View Full Version : Julie's Fetishes (Part 2)
04-10-2005, 11:27 PM
Nails in cunt:
Pussy touture:
Lit cigarette in pussy
Note Inserted By Sara About This Thread:
This thread is a continuation of the thread "Julie's Fetishes (Part 1)", at: (
(where the first 150 posts are still located) ;)
- Sara :)
04-12-2005, 09:53 AM
If only those two (in the pic above posted by "___") would teach me a little ball pain. BTW, is anyone here besides me a fan of "Wild ON"? I saw one episode where Brook Burke actually faked a kick to her co-worker. On another episode she was talking to some Aussie football players when on mentioned he was kicked during a game and on of his "plums exploded". She laughed, yes she would be an incredible ball and cunt buster. :D
04-13-2005, 04:22 PM
Blood bitch pussy torture (v severe)
Wired pussy (mild):
04-13-2005, 06:44 PM
LOVED the wired pussy pics and vids :)
If any Femdom ever reads this thread, could they please tell me WHY are the so fast to kick guys in the balls, but NEVER kick girls??? They would get far more taffic to their sites if they did :)
04-13-2005, 08:10 PM
I'm not sure guys are ready for pussy busting. I don't think I am anyway. The videos showing guys getting their nuts busted are interesting to guys for a couple reasons I would think. First, the girls are usually pretty hot and don't wear much in the way of clothes. Second, the girls will often laugh at the guy after they kick him in the balls. Third, I like seeing other guys get their nuts busted by pretty girls. Now, from a girls view let me ask you this. Do girls like to be laughed at when they get their cunt busted? Do girls prefer to be completely naked or wearing panties when they get busted? If you could control what the man busting your pussy does after you are down on the floor what would you have him do? Help you up? Make fun of you laying their with your hands holding your pussy? Laugh at you? Sympathize with you? I'm just curious. I could tell you step by step what the perfect ball busting experience would be. Tell me the perfect pussy bust you can imagine?
04-13-2005, 09:44 PM
I'm not sure guys are ready for pussy busting. I don't think I am anyway. The videos showing guys getting their nuts busted are interesting to guys for a couple reasons I would think. First, the girls are usually pretty hot and don't wear much in the way of clothes. Second, the girls will often laugh at the guy after they kick him in the balls. Third, I like seeing other guys get their nuts busted by pretty girls. Now, from a girls view let me ask you this. Do girls like to be laughed at when they get their cunt busted? Do girls prefer to be completely naked or wearing panties when they get busted? If you could control what the man busting your pussy does after you are down on the floor what would you have him do? Help you up? Make fun of you laying their with your hands holding your pussy? Laugh at you? Sympathize with you? I'm just curious. I could tell you step by step what the perfect ball busting experience would be. Tell me the perfect pussy bust you can imagine?
Hi :)
Firstly, there are quite a few people into CB, you only have to searech Yahoo Groups and you will find quite a few groups. Saddly tho, unlike BB, people who like CB have to do with drawings and very very very fake pics. I have seen two vids of CB and, beleive me, if I was kicked like that, I woud more likely start laughing :p
I LOVE watching cute girls bust guys, but I also LOVE watching cute girls bust other cute girls, especially if they are both in really nice lingerie :) One thing I really do LOVE to see, which isnt in many BB vids, Tamakeris are an exception, is the look on the girls face as she kicks the guy. Not a fan of straight Domme/Sub BB tho.
My perfect CB senario would be something like. Cute brunette is walking with boyfriend, boyfriend accidentally brushes against cute blonde in a bikini, at the beach or park, and she takes offence and kicks him in the balls and starts laughing. His gilrfriend would then ask the blonde if she would think it would be funny if SHE was kicked in the pussy, and she would say something like "It wouldnt bother me as we girls cant get hurt there" She would then spread her legs and tell the grilfriend to have a free shot and the girlfriend would kick her as hard as she could and laugh at her as she screams and sinks to the floor holding her crotch :)
I do have other seranrios I woud like to see, but thats the one I have in my head at the moment :)
04-14-2005, 04:59 PM
Ok, now that sounds like a very fun fantasy. It certainly fits into my head as a huge turn on. I do a little cunt busting with my girlfriend. Nothing as intense as your fantasy's but not bad. I have her bend over a bed or sofa. I stand behind her and pull her panties down around her ankles (she then kicks them off). I then bend her way way over and spread her legs. I then begin spanking her ass but with each swat I get lower and lower. She knows where I am going and she has to wait for me to get there. After several fitfull minutes of spanking her ass I start to bring my hand up right between her legs spanking her twat just as I spanked her ass. I do enjoy that a lot. I do not spank her too hard (she really doesn't like that) but I spank her hard enough to get her attention.
After her she takes her turn on me. Exact same scenario except I get smacked in the nuts. Where she is able to stay on her feet the whole time, I am not able too. Usually I can take 3 or 4 busts but that's about it. I finally grab my balls and fall to the floor screaming.
