View Full Version : What happened to barefoot princess?
03-04-2005, 03:26 PM
Barefoot princess seems to have faded from the scene. :confused: Is anybody in contact with her? I like Goth chicks and she was Sooooo cool! I especially liked here ‘lessons in premature ejaculation’ movie series where she was able to slap Dave (?) to orgasm by beating his balls without touching his cock. I’ve never managed this. Can any of you guys cum from BB alone?
I have attached some photos of the Goddess Barefoot :iluvu:. Sadly her site no longer functions. :(
03-04-2005, 05:27 PM
When I first started surfing the net for ballbusting sites, one of the first sites I visited was the BP's. She had a bunch of pics posted, several of which illustrated a type of bench-mount-shop-vise mounted on the front of the seat of a straight-backed wooden chair. Her male victim would sit on the edge of the chair with his balls hanging over the front of the chair and in the jaws of the vise (which appeared to have wood jaw liners or maybe the liner was clear lucite, I can't remember). I think his legs/feet and arms/hands were tied to the chair so he couldn't interfere with her ministrations.
She'd turn the crank on the vise, squeezing his nuts in the wide jaws of that vise and from the different angles from which the pics were taken, you could absolutely tell that she'd apply enough pressure to truly flatten his nuts in the vise. He appeared to be in some real pain too. There was no posing in those pics...the guy's nuts were really squeezed.
I'd love to see a few pics of that chair-mounted-vise and although I don't visit hardware stores much, I'd snatch up one of those vises if I ever found one. I'm sure that that devise was best used by a "helper" as opposed to being used by one's self on his own nuts, though
...where she was able to slap Dave (?) to orgasm by beating his balls without touching his cock. I’ve never managed this. Can any of you guys cum from BB alone?
In all the years of my ball squeezing, until the last two sessions, I've never been able to cum by merely manipulating my nuts...probably because I didn't keep at it long enough. In both of my last two (at least hour-long) ball squeezing sessions I have been able to bring myself to orgasm by mainly squeezing my nuts. I did find myself not only squeezing them simultaneously, one in each hand, but also, I found myself pulling hard on them while I squeezed them...and the closer my orgasm came, the harder and faster I squeezed and pulled. The pulling did tend to bring on the last throes of the orgasm but I could feel it coming before I started pulling on my nuts and maybe the pulling did some deep stimulation around the base of my dick. The onset of my orgasm during the previous session was such a surprize that I didn't pay too much attention to the details of what I had been doing to myself...I just started cumming as I manipulated my nuts. That too was a long session, perhaps lasting more than 90 minutes before I came.
The next time I settle in for a long session of serious squeezing, I will again try to get myself off by merely working on my balls, but I will pay even more attention to what happens and when it happens and how I help it. I'm sure that my state of mind plays an important part too.
This time, I'm also gonna try to continue to work my nuts after I cum as is discussed in another thread...the title of that thread is something about "pain" as I recall. The question in that thread is whether or not the perceived ball pain is stronger after the orgasm as compared to the perceived pain before the orgasm. The other writers hold that the pain is stronger after they've achieved an orgasm. I've never continued my squeezing after I came so I don't know. I do plan to find out soon, though.
The Geezer
03-04-2005, 08:35 PM
Interestingly, there is a member named Barefoot Princess in the "Members List" of this board. No posts, though if it's her, I hope she see this.
I don't have all the vids she made, but hers are like gold to me because she was having so much fun; I think she really understood and personified the essence of it, (for me anyway).
Someone else mentioned her on this board a few weeks ago, as not having heard a thing about.
It's a dang shame she disappeared.
03-05-2005, 05:16 AM
I was wondering the same thing...
03-05-2005, 01:40 PM
When I first started surfing the net for ballbusting sites, one of the first sites I visited was the BP's. She had a bunch of pics posted, several of which illustrated a type of bench-mount-shop-vise mounted on the front of the seat of a straight-backed wooden chair.
Hi Geezer,
I remember that seat with the vice! The poor bloke was completely helpless once strapped in it and you could tell that BP enjoyed taking him just beyond his limits. Its clear he got off on it though or he wouldn’t have cum in a few of her videos.
I doubt I’d be able to cum by manipulating my own nuts but you’ve encouraged me enough that I’ll try and get a lass to do it for me. If I tell her I've cum that way before and really enjoyed it, then she may just get rough enough for long enough. :)
03-05-2005, 02:28 PM
Interestingly, there is a member named Barefoot Princess in the "Members List" of this board. No posts, though if it's her, I hope she see this.
I don't have all the vids she made, but hers are like gold to me because she was having so much fun; I think she really understood and personified the essence of it, (for me anyway).
Hi Cheezit,
It is almost certainly her. First, she joined this forum only months after having problems with her ISP. Second, BP was from Denver Co. Sadly her site ( is now empty and I don’t have an email address for her. I still have a collection of her movies. I’ll try and upload them somewhere and post links them here sometime (unless she objects). In the last post I saw from her she talked about taking a bloke into the Co. mountains, striping him naked, nailing his nuts to a tree and leaving him there! (I got the impression that this was more fantasy than anything she’d actually do). Then again….. perhaps she’s in jail?! I miss her anyway. :(
She gave the impression that she’d met a few members of the BB community. Has anybody here met her or is anybody in contact with her? I hope she’s OK. :)
03-05-2005, 06:52 PM
Barefoot princess seems to have faded from the scene. :confused: Is anybody in contact with her? I like Goth chicks and she was Sooooo cool!
I miss her too.. :( I often check her site hoping in an update... I think I have got her email somewhere, though I've never written to her, I think I should have saved somewhere a copy of her old site where there was also an email address... obviously I would never post it on a public forum without her permission, but maybe I could write an email to her asking what happened and suggesting to her to check this forum!
I remember the chair device, that was very impressive... I remember she was sitting on the guy's legs fully naked. how cool. :)
03-06-2005, 02:04 AM
i have emaild her in the past and she is realy nice she always gets back to you though it takes some time i think she is a goth model you my be able to find some of her modeling pic's around on goth chic sites i did save some somwhere but i don't have the time to look for them she is a great girl i hope she comes back online.
03-06-2005, 08:36 AM
I think the email she used (was it yahoo or some such) died at the time of her site. Let me know if you have something more up-to-date. I always meant to contact her, especially when I was in Denver, but never found the time. :(
Drop us a line if you read this BP. I get invited to speak in the Keystone medical conference series at least twice a year and fly in and out of that big Wigwam they built on the outskirts of ‘Mile-high’. I’ll luv 2 buy you a drink next time I run through :) I could even swing by the newly opened Brush women’s state correctional facility if they’ve got u banged up. Lemme know where you left that guy nailed to a tree and I’ll go and free his balls too!
03-06-2005, 08:39 PM
Does anyone have pictures of the chair, or her using the chair?
