View Full Version : How much weight can be hung from balls?
04-12-2005, 04:38 PM
I apologise if this has been covered somewhere else in another thread (please delete/move as appropriate).
How much weight is it possible for the nads to take afore the inevitable happens? I assume that you can’t actually hang a man by his balls (?). I did 30 lbs once but, as you all know, I’m a lightweight (pun intended). At least I beat this guy (assuming she didn’t actually stand on the weight).
04-12-2005, 04:57 PM
Check this thread:
Answer: 110 lbs by one published medical authority. Of course there are always exceptions.
04-12-2005, 11:58 PM
Sorry, I should’ve been more specific. That thread talks about how much weight (pressure) a testicle can take before rupturing. I was actually interested in how much weight you could hang off a pair (as in the photo).
04-13-2005, 02:26 AM
Alright, let me put it this way: How hard would she have to pull to rip his nuts off?
04-13-2005, 02:28 PM
OK, I can see I’m talking to myself! (It’s been known to happen). If this is the case then I think this thread is dead........ it is a dead thread...... it has ceased to be…. and, Sara should consider deleting it.
I see some reference to hanging very heavy weighs from the testicles or even pulling trucks by the balls on some martial arts sites. There are no photos to prove these claims. Are they bogus? This guy claims to hang 220lbs (100Kg) from his nuts. I do not believe him:
It’s lonely here, :(
04-13-2005, 08:59 PM
Usually, the claims about being able to pull things (trucks, whatever) and lift/carry large amounts of weight are made of the penis, not of the testicles. My guess is that these are from individuals who have overdeveloped pubococcogeous (sp?) muscles (informally known as the PC muscle group, which darn near ever'body can spell). if the references you have seen have been generic references to the "genitals", they almost certainly mean weight that the guy's dick can haul. If they specifically claim that it is their balls that can pull a tractor-trailer uphill, it's bogus. 100Kg? Hey, sorry, no. I don't believe it.
Hanging a man by the balls was used by some barbaric civilizations (like Texas) as part of the punishment for ****. The weight of a man's body, being suspended by a rope, is enough to break the suckers. Stalin once ordered one of his assistants to be hung be the balls, but added that, if he survived the experience, he was to be drowned in the river, but that if he died, he was to be considered innocent.
Y'gottah love them psychopaths who become the leaders of powerful countries.
As for the pic with the chick with the chain on the guy's nads: ask her how hard she pulled before she managed to rip them off. Problem solved.
04-14-2005, 04:15 PM
It is very good of the Troubled gentleman to come and rescue me. I could’ve been forever stuck in this egoorbis.
It is apparent that there is not a great deal of interest here in hanging weight from, or pulling, testicles. Perhaps, it just doesn’t cause enough pain. Start a thread on ‘electricity applied to testicles’ and the whole BB world wants a say. I dare say a ‘testicles mashed by potato masher’ thread might do better still. However, I refuse to be beaten (me and my puns!). I quite like to have a beautiful woman pull me around by the testicles. It’s a very good way of ‘putting her in charge’. Careful ‘threading’ of that charge also allows this situation in public without others knowing. Somehow the uncertainly of ‘when’s she gonna pull’ intensifies the excitement of the scenario. I guess I am alone in this so I will let the matter drop.
PS. This guy did 40Kg
05-18-2005, 01:31 PM
Well we can all see how much he's done....
05-19-2005, 10:01 AM
I actually would love having a women tie my nuts up and pull a little while punching/kicking etc.My problem is any time a rope, string or anything else is used it tears the hell out of my nut sack. I guess my sack is wimpy because I have tried many things and it always ends up tearing or chafing my scrotum very badly. Any Ideas? I have tried placing a cloth or t-shirt around them but it isn't as fun for me then. I wish I could stetch them farther. How do you guys do it?
