View Full Version : rupturing of balls
02-25-2005, 10:09 PM
what is this? can it happen? julie, sara , any girl on here: have you ever made anyone sterile? what happens when you squeeze your hardest?
02-26-2005, 02:28 PM
what is this? can it happen? julie, sara , any girl on here: have you ever made anyone sterile? what happens when you squeeze your hardest?
I read somewhere that it could also cause death (neurogenic shock or something)... dunno if it's true, but I think it would surely make a man pass out!
By the way I'd be interested too in reading what girls thinks about this topic.
02-26-2005, 02:51 PM
I read somewhere that it could also cause death (neurogenic shock or something)... dunno if it's true, but I think it would surely make a man pass out!.
As I understand it, neurogenic shock refers to either the effect of extreme pain being able to kill a person, or is a more specific term refering to the general concept of shock to the central nervous system. Generally, hard blows to the testicles can cause CNS shock; but will not be lethal. It's been awhile since I took first aid, but CNS shock is generally treated by some stuff like having the person lie down and then raise his/her legs slightly, maybe put a blanket over same.
The instances in which a kick to the groin has been attributed to neurogenic shock seem to be those in which a man got kicked in the balls and died, but the trauma caused should not have been enough to cause death.
The more dangerous aspect than neurogenic shock is that severe trauma could not only rupture the wall of a ball, but also cause internal bleeding. The groin area has a LOT of blood passages and internal bleeding in the area, especially if left untreated, can be fatal.
WARNING: Don't try rupturing a nut at home to see what happens; you and your gal may live to regret the experience. On the other hand, if you die, heck, at least you won't be around to have any regrets! It's all good!
By the way I'd be interested too in reading what girls thinks about this topic.
ME. TOO! :bananajum
02-26-2005, 04:44 PM
As I understand it, neurogenic shock refers to either the effect of extreme pain being able to kill a person, or is a more specific term refering to the general concept of shock to the central nervous system. Generally, hard blows to the testicles can cause CNS shock; but will not be lethal. It's been awhile since I took first aid, but CNS shock is generally treated by some stuff like having the person lie down and then raise his/her legs slightly, maybe put a blanket over same.
The instances in which a kick to the groin has been attributed to neurogenic shock seem to be those in which a man got kicked in the balls and died, but the trauma caused should not have been enough to cause death.
The more dangerous aspect than neurogenic shock is that severe trauma could not only rupture the wall of a ball, but also cause internal bleeding. The groin area has a LOT of blood passages and internal bleeding in the area, especially if left untreated, can be fatal.
WARNING: Don't try rupturing a nut at home to see what happens; you and your gal may live to regret the experience. On the other hand, if you die, heck, at least you won't be around to have any regrets! It's all good!
ME. TOO! :bananajum
I know that I will probably be in the minority here, but the thought of causing severe pain to another person does nothing for me at all. What I mean by severe pain is ruptured balls and the like. The thought of causing permanent damage, to me, is quite off putting. To be honest, I would seriously worry about the mental state of ANY woman who got off on it :)
02-26-2005, 06:31 PM
I know that I will probably be in the minority here, but the thought of causing severe pain to another person does nothing for me at all. What I mean by severe pain is ruptured balls and the like. The thought of causing permanent damage, to me, is quite off putting. To be honest, I would seriously worry about the mental state of ANY woman who got off on it :)
Ms Danika weighs in with her thoughts on permanent damage here:
02-26-2005, 08:48 PM
I agree with Julie and Tamakeri.
"Ballbusting" as I practice it, is supposed to be an experience that the guy finds pleasurable over-all. One that he'd like to have repeated.
Hopefully the woman involved also enjoys it. :D
Avoiding permanent damage is Rule Number One for me.
Enjoying causing permanent damage is only done by women with serious emotional or mental problems, or if they're under the influence of some mind-altering substance, or if they're acting in 'self-defence' to protect their life or if they're being raped. Avoid women who are truly sadistic. It's not worth the risk. The hopes of a moment of apparent pleasure followed by a lifetime of regret is something to be avoided before it happens.
During my ballbusting sessions, which I only do with a loving or affectionate partner where there is mutual trust and respect, I've never caused any permanent damage. I'm very careful about that.
That's one reason why I prefer not to stand on a guy's balls, as some members say they enjoy having done to them. For me, I don't think that doing that would be safe enough. There are other less potentially dangerous ways to inflict the same levels of pain.
Members who write about their ********** fantasies are talking about fantasies. Fantasies are OK and stimulating to think about while the guy is jerking off or daydreaming, but I'm sure that most of them wouldn't really want it done to them and live without their testicles for the rest of their lives.
Separating fantasies from reality is the job of both people involved in a ballbusting session (or any fetish-related activity that could result in permanent damage).
