guts
there were to be no ‘ifs’ and no ‘buts’,
securely bound
I lay on the ground
as she eased her full weight on my nuts
03-02-2005, 04:49 PM
Up and down on one leg she hopped,
How I wish to this day that she’d stopped.
I cried and I cried,
she was not satisfied
until both of my bollox were popped!
03-02-2005, 04:54 PM
Nice thread Trouble. I hope I ain't spoiling it :ibow4u:
Over 'n' out,
Puff Quvy (eyes 'ad a few bevvies 2nite)
03-02-2005, 11:30 PM
I tell you this story quite truly
about a young lass name of Julie.
If you turned your back,
She’d reach for your sack
And flatten your poor little goolie
Hey not many thinngs ryhme with Julie!
03-02-2005, 11:34 PM
As rare as a diamond or pearl,
was another called Evil girl.
She’d stomp on the nuts
till it affected the guts
of Trouble; making him hurl
03-02-2005, 11:39 PM
A young Britsh lass called Kerry
for kicks and to make her feel merry,
would make a man beg
as she flattened his egg
and bruised the delicate berry
Your ‘handles’ don’t exactly lend themselves to poetry!
03-05-2005, 09:42 PM
Your ‘handles’ don’t exactly lend themselves to poetry!
Your "poetry" doesn't lend itself to our handles. :P
I figured that writing poems about ballbusting would be tough. Write down all the slang that's remotely connected, then grab a thesaurus, a rhyming dictionary, or a guy named Trouble who has all that stuff already in his head (just kidding).
Problem #1: English does not lend itself well to poetry or songwriting bcause it is difficult to make rhymes in English; as opposed to, say, Latin. Latin may be a dead language, but at least you can write down all the rules of grammer on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper -- and almost everything rhymes unless you are switching around rapidly between first-person to third-person.
This is not a ballbusting poem, but it is the only poem I ever wrote in Latin:
In Roma Antiqua
Erat poema
A canni
Quis duos ossos invenit
Linget alter
Linget alter
In circes currit
Donec a vita migravit
Problem #2: The number of words relating to ballbusting even further constrains making anything rhyme. Not a whole lot rhymes with epididymis. While rhyming is not necessary, it does lend the look and feel of "look, dude, it's a song/poem!"
I'm generally trying to get around the constraints from #2 by connecting bb to its social and emotional contexts, which greatly expands the number of words I can use. You might say that that makes me almost sesquipidalian, but if you DID say that, probably nobody but me and one or two others would know what you were saying.
Please try to accept the following as constructive criticism: your limericks, much like my Magnum Opus, are only considering the basic mechanics of bb; as opposed to My Evil Girl and Julie's Bust in which I tried to connect bb to social and emotional contexts. I'm not saying my songs were really all that great, just that going beyond the simple mechanics of bb and looking at how bb, relationships, physical attraction, and the like all fit together is how you gain access to using a larger vocabulary and a more memorable piece. BB, of course, is at the heart of any good piece here, because this is where you find the BB fans. Julie Bust has CB in it, also.
Julie's Bust is a good example of an effort at another thing: abstraction. The mechanics are almost entirely excluded in the song, because that leaves the reader's imagination to fill in the spots that are missing, and most people's imagination is better at deciding what EXACTLY happened because each person fills in what he or she would want to have happen. It's not that great a song, but it does exploit abstraction and double-meaning; heck, it rendered Julie speechless, so it's not all bad.
This is my 300th post and I figured I'd make it a doozey. :D
03-06-2005, 01:14 AM
Problem #2: The number of words relating to ballbusting even further constrains making anything rhyme. Not a whole lot rhymes with epididymis. While rhyming is not necessary, it does lend the look and feel of "look, dude, it's a song/poem!"
Would you like me to kick your epididymis?
To this, Trouble said,
As he lay prostrate on the bed,
“Oh YES please, that would be perfect Miss”
OK, ok, NOT Shakespeare, but I did make it Rhyme :p
03-06-2005, 02:26 AM
Would you like me to kick your epididymis?
To this, Trouble said,
As he lay prostrate on the bed,
“Oh YES please, that would be perfect Miss”
OK, ok, NOT Shakespeare, but I did make it Rhyme :p
You rhymed "mis" with "miss" - those are homophones! Homophones don't rhyme!
Julie kicked my epididymis
While Evilgrl kicked my vesicles
I writhed and made a grimace
And prayed for my testicles
Then Evilgl grabbed a testis
While Julie bit my scrotum
Someone had to write this
Now you know why I wrote 'em.
