View Full Version : ___ please stop bumping topics!
04-01-2005, 06:36 AM
One or two is fine but if you do it like you did today, it's very hard to find the recent threads.
04-01-2005, 09:27 AM
Don't worry. In another day or so he will have replied to every topic ever posted saying "Gee, no one seems to be talking about this any more." Then once he's done that, he'll be all out of old threads to pull up, and he'll stop.
Well, unless he decides to start talking to himself. "Hey, I'm right. No one is talking about this. I wonder why that is." But let us all pray to whatever power we may believe in that that does not happen.
04-01-2005, 10:11 AM
One or two is fine but if you do it like you did today, it's very hard to find the recent threads.
I agree! :)
Refreshing older threads is OK when done a few at a time but dozens at a time just causes me more work. :(
I noticed some older threads brought back to life (?) by "___" (and a couple of others), that are so old and dead that I should delete them. ;)
I'll get around to it. I'm studying for exams right now.
Any member wanting to report a bad post should use the "bad post" icon. Writing me a Private Message takes longer for me to get around to reading. But I've already mentioned this a month or so ago in another thread. Just a reminder. I have a pile of unanswered PMs.
I've been trying to get members to post more, so I guess I shouldn't complain when they do. But maybe there is such a thing as overdoing it?
I'm not going to make up rules about how many posts members are limited to daily. There are enough rules as it is. Maybe too many.
Anyway, please try not to cause me more work unnecessarily. And yes, it makes it awkward for everyone when the "current" threads get pushed a few pages back.
Please try for moderation.
But at the same time, I'm encouraging other members to post more and be more active! :D
- Sara :)
I agree! :)
Refreshing older threads is OK when done a few at a time but dozens at a time just causes me more work. :(
I noticed some older threads brought back to life (?) by "___" (and a couple of others), that are so old and dead that I should delete them. ;)
I'll get around to it. I'm studying for exams right now.
I've been trying to get members to post more, so I guess I shouldn't complain when they do. But maybe there is such a thing as overdoing it?
I'm not going to make up rules about how many posts members are limited to daily. There are enough rules as it is. Maybe too many.
Anyway, please try not to cause me more work unnecessarily. And yes, it makes it awkward for everyone when the "current" threads get pushed a few pages back.
Please try for moderation.
But at the same time, I'm encouraging other members to post more and be more active! :D
- Sara :) I'm sorry for causing you extra work while you're supposed to be studying for exams, Sara. My intention wasn't to be annoying to you or to other members. But I see your point.
Dammit! I pressed the wrong button and submitted before I was finished writing. When I tried to EDIT and add more it timed out.
I was going to continue by saying that I'll try to not revive old threads at such a rate that others can't keep up with me AND so as not to cause you extra work, Sara. Maybe I was overdoing it a bit. I'll slow down some. I'm not trying to be obnoxious.
Some of those old threads ARE obsolete and practically dead. It's up to you whether you delete them. At least I brought them to your attention!
I like you and the way you write and how you run a tight ship here! There ARE a lot more rules here than at some other forums that I belong to but your efforts to organise and run the forum are evidently working fine. Plus the fact that you've deleted 1,400 members for NOT posting! WOW! That takes balls! (That's a joke of sorts.)
Let me know if there's anything I can do to help you get other members to post more. That's something that we both want so maybe with some cooperation you and I can do something about that.
My idea was to expose members to old threads that are being neglected. Some of those threads that I revived are now active again because others are posting there. I'm glad that that part worked out as I had hoped!
I'm not used to writing long posts like this one. But at least I explained my reasoning. There IS method behind my "madness"! It seems that I'm just too active for some members to keep up with. So I'll slow down because that seems to be what YOU suggest Sara. Any chance I could be your assistant Sara? We'd make a great couple. I mean a good "team"!
- - - X - - -
04-01-2005, 06:33 PM
04-01-2005, 08:21 PM
I'm sorry for causing you extra work while you're supposed to be studying for exams, Sara. My intention wasn't to be annoying to you or to other members. But I see your point.
I'll try to not revive old threads at such a rate that others can't keep up with me AND so as not to cause you extra work, Sara. Maybe I was overdoing it a bit. I'll slow down some. I'm not trying to be obnoxious.
Some of those old threads ARE obsolete and practically dead. It's up to you whether you delete them. At least I brought them to your attention!
I like you and the way you write and how you run a tight ship here! There ARE a lot more rules here than at some other forums that I belong to but your efforts to organise and run the forum are evidently working fine. Plus the fact that you've deleted 1,400 members for NOT posting! WOW! That takes balls! (That's a joke of sorts.)