Severe pain is OK between consenting adults who know what they're getting into.
Permanent damage is not OK.
- Sara :)
02-27-2005, 02:12 PM
Enjoying causing permanent damage is only done by women with serious emotional or mental problems, or if they're under the influence of some mind-altering substance, or if they're acting in 'self-defence' to protect their life or if they're being raped. Avoid women who are truly sadistic. It's not worth the risk. The hopes of a moment of apparent pleasure followed by a lifetime of regret is something to be avoided before it happens.
- Sara :)
Hey don't tell them to avoid me. (jk) I'll admit that the thought of being able to cause damage to a guy balls does excite me. However it's the knowledge that I could do it more than actually doing it. For instance if I ever damaged someone I care about I'd never forgive myself. Even if it wasn't some one I cared about, while it does intriges me, I think if it really happened it would probably be a pretty fightening situation. Now I've been told by quite a few guys that they wouldn't mind if I kicked or squeezed until they are ruptured. I assume this is more part of their fantasy than them actually wanting me to do this. I couldn't imagine any guy been willing to sacrific his balls for one great bust. If nothing else I'm sure the smashing of a man's testicles is punishable by some serious jail time. No amount of fun is worth that to me.
02-27-2005, 03:53 PM
Hey don't tell them to avoid me. (jk) I'll admit that the thought of being able to cause damage to a guy balls does excite me. However it's the knowledge that I could do it more than actually doing it. For instance if I ever damaged someone I care about I'd never forgive myself. Even if it wasn't some one I cared about, while it does intriges me, I think if it really happened it would probably be a pretty fightening situation. Now I've been told by quite a few guys that they wouldn't mind if I kicked or squeezed until they are ruptured. I assume this is more part of their fantasy than them actually wanting me to do this. I couldn't imagine any guy been willing to sacrific his balls for one great bust. If nothing else I'm sure the smashing of a man's testicles is punishable by some serious jail time. No amount of fun is worth that to me.
id still let you squeeze me your hardest, but i dont reckon you could rupture them
i'd cum too much!
02-27-2005, 07:00 PM
For instance if I ever damaged someone I care about I'd never forgive myself. Even if it wasn't some one I cared about, while it does intriges me, I think if it really happened it would probably be a pretty fightening situation.
What about ME?!? :D
I prefer the knowledge that a oman could do some serious injury if she wanted to, but I would not want these puppies ruined.
02-28-2005, 09:31 AM
I am kind of suprised that no one has a fantasy of having their balls crushed or ruptured by a woman. It's strickly a fantasy for me but I love hearing a women threaten to do that. Having it done in reality is a different story. My wife has told me many times that she is going to kick me as hard as she can (at my request) but of course never does it. I have read quite a few stories of gals who had a "ruptering" or "**********" fantasy but won't actually do it. I'll never forget that a gal named "Snakegirl" wrote "my fantasy is to kick an unsuspecting naked man in the balls as hard as I can". I loved reading that, I wish I knew who she was, It was a long time ago.
02-28-2005, 10:08 AM
Hello to all of you,
Don't you think that there appears when being ball busted a kind of tolerance much similar to the effects of some narcotics: the more you practice, the less effect it has and the higher amount of "stuff" you need ?
Masochist people may start with "gentle busting" (soft hand-squeezing and so on...) and gradually come to asking (or having a fantasy) for more severe treatments (stomping, crushing or cracking...) ! The request for permanent damages is the result of this increase in the amount of excitation needed for the desired level of excitment.
Best regards,
02-28-2005, 01:34 PM
Members who write about their ********** fantasies are talking about fantasies. Fantasies are OK and stimulating to think about while the guy is jerking off or daydreaming, but I'm sure that most of them wouldn't really want it done to them and live without their testicles for the rest of their lives.
Separating fantasies from reality is the job of both people involved in a ballbusting session (or any fetish-related activity that could result in permanent damage).
Severe pain is OK between consenting adults who know what they're getting into.
Permanent damage is not OK.
I couldn't agree more. The trouble with ********** is its a one off. I'm far TOO fucking greedy for that!
02-28-2005, 03:11 PM
I couldn't agree more. The trouble with ********** is its a one off. I'm far TOO fucking greedy for that!
thats true.. i do want to be able to fuck after word:)
02-28-2005, 05:33 PM
I'll never forget that a gal named "Snakegirl" wrote "my fantasy is to kick an unsuspecting naked man in the balls as hard as I can". I loved reading that, I wish I knew who she was, It was a long time ago.
I believe she still lurks on the DBabble board every day or two. The lady I am referring to doesn't use snakegirl as her login, but the AOL email id tells the tale. One of those ladies that often reads but (almost) never speaks over there.
02-28-2005, 07:06 PM
I believe she still lurks on the DBabble board every day or two. The lady I am referring to doesn't use snakegirl as her login, but the AOL email id tells the tale. One of those ladies that often reads but (almost) never speaks over there.
I actually know Snakegirl. Believe it or not we are friends. I mean real friends in real life like we hang out and such. Funny thing we met each other in a ballbusting chatroom and then it turns out we lived like 10 minutes away from each other. She'll be thrilled to know what a star she is!
02-28-2005, 07:38 PM
I actually know Snakegirl. Believe it or not we are friends. I mean real friends in real life like we hang out and such. Funny thing we met each other in a ballbusting chatroom and then it turns out we lived like 10 minutes away from each other. She'll be thrilled to know what a star she is!
Spoken by another one of those who visits regularly but (almost) never speaks over on DBabble. I'm glad you're more talkative over here evilgrl, although I notice you did say something over there last week! Maybe the crowd is a little more refined over here! Certainly appear to be a few less kiddies over here anyway.
02-28-2005, 07:45 PM
Spoken by another one of those who visits regularly but (almost) never speaks over on DBabble. I'm glad you're more talkative over here evilgrl, although I notice you did say something over there last week! Maybe the crowd is a little more refined over here! Certainly appear to be a few less kiddies over here anyway.
The people over here are much nicer than the ones of "there". I don't know what the problem is over there. My theory is they just hate women. Anyway I'm going to try and get Nadia (Snake girl) to come over here and join us.
02-28-2005, 08:26 PM
The people over here are much nicer than the ones of "there". I don't know what the problem is over there. My theory is they just hate women. Anyway I'm going to try and get Nadia (Snake girl) to come over here and join us.
I would have to agree with this theory. My bf belongs to that board and I was going to join too, but by the way they talk to most women that bother to post I saw no point.
If a woman bothers to post there, they are inevitably accused of being a man, then everone starts to comment on how women never seem to post :p
02-28-2005, 09:10 PM
With a face like YOURS, I think that most women really could do some damage! :Baahaha: "Accidentally", of course! ;)
Any permanent damage done while your "little puppies" are in our hands would be justified by the non-premeditated spur-of-the-moment 'temporary insanity' defence.
You know --- "the devil made me do it!". :D
Or, better yet, as "you" sometimes say, "God wanted me to do it!". :Baahaha:
- Sara :)
lol thats hilarious :Baahaha:
Ya i would never would want mine ruptured either. I barely would ask for a really hard kick just to be safe. But i for you people that want to be ruptured theres another option for you, you have a girl kick you repeatedly really hard. Just not too hard and that will give you just as much pain(that is an assumtion)
02-28-2005, 10:03 PM
The people over here are much nicer than the ones of "there". I don't know what the problem is over there. My theory is they just hate women. Anyway I'm going to try and get Nadia (Snake girl) to come over here and join us.
Cool. 'Course she's gonna run into "trouble" over here, but he kinda grows on you after a while. 'Specially with that new Texas drawl he's had lately.
02-28-2005, 10:52 PM
The people over here are much nicer than the ones of "there". I don't know what the problem is over there. My theory is they just hate women. Anyway I'm going to try and get Nadia (Snake girl) to come over here and join us.
(*Drool*) How can we ever thank you? :ibow4u:
The people over "here" are more refined because if we do not behave, Sara beats us with a stick. Watch as I demonstrate how it works:
Evilgrl has cooties! Evilgrl has cooties! Ev-
Ow. See? I have returned to being gentleman-like already. A man is a well-regulated machine of diplomacy, so long as he has a stern mistress at the wheel.
02-28-2005, 11:13 PM
Cool. 'Course she's gonna run into "trouble" over here, but he kinda grows on you after a while. 'Specially with that new Texas drawl he's had lately.
Thank you, stranger. Much obliged.
As fer this rupturin' buisness...
I do fantasize about getting kicked in the balls hard enough to do them permanent and very extreme damage. I received a minor injury during a bit of, yanno, miscommunication with a woman, and I would, in a way, really really LOVE it if she would do it again, or worse. Yeah, worse. Mmmmmm.
On the other hand, she and I are not on speaking terms and nver will be again if I have my way. I mean, if she wants to put out one last time, that's another story, but speaking? No.
And, sadly, that means I am stuck with my sac as intact as it is. Until it's time fer me to mosey on over to that Great Yonder in the sky, it's jest me an' these puppies... when I go, feed mah horse... much obliged...
03-01-2005, 09:19 AM
EVILGRL, will you please let snakegirl know that if she is the one who did post that fantasy I was reffering to, that I got quite a few miles (strokes) out of it. I would love for her to post again on this board. Snakegirl and Evilgrl at the same time, I don't know if my little heart could stand it. Now thats a fantasy that I would love to come true! :iluvu:
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