05-19-2005, 10:23 AM
I actually would love having a women tie my nuts up and pull a little while punching/kicking etc.My problem is any time a rope, string or anything else is used it tears the hell out of my nut sack. I guess my sack is wimpy because I have tried many things and it always ends up tearing or chafing my scrotum very badly. Any Ideas? I have tried placing a cloth or t-shirt around them but it isn't as fun for me then. I wish I could stetch them farther. How do you guys do it?A humbler, nicely sanded, polished and well laquered. She'll by God own you then!
05-19-2005, 10:35 AM
Weight directly on string or rope will kinda cut in although I guess this wouldn’t happen if done as the guy has done it above as he’s spreading the load pretty well. I have a small animal collar (cat?) I bought for a couple of bucks (equivalent). This is fairly wide (3/4 inch) and soft so doesn’t cut. I guess a leather collar would also work better than string but I imagine that this too might chafe a bit at the bottom edge if a good load were applied.
The professional option would be a ‘parachute’. I’ve not tried one of these but have seen guys with a full pail of water hanging from their nads using these. The physics of these ought to spread the load well and get around your problem.
05-19-2005, 11:11 AM
FYI this is what they look like (you can see how they got their name). I'm not sure how hard it’d be to jerry-rig something similar. I found this image at
05-19-2005, 03:00 PM
what actually happens to the balls when they are trodden on?? do they just go flat or what?
05-19-2005, 03:35 PM
what actually happens to the balls when they are trodden on?? do they just go flat or what? See the standing on the balls thread This thread is about how much weight you can hang on a pair of bollox.
05-19-2005, 05:52 PM
I actually would love having a women tie my nuts up and pull a little while punching/kicking etc.My problem is any time a rope, string or anything else is used it tears the hell out of my nut sack. I guess my sack is wimpy because I have tried many things and it always ends up tearing or chafing my scrotum very badly. Any Ideas? I have tried placing a cloth or t-shirt around them but it isn't as fun for me then. I wish I could stetch them farther. How do you guys do it?There’s another parachute at but its still 20 bucks. There’s some interesting twists at
Interestingly, these things are said to be designed to squeeze as well as pull as weight is added. This sounds interesting :) Anybody out there an expert?
05-22-2005, 10:33 PM
I think I never read this thread before because I figured that it was about ball standing. And frankly, I really don't care for ball standing discussions because there's always someone who wants to hear that it's safe to let his girlfriend jump up and down on his testicles as if they were a trampoline or, worse yet, someone who claims that this is safe. Also, ball standing is so much tougher to measure the amount of force, so it seems tougher to do safely to me. So I hadn't read this thread until now. Sorry, i. quivy.
Yanking, pulling, and hanging weights on the balls: that I'm all about. I bought myself a parachute a few years back. I think I got mine for $15, but I might have spent $20. Parachutes are good. And really, for a torture toy, they're pretty cheap. I have heard from other CBT fora, that if you're really going for setting new maximum weight records, that you shouldn't use parachutes because with enough weight on them, they'll tend to stretch some and it can result in the testicles popping through, but distending severely enough to rupture in the process. They recommend steel collars of an appropriate size. However, I think as long as you're not going for any records, a parachute is just fine. I'm pretty sure that the problems with the parachute don't show up until at least 25 pounds of force. I think that the largest weight I've done was a gallon jug of water. A gallon jug of water weighs 8.33 pounds. So that's only a third of the way there. I've heard people say that 30 pounds of force is generally enough to pull the testicles off. I'm not sure if that's true. I know that people have done larger weights than that, but the process of working their way up may well have toughened up the muscle which comprises the scrotum such that it could bear more weight.
Essentially, what happens is that a parachute (or humbler, or steel collar, or pair of chipsticks rubberbanded together around the scrotum) gets pulled down by the weight until it's resting on the testicles which are resting on the bottom of the sack. Two painful things are then happening.
1) The testicles are being squished against the bottom of the sack. This feeling is very much like having your testicles in a vice or someone's grip.