03-08-2005, 06:58 AM
OK guys (and gals), I’ve had a trawl through the back catalogue. Unfortunately, I do not have any pictures of ‘that vise’. I did, however, find an example of BPs work. The vid that goes with it is brutal and I’ll try and post it somewhere and link to it from here one of these days.
03-08-2005, 11:46 AM
hey does anybody have any if her videos if so please post it appreciate it
03-08-2005, 02:13 PM
i've got this pic at least. I have one more, but it's corrupted...
Apologies to barefoot princess for unauthorized reduplication.
Although I probably wouldn't complain about having my nuts in a vise for copyright infringement... :jumpsmile
03-08-2005, 02:30 PM
anybody have clips about her post them please
03-08-2005, 03:16 PM
i've got this pic at least. I have one more, but it's corrupted...
Apologies to barefoot princess for unauthorized reduplication.
Although I probably wouldn't complain about having my nuts in a vise for copyright infringement... :jumpsmile
That's the vise!
You beautful person you Takkywotsayama you!
May your balls be crushed flat for copyright infringement!
Please, oh please, make sure that it is filmed when it happens!:jumpsmile :jumpsmile :jumpsmile
Anybody else got any more?
03-08-2005, 04:03 PM
Gentle sirs, I'm befuddled, baffled and flabbergasted, not only by the polite and understated method of your arguing (the term meant here strictly as a difference of opinion to be discussed in a critical manner, in no way connoting a vehement or emotional altercation) but also by the tenacity with which you adhere to the topic at hand. I'm pleased that the photographs in question have been obtained. They're a delightful reminder of an age now passed.
I'm motivated, inspired and understandably spurred on to disagree with you in a fundamental way Trouble. But since I have come to doubt the gravity of your opinions, I see no reason to continue objection. Pleasure corresponding with you gentlemen, if however briefly.
Note Inserted By Sara :
The posts of those 2 members' discussion were removed from this thread.
They were completely off-topic in this "Barefoot Princess" thread.
They could & should have started a new thread for that discussion.
03-11-2005, 09:10 AM
several years ago and we chatted. Offered to make a dvd for her but it didn't seem like she was ready. She was very genuine and if you "had the balls" you could have visited her in Denver, some on the message board did. Several times she posted ads looking for people open to bb and domination. In one ad she said that she liked to hogtie you in the woods, piss on you and leave you (umm). She said she was looking for those that enjoy heavy play "hard kicks" and loved to order men to scrub her floors while their balls were tied up and dragging weights behind them. I fantasize of her often. I hope she does resurface, she was very special. Barefoot princess, if you are reading this my handle was "mark anthony". They call me tony so I created a new handle here of tough tony.
I have all of her video clips and will dig them up when I get a chance. Tony.
03-11-2005, 11:34 PM
I uploaded 5 Barefoot Princess vids, to this Geocities site:
Please use right-click/ save since Geocities puts pretty low limits on bandwidth for free accounts.
They're zipped, 4 in one file and 1 in another file.
03-12-2005, 01:34 PM
it dunt work
03-12-2005, 01:48 PM
I thought Melanie would have been much better had she used different busting techniques like more kicking, squeezing etc. I didn't care much for the clapping or the saran wrap thing.
03-12-2005, 01:53 PM
can you please repost a link to those videos
03-13-2005, 12:45 PM
LOVE the saran wrap vid... while i am not really into the saran wrap part of it, i liked the idea of being bound and completely unable to resist the hard slaps, even after orgasm... love it!!!
03-13-2005, 10:07 PM
flako, I just clicked the link and downloaded both zips -- everything went as it should. It's possible that the bandwidth limit was reached; try again when you get the chance. (40+ page hits in two days, so that's probably what it is.)
PM me if you still can't, perhaps I can email them to you.
03-13-2005, 10:53 PM
If this is the message you're seeing, the bandwidth limit has been reached and you can try again in one hour:
Sorry, this site is temporarily unavailable!
The web site you are trying to access has exceeded its allocated data transfer. Visit our help area for more information.
Access to this site will be restored within an hour. Please try again later.
(I had to add another post because I could not edit my own (previous) post for some reason, probably time).
03-14-2005, 04:07 PM
As regards Barefoot princess I also sent her several notes and she always replied. Howevere, the last note was never hesponded to and it was indeed to a Yahoo mailbox. There are enough of her admirers out there somebody has to be able to locate her. In the interum, those of you who have her vids post them so the rest of us can enjoy them all over again.
03-15-2005, 03:16 PM
The thing I found so thrilling about her work was the unrelenting glee of it all. I'm sure a certain amount came from a comfortable confidence regarding her boy's pain threshhold, but sometimes it just seemed wanton and sadistic. Beautiful in a fantasy sort of way.
03-20-2005, 04:55 PM
Does anyone else have other BP vids? It's been a few days now, but nobody else has uploaded any others.
Please post if you have them, or at least a link. (That's what I was hoping would happen when I uploaded those five).
play with my plums
03-22-2005, 05:26 PM
I uploaded 5 Barefoot Princess vids, to this Geocities site:
Please use right-click/ save since Geocities puts pretty low limits on bandwidth for free accounts.
They're zipped, 4 in one file and 1 in another file.
Hello Cheezit
Thanks for sharing the clips of Barefoot Princess. :)
Only seen the clapping one before, a while back on ntcweb & now its gone! Glad to see there are other clips of her about... her sessions looked like fun. :D
Just to let you know though, the second file (magicwand) shows as 3.8M but only comes down as 252KB & is corrupt! Any chance you can re-share it, so I could see more of the lovely Melanie at play?
04-04-2005, 03:14 PM
As a test I tried to upload a file of Barefoot princess punching the balls of her restrained subject as hard as she can. This has got to hurt. Its full force and his nuts are ringed with nowhere to hide.
I’ve uploaded a wmv file to as a test. All other ways of doing this have failed including and as suggested in the various posts here about how to go about this. Does anybody have any better ideas? Its a shame this way as there are limited downloads allowed. I have a few more vids I could post somewhere if there's a good site :)
The link for a limited number of lucky individuals is:
I hope it works.
04-06-2005, 12:36 PM
Another of Barefoot Princess' clips is at the link below:
The same applies as the above file (limited number of downloads)
04-06-2005, 01:08 PM
Nice one bulge! I hadn’t seen it before. She's brilliant!!
We seem to be in business here :) :) :)
I’ve posted a 1.3M wmv file of ‘full force kicks’ at:
Same applies as above.
04-07-2005, 01:23 AM
The 'premature squeeze' one is great. I wish I could hear her comments a bit more clearly!
04-07-2005, 07:16 AM
wow, that full kicks is an amazing clip!
i wish there were more clips from her...god id pay for it!
04-07-2005, 10:30 PM
Oh where is the Princess, we all miss her bad.
Her departure from the scene has made us all sad.
I hoped that she’d hear how we all want her back.
Return to me princess and play with my sack.
Be cruel with its contents while you giggle.
I love it when you laugh as it makes your tit’s jiggle.
COME BACK Princess can’t you hear our calls?
