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View Full Version : Electricity applied to testicles

04-09-2005, 03:38 PM
I did a search for electricity before starting a new thread and, with the exception of the shocking CB stuff I posted in in Julie’s thread, I can only find the following really relevant post: http://www.femaledom.com/forum/showpost.php?p=7325&postcount=3

Has anybody here played with the controlled movement of charged particles (most likely, but not limited to, electrons) through the gonands?

What kinda hit would a Transcutaneous Electrical Neural Stimulation (TENS) machine on full-crank give? How about a cattle-prod or tazer? I don’t see much about this aspect on the web. I would think it might be a useful means of pain administration without the risk of damage (providing you don’t use enough current to fry things). I guess the key would be high voltage, low current (?). Any experts out there? The only relevant photo I can find is below. Unfortunately, the electrodes are not placed on the gonads. Anybody got any movies of tezzie-zapping? :)

Does electricity give a different, perhaps unpleasant, form of pain? I like testicular pain (when aroused) but scrotal or penis pain just plain hurts and does nothing for me whatsoever. How does a good electric potential to the nads feel?

MEDICAL NOTE: Electro-play above the waist, even the hands, could be very serious as any current to either the brain or heart could be potentially life-threatening. However, I cannot see any serious injury resulting from tezzie-zapping providing you stick to low current (e.g. battery-operated machinery). NEVER PLAY WITH MAINS ELECTRICITY!! THIS WOULD BE VERY STUPID AND WOULD LIKELY INVOLVE SERIOUS HARM.

Have fun and stay safe,

04-09-2005, 11:26 PM
You are probably aware that human skin works very well as an insulation material when it comes to electrical current. I would suggest avoiding any and all subcutaneous blasts of current, because then the body's natural insulation does not protect you and the full amount of the charge would be a very dangerous thing to play with.

Probably the best documents on versions of applying electricity to gonads to cause pain would be documentation from Abu Ghraib or a Nazi concentration camp. For example, when frying nads, one electrode is often placed slightly inside the ass, in order to bypass much of the skin's resistance to permitting free electrons to run right through it. However, that goes against the caution that i advise above: without medical degree or any training, I strongly urge people to decline to experiment with subcutaneous shocks.

For surface shocks, Nikola Tesla would probably have been the best authority on the subject since he regularly shocked himself deliberately, but, alas, left no written textbook on the topic. I do not know if he tried applying current to his sac. I would suspect that he did not, because the sac contains two testicles, not three, and you know Dr. Tesla had an obsession with the number '3'.

I suggest you find a scientist chick who is interested in this. It would probably be a very good idea to tie you up before turning on the juice because the spine is capable of reacting to electrical stimulus independently of any command from the brain (i.e., when she flips the switch, your spine might tell your legs to kick before the sensation of extreme pain reaches your skull). A chick scientist in a white lab coat and a skirt, with a bound guy wired up to electrodes... Mmmmmmm. Yeah. I'm diggin' THAT!

04-10-2005, 12:04 AM
Just a quick post, but there's lots of ball torture + electrical shock out there. Much of what I have is movie related though, so I have to work out ways to spread that around.

Many tamakeri (lit. ball kicking in japanese, not my esteemed fellow forum member!) videos from have parts where attractive girls apply handheld stun guns to the (lucky? unlucky?) chosen victim (while typically laughing uproariously, a fact that never fails to stimulate, let me tell you!). I have a couple of DVDs that have this sort of treatment. I do have a couple of clips of these DVDs that show this (one of them I posted about in the other thread).

As for western related cbt, I've seen many that apply the "violet wand" to exposed genitalia, with what seems to be satsfyingly painful results. Here's a couple of links:

Attached is a pic from a "tamakeri" movie illustrating the use of the stun gun - which personally, seems to be much more painful/violent. Unfortunately, this picture is from a DVD I never managed to get my hands on (sddm-375).


ps. inq, we seem to have very similar tastes! :)

04-10-2005, 07:26 AM
You are probably aware that human skin works very well as an insulation material when it comes to electrical current. I would suggest avoiding any and all subcutaneous blasts of current, because then the body's natural insulation does not protect you and the full amount of the charge would be a very dangerous thing to play with.I agree, best not to stick electrodes up the bum or down the pee hole etc. Just save em for the nads themselves.