2) The tubes which connect the testicles to the body inside the scrotum are getting stretched. So far as I know, these can stretch pretty well and I've never heard of them breaking, but the stretch of these alone seems to be painful. This second part, I theorize, is what makes the pain not precisely the same as having the balls just crushed.
The thing that I'm most curious about is how much additional force jumping up and down causes. There are some people who maintain that jumping up and down with weights attached to the testicles is always an enormous risk of injury and should never be done. I highly doubt this. Jumping and landing definitely adds a jerking factor, but the question is how much total force is this? The jerk is just extra force, nothing magical. So the question that I want answered is "how much extra force is it?" I have played Dance Dance Revolution with a fairly light weight hanging from my balls before (roughly two pounds), and landing from the jumps was like a kick in the balls. I would, however, guess that it was less than the pressure from the gallon jug of water (8.3 pounds), so I would guess that jumping one foot in the air and landing doesn't increase the force by more than a factor of four, but I'm not really sure.
Normally one measure force using spring-based measurers, but those will bounce back and forth some before they settle down, so there's no way to get an instantaneous measure of force. The only thing I can think to do is to find some way to build a series of things which break at different ****** and then see which of those break when attached between the weight and the parachute. That's sort of long and involved, though.
I think that the DDR thing would be a really good thing for a mistress who really enjoys ball torture but doesn't want to have to do a lot: just tell your sub to keep at it until he gets a score of B or better, choose a song for him with lots of jumps and sit back and watch the bouncing sub and the pained expression on his face.
For the person torturing themselves, hang an empty milk jug from a parachute, and go take a shower. See how long you can stand it. If it gets too much, just squat and unhook it. Suddenly not having weight on your balls is like having the world lifted off your shoulders. If it wasn't for the nagging feeling that you'd wimped out, you'd be on top of the world. At a full gallon, I generally find myself starting to feel nauseated. So it's definitely a lot of weight (unless you've trained up or just naturally have a very high threshold of pain), but it's quite certain not to do damage.
Smack (or pull or whatever)
05-23-2005, 01:16 PM
Hi Smack,
Its gr8 to find an expert on this :-) It sounds like a parachute would be a good investment for those of us into ‘yanking, pulling and hanging weights’ on balls.
My guess is that a big jump could probably triple the ‘weight’ due to deceleration induced ‘g-force’ although this effect would be of v short duration (i.e. more like a ‘yank’). I guess ‘Trouble’ might be the man to put an equation to this (its over 20 years since I studies Physics or Applied Math(s). Any such guesstimate would be more dependent on how deceleration was cushioned (bending the knees etc.) than on the height gained so would be extremely approximate. I guess one way to measure it would be to use an in-line fishing balance where a spring pulls down a pointer. If one stuck something in the track that didn’t go back with the spring (a bit cut from a yoghurt carton or some such) this’d give you a good measure of ‘peak force’ - rather like a lung peak air-flow meter (for thems that work in medicine/have asthma etc.). Once set up you could go for a personal peak-force record by attaching the gizmo atween the parachute and the object under gravitational force. Ouch :)
Your idea of taking a shower with a container attached is quite ingenious. :)
Thanks for your input,
BTW: This thread was split into two on May 3rd after Mr. Cellphone joined in and rescued me from my ‘soliloquy’. Post ‘leash-play’ it has continued on as BB games…
05-23-2005, 01:35 PM
I think I never read this thread before because I figured that it was about ball standing. And frankly, I really don't care for ball standing discussions because there's always someone who wants to hear that it's safe to let his girlfriend jump up and down on his testicles as if they were a trampoline or, worse yet, someone who claims that this is safe. Also, ball standing is so much tougher to measure the amount of force, so it seems tougher to do safely to me. So I hadn't read this thread until now. Sorry, i. quivy.
I read your thread and have to say this. Who said any of this is really safe? I've been into the ball standing, kicking, squeezing etc. for 25 years but it doesn't mean it's safe. Ask most doctors and they will probably tell you hanging weights from your balls isn't safe either. I've seen guys with nails driven through their balls. I even saw a guy that looked like most of his body weight was being suspended from his balls. We call this stuff enjoyable while most guys cringe at the thought of a little tap which sends them to the ground crying in pain. None of it is safe but, if your careful and have a partner who is careful then it lessens the risk. How many guy's on this board like to have gals talk about full force kicks, ********** or crushing a guys balls? I think most of us in some form but actually doing it would be the end of that fun. I had to throw 2 cents in (some people) and just say that if your a guy and post on this board chances are you take risks with your balls even if it doesn't seem like it. :) BTW, is that how you guys get your nut sack to stretch/hang so low, by parachutes and weights? Is it permanent and does it take a long time or years of doing this all the time to get that way?
05-23-2005, 11:15 PM
"Safe" is a relative term. It's like heavy. Something may be heavy to me, but there's always something heavier. There's no such thing as absolute safety, but that doesn't mean that one can't have some standards. The general rule is that if something hurts, it's doing damage and should be avoided, but that rule does not apply to testicles. Testicles start hurting -way- before any actual damage occurs. This is certainly an evolutionary effect intended to make really certain that we preserve our reproductive organs. So we don't have a good rule of thumb for safety, instead we have to use logic to make our best guesses about what is and is not safe. And there's certainly never going to be consensus because we all have opinions and we all have incomplete knowledge. But we do know something about physics and the like and we can make some judgements. We know that a light squeeze is safer than a hard kick. And we can know that a 130 pound woman putting on hard-soled shoes, jumping two feet up in the air, and landing full force on someone's testicle is almost certain to cause something in the range between "bad things" and "very bad things" to happen, even if the idea of it really turns someone on. Likewise, we know that attaching your ball parachute to a 300 pound barbell and throwing it off a bridge is not going to result in a mildly painful but overall pleasant pulling sensation. But we also know that flicking the balls with a finger quickly and forcefully can hurt like the dickens, but it really is doing no damage at all. Likewise certain types of electric shock and chemical torture hurt because they attach to the pain receptors, not because they do damage.
So we make judgements about where the line lies. And, in my opinion, if one can say "x amount of force is too much", hanging weights is about the easiest way to know whether or not more than x amount of force has been applied. Well, unless you're being busted by an android or something.
To answer the later question: I'm not really sure. I have high, tight balls. I don't play with weight frequently enough that I see any effects. However, from what I've heard, it's usually more from wearring ball stretchers, which are things that go around the scrotum to pull the balls away from the body without any weight added. Here's a page (found via web search) with some ball stretchers. The also have a parachute for $14.
05-23-2005, 11:21 PM
Kung Fu magazine used to run (looks like its been inactive for 3 years or so but its still there) a thread on their forum called ‘weights on your testicles’ ( . This confirms what Trouble says in that they are supposed to use the penis and testicles. However, it seems even a few martial arts enthusiasts don’t know this.
There appears to be a real advantage once you’ve stretched the things far enough though (see below :weryfun )
05-23-2005, 11:24 PM
BTW, is that how you guys get your nut sack to stretch/hang so low, by parachutes and weights? Is it permanent and does it take a long time or years of doing this all the time to get that way?I guess the before & after picture below should answer this. Only part of it looks to be permanent.
05-23-2005, 11:33 PM
2X parachutes and a collar in use :)
05-23-2005, 11:36 PM
Not a bad effort eh?
05-24-2005, 01:17 AM
Some more examples :)
05-24-2005, 02:17 AM
My guess is that a big jump could probably triple the ‘weight’ due to deceleration induced ‘g-force’ although this effect would be of v short duration (i.e. more like a ‘yank’). I guess ‘Trouble’ might be the man to put an equation to this (its over 20 years since I studies Physics or Applied Math(s). Any such guesstimate would be more dependent on how deceleration was cushioned (bending the knees etc.) than on the height gained so would be extremely approximate.