Julie munched on me 'nads
While Evilgrl twisted clockwise
"Don't try this!", I say, me lads,
"That's all that I advise!"
Okay, now, forgive me for blowing my own fuse, but rhyming "scrotum" with "wrote em"? Pure genius.
But Shakespeare, that giveth me ideas. I have been having trouble with Agnetha. Well, not, exacly, 'trouble' with 'Agnetha', I mean -- I mean writing something for her has been more problematic than writing something for Evilgrl or Julie. And I haven't even tried tackling SadisticSara yet. Mmmmm, tackling SadisticSara -- all the guys, think about tackling SadisticSara for a minute. Mmmmm, yeah, nice, eh?
Mmmmm. Yeah.
03-06-2005, 03:31 AM
We could argue the validity of weather 'mis' and 'Miss' are homophones as mis is knot a word in its own right and as eye was rhyming syllables eye am knot shaw if that lore applies. Eye must say that eye did like you're rhyming of "wrote 'em" and "scrotum" though, very clever :)
03-06-2005, 08:02 AM
This is my 300th post and I figured I'd make it a doozey. :DIt’s a fan-dabby-doozey dude! (said with high pitched voice and Glaswegian accent – not that that’ll mean anything at all to anybody outside the UK and under about 35 years old)
Please try to accept the following as constructive criticism: your limericks, much like my Magnum Opus, are only considering the basic mechanics of bb; as opposed to My Evil Girl and Julie's Bust in which I tried to connect bb to social and emotional contexts. I'm not saying my songs were really all that great, just that going beyond the simple mechanics of bb and looking at how bb, relationships, physical attraction, and the like all fit together is how you gain access to using a larger vocabulary and a more memorable piece. :D
I can see I’m up against a real expert here!
Limerick must have five lines with aabba rhyme scheme. The beat must be anapestic (weak, weak, strong) with three feet in lines 1, 2, and 5 and 2 feet in lines 3 and 4. For full details of limerick discussion and techniques see: This succinctness and rhyme scheme severely constrains the story that can be told and doesn’t exactly lend itself to more expansive social and emotional contexts...... perhaps I should expand my poetic horizons. That said, I like limericks and here’s a favourite:
There was a young man from Tahini,
who spilt some gin on his weenie.
And so to be couth,
He threw on some Vermouth,
and slipped his girlfriend a Martini!
03-06-2005, 08:10 AM
But Shakespeare, that giveth me ideas. I have been having trouble with Agnetha. Well, not, exacly, 'trouble' with 'Agnetha', I mean -- I mean writing something for her has been more problematic
She said I was socially beneath her,
and poured pepper source down my urethra.
OOoohhh how it burned,
and since I have learned
Never to mess with Agnetha!
Apologies Agnetha. Lets hope you're not having one of 'those' days when you read this.
03-06-2005, 09:18 AM
Please read ‘sauce’ for ‘source’ in #23 above (Yikes the 'Edit' button has disappeared!?)
Sauce n. a thick liquid that is served with food to add extra flavour.
Errare est humanum [L.] (ask Trouble and his copia verborum to translate)
Dum vivimus, vivamus.
Hhhmmm, in dubio. All ex capite from >25 years ago,
Dominus illuminatio mea, (big give away!)
03-06-2005, 12:40 PM
We could argue the validity of weather 'mis' and 'Miss' are homophones as mis is knot a word in its own right and as eye was rhyming syllables eye am knot shaw if that lore applies. Eye must say that eye did like you're rhyming of "wrote 'em" and "scrotum" though, very clever :)
Thanks. Inspiration (dare I say it, but even divine inspiration - you know, from mh friend, Tha Big Guy) sometime shows up and clubs me over the head.
Okay, okay, so I said it ncorr= incorry- it wasn't right. "Mis-" and "Miss-" do not rhyme because they are exactly identical phonetically.
With that, Julie grabbed one of his 'nards,
For implying she was one of those 'tards.
A ball she tightly clenched,
As she twisted and wrenched,
And when he squeaked 'Why?' she said: "Becards.'
If you want to win the argument, try kneeing me in the balls. That usually shuts me up. Plus, you'd probably get off on it. You sicko, you.
03-06-2005, 01:06 PM
I can see I’m up against a real expert here!
You must mean SadisticSara. Yes, she knows what she's doing, all right
I'm only an expert in... uhhh... yeah, politics, that's the word fer it.
