View Full Version : Full-force Kicks
03-12-2005, 10:08 AM
How many women on this site have kicked a guy literally their very hardest in the balls? It seems difficult to find such clips, though I do have a few. (This is my first post/thread.)
03-12-2005, 10:28 AM
I wouldn't think most of the real busts would be full force. I can take a fairly hard kick, I would say even more than most guys who enjoy it and even I can't take a full force kick.
03-12-2005, 10:26 PM
In my opinion a full-force kick in the balls should be reserved for self defence.
I'd never kick a guy in the nuts "literally my very hardest" unless it were my intention to hurt or disable him without caring about doing him permanent damage.
It's fine to fantasize about a full-force well-placed kick in the balls, but in reality it would be stupid and irresponsible. I think it would only be done by someone in defence or by somebody not quite right in the head.
I'd rather start kicks mildly and teasingly, and increase the force gradually.
I'd probably have a different opinion though if I were only 4 feet tall and weighed 50 pounds! :D
- Sara :)
03-12-2005, 11:58 PM
In my opinion a full-force kick in the balls should be reserved for self defence.
I'd never kick a guy in the nuts "literally my very hardest" unless it were my intention to hurt or disable him without caring about doing him permanent damage.
It's fine to fantasize about a full-force well-placed kick in the balls, but in reality it would be stupid and irresponsible. I think it would only be done by someone in defence or by somebody not quite right in the head.
I'd rather start kicks mildly and teasingly, and increase the force gradually.
I'd probably have a different opinion though if I were only 4 feet tall and weighed 50 pounds! :D
- Sara :)
You're absolutely right of course, Sara. I was writing out of ignorance and naivte, simply not realizing what "hardest" actually is. And of course, during self-defence, the adrenaline would be pumping full-tilt out of fear response, which would significantly boost the kick force. But yes, it makes a good fantasy. What I was getting at is maximum ball tollerance, and incorrectly equate that with a woman's best kick. I myself never once allowed my ex to kick me because kicking seemed just a bit excessive for the testicles; it just seemed like kneeing and punching provided all the pain I could ever ask for! But, you're right again, it does depend on the particular woman's size and strength. My ex was slightly larger than me, and was occassionally freakishly strong, so I knew where to draw the line in our sessions.
Thanks for the feedback.
03-13-2005, 11:48 AM
In my opinion a full-force kick in the balls should be reserved for self defence.
I'd never kick a guy in the nuts "literally my very hardest" unless it were my intention to hurt or disable him without caring about doing him permanent damage.
It's fine to fantasize about a full-force well-placed kick in the balls, but in reality it would be stupid and irresponsible. I think it would only be done by someone in defence or by somebody not quite right in the head.
I'd rather start kicks mildly and teasingly, and increase the force gradually.
I'd probably have a different opinion though if I were only 4 feet tall and weighed 50 pounds! :D
- Sara :)
For me so much of that depends on her footgear and my personal clothing. A full force kick by an accurate lady wearing heavy or pointed shoes and me being naked or very thinly dressed is truly asking for damage. On the other hand if I'm wearing jeans and she's wearing sneakers I can pretty much laugh in her face! Barefoot kickers who kick with the instep find that my crotch can generally take more than the top of their foot can.
In my opinion a full-force kick in the balls should be reserved for self defence.
I'd never kick a guy in the nuts "literally my very hardest" unless it were my intention to hurt or disable him without caring about doing him permanent damage.
It's fine to fantasize about a full-force well-placed kick in the balls, but in reality it would be stupid and irresponsible. I think it would only be done by someone in defence or by somebody not quite right in the head.
I'd rather start kicks mildly and teasingly, and increase the force gradually.
I'd probably have a different opinion though if I were only 4 feet tall and weighed 50 pounds! :D
- Sara :)
you don't have to kick him full force. Just a hard kick, not full force. That is the fun, those soft kicks won't do any harm
03-13-2005, 11:10 PM
Sara's comment on women who are four feet in height and fifty pounds is particularly relevant BECAUSE>>> Every woman, at some point in her life, IS either four feet tall, only fifty pounds, or both. Let's take EvilGrl - hasn't everyone wanted to take EvilGrl? She started out like everybody else: about a foot or two long and less than ten pounds. Since males tend to grow bigger very fast, you can see why nut-kicking is so much in vogue with those around 13-15 years of age: the chicas are still tiny but the muchachos are getting so they are almost macho!
I had a ballbusting friend who was very weak (sad to say...); she used to try to prop herself up over me so she could use the force of gravity to really power home her knees. This would have worked well for her except that she got them once and I never wanted to feel a gravity-driven kick again, so I tended to squirm. Or run away.
A man does what he has to. :D
03-14-2005, 11:11 AM
For me so much of that depends on her footgear and my personal clothing. A full force kick by an accurate lady wearing heavy or pointed shoes and me being naked or very thinly dressed is truly asking for damage. On the other hand if I'm wearing jeans and she's wearing sneakers I can pretty much laugh in her face! Barefoot kickers who kick with the instep find that my crotch can generally take more than the top of their foot can.
I agree totally. If I am in the mood for a hard kick I usually will hang the jewels out of my shorts and have her kick me from behind. Sometimes i even put a rubberband or something elastic around my sack to keep them from moving much. This way they will get the max effect and there is still an escape path if the kick is to hard and accurate they won't smashed.
03-20-2005, 03:21 PM
There is no doubt about it. Balls are a definate drawback. Best bet is to make the most of the things they are good for......Ice pack please!
03-21-2005, 10:55 AM
Well, I just past the 40 mark and well, some things never change. Just look at Geezer, he still puts his nuts in a vice.