Let me know if there's anything I can do to help you get other members to post more. That's something that we both want so maybe with some cooperation you and I can do something about that.
My idea was to expose members to old threads that are being neglected. Some of those threads that I revived are now active again because others are posting there. I'm glad that that part worked out as I had hoped!
I'm not used to writing long posts like this one. But at least I explained my reasoning. There IS method behind my "madness"! It seems that I'm just too active for some members to keep up with. So I'll slow down because that seems to be what YOU suggest Sara. Any chance I could be your assistant Sara? We'd make a great couple. I mean a good "team"!
Thanks for the explanation of your motives and methods of your first flood of posts. :)
And I hope you will slow down with your posts, as you say.
Yes, I'll deal with those old threads that aren't relevant anymore - when I get the time.
And yes, some other members are now posting in a few of the threads that you brought to our attention, turning those ones into active threads again. ;)
I can't think of how you could help me encourage more members to post more often. I'll leave that as homework for you -- to suggest ways. You might want to send your ideas to me by Private Message so you won't have to post anything off-topic.
No, I don't think I need an "assistant" right now thanks.
I've only deleted one of your posts so far. That was for using "unnecessary profanity". Please avoid that.
A few members have criticized your posts or posting style.
In spite of what a couple of members posted about your posts not being on-topic, in my opinion they are on topic in the threads you posted them in.
Some constructive criticism: In my opinion most of your posts are too brief and don't explain enough. Please try for quality instead of quantity. As one member suggested, try to write posts that others would want to read. :D
Having said that, my attention goes to the post above this one by bodaciousballs00:
After having just explained how you could (should) try to improve your posts, I have to admit that your posts aren't as bad as that one by bodaciousballs00.
Everything I just suggested to you I'd also suggest even more to bodaciousballs00.
The only other difference is the greater frequency of your posts -- and you've already said that you'll slow that down voluntarily.
In another thread I recently wrote that there will be no double standard or favoritism on my part.
You noticed that I've already banned 1,400 members. That wasn't just for not posting anything. Please read the "sticky" thread at the top of each page of this forum for other reasons for banning members.
You can be a "good" member of this forum if you want to. But that would depend on taking my advice seriously.
"bodaciousballs00": The same goes for you. As a member here since last year, please try to set an example for the newer members here instead of making posts that contradict my advice to new members.
Remember, if I let you get away with an ambiguous one-word post, then I have to treat others the same way. :(
There will be no double standard here. The same rules must apply to every member, without favoritism.
- Sara :)
04-01-2005, 08:32 PM
Bad assumption Sara, I made an error in posting a reply. I thought I was replying to the thread about two on one, but when I submitted it I noticed it was on this one. I cut my post out and pasted it in to the correct one, I then came back to this one to delete my post but could not figure out how to, so I was going to just leave it blank, but the system would not allow me to leave it blank, so I simply wrote "wrong" meaning I was wrong to post here. I think my history here proves me out to be a fairly winded member. So please contact me directly rather than publicy slaming me for an honest mistake.
04-02-2005, 01:16 AM
Bad assumption Sara, I made an error in posting a reply. I thought I was replying to the thread about two on one, but when I submitted it I noticed it was on this one. I cut my post out and pasted it in to the correct one, I then came back to this one to delete my post but could not figure out how to, so I was going to just leave it blank, but the system would not allow me to leave it blank, so I simply wrote "wrong" meaning I was wrong to post here. I think my history here proves me out to be a fairly winded member. So please contact me directly rather than publicy (sic) slaming (sic) me for an honest mistake.
Mr. Bodaciousballs00,
Your excuse is invalid.
Now you are in need of a sterner public correction.
After leaving your single-word post, you proceeded to make three more posts, not including the post that you pasted in. I have not received any Private Message from you requesting that I delete your one-word post.
It is not my responsibility to ask each member by Private Message about their posts. There are hundreds of members and thousands of posts. It is your responsibility to report any problem to me. But you evaded your responsibility and left your one-word post, rather than ask me to delete it for you.
Another way you could have handled your problem would have been to post a few words like, "I posted here by mistake. Please delete this post." rather than just "Wrong". That would have even saved you the few minutes it would have taken you to send me a Private Message.
A Private Message to me would have been preferable though. ;)
You were "going to just leave it blank"? I'm glad the system doesn't allow you to do that. A blank post doesn't belong in this forum.
