View Full Version : To Sara
02-25-2005, 12:15 PM
I'd love to get squeezed by you.
Do you have any pictures/pictures of your hands/legs/chest(in a bra, excluding one in your avatar but it isn't clear)
02-25-2005, 08:25 PM
No, sorry but I don't.
At least not for posting here. ;)
It might be different with my upcoming project though. That's where I'll be offering some of my "special personal services" that I mentioned in my post at: (
and later, at: (
That'll be something to look forward to. :D
- Sara :)
02-25-2005, 09:45 PM
Too bad i'm all the way in the UK.
Also, what do you call a heavy ball massage? If I was in the same room as you, describe what you'd do with me. :)
02-25-2005, 11:08 PM
Too bad i'm all the way in the UK.
Also, what do you call a heavy ball massage? If I was in the same room as you, describe what you'd do with me. :)
For the purposes of the website I'm setting up, it doesn't matter if you're in the U.K., Peru, Japan, Australia, or wherever. :D
Heavy ball massage? I'd start off gently by squeezing one ball in each hand and kneading them.
Then some deep thumb-pressing, followed by finger-tip / fingernail pressure.
After that, I'd tie your balls and rest them on a hard surface like a wooden board. That way, I'd be able to punch them and use the edge of my fist (as well as my knuckle-punches) on your captive balls against a hard surface. Harder and harder, until you couldn't stand the pain.
With your balls tied above a hard surface, I'd use the 'heels' of my hands to roll them around on the board while leaning most of my weight through my hands.
If that isn't sufficient, I'd place your tied balls on the board with another smaller board on top. I'd lean on the top board and move it around. Your flattened nuts would be rolling around between the boards with a lot of pressure being applied through the top board.
Now that's heavy ball massage! :D
For the harder, more painful stuff, I'd want to restrain your hands and feet so you couldn't protect your exposed balls. That would also prevent me from getting your knee or elbow in my face as you squirm and twist your body trying to escape the pain.
Whether or not you want to be able to use a "safe word" would be up to you. If you choose not to, your nuts would definitely feel bruised and abused for a few days afterwards.
For more of my techniques, read some of my previous posts in other threads in this Forum. ;)
- Sara :)
02-26-2005, 06:30 AM
Naw, i'd just be cumming in thick streams all over your hands and fingers.
02-26-2005, 09:34 AM
What about stepping on them with your feet? That works very well when they are tied and laying on a hard surface. :bananad:
02-26-2005, 01:43 PM
What about stepping on them with your feet? That works very well when they are tied and laying on a hard surface.
Yes, I save that method for last because if I lose my balance I feel that things might get messy. ;)
But I guess it would be OK if I did it carefully and properly.
- Sara :)
play with my plums
02-26-2005, 07:04 PM
Heavy ball massage? I'd start off gently by squeezing one ball in each hand and kneading them.
Then some deep thumb-pressing, followed by finger-tip / fingernail pressure.
After that, I'd tie your balls and rest them on a hard surface like a wooden board. That way, I'd be able to punch them and use the edge of my fist (as well as my knuckle-punches) on your captive balls against a hard surface. Harder and harder, until you couldn't stand the pain.
With your balls tied above a hard surface, I'd use the 'heels' of my hands to roll them around on the board while leaning most of my weight through my hands.
If that isn't sufficient, I'd place your tied balls on the board with another smaller board on top. I'd lean on the top board and move it around. Your flattened nuts would be rolling around between the boards with a lot of pressure being applied through the top board.
Now that's heavy ball massage! :D
For the harder, more painful stuff, I'd want to restrain your hands and feet so you couldn't protect your exposed balls. That would also prevent me from getting your knee or elbow in my face as you squirm and twist your body trying to escape the pain.
Whether or not you want to be able to use a "safe word" would be up to you. If you choose not to, your nuts would definitely feel bruised and abused for a few days afterwards.
WOW! :iluvu:
Can someone open up a heavy ball massage parlour in the UK please... these heavy balls need attention! :D
03-03-2005, 09:56 PM
What makes you such a ball expert? I'm not trying to get smart with you but how do you so much about balls? Did you ever think you could be possibly wrong and doing something that might cause some kind of permenant damage? I'm just messin with ya...