COME BACK Princess and bust our balls!
04-09-2005, 05:46 PM
I've been trying for two days to see the Barefoot Princess video that bulge posted the link to("premature squeeze"), but everytime I click to the link it says something about that it is not available. Are there only a certain number of downloads possible or does it reset every hour, 12 hours ,24 hours,weekly, etc.? Did someone cache this video so that it can be posted somewhere else, like yousendit(again), rapidshare, or maybe at geocities like the other BP videos are archived? Maybe smackmynuts would post it with his and thornapples' vids. Inqisitiv, bulge, can someone help me? I NEED that video.
04-09-2005, 10:23 PM
I saved it. You have an FTP I could upload it to?
04-10-2005, 12:50 AM
I've been trying for two days to see the Barefoot Princess video that bulge posted the link to("premature squeeze"), but everytime I click to the link it says something about that it is not available. Are there only a certain number of downloads possible or does it reset every hour, 12 hours ,24 hours,weekly, etc.? Did someone cache this video so that it can be posted somewhere else, like yousendit(again), rapidshare, or maybe at geocities like the other BP videos are archived? Maybe smackmynuts would post it with his and thornapples' vids. Inqisitiv, bulge, can someone help me? I NEED that video.
Yeah, that’s a problem with the way we’re doing this. only allow a limited number of total downloads. One of the sites where there is no limit on downloads but you get a bunch of adverts might be better but I can’t get any of them to work.
Does anybody have any better ways of doing this?
That vid is fucking great :) Find it (for a limited number of downloads at):
Bulge have you got anymore?
04-10-2005, 01:13 AM
Does anybody have any better ways of doing this? is good for up to 30MB and will be there forever as long as people look at it. It will be thrown away in 30 days if nobody looks. It's free- You have to tell them you want the "free" service, then wait and look at their ads for 30 seconds or so before it chokes out the download link.
04-10-2005, 07:53 AM
OK here’s a short test of a small wmv of the Princess that hasn’t been posted here (I think). It is called ‘warmups’.
It is posted at the link below. So far as I can tell (?) you just need to click the ‘Free’ button at the bottom of the page. This will take you to the next page with ‘Download: Filename’ at the bottom and you should be away.
This vid is very short and only really for Princess connoisseurs like myself. She is ball slapping. Let me know if it downloads OK. I can then do further uploads this way.
PS. Thanks Tamakeri :)
04-10-2005, 08:42 AM
works fine.
for longer clips they do make you wait and look at the ads before the download thing pops up tho.
04-10-2005, 01:17 PM
I'm sure there's at least one more video of her that hasn't been posted, where she's doing some damage with a sock full of marbles, although unfortunately I cannot find it.
04-10-2005, 02:12 PM
I have it- when I get a minute I will put it up on rapidshare. Has magic wand been posted?
04-10-2005, 02:20 PM
sock of marbles:
magic wand:
04-15-2005, 08:01 PM
Hey All!! it's been quite a while since i've posted and even logged in. i try and keep up and check the board every now and then. anyway, here's a list of what i have and pics attached
Previous Posted Items
Other ones i have
Full-kicks (previous post, now expired)
I'll try and get these posted very soon for you guys to enjoy! Also, i'll attach the pics i have through the next several posts
04-15-2005, 08:04 PM
here's the next 5 pics
04-15-2005, 08:05 PM
here's 5 more...
04-15-2005, 08:06 PM
another 5 more...
04-15-2005, 08:07 PM
another 5....
04-15-2005, 08:10 PM
5 more...
04-15-2005, 08:12 PM
all, here's the last of the pics i have. hope y'all enjoy!
play with my plums
04-16-2005, 09:27 AM
Thankyou bigtito & everyone else for sharing so many pics/vids of one of my favourate ballbusters. There's enough fantasy bust material here to keep me going for quite some time now. ;) Cheers all. :D
04-18-2005, 11:05 AM
Could someone please repost the ‘full force kicks’ vid?
I can't get enough of her pics and videos
04-18-2005, 05:00 PM
Big Tito, where did you get all those pics? I love the one where she is kicking her sub and she is nude. I never did see the on vid of her kicking. I've seen others though and like them.
04-18-2005, 06:10 PM
here's the links to the vids i promised. hope y'all enjoy! these are some of my favorites :D . if y'all have any other repost requests, let me know. i got these pics and vids from Barefoot Princess' site quite a while ago.
Full-kicks (previous post, now expired)-
04-19-2005, 12:11 AM
Barefoot Princess really knew how to treat her man. That guy is so lucky. One more thing: I masturbated to this thread :)
So what' new.
04-19-2005, 01:52 PM
Barefoot Princess really knew how to treat her man. That guy is so lucky. One more thing: I masturbated to this thread :)
Thanks for sharing that with us Velvet Fog. :rolleyes:
04-19-2005, 05:33 PM
all, here's the last of the pics i have. hope y'all enjoy!YeeeeHaaaa! I go away for a few days and return to a Barefoot Princess mother-load.:jumpsmile :jumpsmile
Thanks a bunch bigtito. Now all we need is for the lady herself to post.:jumpsmile :jumpsmile
05-28-2005, 02:42 PM
New to the board here and thought I'd say hello. I too am a huge fan of BP. I seem to remember seeing one other clip similar to the premature..#2, where he was wrapped up on the floor but she was kicking him instead of slapping. It was a great clip. I'll see if I can remember where I saw it.
05-29-2005, 01:24 AM
anyone able to upload Lessonsinprematureejaculation1 and prematuree squeeze to rapidshare or elsewhere plz. those are the only two i've never seen, thx for the other clips though, got 3 new ones added to my collection :)
05-29-2005, 07:15 AM
damn I miss her
05-29-2005, 10:59 AM
Thanks for posting the BP pics and vids folks!!!
I can only repeat what has been said previously in the thread. She's so awesome... *wistful sigh*
05-29-2005, 12:48 PM
I just went through the wholw "Barefoot Princess" thread. Wow! This is why I joined this forum. I was able to download everything in the thread and will watch and review over and over. This is great stuff.
05-30-2005, 01:12 PM
hmm..........I reckon I have just been converted into a Barfefoot Princess fan :)
Was barefoot princess just her forum name or the name she "traded" under so to speak ?
Just wondering as she is worth tracking down on this ole thing called the net.
05-30-2005, 01:19 PM
hmm..........I reckon I have just been converted into a Barfefoot Princess fan :)
Was barefoot princess just her forum name or the name she "traded" under so to speak ?
Just wondering as she is worth tracking down on this ole thing called the net.
that's what she went by all the time...I think most of what she's released has already been linked to here...but if you find something, please put it up for us! thanks and be careful out there!
05-30-2005, 01:41 PM
that's what she went by all the time...I think most of what she's released has already been linked to here...but if you find something, please put it up for us! thanks and be careful out there!
Thanks lol.
Ya I found that she posted to alot of forums as Barefoot Princess both fetish and general discussion. However, nothing more recent that late last year.