A chick scientist in a white lab coat and a skirt, with a bound guy wired up to electrodes... Mmmmmmm. Yeah. I'm diggin' THAT! Oh yeah!

04-10-2005, 07:33 AM
Just a quick post, but there's lots of ball torture + electrical shock out there.I should have known that our Jiggy would be the man to know where to find this stuff. How does he do it?
Much of what I have is movie related though, so I have to work out ways to spread that around.Can’t wait.
ps. inq, we seem to have very similar tastes! :)What a couple of sickos :) My mother said I had a twin brother. He had to be adopted cos she couldn’t cope with both of us. She said he went to a Canadian family. Its great to be in touch after all this time :) Let’s have some more of thems nut-pruning pictures. :jumpsmile :jumpsmile

Is there anybody out there that has been on the receiving end of this kinda treatment? Good thing, bad thing? Does it give pain to the balls or pain in the sack?
I'm just inquisitiv.

04-10-2005, 10:45 AM
Couple of toys you can play with on the cheap. First- an electronic "wasp zapper" available (in the US) at Wall-Mart for $10 bucks or less- looks like a ping pong paddle made out of a window screen. AA or 9V battery. Zaps the skin when used as-is. But it can be cut down to just the handle and the two "zapper wires" for a mini-taser effect.
example: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=79851&item=5765297561&rd=1

Also the dog training collars- remote controlled. Can be strapped on your bag and worn under your clothes with the electrodes digging into your balls. Then give her the remote and I bet you'll find her using it at some pretty choice times. Use caution while driving of course.


04-10-2005, 10:59 PM
Couple of toys you can play with on the cheap. First- an electronic "wasp zapper" available (in the US) at Wall-Mart for $10 bucks or less- looks like a ping pong paddle made out of a window screen. AA or 9V battery. Zaps the skin when used as-is. But it can be cut down to just the handle and the two "zapper wires" for a mini-taser effect.
example: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=79851&item=5765297561&rd=1

Also the dog training collars- remote controlled. Can be strapped on your bag and worn under your clothes with the electrodes digging into your balls. Then give her the remote and I bet you'll find her using it at some pretty choice times. Use caution while driving of course.
example:http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=43426&item=4372258333&rd=1Cheap and ingenious :) I can tell you’ve put some thought into this. Have you tried it? What does it feel like? Scrotal pain of ball pain?

04-10-2005, 11:42 PM
Not to be contrary, but Trouble doesn't really know what he's talking about. To begin with, although the skin itself is basically an insulator, it is covered in a light solution of oil, water, and salt. This is an ionic solution, and is definitely a conductor. It's actually this conduction which serves as a protection, not the insulative properties of the skin. Skin really isn't a very good insulator. It's thin. It's made mostly of water with particle suspended in it. The main reason that the electricity does not penetrate it very much is that the ionic solution which is on top of it is a much better conductor.

It's the same principle behind a lightning rod. Electricity tends to take the path of least resistance. Or rather, to be more precise, electricity takes all paths available to it, but the less the resistance, the greater the fraction of the electricity which passes through it. So under normal circumstances, most of the electricity passes along the ionic solution on top of your skin and only a small amount of it through the part of your body under your skin. But if you do something stupid like attach one contact on the middle of your chest and another in the middle of your back, the shortness of the path which goes through the middle is going to outweigh things, and the electricty will pass through your chest, and quite possibly through your heart. Even small amount of electricity can destabilize the rhythm of your heart. That's why most wise people stay away from doing any current-based electrical play above the waist, whether above or below the skin.

There are two basic ways to experience electricity:
1) static electricity
2) ongoing current

The best metaphor is probably that the flow of electrons is like the flow of water. Static electricity is like dumping a bucket out: the electicity suddenly moves from one level of potential to another and then spreads out evenly. Ongoing current is like setting up a pump: the electricity is going to continue to flow as long as whatever is driving it is operating.

So with static electricity, you only need a single point of contact. The item with the static charge is like the bucket and you're like the floor. There's a sudden flow of electricity, which then spreads out across you. In this case, the electrons spread out throughout the ionic solution. With static electricty, what you actually feel primarily is the heat from the spark which jumps. The spark is a result of the air being ionized, which is what allows the current to flow before you actually make contact. Static electricity generally involves very little flow of electricity beneath the skin, but if the static charge is large enough, then it'll flow there too.

