View Full Version : Professional Ballbusting
02-28-2005, 03:14 PM
I’m not sure where to place this so maybe it deserves its own thread.
Topic: Where can you pay to get yer conkers cracked?
I’ve noticed that the British bitches website lists 30 ladies from all over the UK that specialise in ballbusting.
The ‘Ballbusters Directory’ at this site lists pro-doms who bust balls :) Several of these have been given ratings by punters which include the price and what you get for it. Some of these gurls sound mean!
Are there any other such listings available. Some of these lasses used to be listed at the ‘scrambled eggs’ website (whatever happened to that?). That listing was international.
02-28-2005, 05:25 PM is a good start. That will find you ladies who want to hurt you- then check their individual websites for a contact number or e-mail and see if they will do a session with only ball-busting. I think most will, but they aren't clairvoyant. If you don't want whips and candlewax you need to tell them that loud and clear.
02-28-2005, 08:57 PM
I wouldnt do that you pay $200-$300(usd) and they are mostly but ugly, old, fat ladies. I mean i found one that was really hot and in my area but she wants $400 per hour and i dont even get to choose what she does to me.
02-28-2005, 09:27 PM
I wouldnt do that you pay $200-$300(usd) and they are mostly but ugly, old, fat ladies. I mean i found one that was really hot and in my area but she wants $400 per hour and i dont even get to choose what she does to me.
I wouldn't do that either because I have tried both and think young amateurs do a better job for a cheaper price. But the fact remains he WAS looking for pros and maxfisch is the right place to look for pros. And "they're mostly but[t] ugly old and fat ladies" implies you have seen enough pros to make that statement. I submit that there are many cute 20-30 age prodommes and many can be had (typically in domme houses) for $100-120 (half hour) or less or $150 an hour. The Gates or Fantasy Makers in San Francisco. The Chateau in LA. I'm sure plenty of similar spots in NYC, London, Paris, Amsterdam, wherever. Go to The Gates website ( and see how many fat ugly old ladies you see. Xia will make mincemeat out of your balls for $130 an hour this month, and she is friggin' gorgeous. I don't think you're looking very hard, they're out there.
02-28-2005, 10:16 PM
Thanks for that site. Now i wish i could afford to get my ass to CA. I didnt look if they travel or not but im sure if they do then they dont have any plans on comming to MI without extra costs.
02-28-2005, 10:40 PM
Thanks for that site. Now i wish i could afford to get my ass to CA. I didnt look if they travel or not but im sure if they do then they dont have any plans on comming to MI without extra costs.
You are within a 4 hour drive of Chicago, Toronto, Columbus, Cleveland and a bazillion other places. There's nothing that has your butt chained to Detroit is there? There are millions of women within a morning's drive of you. I repeat- you aren't looking or trying hard enough. When I was stuck in nowhere town, Tennessee, it's simply amazing how many times I HAD to make the three hour drive to Atlanta and just happened to drop in on a ballbuster while I was there. And I GUARANTEE you can get busted in Detroit anyway, as long as you aren't underage. Go to any strip club and when the girls hit you up for a lap dance, offer them the same price (typically $20) for a couple of sharp kicks. Strippers love to kick guys!
Hell, find out what Chicagoland bar evilgrl and snakegirl hang out in, then show up there one night and insult all the cute girls under 25. I'm sure we'll hear about it on this board. Evilgrl will be the one in the boots with the smile on her face.
Or put an ad in the Ypsi and Ann Arbor papers for an aggressive female personal trainer. College girls always need money. When she calls or emails, tell her what you want. 1 in 5 will probably do it for a surprisingly small amount of change. You can do this if you want to!
02-28-2005, 10:46 PM
Thats the plan as soon as i turn 18(few months) is to go to a strip club. I know of a few strip clubs in detroit. Ill challange a stripper, im gonna bet her $50 that she cant put me on the ground in 5 kicks. Im sure she will be able to do it but if i win that will kick ass
02-28-2005, 10:55 PM
Thats the plan as soon as i turn 18(few months) is to go to a strip club. I know of a few strip clubs in detroit. Ill challange a stripper, im gonna bet her $50 that she cant put me on the ground in 5 kicks. Im sure she will be able to do it but if i win that will kick ass
Oops- I didn't realize you were underage. I take back all my advice (sorry George W. I didn't know- please... I don't wanna go to Guantanamo)
I was just talking to myself.
I know nothing! See nothing!
Hell, I don't even know who I am!
02-28-2005, 11:32 PM
I was just talking to myself.
I know nothing! See nothing!
Hell, I don't even know who I am!
That's funny, I say those same things ALL the time!
imlost: This is an adult-only site; you know it says you have to be 18 in order to be here. To get an account, did you have to claim to be 18 when actually... you wuz "almost"? It'd be Sara's decision, but I would think that maybe y'all ought to a) apologize to the folks, b) not log on until you are 18 FOR REAL, and c) not violate our trust again.
Now you've gone and made me feel like a parent! AGH! Must... switch... back...
I think what happened to Scrambled Eggs was that Andy got a new hobby and let it expire. I have the callnetuk web pages stored, but I would not use them unless I was certain that Andy meant to let the site go.
(PHEW! That was close, I almost found myself saying, "We're very disappointed in you, son...")
03-01-2005, 05:24 AM
Thanks guys. :ibow4u:
I’ve never used a pro and probably wouldn’t unless one came with a high recommendation. Nevertheless, I’m inquisitive about this scene and what goes on and figured it’d be useful to have a thread listing where one can pay to get one’s bollox burst. Its far more fun trying to get the girl next door to bust u. :) Unfortunately, I’m finding that when it comes to S&M most the regular female population would far rather take the submissive role and are not so good when they switch to the dom role. :(
03-06-2005, 01:12 PM
I've been to a few in the SF Bay Area. The Gates and FantasyMakers are definitely good, and I intend to go back to both. Selene at FM was awesome! Also had a great session with a domme in LA, but I can't remember her name offhand.
03-06-2005, 02:52 PM
The Gates and FantasyMakers are definitely good, and I intend to go back to both. Selene at FM was awesome!
This is good stuff - lets have more of it guys :) It is our duty to tell the world where it can get its balls busted good 'n' proper :wooow
Unfortunately, I’ve forgotten her name (?). She went by Lady or Madam Something or other (Madam Lisa rings a bell?). She was an American living in Essex and used to advertise her ‘free’ BB services on forums such as this. In the end she got fed up of phoney punters and began to charge 60 pounds (100 US bucks approx) a session. I contacted her once to find out where in ‘London’ she was. I’m regularly on the West side (Paddington etc.) with work and figured I might visit during a lunch break. Unfortunately, Essex was way too difficult to get to. I really liked the idea of her as she was doing it for fun and so obviously got off on the whole thing herself (this is important for me). So far as I remember she liked to have her man on all fours and kick him from behind. She also used to play a game where her subject’s balls were attached to a long elastic bungee cord. As she described it, the subject was then set a target distance to achieve a sexual reward. Failure to make the distance resulted in punishment. No doubt she knew exactly how far it was possible to pull so could rig the ‘game’ up according to her wishes. Did anybody here ever visit this woman? What was she like in person? Does anybody know what happened to her? As she was into BB for her own pleasure I assume she might still be 'practicing’.
06-02-2005, 06:07 AM
No idea im afraid mate.
But i think the idea of a UK/US listing of all BB opportunities both pro and amateaur would be great.
Why dont we do it outselves, who better to create this list that us bunch of closet pervs :0)
Perv On Tommy :)
06-06-2005, 02:36 AM
Does anyone know of any Professional/amateaur ballbusters located in New Zealand/Christchurch???