Limerick must have five lines with aabba rhyme scheme. The beat must be anapestic (weak, weak, strong) with three feet in lines 1, 2, and 5 and 2 feet in lines 3 and 4. For full details of limerick discussion and techniques see: This succinctness and rhyme scheme severely constrains the story that can be told and doesn’t exactly lend itself to more expansive social and emotional contexts...... perhaps I should expand my poetic horizons. That said, I like limericks and here’s a favourite:
What I is sayin' is that the >>>subject matter<< is too small (take that either way) to really be able to apply the strict rules of counterpoint, limerick, and/or phrenology, because very narrow rules applied to a very narrow subject category really limits your expression.
Night. Evilgrl waits.
He has to come home sometime
Her foot is yearning
Only a haiku, but it expreses a lot by implication (presumably, the guy who is coming home is bf; "and the "...has to come home somtime" implies that he knows what's gonnah happen and he's out there trying to dally-dilly and drag his feet to see if he can avoid getting it_. "Her foot is yearning" sums up a sizeable chunk of Evilgrl's persona: she's a ball-kicker. She LIKES to use those feet to kick guys in the balls.
Seventeen syllables. Thinking about the Japanese sentence structure (context-statement) seems to help, for me, anyway.
Limericks have a long and proud history of being used for jokes; I don't see the Limerick form as having a real future in SM. A sense of humor is good and sometimes necessary (heck, I gots one!!!), but I would tend to think tanka, haiku, and sonnet are more correctly applied.
03-06-2005, 01:23 PM
Please read ‘sauce’ for ‘source’ in #23 above (Yikes the 'Edit' button has disappeared!?)
Leave it as "source" -- that way, we know a limey wrote it! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Errare est humanum [L.] (ask Trouble and his copia verborum to translate)
'To err is human' and 'big vocabulary'.
Dum vivimus, vivamus.
'While Trouble has no clue, he has no clue'
Hhhmmm, in dubio. All ex capite from >25 years ago,
I think, 'In doubt' and 'from the head'. The "poem" in Latin by me (some messages back) is actually a translation of part of a Devo song that I done writ back in school. I hope that explains why it is staggeringly vapid.
03-06-2005, 03:05 PM
1. Leave it as "source" -- that way, we know a limey wrote it! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
2. 'To err is human' and 'big vocabulary'.
3. I think, 'In doubt' and 'from the head'.
1.:soomad Hey kleast (?at least) I spelt it write. Not like you in your last post! (different thread dudes/dudets)
2. You're good at this.
3. OK, OK, I promise no more Latin! You started it.
I lose! :ibow4u:
PS. So Wot's 'big boobs' in the extinct (or may be not!) Indo-European language of ancient Rome?
03-06-2005, 03:22 PM
What I is sayin' is that the >>>subject matter<< is too small (take that either way) to really be able to apply the strict rules of counterpoint, limerick, and/or phrenology, because very narrow rules applied to a very narrow subject category really limits your expression.
Night. Evilgrl waits.
He has to come home sometime
Her foot is yearning
Only a haiku, but it expreses a lot by implication (presumably, the guy who is coming home is bf; "and the "...has to come home somtime" implies that he knows what's gonnah happen and he's out there trying to dally-dilly and drag his feet to see if he can avoid getting it_. "Her foot is yearning" sums up a sizeable chunk of Evilgrl's persona: she's a ball-kicker. She LIKES to use those feet to kick guys in the balls.
Seventeen syllables. Thinking about the Japanese sentence structure (context-statement) seems to help, for me, anyway.
Limericks have a long and proud history of being used for jokes; I don't see the Limerick form as having a real future in SM. A sense of humor is good and sometimes necessary (heck, I gots one!!!), but I would tend to think tanka, haiku, and sonnet are more correctly applied.
Hey there Mr! I’ve received no complaints bout the size of my subject matter. Having said that, I quite likes your haiku. It fits the format perfectly. Eyes is obviously up against an x-pert in the poetic arts. There’s nothing else 4 it: The towel goes in the ring from the corner. No more limericks and no more Latin
03-06-2005, 06:54 PM
...if your not you deserve to get your balls booted so hard that they pop out your nose, or maybe you would really like that :D
Julie, will you please talk to me that way? Like you will stomp on my balls until they are flat.
03-07-2005, 07:41 PM
Julie, will you please talk to me that way? Like you will stomp on my balls until they are flat.
Oh, Magnum, Sweetie, I would NEVER stand on your nuts till they were crushed flat, but if u spread your legs nice and wide I would kick them hard enough for you to have a nice new pair of ear rings :D
03-07-2005, 10:04 PM
Oh, Magnum, Sweetie, I would NEVER stand on your nuts till they were crushed flat, but if u spread your legs nice and wide I would kick them hard enough for you to have a nice new pair of ear rings :D
She's good.