By contrast, any and every time you feel ongoing current whether it's from a TENS unit, a stun gun, or peeing on an electric fence, it is because the electricity -has- gotten under your skin. There are no electricity sensing nerves in the skin. The reason you can feel it is that the nerves themselves are electrical. So electricity stimulates the nerves directly. Generally, you're going to notice the pain nerves and the touch nerves primarily as they are more sensitive, but you may also feel sensations of hot and cold when those nerves are stimulated. Also, if electicity stimulates the nerves which control your muscles, they may spasm. This is how the electrical "muscle exercisers" work.

So, any current based device involves subdermal electrical flow. A "TENS" unit is a "transdermal electrical nerve stimulation" unit. It uses electricity to stimulate the nerves through the skin. TENS units are medical devices intended to be used on the lower back as a form of pain releif. The fairly mild electrical shocks when applied to the thick skin with few nerves found in the lower back serves to somehow distract the nervous system from feelings of pain in that same area. However, when the same levels of current are applied to areas where the skin is thinner and the nerves more numerous, it's definitely not pain relief. In the US, you are legally required to get a perscription to get one. However, there are mail order places which don't really care. You can also get devices which are very similar, but unregulated, from several places. I'm told that the non-medical ones have a bigger kick.

My TENS unit has several settings which can be tweaked. The main setting, though is the power setting. In general when applied to the penis or balls, around 1-4, I can't feel it. Around 5, I can just start to feel it. Around 6 or so it feels pleasant, rather like a vibrator. 7 is the edge of pain, sort of an in between point which is sort of a mix of pleasure and pain. 8-10 are definitely pain. Depending on how the other settings are varied, those levels may change +/- 1 or so.

I would say that the TENS unit provides pain which varies depending on the placement. Basically, if it can be set up right to get more or less right on the ball, then it feels fairly testicular, but if it gets off of the ball much at all (which is easy for it to do since it's attached to the skin), then it feels more scrotal. If you use different attachments than the standard pads which come with it, you may find that it feels differently.


04-11-2005, 02:24 AM
We have found out expert! Thanks Smack :)
(Great vids too)

04-11-2005, 04:46 AM
Not to be contrary, but Trouble doesn't really know what he's talking about. To begin with, although the skin itself is basically an insulator, it is covered in a light solution of oil, water, and salt. This is an ionic solution, and is definitely a conductor. It's actually this conduction which serves as a protection, not the insulative properties of the skin. Skin really isn't a very good insulator. It's thin. It's made mostly of water with particle suspended in it. The main reason that the electricity does not penetrate it very much is that the ionic solution which is on top of it is a much better conductor.
A-yup. HOW the skin acts as an insulator does not change the accuracy of the statement that it does so, and subcutaneous zapping is still something you do not want to mess with. Nice try.

Tesla would still be the foremost authority on using shocks as electrical stimulus; reportedly, he preferred to apply static or current to his hands. We might want to take a look at diathermy for more reference material.

Muscle spasms being triggered by elecricity: yes, elecricity aplied directly to nerves can cause them to act. That does not change the way in which the CNS works; xtreme heat will have the same effect of causing the spine to make a decision to move or not move, before the pain message reaches the brain. That is how the CNS reacts rapidly, while still having a complex brain which can not react rapidly. Extremes of temperature would not, presumably, have the same odds of triggering muscular response that electricity applied directly to nerves has.

04-11-2005, 05:40 PM
[QUOTE=Trouble][B][COLOR=LightGreen]You are probably aware that human skin works very well as an insulation material when it comes to electrical current. I would suggest avoiding any and all subcutaneous blasts of current, because then the body's natural insulation does not protect you and the full amount of the charge would be a very dangerous thing to play with.