If you've read the thread in which Trouble was suspended for 24 hours, I mentioned there that Trouble was responsible enough to report a couple of his own posts to me because he realized that they were off-topic and he asked me to delete them. I deleted them promptly. As Moderator I do things like that. As Administrator I can admonish you for not acting in a responsible manner.
In real life, as a "Manager" (according to your profile) you might expect others to clean up after you. On these forums don't expect me to do that unless you ask me to. All you have to do is ask. I'm here to help you with problems such as not being able to delete your own post which you made because of "an honest mistake". Just ask. Don't expect me to follow you around cleaning up after you. Don't treat me as your slave, maid, secretary or cleaning woman. Treat me as your equal and ask for my help with your problem.
The fact that you just continued to make three more posts afterwards and then logged off makes you appear irresponsible.
The fact that you left your one-word post without asking that it be deleted makes you look irresponsible.
The fact that it was your stated intention to leave a blank post makes you seem irresponsible, as well as thoughtless towards the other members who would check this thread only to find your blank post.
The fact that you expect me to give you preferential treatment by asking you by Private Message to explain any unusual post you may make shows how little regard you have for me as a person, as well as giving the impression that you are insufficiently responsible to even ask that I help you delete your above post.
"He who commits an error and doesn't take steps to correct it is committing another error."
Please try to act in a responsible way on this public forum. I'm here to help you. Don't treat me with contumacy or recalcitrancy or even feigned nescience.
- Sara :)
04-02-2005, 11:20 AM
You seem to enjoy having the power of admin to this form! Having only known you via the net, it goes without saying I don't really know you, however I am tired of second guessing myself when I post something here. I think a few of the things you are doing here are good, but you are pushing too far and turning this board into a mild tyranny! I perfer a little more freedom, sure it's not as neat or perfect but it is much more real and honest. So rather than argue and be insulted by the admin I will just let Sara have the pleasure of deleating my profile, she seems to really enjoy carrying out self-righteous judgements. By the way Sara I had no idea you were so fond of thesauruses!
04-02-2005, 07:06 PM
One or two is fine but if you do it like you did today, it's very hard to find the recent threads.
You’re not joking Wimpy. A few weeks away and I hardly recognise this place!
04-02-2005, 10:09 PM
By the way Sara I had no idea you were so fond of thesauruses!
Yanno, she might be sesquipidalian. Give her the benefit of the doubt.
___, it occurred to me that you might be really, really enthusiastic about finding this place and trying to jump in and find a spot where you fit in. I can understand having a lot of time and energy to devote to bb and not feeling enough response. I write my own schedule, so I can have hours of time to kill at any time of day I pick - sounds better than it is.
Thanks for slowing down and trying to adjust to the pace of, rather than continuing to try to get the rest of the Forum to match your pace.
04-03-2005, 12:12 AM
You seem to enjoy having the power of admin to this form!
"Enjoy" isn't exactly the word that I'd use. Just like I wouldn't say that you "enjoy" making mistakes, not correcting them and not caring about it. I wouldn't say that because I don't know whether you enjoy it or not. I suspect you don't. But some people really like a good debate! ;)
What I "enjoy" is helping keep the forum well organized, the threads properly named, deleting posts that are illegal or violate the Forums' Rules (even though I didn't make the rules), encouraging members to post about their fetishes, resolving conflicts, emphasizing safety when potentially dangerous activities are discussed, protecting the real identity and privacy of members, giving advice when asked to (in posts or Private Messages), acting on "bad post" reports, answering members' questions about personal matters or forum-related "how to" subjects, and so on...
I also think it's OK for me to praise members who go out of their way to act responsibly about thir posts (like Trouble has recently) and constructively criticize those who don't (like ____ and yourself) by making suggestions and pointing out options and alternatives that would be better for the forum and the majority of members.
Having only known you via the net, it goes without saying I don't really know you, however I am tired of second guessing myself when I post something here.
It's true that if we knew each other personally things might be different. Some members (and I) were trying to guess why you made your puzzling single-word post that simply said "Wrong" without any explanation of what you were talking about. After I commented on it you stated that it was my job to ask you by Private Message what you meant. After that, maybe you'd also expect me to post an explanation of what you meant so the other members would know.
By the way Sara I had no idea you were so fond of thesauruses!
Then I'll fill you in. English isn't my mother tongue. I like dictionaries too. I find that people who move to a place where their mother tongue isn't spoken tend to want to improve their knowledge of the language(s) spoken there. Native-born speakers frequently feel no need to improve their linguistic skills.
