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03-13-2005, 05:16 PM
There's this fantasy I have that gets me "nuts". I've been thinking about it for awhile now but now I'd thought I'd share here (why not?).

For some reason, I have a thing for small women. Always have. I mean women that are about 5'1" or shorter and with a bodyweight of 100 pounds or less. I myself am 5'10" and a bit over 200 pounds, so I'm not exactly a lightweight.

My fantasy is taking on a small woman in a fantasy wrestling match and she beats me. It would go something like this: I enter a room (kinda like a bedroom) and she is there waiting for me. She is either my boss or someone who thinks she has control over me! Ha! Anyhoo, being a woman, she is PISSED at me for something. For what? Who knows? Anyhow, we exchange some words and then she tells me she is gonna kick my butt. Really?

This is where it starts to get good. She tells me to take all my clothes off (so that I am not hiding any weapons), and she does the same. God, she looks delicious naked! I tell her that. She gets really pissed now! (Boy, some people can't take compliments!). She comes up to me and puts her small soft hand around my balls and gives them a gentle but firm squeeze. "Is this what you like?", she asks. Her hand feels good around my balls and I can barely answer her a yes. She then lets go and then slowly brings her knee up into my balls and then starts grinding her knee into my balls. Hmmm, to tell you the truth - I don't know which feels better! I think I'm in heaven, but she brings me out of it by stroking her hand against my face and then slapping it! The fight is on.

She steps back and begins punching me in the stomach, which has little effect on me. Seeing this, she then begins kicks to my side and this also has the same effect - nothing. I grab her and throw her around a bit, nothing serious but just to show her that she is dealing with a man here, not a boy! I pick her up into a bearhug and start crushing her small body asking her if she'd like to give up. Her answer is no. After some tussles, she realizes she is getting nowhere. Somewhere at the right moment, the fight changes in her favor. She grabs my balls and squeezes them HARD, and I reel from the pain. She then steps back for a moment and then jumps on me coiling her arms around my head and neck. This starts me to get lightheaded and confused because she is cutting off the bloodflow to my head. I start to weaken and she knows this and gets a better hold on me. I am pretty much out on my feet but she keeps it up just until she knows that I'm ***********. The fight is over. She has won.

After I wake up, I find myself on the bed spread-eagle and tied to the bed. I have bite marks over most of my body and my balls hurt the most. They are tied off and lord only knows what she was doing to them while I was in la-la land! She then comes into the room and seeing me awake, she then taunts me. Some more face slapping, knees to my balls and more biting me.

I then get dressed to leave, and she asks me if I'd like a chance to get even sometime. With a slow smile on my face, I tell her, "You better believe it!". :Baahaha: