View Full Version : A question about pain
02-27-2005, 11:00 AM
I've been into BB for as long as I can remember, but there's always been a very specific pain I've endured to achieve. I can't just slap my balls at any moment and recieve pleasure from it. The circumstances seem to be very precise, like:
I'm incredibly aroused, nearing the point of orgasm, feeling fine in general (i.e, not much on my mind)
Then and mostly only then can I really take a beating to the ball region. It seems my tolerance for pain leaps a thousand percent when these criteria are met, but really only then. I'll topple like Jenga if I'm kicked when I'm not into it.
I'm curious about what other people have experienced. Geezer especially, since you seem to enjoy really working your guys out. Can you take it anytime, or does it need to be in a framework of pleasure?
02-27-2005, 06:54 PM
It's part of the normal sexual response in the male genitalia that the testicles' troubles are shut out by the brain if they are about to perform their specified function (i.e., put the rock in the hole). Arousal in general seems to start to diminish their sensitivity, or maybe not; but nearing the peak (like, you know, at that plateau just short of the peak), the testicles' sensation is still there, but the brain doesn't pay any attention. This is an evolutionary trait -- men evolved for one thing and one thing only (i.e., to put the rock in the hole) and the chances of successful reproduction increase if pain in the groin is ignored by the brain when close to orgasm.
Mmmmm. Yeah. Put the rock in the hole.
02-28-2005, 09:43 AM
I always have my wife squeeze as hard as she can or put most of her weight on my balls when I climax. Before that though, I can't take nearly as much.
02-28-2005, 10:32 AM
I have observed the same variation in the pain level I can bear before and after climax. A strong g/f of mine, with terrible strength in Her hands (She used to play tennis and had an awesome grip !), used to squeeze (or should I say "crush") my balls during our intercourses; even if She squeezed with all Her might, I could bear it until I orgasmed (usually after several of Her climaxes!)
One day, maybe She considered not having climaxed enough (!), She kept squeezing my balls, but not stronger than before (She insisted on that!), and after my orgasm, the pain suddenly appeared to be much less bearable, and lead me to loose consciousness for a couple of minutes!
I read somewhere that the pre-climax period is a moment when pain and generally speaking, negative stimuly are not taken into account by the brain with their actual intensity. Things are going as if brain only took into account the sensations having apositive effect on the drive to orgasm.
Coming back to the story, my g/f stopped squeezing when I passed out, but She resumed Her actions as soon as I went back! Minutes later, I was hard again and able again to give Her some pleasure!
Hoping to have added to the debate
03-01-2005, 06:24 PM
I'm curious about what other people have experienced. Geezer especially, since you seem to enjoy really working your guys out. Can you take it anytime, or does it need to be in a framework of pleasure? -Knave
Yes, I do really enjoy really working my guys out...and yes, it's much more pleasurable after I work myself up for a time before applying the extreme ball pressures that I've come to enjoy.
If I'm not in the process of a "session" even a light accidental bump to the nuts is not pleasurable. Maybe that's why I don't like having mine "busted" as some here seem to strive for...having my nuts hit sharply or even the thought of having them purposely kicked holds nothing for me, the closest I get to that is if I wrap my nuts into a tight little package with some cord or an ace bandage and then proceed to tap them with something like a wooden dowel or spoon...I don't do it hard but I do do it for a long time til the pain builds...I try to stay at that level as long as I can.
I get off on long-time-built pain and the resulting endorphines. The pain isn't what I desire, rather it's something to be put up with so I can get the resulting chemicals. I like squeezing my guys because I can get there more directly and then string it out at that level for as long as it takes (or for as long as I want it to take). Hitting them is so much less controllable and I don't think that that special level of pain can be maintained very least I can't maintain that level with hitting. I can, though, squeeze the guys directly to the level of pain that produces the endorphines that I like so much...and by squeezing, I can start gently and build as quickly or as slowly as I choose so that I can both maintain the level for a long time and reach much higher levels than others (at least I think that the levels I reach are higher than most other squeezers least for the length of time that I apply the pressure). I've never heard that the "busters" get and enjoy the long term effects of the endorphines. I'm sure they get a quick gush when their guys get attacked but my guess is that the endorphine level starts to decline quickly rather than building and building over a long period as the squeeze continues.
I've never tried doing my nuts after I've's sort of anti-climactic isn't it, both literally and figuratively...or would that be post-climactic? I've always seen the cumming as the end of the line and then I just let my eggs relax and recover. I don't know whether they'd hurt more or less after the goo appears (but you can bet that next time I do myself, I will try extending the squeeze after the climax). I have no idea where the well of endorphines is finite or whether it runs out after, say a couple hours with the pump on. I can't imagine that post climax pressure would be as pleasurable as the pre-squirt anticipation and buildup...can you?
The Geezer
PS: I didn't check when Knave's note was posted but if it's been a while, sorry for any delay in my response. I've been away visiting an old high school friend and haven't been online for a while. And no, the guys didn't get a workout when I was away, but there is a possibility that she might fit into the grand scheme of things in the future...she doesn't take herself too seriously and might warm to the idea after she tries it a time or two...maybe even when (if) she comes here in a month or two. My guys will be thinking about her in the meantime. :iluvu:
03-02-2005, 03:32 PM
Thanks for the responses fellas. Don't worry Geezer, your reply was prompt :)
I've learned some interesting things. Hopefully I'll have time to really go to town on the boys soon.
03-06-2005, 01:30 PM
On multiple occasions I've had hour-long sessions which were basically constant punching of my balls. After getting more daring, I'd have the girlfriend (or domme, depending on the occasion) continue to punch while I masturbated. Generally, I found that pretty soon after climax the pain would fade into a 'warmness' with only a minor ache, even if moments ago I had been in a lot of agony. Recently, I've asked for punching to continue after I cum, but these are the hardest to take for sure. I would definitely say that no matter how much things hurt leading up until cumming, afterwards the pain fades fast. I've never had a session result in me hurting more than an hour later. I do believe everyone has different pain tolerances and reactions, as I've had a few professional dommes who told me they were amazed at how much I'd take before using a safeword...
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