Actually Trouble is correct. Per Ohm's Law, current is inversely proportional to resistance. The resistance of human skin varies as a function of moisture content in its external and internal layers. This moisture content changes with ambient temperature, overwork, high humidity, fright, or anxiety. Typical skin resistance values range from 500 ohms (moist skin) to 300,000 ohms (dry skin).As far as electricity penetrating the skin goes if you are grounded (this is key) and there is enough voltage (electrical pressure) (duration of the shock counts also) then you gonna get zapped. I have personnaly seen and have been shocked many times. In the severe case I saw the currents path was through the blood line. 3 phase 480 volts and 100 amps makes a nasty wound and the current exits where the person is best grounded (through the hand and out the heal of his foot, actually blew his heal off.). Most people don't realize that the power in your house can kill you. Many have been shocked but because of the resistance in the skin and the fact that they weren't well grounded prevented them from meeting their maker. I'm not taking anything away from Smack but Playing with electricity is what I do for a living. Just FYI. Does anyone even care :confused:

04-11-2005, 11:02 PM
I think things have pretty much been correct so far, and the salient point arises from the posts so far: electricity is very carefully controlled stuff that, if you play with it, can get out of control and do all kinds of wicked shit before you can reach the 'OFF' button. There's broadcast power; unless you talk to the kind of scientist who claims there isn't. There's ball lightning (another sense of 'ball'); there's the 18-volt part-analog, part-digital circuit used in older computers; and a million (give or take) mistakes with the appropriate horror story to go with. I got knocked down by a misbehaving power supply (about 250 watt); someone ran into the room and asked what happened, took a moment before I could reply.

Yeah, it IS possible to play with electricity and have fun. It is also possible to get careless and do something that you will regret. Or, potentially worse, something that everyone on your street will make you regret because they lose power during the middle of the Super Bowl (swear to GOD, not my fault!). By all means, play, but do be careful and, better yet, be informed before you start playing. Smack obviously knows enough that he is playing safely; bone up (another sense of 'bone') on electromotive force before you start zapping yourself with enough juice to kill an elephant.

play with my plums
04-12-2005, 07:09 PM
Here ya go Inquisitiv.

http://rapidshare.de/files/1243804/Faces_of_Death_-_Stun_gun_in_balls_eletro_torture_of_balls_funny_b ut_dumb.mpg.html

It's the only relevant clip I've got, which is just as well as it took aeon's to upload on my measly connection! :(

Just to add to the debate, I once thought it would be fun to put some juice through my balls with a fairly harmless electrocutional device but the only sensation I got was a nasty sting to the scrotum, which kind of ended my interest in electrical ball play.

04-12-2005, 09:48 PM
I posted up a link to a clip of the DVD I was recommending a short while ago. It contains (amongst other painful punishments) three short segments of stun-gun play.

Should be near the bottom of the page:

Share and enjoy,

04-13-2005, 02:55 PM
It's the only relevant clip I've got, which is just as well as it took aeon's to upload on my measly connection! :( Well worth the time and effort Mr. Plums. For those that haven't seen it yet, it is very very funny :weryfun
Thank you kindly.

PS. Broadband isn't really that expensive. You should consider making the switch if its possible.

05-08-2005, 04:15 PM
Yes, inquisitiv, you can. Certainly the TENS is used for some medical work, and basically the voltage is too low. What you are seeking is called erotic electrostim, and there are several groups on yahoo and msn. You can get good information at www.smartstim.com. Basically, you can use a special unit or your computer or a stereo. In general, you need a reasonably strong a.c. signal (special wav and mp3 files are available) and then run it through a step-up transformer to get more voltage, less current (even from the TENS).

Dualing Banjo
10-14-2005, 02:06 PM
The mpg movie linked to below shows a guy’s balls and cockhead presumably wired up to a source of electrical energy. He cums without the need for any physical stimulation. I guess this ought to be possible but has anybody here ever tried it? :jumpsmile :jumpsmile


11-21-2005, 02:36 AM

11-21-2005, 04:02 PM
The violet wand - Oh yeah! :D

11-22-2005, 03:50 PM
How about using a transformer for an electric fence designed for dogs and other smaller animals? Anyone ever tried it?

11-23-2005, 12:40 AM
Wow, some of this could get pretty nuts.(No pun intended) I have seen some things on electricity being aplied to testicles, but have never really looked into it. I love what I have seen so far and I am going to try and find some more videos on it. Wish me luck!

11-23-2005, 10:22 AM
The thing that interests me is that if the same feeling can be had by using electricity as being kicked then you wouldn't have the problems with say bruising. There also wouldn't be the risk of rupture etc. as log as it's within safe limits. I recently touched an electric fence for pets the other day and it bit me hard enough to hurt but not so bad that I was floored like one for horses or cattle. I didn't have the nerve to ask the gal if she would mind me touching one of my nuts to her fence. :D Anywho It could be fun if performed by the right person.

11-23-2005, 10:31 PM
I have done stun gun play. It is very intense but also very hot. It didnt do any lasting damage.

11-23-2005, 11:22 PM
Yeeeeow, that sounds painful :eek:

11-24-2005, 03:49 PM
Movies of pierced balls with electrons running through them :eek:

11-25-2005, 04:10 AM
hmmm i wounder if his balls is stilling "working" afther that is must be some permanent damange? does the balls realy handle so much? i think about the link sil posted

11-25-2005, 09:39 AM
hmmm i wounder if his balls is stilling "working" afther that is must be some permanent damange? does the balls realy handle so much? i think about the link sil posted
the testes are amazingly durable. even in the case of rupture, they can be saved (both sperm and testosterone production retained) as long as proper medical care is obtained within 6 hours. how damaged they would be in the case of the victim/slave/"nut"case (ha ha) in the video would depend on how much amperage, voltage, and time. _cooked_ testes (which is what sustained high amperage would do) would cease functioning.

11-28-2005, 04:49 PM

11-30-2005, 04:10 PM
A link to some electrifying movies

12-01-2005, 03:45 PM
The mpg movie linked to below shows a guy’s balls and cockhead presumably wired up to a source of electrical energy. He cums without the need for any physical stimulation. I guess this ought to be possible but has anybody here ever tried it? Yep - it's definitely possible. In fact, I've done it quite a number of times. I use a 2-channel TENS unit - which is capable of delivering all the juice I can handle... ;^)

Basically, I use it as follows:

1. Tie the balls off so they can't escape
2. Wet 2 contact pads and apply them to each side of the ball sack - wrap the sack with nylon rope to hold the pads in place, with good ball contact.
3. Place 2 smaller pads on the cock, just below the head. One on the top and one on the bottom. These I just hold on with a few small rubber bands around the cock.
4. Connect the positive lead of one TENS channel to one of the cock pads and the negative to one of the ball pads.
5. Connect the other 2 pads to the other channel in the same manner, making sure to use the positive leads of both channels on the same organ (cock or balls).

I've found that if you hook the 2 channels up backwards (a positive of one channel with a negative of the other channel on the cock, for example), they tend to cancel each other out and don't produce the desired effect.

Also, using either both positive or both negative leads on the cock side gives a different overall experience. I tend to prefer the positive leads on the cock.

Anyway, after I'm all hooked up, I just start increasing the power of both channels as much as I can stand until I'm eventually taking all the power both channels can produce - which is *very* intense. It usually doesn't take more than a few minutes to cum, once I've reached full power - though it takes approximately 8-10 minutes to work up to full power. For some reason, it doesn't work every time (though almost always)....

I'm now working on a way to randomly turn the device on and off. My plan is to turn it to full power, and then have it cut on and off at random intervals. This will be interesting, as going from nothing to full power instantly is something I've always wanted to try, but can't seem to force myself to do.

Anway, the experience is quite intense, but overall - very satisfying. I'd recommend it to all... ;^)


Taran Beast
12-08-2005, 11:20 PM
I got the movie from post #19 :)

12-20-2005, 10:50 PM

12-26-2005, 05:26 PM
Mistress Gemini zaps some balls. There's a trailer of this on her website :)

04-06-2006, 04:26 PM
She zaps his nuts in the second movie here:

04-16-2006, 11:09 PM
I must try this :)

04-19-2006, 09:00 PM
I am a frequent poster at http://www.smartstim.com. This is an excellent resource on electrical stimulation, and the quest for the perfect Hands-Free Orgasm (HFO).

These people may be able to answer any questions you might have about electricity and gonads.

06-07-2006, 04:37 PM
What's the electrode thing she appears to be below? Does it hurt?

Hey Snoodle,
What do you make of ball zapping?

06-08-2006, 03:25 AM
I think it's a repost but still dead on subject

06-08-2006, 10:07 AM
Two interesting items you may like to try:

The first is found in an electronic cigarette lighter.
Most cheap electronic lighters use a small crystal to create a static spark.
By carefully taking a lighter apart you can get a nifty little device which when triggered next to the balls give a nice kick.

For the more hard core get yourself an old style Gas cooker spark lighter.
They work in the same way as a lighter but tend to be more prolonged. Simple remove the safety cover before use.

Have fun


06-08-2006, 10:20 AM
Two interesting items you may like to try:

The first is found in an electronic cigarette lighter.
Most cheap electronic lighters use a small crystal to create a static spark.
By carefully taking a lighter apart you can get a nifty little device which when triggered next to the balls give a nice kick.

For the more hard core get yourself an old style Gas cooker spark lighter.
They work in the same way as a lighter but tend to be more prolonged. Simple remove the safety cover before use.

Have fun


It's called Piezoelectricity.

06-08-2006, 10:27 AM
Yep that's the chappy.

06-08-2006, 12:24 PM
Ok find an old pair of headphones and cut the lead off.
Find a transformer from Maplin http://www.maplin.co.uk/ (http://www.maplin.co.uk/) part number WB00A
Connect wires from the headphone lead to the 6 V side of the transformer
if they are stereo headphone leads match the two sets of wires and join them
together before attaching to the transformer.

You maybe able to get a transformer from any mains electrical device tape deck
clock radio anything of that type
Connect the headphone lead to your sound card or what ever other audio device you
have and the wires from the 240 V side to you balls. If you are using a sound card
and you have line out us this and you will still me able to hear your pc through
your speaker if they are connected to the speaker out socket of your sound card.
If you only have speaker out on your sound card you will need to connect an additional
speaker to the 6 V side of the transformer.
As the volume increases so will the sensation.
Don’t worry about the fact the transformer is rated 240 V you are not connecting
it to the mains so the shock is not mains type voltage it is very low current.


06-10-2006, 11:14 AM

i thought i'd look more into electricity as sm play as it looked interesting. Here is a gadget i found. Although not meant for SM purposes, it could in theory be modified to accept wi fi signals from anything.

06-10-2006, 11:38 AM
Thing you have to watch out for in electricity is permanent nerve damage...would ruin future fun.

06-12-2006, 03:53 AM
Thing you have to watch out for in electricity is permanent nerve damage...would ruin future fun.

what abouth the electricity damaging the sperm?
Is there any Info available abouth that? I would like to pierce some balls and electrify them from the inside (very low current), but I am afraid that this will cause lasting damage to the sperm....

06-12-2006, 05:16 AM
that i don't know about.

06-12-2006, 10:22 AM
what abouth the electricity damaging the sperm?
Is there any Info available abouth that? I would like to pierce some balls and electrify them from the inside (very low current), but I am afraid that this will cause lasting damage to the sperm....

I think I have seen that done. I don't imagine you would have to apply much electricity. There is an item called a megger. We use it to test the integrity of the insulation on electrical wiring. there are manual crank models and full electrical models. the crank models apply voltage (250v,500v,1000v etc.) by hand cranking the megger.

06-12-2006, 12:42 PM
:ibow4u:the megger used on non isolatet testies thats hard ... and I think, too much engergie. but less energie (short time pulses and low current) will be better than nutpins without any electricity - perhaps the spermproduction will increase? - I never tried ... but some stories about this are fascinating (and videos as post #25 ...).

have fun - be careful

06-12-2006, 01:34 PM
every one should have a TENS unit male and female. It is used for pain control but can also give you pain and the best orgasm ever. I like to place a pad on my asshole then one just under my balls, using a spliter on the wires I can get more pads on each line. I'll place another set of pads on each side my ball sack and the last two on each side of my cock head, then I turn up the juice, playing with the volume till it hurts and cause me to cum, just so you know I have found it best to use the positve leads on my ass and nuts and the Negative ones on my cock.

06-13-2006, 02:52 AM
ZAP! :eek:

06-13-2006, 11:56 AM
Cattle prod?? The nut sack isn't nearly as thick as cow hide so that would really be painful. I'd like to watch someone else try it first.:D

06-13-2006, 08:14 PM
Cattle prod?? The nut sack isn't nearly as thick as cow hide so that would really be painful. I'd like to watch someone else try it first.:D

what about scaring? burns? that could have some nasty long lasting results.