Example: I wasn't sure of the meaning of the word "bodacious", so I looked it up in an online dictionary. It turned out that it's a regional dialectal word used in Southern and South Midland United States combining the words "bold" and "audacious". I learned a new word. It has an interesting etymology. Yes, I use an etymological dictionary too. I try to add at least one new word daily to my English vocabulary. In a few other languages I'm lucky if I can add another word weekly!
I think a few of the things you are doing here are good, but you are pushing too far and turning this board into a mild tyranny! I perfer a little more freedom, sure it's not as neat or perfect but it is much more real and honest.
I've already addressed that matter recently:
At ( I explained that "I don't want to be an 'evil dictator' here"...
Also in the third post in this thread that we're in, I wrote "There are enough rules as it is. Maybe too many."
I've also posted similar comments recently in other threads that I don't have time to look up right now.
So, we basically agree on that.
You've probably noticed that I do allow and sometimes participate in threads about "normal penis size", "cunt-busting", "online privacy and security", "erections during body massages", "testicle jewelry", "urethral play", and other topics not directly related to ballbusting.
I'm not completely inflexible about such things.
BUT I insist that such topics have their own separate thread. If the poster of such topics doesn't start a new thread, I split the thread where they posted and create a new special thread for the topic. That's so members who aren't interested in the topics can skip those threads. To that end I also make sure that the threads have accurately descriptive titles, even if I sometimes have to rename them.
I'm also pleased that members usually ask my permission first (usually by Private Message) before starting a thread about such topics, and I encourage them. Especially if the topic would be of interest to other members, since so many of them need to know that they aren't the only ones in the world with such doubts, questions or interests. I try to let them know that they're "normal", since so many members need more self-esteem and seem to fear that they might be "abnormal".
Who decides which of these non-ballbusting topics can have its own thread? I do. Somebody has to make decisions like that, otherwise anybody would be posting about anything at all -- like detailed daily weather reports with attached pics of cloud formations from a village in southeastern Outer Mongolia. Or "How to make money reading emails". ;)
The " Forums Rules" include the statement, "The owners of Forums have the right to remove, edit, move or close any posted message or thread for any reason."
I'm the one nominated to do that.
I realize that whatever I do or don't do makes me unpopular with some members. I can't please everyone simultaneously. I just do my best for the forums and the majority of the members.
So rather than argue and be insulted by the admin I will just let Sara have the pleasure of deleating my profile. ...
I'd call it a discussion or debate. But that's just my opinion; obviously not yours. If that's really what you'd rather prefer, I'm not going to "argue" with you about that too! I'll do it, but without taking any "pleasure" in doing so.
- Sara :o
PS. Actually, I wasn't even going to delete any of your posts, bodaciousballs00. I pointed out your first post above to "___" as an example of how not to post. But then you started trying to justify your one-word post and you "argued" to defend it. But the more you 'argued' -- the worse your reasoning was, and the worse you were in setting an example for new members or others. This forum can't take a hundred new members who think that one-word posts are OK. Some members even objected to ____'s brief posts (as well as their number) and I was trying to explain to him how to post in a better way. And I've said several times recently that there won't be any favoritism or double standards here.
04-03-2005, 01:08 AM
___, it occurred to me that you might be really, really enthusiastic about finding this place and trying to jump in and find a spot where you fit in. I can understand having a lot of time and energy to devote to bb and not feeling enough response. I write my own schedule, so I can have hours of time to kill at any time of day I pick - sounds better than it is.
Thanks for slowing down and trying to adjust to the pace of, rather than continuing to try to get the rest of the Forum to match your pace.I agree with Trouble. :)
"____" has apologized and explained, and he hasn't caused any problems since I explained things to him in this thread.
Hopefully he can become a more welcome active member here.
It's up to him. Let's wait and see. ;)
- Sara :)
04-03-2005, 09:26 AM
It happened to me too in some ways when I first discovered this forum, which was just between Christmas and New Year so it was quite quiet here. I made something in the region of 25 posts, of which I think 14 were deleted by Sara because I was repeating myself too much. Now I generally post here far less frequently because I don't have as much "new" to say anymore, which may be a similar reason why you are not finding so many people post here.
I actually found this place after following a link from a trailer of the film "Busted by FBI" which came from this site originally. I then found that the new "main" site didn't seem to have anything that I was looking for so I came here to post about it.
I don't know how everyone else discovered this site.
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