I found one thing which does not look good. A memorial thread to a Barefoot Princess who was killed in a car crash not so long ago.
Whether this is the same girl or not I cant confirm, but I must say, the timing and her contiunued absence from here and many other related forums where people are also asking about her, does not bode well.
Lets hope not.
05-30-2005, 02:06 PM
I found one thing which does not look good. A memorial thread to a Barefoot Princess who was killed in a car crash not so long ago.
Whether this is the same girl or not I cant confirm, but I must say, the timing and her contiunued absence from here and many other related forums where people are also asking about her, does not bode well. I sincerely hope not! :( Barefoot Princess is (no past tense here!) a member of this forum. She is from Denver Colorado and based on her various mailboxes etc. her name is Melanie. I hope the memorial you read didn’t fit with this. The longer we go on not hearing from her here the more I worry that we will never do so :(. However, I comfort myself that it is far more likely that she settled down and joined the regular society or some such than she met with an untimely death.
Rock on Barefoot Princess (as well as Tommy),
05-30-2005, 03:18 PM
Whether this is the same girl or not I cant confirm, but I must say, the timing and her contiunued absence from here and many other related forums where people are also asking about her, does not bode well.
Lets hope not.
I really hope this is not true. A part from any bb thing, she is a so young girl I can't think she's no longer part of our world.
Do you still have the thread where you found this memorial? If so, couldn't it be useful to post it, so that maybe someone who knew her more might find some detail in it that could be helpful to understand if it's referred to the bp we know or not.
05-30-2005, 11:01 PM
Barefoot Princess is (no past tense here!) a member of this forum.
No, she isn't.
That UserName was removed months ago because of inactivity.
No posts made on these forums, ever.
No logins for a long time.
Account deleted. Username removed from Members List.
See: (
- Sara :)
05-30-2005, 11:45 PM
I really hope this is not true. A part from any bb thing, she is a so young girl I can't think she's no longer part of our world.
Do you still have the thread where you found this memorial? If so, couldn't it be useful to post it, so that maybe someone who knew her more might find some detail in it that could be helpful to understand if it's referred to the bp we know or not.
I doubt that this is the same Barefoot Princess, but at: (
(almost halfway down the page) it says:
"VanWEric, the core Barefeets are myself, Seamstress, and Busty. We have been friends for years and years, and live in the same building in Lawrence, Kansas. There is one other Barefoot on the board right now, Barefoot Bonebreaker, who lives in another Midwestern state, but also in our hearts (he is a very dear friend and a wonderful man). Also registered, but no longer posting, is the Barefoot Princess, who passed away earlier this year following a very bad car accident."
(The above was posted on that page on Sep 6 2004, 12:04 PM)
From the context of that page, it doesn't seem to be the same "Barefoot Princess" mentioned in this thread, but it does sound like the reference that Tommy found.
- Sara :)
05-31-2005, 12:07 AM
From the context of that page, it doesn't seem to be the same "Barefoot Princess" mentioned in this thread, but it does sound like the reference that Tommy found.
That post was made Sep 6, 2004 and referred to "earlier in the year". I am very sure that I corresponded with BP in late September 2004 and saw her posts even later than that last year. This post can't possibly refer to "our" BP who is probably just too busy kicking balls in her cabin in the mountains to come back down where there is a power cord for her computer. She had mentioned that she spent most of last summer in the mountains shooting video (if I remember correctly). Her last post that I find on the board is Sep 23, 2004 which postdates her "memorial" by 2 weeks.
05-31-2005, 04:02 AM
Barefoot Princess is (no past tense here!) a member of this forum.
No, she isn't.OK I stand corrected. I originally wrote the post ‘was’ all the way through but at the end it looked too much like she had died :( I went through and changed it all. I think there were ‘sightings’ of BP activity as late as early of October last year.
Here’s hoping :)
06-02-2005, 05:46 AM
This certainly looks like the same girl..excuse the long link, cached is the only way to it.
This is the memorial one I found is here and I got the dates wrong, its unlikely the same girl. I did not mean to alarm anyone, just though I should mention it.
06-02-2005, 05:54 AM
Sorry if i caused a stir, what was not my intention.
06-25-2005, 08:19 AM
Thanks to all for posting pics and vids that I hadn't previously seen. Barefoot Princess is as about as good as it gets. She obviously enjoys her work, and the restraints both allow her to do as she wishes without restriction, and allow (or force) the subject to withstand far more than he otherwise could.
There are a couple of short clips on the net by "Absolute Kim" who also seems to be enjoying her work. Not quite the class of BP though.
Barefoot Princess
08-31-2005, 10:15 PM
Someone sent Me this thread a couple of days ago with threads from other boards and OMG I can't believe how many people know who I am. Lol, I feel kinda like a celebrity except instead of signing autographs I could just blast ppl in the nuts -which I think would be preferable anyways ;)
So I guess everyone has seen the clips I posted at the pay site? Didnt really expect to get much of a response I just kinda put a couple up to see if anyone would look at them. Glad everyone who emailed Me liked them. They are fun to make. I had trouble putting up My own site so this is just easier right now. Sorry about the cost but they charge 40% to host. I took the clips I had on the free site down because I found out someone was using them on their paysite and it pissed Me off. They are enough share sites now tho that I dont think it matters, lol.
Thanx guys for all of the hmmm fan mail? lol, but if you're going to send it I expect degrading pictures of yourself to be attached from now on :)
Love hearing from you all.
09-01-2005, 05:31 AM
i am so glad it was not true, i was sad to here of your demise, and am now elated you still grace the planet
09-01-2005, 09:00 AM
I'll second smartty, it's wonderful to see you resurface. You were, to put it bluntly, dearly missed.
While I'm on the subject of abject hero worship: On behalf of me and mine, "Lessons in Premature Ejaculation 1" is the greatest clip on the entire internet. I don't know if you were aiming for our particular sub-set of the fetish, but that clip is spot on and has been a source of inspiration, if not instruction, to my s/o, and by extension to me. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for letting a what feels like a fairly rare form of bb have such a beautiful and erotic example of the activity.
It feels very good to get to say that to you. Thank you again.
09-01-2005, 09:12 AM
Someone sent Me this thread a couple of days ago with threads from other boards and OMG I can't believe how many people know who I am. Lol, I feel kinda like a celebrity except instead of signing autographs I could just blast ppl in the nuts -which I think would be preferable anyways ;)
So I guess everyone has seen the clips I posted at the pay site? Didnt really expect to get much of a response I just kinda put a couple up to see if anyone would look at them. Glad everyone who emailed Me liked them. They are fun to make. I had trouble putting up My own site so this is just easier right now. Sorry about the cost but they charge 40% to host. I took the clips I had on the free site down because I found out someone was using them on their paysite and it pissed Me off. They are enough share sites now tho that I dont think it matters, lol.
Thanx guys for all of the hmmm fan mail? lol, but if you're going to send it I expect degrading pictures of yourself to be attached from now on :)
Love hearing from you all.
OMG!! I haven’t been here for months and just popped by to see wot was going on. I’m SO happy. You are the best. I just Luuuvvvvv Goth chics.
09-01-2005, 09:49 AM
I hope you will come back to this forum often Princess. :iluvu:
09-01-2005, 11:41 AM
will you marry me princess? or at least kick me in the nuts?
09-02-2005, 01:11 AM
OMG!! I haven’t been here for months and just popped by to see wot was going on. I’m SO happy. You are the best. I just Luuuvvvvv Goth chics.
OMG!! I drop by almost every day and I thought we were finally rid of that Troubled guy! There goes the neighborhood. ;)
09-02-2005, 09:48 AM
Don't be surprised that so many people know you, Princess. I've seen a lot of ballbusting in my day, and you're the best at it. You look sweet and sexy and then you bust balls mercilessly and clearly have a lot of fun at it. What's better than that?
And if there's one thing I've learned over time, it's that when you're the best at what you do, the world will beat a path to your door.
09-02-2005, 06:10 PM
Welcome back! By all the message boards, I'm not the only one that missed you. As Samuel Clemmons said " The reports of my death are greatly exagerrated".
09-03-2005, 01:28 PM
Hmmmm Where in Denver??????
Perhaps you could ????
Barefoot Princess
09-04-2005, 02:48 PM
Welcome back! By all the message boards, I'm not the only one that missed you. As Samuel Clemmons said " The reports of my death are greatly exagerrated".
thanx. It's good to be back. I feel so welcome :) Now I need to catch up on what type of disgusting perversions you boys have come up with over the last year ;P
I found this little gem while birthday shopping for a friend. Might be a nice trinket for someone out there. At the very least it would distract from any size deficiencies. Might be worth getting the piercing for some of you.
West Wash Park -oldphart
The Rani
09-06-2005, 02:47 AM
It's good to be back. I feel so welcome :)
Its GGGGreat to have you with us. You are so good I just had to sign up :jumpsmile :jumpsmile
Now the neighborhood is really shot! :autogun
I hope I can find time to join in regularly.
I just Luuuvvvvv Goth chics.
Me too :)
09-06-2005, 06:22 PM
It is wonderful that You are well and becoming active again. Do You have any suggestions for humiliating and discusting photos to be attached to emails to You? This sub does not have Your insight nor imagination but would like to comply if i could.
Barefoot Princess
09-07-2005, 12:34 PM
It is wonderful that You are well and becoming active again. Do You have any suggestions for humiliating and discusting photos to be attached to emails to You? This sub does not have Your insight nor imagination but would like to comply if i could.
lol you of all people know My imagination, little piggy. no idea what type of pictures to send Me? I have several video albums of you, dear. maybe I should post some of those to give other people an idea of what I mean? a little bit of blackmailing might help to get your imagination into gear. I want a set of eight very interesting and worthwhile photos from you by saturday since I know you will have time on your hands with nothing to do but think of Me and how much you wish I was still running your life.
I <3 goth chicks :)
mistress please read my private message to you! :) btw guys dont you think that barefoot princess should just have her own forum on here? shes keeps us all entertained sooooooo much! :)
09-07-2005, 02:18 PM
Barefoot Princess,
I loved your site and material. What made it so great was your imagination and the obvious fun you were having realizing your ideas. I hope we get to hear more from you.
Poolman 2
09-07-2005, 05:49 PM
Dear Princess,
i have sent You an email with the required photos attached. The quality is not very good but they are sent with a great amount of feeling. i hope they will provide some small amount of amusement for You. Please be well.
what is her email adress please?
09-08-2005, 03:04 PM
Hi djto,
i do not think it is my place to give out someones email address, but go to Her profile and send from there and see if She would give you Her email address.
Barefoot Princess
09-11-2005, 11:56 PM
Since I'm pounded with questions all the time here's a few I would like answered by you, so register now and get to it ;P Are you submissive (not that I will treat you any differently if you aren't, pig ;) )? If so, is it only sexually (and is it always or sometimes) or are you a lifestyle sub? If you aren't single are you in a D/s relationship? If it isn't, does your partner know you have these tendencies (or are you a coward lacking the balls to admit your desires)? Do you also like CBT or just busting? Does the idea of a somewhat hard-to-please Woman keeping you locked in chastity while ******* you to complete progressively harder tasks, and expecting proof of it, interest you? ;) Are you turned on by the extreme stuff or the more sensual? What is your range of experience?
09-12-2005, 08:17 AM
Dear Princess,
As You know I am a submissive and masochist and You probably know more about myself than I do. i am married to a wonderful Dominant woman (though not in Your class). i like all forms of torture especially if total control/power exchange are the main purpose of the torture. I like being kept in chastity and having more and more difficult tasks to perform stretching my limits, which I know I have. The more extreme tortures and control are more desirable but again I have definite limits. I think that I have a pretty wide range of experience but I am always looking for new ways of being controlled.
Is it more interesting, erotic, a turn on to You to have a sub who is into power exchange than one who may not be as desirous of being controlled?
Hope this finds You well and happy.
09-12-2005, 01:08 PM
So I guess everyone has seen the clips I posted at the pay site? Didnt really expect to get much of a response I just kinda put a couple up to see if anyone would look at them.
Hello Princess .... i'm SOOOOOOOO happy to see you back, it just hasn't been the same without you.
will you be adding any new clips to the 4 that you have in your store?
09-12-2005, 01:11 PM
heh ... i guess i should have checked the store before asking ... i'm a dork lol
Thanks so much Princess
09-12-2005, 03:00 PM
Are you submissive (not that I will treat you any differently if you aren't, pig )?
Not really. I submit to some things, and not to others, which means I am a masochist who retains control (traditional masochist role).
If so, is it only sexually (and is it always or sometimes) or are you a lifestyle sub?
Not applicable.
If you aren't single are you in a D/s relationship?
Single. You may not pity me, but I do.
If it isn't, does your partner know you have these tendencies (or are you a coward lacking the balls to admit your desires)?
I usuallu tell the chicks I nail.
Do you also like CBT or just busting?
Senorita, let go of my jabrone! The huevos ONLY!.
Does the idea of a somewhat hard-to-please Woman keeping you locked in chastity while ******* you to complete progressively harder tasks, and expecting proof of it, interest you?
Oh, HELL no. Would Manuel Alphonse Rodriguez de la Rocha treat a woman like that? NO! Not even if she asked nicely! But, you say, would Manuel kick a woman in the huevos if she asked? NO! if a woman has huevos, she is not the kind of "woman" Manuel likes!
Are you turned on by the extreme stuff or the more sensual?
The more sensual is what appeals to my Latin lover side. Ooh, someone get princess a glass of water and help her to a bench; she looks a little faint.
What is your range of experience?
Welll, I... OH! You mean in the hanky-panky, yes? Well, Manuel knows how to do "it" and has also had his nuts racked many.
09-15-2005, 12:31 PM
I too am so happy to see you back bfp, I was truely worried that something happened. You may remember as mark_anthony on another board. My offer still stands to produce a dvd for you if you remember my email that I sent you many moons ago. Tony.
The Rani
09-22-2005, 11:03 AM
:iluvu: Hi Princess, :iluvu:
You are always busting the same lucky guy (Dave?) in everything I’ve seen of you. Do you ever spread it around?
Your biggest fan,
The Rani
09-22-2005, 11:16 AM
Are you submissive (not that I will treat you any differently if you aren't, pig ;) )? No, I’m usually the dom but I can’t resist a goth chick that likes BB. Are you ever sub?
is it only sexuallyHell YES! Its no fun otherwise!!
If you aren't single are you in a D/s relationship?Sometimes but I’m normally D. Its good to turn the tables every now and again though :)
Do you also like CBT or just busting? ? Just the balls baby!
Does the idea of a somewhat hard-to-please Woman keeping you locked in chastity while ******* you to complete progressively harder tasks, and expecting proof of it, interest you? ;) ! ?EErrr… not really…. But if it were you......
Are you turned on by the extreme stuff or the more sensual? What is your range of experience? I luv it all baby :)
Barefoot Princess
09-24-2005, 10:52 AM
I posted the questions primarily to open a topic and to get to know everyone. It's been a long time since I posted regularly and most of the ppl I once knew are gone or at least not here. Assigning cbt tasks and webcamming the session used to be one of the ways I got to know ppl but I think there were more subs posting back then. In response to The Rani I can't say I've ever been a good sub, I heard I was a little too mouthy, lol, so I've tasted a lot of gags, but I have been in a lot of awkward situations where I didn't get to be in control. Once a week My bf and I used to have a night we called 'degradation tuesday'. We wrote up a bunch of torture situations on little pieces of paper like, interrogations with electricity, holding enemas while being whipped, suspension with ****** orgasms, etc. ( I distinctly remember losing these ones, lol) we folded up the papers threw them in a box and then played video games to see who was better (not surprisingly he usually kicked My ass at this) whoever won got to pick a paper out of the torture box to do to the other person which was usually video-taped and (hopefully) safely hidden away from the prying eyes of our roommates. you would think brian (who the hell is dave?) would feel bad about doing such terrible things to Me, lol, but he seemed to enjoy every minute of it. I guess that's why he's ****** to spend so much time in chastity now, lol.
Barefoot Princess
09-24-2005, 10:53 AM
ps good to hear from you again tony
The Rani
09-26-2005, 10:45 AM
I posted the questions primarily to open a topic and to get to know everyone. It's been a long time since I posted regularly and most of the ppl I once knew are gone or at least not here.
Well you were very much in this category yourself until recently. I for one am delighted that you’re back form the dead. In my experience, many do leave the scene. This often happens when they meet that special somebody (who presumably isn’t into their fetish or, at the very least, sharing details of it with the rest of the world) but sure as hell happens when people have kids etc. Anyways, lets think of the positives here – you get to make a whole bunch of new friends now. In that respect I hope the response in private has been better than that I can see on this forum.
Assigning cbt tasks and webcamming the session used to be one of the ways I got to know ppl but I think there were more subs posting back then. In response to The Rani I can't say I've ever been a good sub, I heard I was a little too mouthy, lol, so I've tasted a lot of gags, but I have been in a lot of awkward situations where I didn't get to be in control.
I just love switcheroo :) I know I can control the intensity of what’ll happen to me by being especially mean to her. The whole gaining and giving of control thing makes for the most intense human relationship [that I think] possible. Any photos of you with the gag in yer mouth?lol :weryfun .
I say you gotta be able to take in order to give properly and I’m very glad I asked the question :) The Femdoms I’ve known that refused to take were never very good a giving. I salute you :ibow4u:
Once a week My bf and I used to have a night we called 'degradation tuesday'. We wrote up a bunch of torture situations on little pieces of paper like, interrogations with electricity, holding enemas while being whipped, suspension with ****** orgasms, etc. ( I distinctly remember losing these ones, lol) we folded up the papers threw them in a box and then played video games to see who was better (not surprisingly he usually kicked My ass at this) whoever won got to pick a paper out of the torture box to do to the other person which was usually video-taped and (hopefully) safely hidden away from the prying eyes of our roommates.
Fuckin A! Wot great game. Fuck I’d look forward to Tuesdays in your house :D
you would think brian (who the hell is dave?) would feel bad about doing such terrible things to Me, lol, but he seemed to enjoy every minute of it. I guess that's why he's ****** to spend so much time in chastity now, lol
Whoops. Sorry I got the name wrong. I think somebody else used Dave here (?). Anyway, Brian’s a v lucky guy. I’m not surprised he enjoyed torturing you. Is Brian the only one that gets the BFP treatment these days?
The Rani
09-26-2005, 10:55 AM
Hey Princess,
Many of your movies have been removed from rapidshare (see capture). Did you or Brian complain? or was somebody 'offended' by them?
09-27-2005, 08:19 PM
Hi Barefoot Princess
Hope you have been having a good time, be good to hear from you, would love to talk where we left off,,
Barefoot Princess
09-27-2005, 10:34 PM
Hey Princess,
Many of your movies have been removed from rapidshare (see capture). Did you or Brian complain? or was somebody 'offended' by them?
I'm not the one that put them up on rapidshare but I asked them to link to My clipsite since I saw they were downloaded a bazillion times. rapidshare probably doesnt link so took them down instead. I'm going to put them back up (or at least the ones I still have) along with preview clips for all of the ones I have for sale on My own page before this weekend. We spent the last few days making videos with intricate plots and talented acting, lol, etc. I've found that, at heart, I'm not just a barefoot ballbusting princess, I'm a savage barbarian barefoot ballbusting princess, lol.
I have videos of other people that I plan to edit one day. I always feel like I never have enough time to get anything done. When it comes to editing old stuff or making new I usually opt for the new. With winter coming I won't get to play outside as much so it will give Me some time to edit and update My store more than once a week.
Any photos of Me with a gag in My mouth? Probably none that you will ever see, lol. brian has a milk crate full of video tapes starring Me that he keeps threatening to start his own website with. Its a good thing he knows who the boss is around here. lol.
09-28-2005, 11:39 AM
Are you submissive (not that I will treat you any differently if you aren't, pig ;) )?
Yes i am submissive
If so, is it only sexually (and is it always or sometimes) or are you a lifestyle sub?
Mostely sexual but i am chastised 24/7
If you aren't single are you in a D/s relationship?
If it isn't, does your partner know you have these tendencies (or are you a coward lacking the balls to admit your desires)?