06-06-2005, 02:42 AM
Hi Jax, if ur in Chch, try they are good and the prices wont force u to take out a mortgage on ur home :)
John P
06-08-2005, 06:58 AM
Unfortunately, I’ve forgotten her name (?). She went by Lady or Madam Something or other (Madam Lisa rings a bell?). She was an American living in Essex and used to advertise her ‘free’ BB services on forums such as this. In the end she got fed up of phoney punters and began to charge 60 pounds (100 US bucks approx) a session. I contacted her once to find out where in ‘London’ she was. I’m regularly on the West side (Paddington etc.) with work and figured I might visit during a lunch break. Unfortunately, Essex was way too difficult to get to. I really liked the idea of her as she was doing it for fun and so obviously got off on the whole thing herself (this is important for me). So far as I remember she liked to have her man on all fours and kick him from behind. She also used to play a game where her subject’s balls were attached to a long elastic bungee cord. As she described it, the subject was then set a target distance to achieve a sexual reward. Failure to make the distance resulted in punishment. No doubt she knew exactly how far it was possible to pull so could rig the ‘game’ up according to her wishes. Did anybody here ever visit this woman? What was she like in person? Does anybody know what happened to her? As she was into BB for her own pleasure I assume she might still be 'practicing’. I wud luv :iluvu: to meet this lady. Does anybody know how to conact her? or of another not-2-expensive Pro in London or Oxford? How much do the girls on Davids site want? I'm a poor American student and a buck dont go far in the england. :(
06-08-2005, 09:37 AM
You might check the list on "British Bitches" web site-
Speaking of "Fantasy Makers", there used to be a gal named Olivia (hot blonde) who listed ball kicking as one of her favorite things to do. Unfortunately she isn't there now and I don't know if she is still busting balls. You might also try the "Eros guide" which lists gals in largers cities. It's a great place to look if you want a pro.
John P
06-08-2005, 10:30 AM
Advice from home! Thanks Magnum. Have you been over here then? Limeys are crazy! the beers great and you can drink in bars at 16.
I can download attachments now :) so its time to save my cents and crack out the lube. Any british bitches that want 2 bust some American balls feel free to contact me anytime. :bananajum :bananajum
06-10-2005, 01:41 PM
I went to a Mistress Joanna in the UK (cant find the link), and she really loved ballbusting, we had a great session. She was more into kicking, while I am more into punching, but it was fun anyway!
06-11-2005, 07:27 PM
Well, I've have had my first ballbusting experience with a professional Mistress over the weekend .. it was fantastic !!!!!
The session lasted for an hour, the first 40 min were teasing and warm ups with some ball smacking and stretching. The last 20 min were spent with some long hard repeated whacks from her bare feet j(the area ust above the toes) to the ball sack it was fantastic ! Her technique was great .. had me on all fours she was under me and would tease me with the length of her leg rubing against the family jewels and then administer the kicks. She would build up the momentum alternating the force and position of each kick and switch legs to build up some variety. Verbally abusing and pushing me to take more each time. I was hard all the way ! Although I was tied I still came from her kicks alone, and she continued even after I was done .. :D Her enthusiasm was an added turnon. Id never felt so drained yet satisfied. I think Im going off vanilla sex. lol, Im still sore, but its kind of a nice sore ;) .
I'd certainly recommend going to a professional Mistress who has experience in ball busting for your first time experience. The one I went to was certainly knowlegeable in the area and she spent the time before to know exactly what I liked, what preferences I had, safewords and added some spontainiety to the session so that it seemed real rather than rehearsed. The added bonus was she actually enjoyed the activity. Great first time experience !
A Rill
11-14-2005, 11:24 PM
Anybody got any updates on listings of professional ball busters?
Sharon, if there's no good collection is there any chance of setting up a directory at Femaledom? It’d certainly draw punters to the site once word got out there. I miss scrambled eggs :(
11-15-2005, 09:32 AM
Have a look at There is a link on the left hand menu to ballbusters directory. fair coverage of the UK.....
12-01-2005, 12:59 AM
I've been to a few in NYC, SF, and LA, if you want any recommendations, lemme know..
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