06-14-2006, 11:40 AM
Oh boys, this is hot,it's turning ...y'know - it is making me so.....
And I don't even know why!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I can understand snoodle wanting to have balls of her own to experience the thill off getting abused - it's just a thought.

Oh please would anybody try it and write me his experiences?:loveeyes

06-18-2006, 04:04 PM
all this is different i'mnot sure where i stand on this i guess i would have to try it to have a say on what i think on it but i'm not sure how much i really want to try it

07-22-2006, 10:12 AM
More zapping :eek:

08-03-2006, 01:56 PM
A zapped cunt.

08-03-2006, 01:56 PM
And zapped balls.

10-07-2006, 05:42 PM
I just had my bf caught in the cattle fence with both balls. one hit through by a needle connected to ground and one needle through the other ball connected to the fence. we made jokes about how long he could take - but afer 2 minutes connected it was only me to joke.......must have been incredily pain. anyone knows???

10-08-2006, 12:54 AM
I just had my bf caught in the cattle fence with both balls. one hit through by a needle connected to ground and one needle through the other ball connected to the fence. we made jokes about how long he could take - but afer 2 minutes connected it was only me to joke.......must have been incredily pain. anyone knows???

Hi Tinchen,

that sounds to me very interesting. great to try it in this way. but I think this happend not on the green meadow :-)
pushing the needles into (or through) the balls and using this direct for electricity. but it should be better when you use a normal tens, not the fence. then you can play with the intervall ... and perhaps he can take it longer, and it is more fun. :D

there is a german story which describes it well. may be its real.

they used 3 steel skewers. one for each ball lengthwise and one pushed through both crosswise. the lengthwise used as electrodes and the crosswise for better current flow. it should be great to see this in a video or some pics ...:bananad:

10-08-2006, 01:36 AM
One of the Dom's I see loves to use the PES Electical system on me. The version she uses includes a probe that goes down the urethra, a probe that goes in analy and rests on the prostrate, and than bands that go around the cock and balls.

The sensation is incredible as she slowly turns up the juice and than varies it until you eventually come. The sensations range from a mild tingling up to a pounding and driving sensation in your cock and balls.

10-08-2006, 12:16 PM
Hi Tinchen,

that sounds to me very interesting. great to try it in this way. but I think this happend not on the green meadow :-)
pushing the needles into (or through) the balls and using this direct for electricity. but it should be better when you use a normal tens, not the fence. then you can play with the intervall ... and perhaps he can take it longer, and it is more fun. :D

there is a german story which describes it well. may be its real.

they used 3 steel skewers. one for each ball lengthwise and one pushed through both crosswise. the lengthwise used as electrodes and the crosswise for better current flow. it should be great to see this in a video or some pics ...:bananad:

surely it happened out in the green meadow - during a well moonlit night!

07-18-2007, 08:45 AM
I found it today ...:D

07-19-2007, 05:38 PM
Powered by the extreme sexy Scarlett Johansson


08-06-2007, 04:25 AM
very niceeee... i must try electriccity!!!!! :D

hope to find a girl who want to try on me!! :D

08-22-2007, 02:03 AM
This dude is really getting fried.

08-22-2007, 02:46 PM

08-23-2007, 12:46 AM
perhaps this will be a good way :letsplay :D

10-31-2007, 11:02 PM
I will look into this idea more. Tkanks for ideas

11-03-2007, 05:01 AM
I've experienced both a tens unit and a violet wand - both produce free flowing electrons but totally different. a dual channel tens with ball-ball, ball-cock or other contact points with make it feel like the balls are being "liquidfied" since the current goes directlly into the balls and churns them up a lot. The violet wand is more interesting, at least visually since you can direct the spark into any one particular area of interest. Plus being blindfolded and hearing the "buzz" of the wand and wondering where it will hit next is quite a trip :loveeyes

12-04-2007, 07:00 PM

Dualing Banjo
12-05-2007, 07:25 AM
http://rapidshare.com/files/44308920/electric_ejaculation.wmv Cool! Has anybody here tried this? If so does it feel good?