She knows about my tendencies and is more then willing to accomodate ;)
Do you also like CBT or just busting?
i like CBT as well, for me CBT and busting go hand in hand
Does the idea of a somewhat hard-to-please Woman keeping you locked in chastity while ******* you to complete progressively harder tasks, and expecting proof of it, interest you? ;)
Yes, yes it does
Are you turned on by the extreme stuff or the more sensual? What is your range of experience?
for me the more extreme stuff is the best
09-28-2005, 11:56 AM
Rapidshare may have taken the clips down because their terms of service specifically say "no adult content". Using instead may be a better way to go.
09-28-2005, 06:12 PM
I'm going to put them back up (or at least the ones I still have) along with preview clips for all of the ones I have for sale on My own page before this weekend.I caint wait fer the weekend now :jumpsmile Sorry I aint been around but we’ve bin having a few problems with a coupla girls called Katrina and Rita who've stirring up one hellava mess. Anyways, my princess, if you need em - I gotta a copy of owwll em. I’d be happy to repost at Rapidshare or similar - it won’t cost yer more than a picture of you with a gag in yer mowth LOL :weryfun
Just jokin ;)
09-28-2005, 06:18 PM
Now u be sure and let us all know when that ere website be up 'n' runnin and how the hell we get to it.
i hope i speak for everyone when i say.......where the hell is this website i cant wait any longer! maybe shes teasing us :), in which case, carry on wonderful barefoot princess!
10-05-2005, 02:48 AM
I'm going to put them back up (or at least the ones I still have) along with preview clips for all of the ones I have for sale on My own page before this weekend.Is it ready yet? :jumpsmile :jumpsmile
Barefoot Princess
10-07-2005, 10:19 PM
Is it ready yet? :jumpsmile :jumpsmile All of the links aren't working yet but if you click on the pics there are some preview videos. I only had a couple of the old free clips on My hard drive but if you send them to I will put them on the new site. I plan to add pics, training and stuff, too, but can't make any promises as to when that will happen.
Sorry to hear you got caught in the hurricanes. Hope other than the damage you are okay.
10-07-2005, 11:01 PM
Nice site :loveeyes Well done :iluvu:
10-08-2005, 04:45 PM
Dear Princess,
Glad to see that You have a site up. Looks great. Can't wait for the other additions. Please be well.
10-09-2005, 03:21 AM
Hi Barefoot princess,
Downloaded the "Premature Ejaculation 2" clip. Onw word: awesome. How u change from gentle and sensuous to spine-chillingly brutal makes this a must see!
looking forward to checkin out other clips!
10-10-2005, 09:33 AM
Love your vids, thanks for putting that all together. Many guys and gals (myself included) have longed for this.
10-10-2005, 05:58 PM
Thanks for the URL. Keep us posted for when everything is working. Tried to build a chair like yours but used visegrips instead of a regular vise. Talk about pressure control for each testicle!
10-12-2005, 01:27 PM
Hello Barefoot Princess,
Your website is just amazing ... i love to see you back online with new cbt/ballbusting material, keep up the great work.
Barefoot Princess
10-12-2005, 11:57 PM
Hi Barefoot princess,
Downloaded the "Premature Ejaculation 2" clip. Onw word: awesome. How u change from gentle and sensuous to spine-chillingly brutal makes this a must see!
looking forward to checkin out other clips!
Thanks. Maybe I should have you do the reviews on My clips, lol. I think I like Weight Training the best of the ones I have up. Dildo gags are My favorite so when I make him hold it in his mouth until I come and keep swinging the weights, well, it was fun ;)
I like the vice-grips idea, gary, maybe you could send a couple of pics of them hanging from your balls? Perhaps with a little bit of weight attached? :) On the chair is nice, too, tho. Especially if there is someone else there to tighten them up after you've come ;)
Thanks for all the support guys. The next video going up is for all of you kicking fans. Any suggestions for clips send to
Wow! Every time I read this thread it makes me want to take a trip to Denver.
11-17-2005, 12:06 PM All of the links aren't working yet but if you click on the pics there are some preview videos. I only had a couple of the old free clips on My hard drive I think I have these somewhere. I'll see if I can dig them up.
How did a thread SO good fall so far?
It's great to hear that you're alive again Princess :iluvu:
11-17-2005, 05:04 PM
just wanted to let the princess know that her videos are great and that i hope she keeps up the ballcrushing forever if you ever need a pair to abuse barefoot i am here for you
11-17-2005, 08:55 PM
I've uploaded premature squeeze ( I love the way you squeeze the cum out of his balls in this one :iluvu:
I've got others so let me know if you want me to post them.
11-18-2005, 08:18 AM
Most definitely, please upload more of this! Especially the premature ejaculation ones!
I've uploaded premature squeeze ( I love the way you squeeze the cum out of his balls in this one :iluvu:
I've got others so let me know if you want me to post them.
11-18-2005, 10:12 AM
Thanks for the upload. I didn't realise I missed this one!! Is there an uncorrupted premature ejaculation floating about? It would be great to see how it finished.
11-18-2005, 08:18 PM
Holy shit amigo that is some good shit!
11-18-2005, 08:38 PM
Woohoo! Kicking in socks! Man, I might have to purchase that particular vid.
Barefoot Princess
11-19-2005, 01:22 AM
Glad to hear you guys like the clips :) I only have a couple of the old ones that I posted a few years back, but if you guys email them to Me I will add them to My free page, please don't post them anywhere else, though, there are enough people using My stuff to promote 'their' stuff.
Glad you like the kicking in socks. I am putting up Premature Ejac. 3 next week which is full of kicks and if I remember correctly I just happened to be wearing a pair of cute little white socks in that one, too. In fact, I think I might have an extra pair of them just lying around, knave, I'm sure you could put them to good use. They're awfully dirty, though.
I'll keep you in mind, dognuts ;)
11-19-2005, 06:43 AM
I’ve also uploaded full force kicks ( at yousendit (sorry but my email doesn’t seem to want to send a file this large or it just hates me). It looks like you might have to wait a while to download it. This one pretty much does wot it says on the tin and then ends with a few hard slaps. These I particularly like as I find that the hardest slap of all hurts like a bitch but doesn’t seem to lead to any after affects the next day whereas a really hard knee or kick can result in bruising – great at the time but not so good the next day or two.
Princess, can you let me know which files you need. If I have them I'll try and get them to you without going public :)
11-19-2005, 11:22 AM
...whereas a really hard knee or kick can result in bruising – great at the time but not so good the next day or two.
I respectfully disagree. I LIKE ball bruising when I have some down time between sessions. I dearly love second and third day ball pain and feel a little cheated if I don't have that. It reminds me of who it came from and what it felt like. Ball bruising is second best to being there! I don't like bruises on top of bruises tho- I lose track (unless I am in a monogamous busting period, then it just gets better and better!)
Right now I am 2 days out of a session shooting a Thanksgiving Day message for our subscribers and I still feel it a lot. Gotta love that! It won't last all week though so I'm definitely gonna need a refresher!