I'm just busting your balls. Talk with ya later,
03-04-2005, 04:14 AM
WOW. That was beautiful. Thanks Sara.
03-04-2005, 10:04 AM
Yes that was beautiful Sara. :iluvu:
03-04-2005, 06:09 PM
What makes you such a ball expert? I'm not trying to get smart with you but how do you so much about balls? Did you ever think you could be possibly wrong and doing something that might cause some kind of permenant damage? I'm just messin with ya...
I'm just busting your balls. Talk with ya later,
Hi Kurt :)
I don't call myself an expert.
But I don't mind it if I'm called an expert. ;)
I'm just an 'amateur ballbuster' with some experience and practice.
I've had more than a few boyfriends/intimate friends to get "hands-on" experience.
That's the top source of most of my information about balls. :D
The second source of what I know about balls is from reading. From all kinds of non-fictional sources.
I'm currently studying medicine at university (to become an M.D.), as I explain in my Profile. Even though "ballbusting" isn't one of the courses available :Baahaha: , there are other courses that cover different aspects of male genitalia. I'm not a doctor yet though, so I'm not qualified to give medical advice.
My job as veterinary assistant (when I lived in Mexico) doesn't really qualify me as an expert in balls, since I was mostly removing balls. :Baahaha: However, it helped teach me the anatomy and physiology of balls (as well as different methods of ********** livestock).
While ballbusting boyfriends/intimate friends I'm very careful about not causing any permanent damage. I haven't yet. (At least, not with boyfriends or intimate friends in a consentual situation.)
Some members seem slightly annoyed that I don't write posts about standing on a guy's balls or even recommend it, but in my opinion that has too much potential for causing damage. But that's just my opinion, because I prefer to avoid situations where accidents could happen.
- Sara :)
03-04-2005, 07:02 PM
I don't call myself an expert.
But I don't mind it if I'm called an expert. ;)
I'm just an 'amateur ballbuster' with some experience and practice.
I still consider Sara our resident ballologist. She may not have a degree in ballology or a license to practice ballectomies, but since there is no state -run board that certifies ballologists as experts in the field and since she is a pioneer in the field and an avid researcher, I say she qualifies as an expert in ballology and ballbusting. :ibow4u:
I'm currently studying medicine at university (to become an M.D.), as I explain in my Profile. Even though "ballbusting" isn't one of the courses available :Baahaha: , there are other courses that cover different aspects of male genitalia. I'm not a doctor yet though, so I'm not qualified to give medical advice.
If there were a course in ballbusting, I know you'd be the second one to sign up for it. And, no, I don't know why Evilgrl is so quick; enthusiasm, maybe?
03-15-2005, 04:01 PM
I still consider Sara our resident ballologist. She may not have a degree in ballology or a license to practice ballectomies, but since there is no state -run board that certifies ballologists as experts in the field and since she is a pioneer in the field and an avid researcher, I say she qualifies as an expert in ballology and ballbusting. :ibow4u:
If there were a course in ballbusting, I know you'd be the second one to sign up for it. And, no, I don't know why Evilgrl is so quick; enthusiasm, maybe?
I agree with Trouble, even though you're not an "expert" you still know a lot and you've at least got experience in the feild. Plus SadisticSara you seem to be a fanfavorite here so I think your position as ballbusting expert is in danger. ;)
03-15-2005, 04:28 PM
She's not pretending to be a physician, she just signs her name, "SadisticSara, CBT - Certified Ballbusting Technician". Since a license in CBT (meaning, of course, Certified Ballbusting Technician -- I mean, what else could CBT stand for?) doesn't exist, we can just print one up and e-mail it to her. If we use just the write font, it should look official enough that she could use it to convince bound men tha their puppies are safe... somewhat...
03-16-2005, 10:33 AM
Some members seem slightly annoyed that I don't write posts about
standing on a guy's balls or even recommend it, but in my opinion that has too much potential for causing damage. But that's just my opinion, because I prefer to avoid situations where accidents could happen.