I'm thinking 9.8 meters per second squared. Trouble is, I can't remember how to use that to calculate how much kinetic energy would suddenly be applied to your nutsack if your fall was arrested. Certainly, the way you land is going to make a big difference. However, I don't see as how a person would be jumping that far; the distance squared is the thing about gravity, and you are talking about being in the air for less than a second. It will definitely produce more of a yank on your balls, but not really a huge difference.
Anyway, I'm no skientist, so I calculate that the ratio is
your/opinion : mine = just as good per testicle per day
And that's all the math there is to it, major. ;)
05-24-2005, 10:30 PM
i-quv's answer about how to measure the force is actually the correct one. I had thought about a similar idea but discarded it because I was sure that it wouldn't work. I think I actually alluded to it in my post. Then he mentioned it, and I said to myself, "Well, I should take a moment and think of a good explanation of why it wouldn't work." But as I thought about it, I realized that it would work. I had been thinking that the reason that a spring-based scale would bob up and down when you put something on it was just sort of a property of the spring and could not be avoided. But that's not really true. The reason it bobs up and down is that when you first put something on it, it's above it's equillibrium point and it falls and then you get some extra force caused by the downwards momentum. And that's precisely what we're trying to measure. So what we would need would be to look at the heaviest weight which the scale reads. Then we'd probably want to add a little to that because the scale is probably a little more elastic than the testicles, and the elasticity will mitigate the force some on the way down.
Anyone out there have a fishing or other scale which can have things hung from it and willing to give it a try? You don't have to use your balls for the test, you can loop it around your belt or something. Just choose something, attach it to the scale, find out its initial weight, jump about a foot in the air and see what the maximum weight indicated is. Then if you divide the second number by the first, this should give us a general purpose ratio. I'd do it myself, but I don't have a scale of the right type.
05-25-2005, 03:54 AM
Oh I like experiments :) but unfortunately I don't have a spring balance either. I'll give it a go if I come across one though.
This guy probably shouldn't be jumping too far with 9Kg (20lbs approx) attached.
Ah…. I’ve got some heavy weight pictures but y’all have wait for ‘em as I presently ‘may not post attachments' :( I think this'll be sorted in an hour or so. :)
05-25-2005, 05:37 PM
30lbs not a bad effort (equals my best ever). :)
Has anybody here beaten this?
PS. I'm not sure how I sueezed this in as I'd already reached my upload limit. May be 16 Kb was OK?
05-26-2005, 02:04 PM
OK, so what we have now is a new method of lifting for the Olympics. You know, like the "clean and jerk", the "snatch" etc. It should be based on weight and how close to the ground the nuts can stretch. The winner gets kicked in the balls by the female speed skaters. :D
OK, so what we have now is a new method of lifting for the Olympics. You know, like the "clean and jerk", the "snatch" etc. It should be based on weight and how close to the ground the nuts can stretch. The winner gets kicked in the balls by the female speed skaters. :DThe guy above might win. I count this lot as being >40lbs. Respect!
Here's a few of the non-medal winners:
05-26-2005, 06:02 PM
I have heard people online who I consider trustworthy claim 75 pounds. You won't catch me trying that, though. I enjoy a little fun, but I don't want to take any chances.
play with my plums
05-26-2005, 08:27 PM
OK, so what we have now is a new method of lifting for the Olympics. You know, like the "clean and jerk", the "snatch" etc. It should be based on weight and how close to the ground the nuts can stretch. The winner gets kicked in the balls by the female speed skaters. :D
I think that one of the clips in this 'blood bitch' link is an interesting method of testing ball weight endurance/tolerance, by slowly filling a bucket (with water) attached to said appendages until test'ee submits! ;)
Sorry Magnum - clean, jerk & snatch? If I'm doing a clean jerk I like to aim for the tummy & breast's but thats just me (lol)... & as for the ropes & things being uncomfortable on your scrotum - same here - try a nice soft dressing gown cord etc... there's no sense in suffering for your art!