03-23-2005, 04:19 PM
I wouldn't think most of the real busts would be full force. I can take a fairly hard kick, I would say even more than most guys who enjoy it and even I can't take a full force kick.
I can.
03-24-2005, 11:35 AM
I've seen full force kicks - Not pretty - but exciting as hell!
03-24-2005, 12:46 PM
I can.
Was 1964 a leap year? I'm not sure if thats good or bad. I can see that you are 18 days my senior (if you celebrate your b-day every year that is). Happy belated birthday. That kind of sucks as a child if you have cheap relatives only sending gifts every 4 years. Oh, I know what i meant to ask-when you take full force kicks do you have pants on/off etc? I'm not discounting your studliness, just curious. When I was younger I always wished I could take FF kicks but now I think I enjoy the side effects more so it isn't as attractive to me now. What I'm trying to say is something like this. If you can drink a lot of beer you can party heavier but it costs more. If your a light weight its hard to hang with the big boys but its a lot cheaper. Am I making any sense to anyone? :confused: Its a double edged sword. Anywho, I'd like to see some clips of ya getting racked by my favorite fantasy ball kicker- :ibow4u:
03-24-2005, 03:40 PM
I like dainty chicks. And big, manly, muscular ones. And flat-chested ones, ones with big boobs, ones who are slender or overweight, ones who have eye colour other than purple (ew!), blondes, redheads, brunettes, tall ones, short ones, and... um... Well, pretty much all of 'em. :D
The dainty ones are generally free to knee hard, but the manly ones (or, really, even the dainty ones who have that "I grew up on a farm and I am ripped, with muscles bigger than most guys!" look) -- well, Manuel Alphonse Rodriguez de la Rocha, Latin lover without compare (someone catch Sara; she looks about to faint), may not know much, but Manuel knows he prefers his huevos the way they are.
As I mentioned in a thread in the main forum for general discussion, the concept of "full force kick" varies greatly between:
* A sex partner for whom ballbusting is SM play;
^ Hired sex workers;
* A woman who perceives that her virginityhood's virtue is imperilled by a big, male attacker; and, of course
* A feminist.
Sex partners who are into SM, and the sadist chicks in videos being shot for or, have a radically different idea of what a full force kick is than what a woman who has been trained in self-defense thinks is a full force kick when she is attacked by a rapper. Or a ******. (The rappers are worse, generally speaking, but rapists are, just like rappers, losers who deserve to have their nutsacks mangled.)
Far worse, of course, is the consideration of what a "full force kick" would be if one were to ask a feminist for her opinion (or, rather, the opinion she last read in the latest feminist "Men Are Pigs" book). Trust me, mi muchachos, you do NOT want to even hear her opinion. Just the description, alone, would cause any normal man to lose his fertility and to be bent over for the rest of his life. Fortunately, Manuel is much man and, after hearing one feminist's opinion on kicking men in the balls, was able to stand up and walk within a week. (Yes, I am Turbo Studly.) As soon as Manuel got his courage back, thanks mainly to the size of his huevos, he called the feminist up and retorted, "Oh, YEAH?!?"
Without bragging, I tell you that she was not able to come up with a reply, so Manuel quickly hung up and manfully hid under his bed, cradling his nuts, remembering her description of what a "full force kick to the crotch of some Neanderthal Y-chromosome-challenged Troglodyte male" would be. (She even had charts! No wonder I married her!)
03-25-2005, 09:08 AM
No I lied about my birthday, I didn't want to put my true date of birth on there because I didn't want to be identified. I am actually approximately one year younger than the age in my profile.
However there is also something slightly cryptic in my picking 29 Feb as my birthday - it is the date where the roles are supposedly reversed and the women are dominant. Thus I wish to be dominated and overpowered (by a woman in sexy footwear, i.e. footwear that I find sexy).
03-25-2005, 12:16 PM
Women into bodybagbuilding often have another route they can take - testosterone via, usually, a patch. Enables chicks to bulk up more than they usually could, but makes them crazier than a nineteen-dollar bill if they use it too long/often. Unlike steroids, testosterone is (I think) legal, just need to convince some quack to prescribe it (the easiest argument for a woman: "Doctor, I have a low sperm count! My ovaries were tested and they just produce ova, hardly a spermatozoan in sight! Help me, Doctor, help me - I need testosterone!"). Since it is a natural hormone in humans, it would probably be harder to detect, also.
In Oregon, where same-sex marriages were legal until 2004, I knew two women who were marrieed; one took testosterone in either injected or patch form so she could grow some facial hair, meaning she kept using the stuff, and it really drove her loopy.
03-25-2005, 04:45 PM
Some of those bull dykes can be a little frightening. I'm not sure why some dykes would want another female who takes male hormones when all they have to do is get a man. Anyway, seeing gals on roids, male hormones etc. is a little strange. Their voice deepens, they get facial hair and I'm willing to bet that some (like the bodybuilders I referenced) have clits that are bigger than an average penis. BTW, does anyone know what the average penis size is? Just kidding. :D
play with my plums
03-28-2005, 06:57 AM
The thought of receiving a full force kick is to me a big turn on but not something I`d actually like to have done. I think the worry of serious injury would always stop me from requesting it.
I also agree with some of the posters here that the idea of being busted by a beautiful very feminine girl has a lot more of a sexy appeal to it than some bloke like amazon going at my nuts. :D
Part of the big appeal of the bust for me is that I`m at the mercy of what is perceived to be the weaker sex. So if that weaker sex is actually more built than me, I`m just gonna be in pain without the arousal!
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