Julie, did you show the song I wrote for you to any of yer mates?
If I were Irish instead of texan, that would be "yuir mates".
03-08-2005, 08:54 PM
I'm fanning myself feverishly, feel a little faint. Thank you so much. :iluvu:
03-10-2005, 03:48 PM
[This is based on her posts and on a recent discussion.]
"Pretty On The Outside"
Copyright (c) 2005 Left Nut Recording Studios
[no music]
[Start drums, bass]
Agnetha's a girl I met,
Got looks you just can't hide
Keeps me up all night:
She's pretty on the outside
[Solid wall of bass guitar flattens audience]
Well, she's the kind of girl
Makes men not know right from wrong
And if you hang around with her,
She won't make you wait long
Keeps my mind's eye busy,
Lives far from where I abide,
You won't forget this woman:
She's pretty on the outside
[Drop another sledgehammer of bass]
She's got a funky habit
And they call it "B.B."
It stands for "Ball Busting"
(And, yes, she's busted me)
She's likes to kick men's balls,
Don't know a man she hasn't tried,
And why she gets away?
She's pretty on the outside.
[bass hammer]
She likes to kick with shoes
And she likes to use her knee
Either way, you can't lose
(If you're into B.B.)
She likes to see men writhe,
And she likes to tease and chide
And why do guys like it?
She's pretty on the outside
[bass smacks the audience again, poor bastards]
You know she's got fire in her heart
She's got it goin' on inside
Let her be your soul's other part
And she'll be your guide
Well, for a girl like Agnetha,
You can search far and wide,
But why you won't find another?
She's more than pretty on the outside
[mega slam with bass]
04-06-2005, 05:46 PM
[Note: Sadistic Sara has, so far, not fallen prey to my charms and the following are just lyrics. I looked up some other song lyrics today and noticed that other people's lyrics SUCK, so I figure that I have a lot of room to manuever. -Trouble]
Sadistic Lover
(c) 2005 Left Nut Recording Studioes
Close your eyes and go to sleep now
Close your eyes, let yourself dream
When you wake, you know I'll be there
We stay together 'cause we're a team
So our friends don't understand us
Let them wonder; our secret's safe.
Everything is just between us --
Only we know the time and place.
When you wake, take my nuts, now
Squeeze them hard, or play with me.
Pleasure and pain, it's your choice:
I picked you and you picked me --
Say you'll al__ways be,
Say you'll be my sadistic lover.
And I'll al__ways be,
I'll be your masochistic lover.
Feel like using the restraints for safety?
Feel like sex, well, that's okay, too.
Feel like watching TV this evening?
That's cool, you know I'm still there for you.
Where we go, I'll let you guide me
You know my limits, you know the way
I like a strong woman to dominate me:
In bed, order me and you know I'll obey.
But I'm not here just for your favours;
I'm not here just because you bust me
I'm only here because I like you;
Just because I enjoy your company.
Say you'll al__ways be,
Say you'll be my sadistic lover.
And I'll al__ways be,
I'll be your masochistic lover.
I touch your hair while you're sleeping
I hold your breasts (not like you can say no)
I hold you tight and feel my nutache --
I touch your knee, remember the last blow.
Maybe "forever" won't last all that long
Maybe "tomorrow" is the stuff of dreams
But, for now, we have each other always --
Or maybe not, but that's how it seems.
While it lasts, I give to you my balls
Punch them, kick them, do what you do
Our special bond comes from our sessions
Because you trust me and I trust you
Say you'll al__ways be,
Say you'll be my sadistic lover.
And I'll al__ways be,
I'll be your masochistic lover.
06-24-2006, 01:00 AM
Anthem to Snoodle
(c) 2006 Left Nut Recording Studios
On the day I was born, the doctors all gathered 'round
And they gazed in wide wonder, at the terror they'd found
One Doc spoke up -- said back up against the walls
He could tell right away: that I was born to kick balls
Born to kick balls
Born to kick balls
B-B-B-B-Born to kick balls
Born to kick balls
I broke a thousand balls, before I met you
I'll break a thousand more baby, before I am through
I grew up playing with nuts! Not playing with dolls!
I'm here to tell ya honey, that I was born to kick balls
Born to kick balls
Born to kick balls
I make a blind man see, I make a quiet man scream
I'll make an old man bend, and make a fetishist dream
But the bigger they are! -- The harder they falls!
So I'm here to tell ya honey, that I was born to kick balls
Born to kick balls
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