05-27-2005, 09:26 AM
& as for the ropes & things being uncomfortable on your scrotum - same here - try a nice soft dressing gown cord etc... there's no sense in suffering for your art!I will give it a try. I know my wife must have something around here that won't be so darn harsh. Thanks for the tip. :)
05-30-2005, 07:57 AM
I have heard people online who I consider trustworthy claim 75 pounds. This might be posssible. :ibow4u: Anybody aware of any evidence for >50lbs?
Another parachute shot :)
I think that one of the clips in this 'blood bitch' link is an interesting method of testing ball weight endurance/tolerance, by slowly filling a bucket (with water) attached to said appendages until test'ee submits! ;) OK time for a much bigger bucket! :)
06-04-2005, 08:14 PM
I can't believe my eyes.
I thought they cannot bear a weight more than 1 kg or less, like those sold on the net.
This guy tried for 90lbs. The only problem was that the weight never left the floor! :weryfun
These guys did at least achieve ‘air’ with some interesting choices of weight. :)
This seems almost ‘conventional’ now:
Some more weighted testicles. :)
02-05-2006, 07:52 AM
Usually, the claims about being able to pull things (trucks, whatever) and lift/carry large amounts of weight are made of the penis, not of the testicles. My guess is that these are from individuals who have overdeveloped pubococcogeous (sp?) muscles (informally known as the PC muscle group, which darn near ever'body can spell). if the references you have seen have been generic references to the "genitals", they almost certainly mean weight that the guy's dick can haul. If they specifically claim that it is their balls that can pull a tractor-trailer uphill, it's bogus. 100Kg? Hey, sorry, no. I don't believe it. Its a shame that this thread lost all its pictures :(
The guy shown in the link below is definitely using only his balls to pull his jeep with :eek:
06-06-2006, 07:42 PM
Those truck pulling shots are amazing :eek:
06-07-2006, 09:11 AM
How about this one? With a rope around the cock, it's difficult to bend the knees when the weight is getting to much:)
I like it when the girls add the weights :)
06-13-2006, 06:58 PM
wow nice pix!!:thumbup
04-11-2007, 05:41 PM
The most weight that I have heard of was 110lbs by a Shaolin Monk who recently went into retirement. He believed that dangling weights with your balls will help you if are every attacked in the groin. I guess he was trying to develop "balls of steel"!
01-11-2008, 01:30 PM
I think this may be better - apologies for the poor quality.
01-11-2008, 01:32 PM
Not sure he'll manage lift off :confused:
01-12-2008, 04:20 AM
Here's another
01-12-2008, 05:02 PM
The most weight that I have heard of was 110lbs by a Shaolin Monk who recently went into retirement. He believed that dangling weights with your balls will help you if are every attacked in the groin. I guess he was trying to develop "balls of steel"! ......or the sack of great length.
01-12-2008, 08:55 PM
The most I've hung from my balls using my parachute is 50 lbs and I only held the weight for about 1 minute and then it slipped off my scrotum the litle 1/16" steel spikes inside the parachute which bite into the scrotum to help hold it cut my scrotum as it slipped off causing some bleeding, oh my!:wooow
01-23-2008, 12:16 PM
OK. 1, 2, 3 swing..........
01-23-2008, 12:19 PM
It feels a lot heavier than he thought it would :confused:
01-23-2008, 12:22 PM
He hopes she was joking when she said she's going to drive the truck away :eek:
01-23-2008, 12:24 PM
I think this one's a scream :Baahaha: No matter how hard he tried I don't think that weight is leaving the floor!
01-23-2008, 12:24 PM
Looks like there's some serious weight on the end of this too!
01-23-2008, 12:26 PM
A few more....
01-23-2008, 12:28 PM
I give these guys marks for creativity :)
01-23-2008, 12:30 PM
I guess pulling counts here too - right?
The Rani
04-07-2024, 03:19 AM
Davidson!? I don't remember that incarnation (there were so many!). (
This is impressive: (
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