- Sara :) I hope you didn't mean me Sara. I wouldn't get annoyed with you. I do love to read about your experiences and methods etc. though. I mean I would love to have you step and stand on my balls but wouldn't get upset for you not posting about it.
03-16-2005, 12:49 PM
I hope you didn't mean me Sara. I wouldn't get annoyed with you. I do love to read about your experiences and methods etc. though. I mean I would love to have you step and stand on my balls but wouldn't get upset for you not posting about it.
No, I didn't mean to single out anybody in particular. ;) And maybe I misinterpreted the part about some being slightly annoyed because different members (besides you) keep asking me about standing on a guy's balls.
But I wouldn't want to post about something like that. I'm no expert at standing on a guy's balls and I'd have to include a "Don't try this a home!"disclaimer.
It's just that I've noticed that when I mention (in other threads) that I'm not into standing on a guys balls on a hard surface, some members sometimes write about how safe it is. At least, that's how I perceive it.
On a softer surface, with bare feet, it would be OK.
But with the balls between a hard surface and the hard sole of a pleasantly plump inexperienced girlfriend's boot - well... accidents sometimes happen suddenly.
Sooo... I do it my way and they can do it their way. I just don't want to recommend it myself.
I feel that there are plenty of other safer ways to inflict as much pain with less risk. But at the same time, I realize that there are safe ways to stand on some guy's nuts.
Maybe some member would like to start a thread to explain the positions and precautions that should be taken to maybe prevent some guy from feeling a sudden sickening crunch of a ruptured testicle as his partner accidentally slips or is just a few pounds too heavy.
"Oops! Sorry sweetheart! Let's not do it that way any more! I'll call for the ambulance. At least I only crushed one of them, I think!" ;)
Anyway, I'm not telling people not to do any ball-standing. I'm just saying that they should be careful, and that I wouldn't feel comfortable doing it.
I guess what we all need (including myself) is an experienced member to educate us and give us some advice about the methods and safety tips of 'ball-standing'. :D
- Sara :)
03-16-2005, 03:08 PM
Safe ball standing,
An ex-g/f and myself used to practice ball standing, and no accident ever occurred. This is the description of one of the ways we practiced it, most often :
• I was either standing along the edge of a table, or kneeing along a low sitting-room table, both situations allowing my sack to rest on the table, and my dick either, if not fully hard (situation which usually did not last long, due to the heavy excitement generated by the situation !) Of course, I was naked, at least below waist.
• My Partner was standing on the table, bare foot. She came towards my package, starting kicking it softly from one side to the other, or pressing gently the balls (or the dick, especially if already hard and up !) with the balls of Her feet. She might allow me to stroke Her legs and Her thighs, which would increase dramatically my excitement and my hard-on (but this is not the centre of the topic !) Then She would say serious things are coming : She stands in front of me, Her legs and thighs along my torso, Her crotch in front of my face, and She « grips » each of my balls with Her toes, preventing any movement, and starting to apply some pressure to my balls. She then starts elevating Herself on Her toes, slowly, keeping my balls under the small arch they make when curled. I loved stroking Her leg muscles when She lifted Her weight, feeling them getting harder and bigger. She has some fun balancing Her weight from one foot to the other, meaning from one ball to the other… or She rotates Her feet, inwards or outwards, still with the balls under Her toes. Sometimes, She keeps one foot over one of my balls, with Her entire weight, She lifts Her other leg over my shoulder and orders me to lick Her, often to Her orgasm.
Pain was –usually- bearable ; most of the time, despite pain, I remained erect due to the intense excitement the situation brought me ; however, I never achieved an orgasm simply with ball crushing, but, several times, when I was fully excited, She suddenly stepped on my cock, folding it towards the table with the ball of Her foot, and often this very strong pressure lead me to a fabulous orgasm…
I said no accident ever happened, several reasons may explain that : when She curls her toes, they form a small arch, and the ball of the foot rests on the table, bearing more weight than the weight applied by the toes on my balls ; one might say it works because my balls are ridiculously small, I would disagree, as some other partners had already told me they were rather large !
The most credible reason for not getting injured is probably that pressure was applied slowly and with a reasonable gradient…
Hoping to have added to the debate…
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