11-19-2005, 12:40 PM
I sort of know what you mean and sometimes pain the day after or the day after that can be a great reminder of a great session providing the pain isn’t too bad. However, I often find that I’m now encouraging my partners to give me all they’ve got. This is great at the time but can lead to me feeling sick in the stomach the next day. That I don’t like. I’ve still yet to see a pair of balls get slapped as hard as I get mine nailed. I’m taking about the kinda slaps that’d turn yer ass purple. These REALLY hurt but do not leave a major effect the day afterwards.
Talking of which - wot made u hold back in the Full Kicks vid Princess?
11-21-2005, 03:01 AM
here's 5 more...
12-08-2005, 02:27 PM
vcbvcvmbnmbnmbnmxcvxcvcvcvbnvbnvbnHe desreved to be banned. This is a great thread :) I really like her punching movie
12-24-2005, 07:01 AM
Hey Princess,
You’re looking leaner these days :)
Does leaner presage meaner :D
As long as I have a face, you'll always have somewhere to sit :iluvu:
07-11-2006, 11:28 PM
could someone update the rapidshare barefootprincess files? most have run out, i would especially like to see the premature squeeze if anyone has it...thanks
07-12-2006, 03:20 AM
could someone update the rapidshare barefootprincess files? most have run out, i would especially like to see the premature squeeze if anyone has it...thanks
i second that
07-12-2006, 02:13 PM
I as well would love to see this premature squeeze vid. Thanks all, great thread.
07-13-2006, 10:02 PM
Hey THANKS for douging up this thread!!
So... where is the Princess these days anyone knows? She's the best :ibow4u:
I second the motion on the rapidshare links
07-14-2006, 02:23 AM
The Princess works from here:
Somebody (presumably the lady herself) asked Rapidshare etc. to remove the files of her people had posted. It is no longer possible to post these movies at RS or Megauploader etc. as the files appear to be recognised by these sites.
Anyway, the (original) Princess appears to be selling some great stuff these days :D
07-15-2006, 04:34 AM
i looked at her site and it look like she is a good ballbuster and then some she even uses a slave as her toilet but i bet there are others that would let her use you as her toilet
08-08-2006, 07:45 PM
It seems that the Barefoot Princess has vanished yet again. Her site,, seems to, for whatever reason, have been removed from the internet. If anyone knows about a new site or has any of here old vid's please say so. She is my favorite ballbuster by far and I really need to see her soon. Thanks everyone
08-08-2006, 08:07 PM
OMG! it can't be!!! What happened??
No more kicks?? this is somehow scarry :cryingblu
Princess where are you??!! :confused:
It would be disastrous for BB not seeing her unique[/URL] style[URL=""] ( again :ibow4u:, I hope she's allright and back online soon.
08-10-2006, 11:56 AM
naw, shes still making videos, only problem is now you have to pay for them, she just does everything through a ********** store now, im assuming she just closed down barefootprincessvideo to save money
08-11-2006, 02:46 PM
I've uploaded premature squeeze ( I love the way you squeeze the cum out of his balls in this one :iluvu:
I've got others so let me know if you want me to post them.
The URL is dead. Anyone has this movie on a hardrive so he can share it? :cussing:
08-11-2006, 02:50 PM
I've got loads of her stuff, it's pretty good. Downloaded them using DC++.
08-11-2006, 06:49 PM
I just got done talking to barefoot princess via email little while ago. She's in the process of moving and her website will be up running shortly.
08-11-2006, 06:56 PM
August 16th is when her website will be up again!
08-11-2006, 07:31 PM
Ah good she's returning hopefully she'll post here. I saw one of her videos on a yahoo bb site was it hot, whew!
As a little good natured joke let me post some lyrics that go with an old Dejion and the Belmonts song. The old song went something like: She took my love then ran around with every single guy in town. hurt hurt a hurt...
Ok so the new Barefoot Princess version would go something like this: She busted my nuts then ran around with every half decent male sub in town a hurt hurt hurt... when she works your nuts you won't be tell pleasure from pain and if you have any leisure it will drive you insane a hurt hurt a hurt...there are cyber fights to garner favor to get in her nut busting line up that would give one fright... if only she'll bust my nuts tonight...hurt hurt a hurt...:ibow4u:
08-14-2006, 11:54 AM
August 16th is when her website will be up again!
I think I saw a preview of this. A couple of weeks ago, I clicked her link and was taken to a site with a really nice new design. Maybe she was testing it? Anyway, the new site should look great when it gets re-launched in a few days.
David B.
08-15-2006, 08:57 PM
Wheew!! Its good to know she's still on the scene :thumbup
Im anxious to see the site.:bananad:
08-17-2006, 11:01 PM
Its the 17th today just wondering if there was any news on the new site??
09-13-2006, 08:31 PM
damned what is with barefoot princes i miss her:(
09-14-2006, 03:02 PM
damned what is with barefoot princes i miss her:(
Well, as of today Sept. 14th looks like the new site is running:
Although it has some sections coming soon on october, anyway the good thing here is that it looks like the Princess is back and busy, she is working (kicking) on it :thumbup
Congrats for the new site your majesty :ibow4u:
09-16-2006, 06:13 AM
New site ...old style: I like it ;)
09-16-2006, 11:57 AM
Barefoot Princess is so gorgeous and sadistic. Is there any woman more amazing than her?
ariane V
09-17-2006, 03:04 PM
Oh Mélanie :iluvu:
i remember her "lesson in premature ejaculation" clip or something like that ... :)
it's a real pleasure to see her again ! :bananajum
06-19-2008, 10:17 AM
Glad to have the barefoot princess back she is a favorite.
slave r
02-10-2010, 01:55 PM
Princess Melanie's clips are awesome. I wish I could get hold of her DVDs... anyone know where you can get them? And if they are region free?
It sucks that she doesn't have a name or pseudonym, at least one that's well known. So any clip search for 'barefoot princess' or even 'princess melanie' comes up with nothing. It's luck if I ever see one of her videos. :(
09-29-2011, 09:54 PM
Just Google Barefoot Princess Videos...
09-30-2011, 01:03 AM
She is still quite active! c4s store number 2218. She posts a new video at least once a week
09-30-2011, 04:56 PM
Yes she sure is active. Lots of new clips. Still looking hot as ever and I would LOVE to let her use my balls for videos. However she seems very satisfied with the same guy all these years for her vids. I did notice he's getting quite the arm tattoos now too.
Really do love her stuff.
04-16-2012, 06:16 PM
Does anyone still have any Barefoot Princess Clips? or links to her clips? they are all awesome but can't seem to find them anywhere. I remember one short clip of hers where she had a think it was tennis ball tied to the end of a wooden spoon and she said something like if your too scared to use this on yourself come to me and wacks the guy are hard as she can with it was insanely sexy!!
04-19-2012, 03:49 AM
She is so hot! Incredible ass...and she really seems to enjoy femdom and busting his nuts:ibow4u:
Thi thread hasn't been used in forever but does anyone still have any of the really old BFP clips?
WOW!!! These are amazing, do you still have some of the old clips of BFP???
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