12-09-2007, 03:56 PM


12-14-2007, 06:48 AM
Tame electric femdom movies


12-18-2007, 05:05 PM
She fries his cock and balls in this wmv file


12-20-2007, 03:05 PM

From: http://www.bdsmstory.net/fetish/cbt-toy-redhead/redhead-cbt-190.html

12-20-2007, 03:59 PM

and some pics: http://www.sexpreviews.eu/tgp/em/14/catlist.html

08-26-2008, 04:20 PM
This is my first post.
I´m form Germany and so this picture is in german.
It shows how to make a electro stimulation device at home.
But you have to know that you only use it with batteries.
You need a pair of old monitor loudspeakers (?).
http://img174.imageshack.us/img174/6466/stimrc7ds3.th.jpg (http://img174.imageshack.us/my.php?image=stimrc7ds3.jpg)

Susan Cullen
08-27-2008, 01:52 AM
Lol that sounds very painful.

10-02-2008, 10:20 PM
My former Domme would use a TENS unit on me regularly. She would always place an electrode pad behind my balls (on the patch of skin where the prostate is) and another pad on the bottom side of my cock near the head. If She felt especially mean, she would also place a pad on either side of my ball sac. She would restrain me on the floor on my knees with my hands/wrists behind my head. She would then proceed to gradually ramp up the power dials and set the 'mode' to 'modulate', and ~milk~ me for Her entertainment. After She worked the power up as high as it would go, whenever the modulation was at its peak, a big glob of precum would dribble out. She would continue this for hours as She went about the house doing her thing, ******* me to 'produce' copious amounts of precum into the little container She placed under me. She drained me drop-by-drop this way.

I never had an orgasm that way, but it was humiliating (and exciting) to be 'milked' this way and treated like Her 'livestock'.

01-28-2009, 01:48 PM
I've found a new technique (at least for me) for applying electricity to a set of balls using a TENS unit.

I have a dual channel TENS with 4 reusable, rubber pads. In the past, I've always had trouble holding the pads in position on my balls and keeping a good connection. I typically used a combination of rubber bands and electrical tape - which was a pain in the ass and didn't work overly well.

Anyway, my new technique involves salt water. Here's what I do...

- Add hot salt water to a large, long-necked wine glass.
- Using a long, leather cord, tie off my balls to separate them from my dick and force them down into the bottom of my scrotum.
- Place 2 rubber pads on my dick, one on top and the other on the bottom, just below the head. Currently, I still hold these on with rubber bands.
- Dip my dick in the salt water to wet everything down and improve the connection.
- Plug the 2 *positive* leads from the TENS into the 2 pads on my dick
- Take the negative leads and just put them into the bottom of the salt-water-filled wine glass ensuring they're all the way at the bottom so they don't actually come in contact with any skin.
- Completely submerge my balls in the glass. The long stem places it at a comfortable height when kneeling on my knees.
- Power up the TENS.
- Slowly increase the power to both channels and see what I can take...

This method works *so* much better than placing the rubber pads directly on my balls. I guess because the contact via the water is just so much better. This method has always produced an orgasm for me, using only the electricity as a stimulus.

Now, I'm working on a method to use a salt-water connection for my dick also instead of the pads. That should make things even more interesting.

Any other methods come to mind?


10-17-2009, 06:42 AM
My Dom and I play with a simple two channel tens unit. The sensastions vary from simply intense to very pleasurable to painful. It varies based on location of the electrodes and the settings of the tens unit.

As far as power sources go the cadillac of the line can be found here.

The ET-312 is medical grade electronics and specifically designed by medical professionals for it's purpose. We don't have one yet but I dream of the day we acquire one.

I am told that PES makes some of the best commercial electrodes on the market.

We have http://www.peselectro.com/pescontent/index.php?main_page=product_info&manufacturers_id=13&products_id=316 and the sensations it causes are simply unimaginable and indescribable

As far as electrodes go in general we mostly use the tens tacky pads and electro bands similar to these http://www.sextek.com/products/eband.html. The bands aren't perfect but again the electrodes at pes cost a bit more than we can currently afford.

Now to get back to the "original" topic of this thread...

My personal experiences include:

An electrode band attached around the scrotum and another band at the base of the penis can generate a very intense sensation. The specification of pleasure or pain just can't be applied.

A tacky pad on either testicle can cause intense pain if they are properly separated using a ball spreader.

A tacky pad on each testicle that is matched by an electrode on the penis can cause intense pleasure.

The caveat is that I don't have a clue what my Dom had the tens set to and of course she isn't going to tell *me*