04-19-2005, 05:11 PM
Hi Smack :)
Its nice to hear that your partner likes a bit of what she gives, even if it is only mild :)
I now have a question for anyone that feels like answering it ;)
I was watching some re-run on TV the other night. It was an old AFV or something like it. One clip had this little boy, about 7 or 8 walking across this plank and he slipped and a leg went on each side of the board and he fell on his balls, the camera panned over to his mum and she was in hysterics, laughing like crazy as he fell off the board holding his crotch. You then saw the audience and they were pretty much the same. A few men were holding their crotches in sympathy and laughing and the women were almost as hysterical as the mother. Then the mother walked across the board to show the son how it was supposed to be done and she slipped and did basicly the same as her son, but neither she, nor the audience thought that was in the least bit funny at all, not one single person laughed and when you saw the audience they looked like statues.
I have never found watching people in pain the least bit funny, especially if its children. Pain, to me is a sexual thing, between two consenting adults.
So I was just wondering if someone could explain to me why it was so funny to see that little boy in so much pain, yet it was a serious thing when his mother did the exact same thing.
Any, LOGICAL, help on this would be very much appreciated :)
Julie :bananajum
04-19-2005, 05:18 PM
Girls in pain:
Whipped ass:
These two are pretty severe (I warned you)
Nailed tits:
Burnt tits:
04-19-2005, 05:38 PM
Hi Smack :)
So I was just wondering if someone could explain to me why it was so funny to see that little boy in so much pain, yet it was a serious thing when his mother did the exact same thing.
Any, LOGICAL, help on this would be very much appreciated :)
Julie :bananajum
If it was a little girl who fell first, and then the father who fell second, I think you would have seen the exact opposite audience reaction. The message- it's OK and funny for a guy (no matter how old) to have his balls hurt. It is not ok for a woman to experience pain or injury in exactly the same circumstances no matter the age. This is typical- there is no new news here. And of course ultimately I like it that way, but I can't explain the logic in that either.
04-19-2005, 05:54 PM
I now have a question for anyone that feels like answering it ;)
I was watching some re-run on TV the other night. It was an old AFV or something like it. One clip had this little boy, about 7 or 8 walking across this plank and he slipped and a leg went on each side of the board and he fell on his balls, the camera panned over to his mum and she was in hysterics, laughing like crazy as he fell off the board holding his crotch. You then saw the audience and they were pretty much the same. A few men were holding their crotches in sympathy and laughing and the women were almost as hysterical as the mother. Then the mother walked across the board to show the son how it was supposed to be done and she slipped and did basicly the same as her son, but neither she, nor the audience thought that was in the least bit funny at all, not one single person laughed and when you saw the audience they looked like statues.
I have never found watching people in pain the least bit funny, especially if its children. Pain, to me is a sexual thing, between two consenting adults.
So I was just wondering if someone could explain to me why it was so funny to see that little boy in so much pain, yet it was a serious thing when his mother did the exact same thing.
Any, LOGICAL, help on this would be very much appreciated :)I wonder what the reaction would’ve been if the mother had gone first? Second time around everybody knew what was coming and it wasn’t as funny. I also think that the audience would react differently to a woman falling in a hole and a man doing the same thing. I think the route cause for all of this is the same as the reluctance to draft women in times of war (only boys are good enough for that) or the fact that most men would be reluctant to kick you in the cunt. It just aint wot we do to ladies......
Having said that I’ll happily trade blows with you when you’re next back in the UK although I know I’m gonna lose. Can I get ten shots to your one?
Ah ha Tamakeri was faster on the keyboard than I and there's no way to delete this post!
04-19-2005, 08:18 PM
I agree. It is not funny when children are hurt especially when their sexual organs are hurt. This is the problemm I have with the medias portrayal of men being hurt sexual as funny, that children mimic what they see on tv, and tv depicts children getting hurt in their sexual organs or even hurting the sexual organs of other children. And of course I mean boys. It is not ok it is not funny. Our fetish is one thing, it is consensual, and sexual. When a child is injured in his testicles it is a sexual injury and should be given the same respect as a sexual injury if it were to happen to a woman or girl. Sorry Tamareki, I cant agree that the media portrayal is ok. Julie, I always appreciate when people take it upon to point out the inequality in the treatment of sexual violence against men and even boys in the media. Sorry for the downer post people. As much as I love a good shot in the nuts I would not wish it upon anyone who doesn't. (Of course there are exceptions but those would be insances driven by anger and wishes of revenge, which in a calmer more rational state I know is wrong).
04-19-2005, 08:21 PM
sorry for the poor grammer in the above post. I am watching law and order and it's distracting (i love this show). Julie Im sure this has been asked before but how did you get into cuntbusting? Did it start with ballbusting?
04-19-2005, 09:58 PM
Sorry Tamareki, I cant agree that the media portrayal is ok.
This has nothing to do with a media portrayal. Julie was observing a studio audience, not a newspaper. Those were the honest reactions of real people. And I told you about my feelings as an individual. I like the idea that its ok for a man to get busted and it's not ok for a woman to. Maybe you took that to mean that I think its good to see young boys get busted up on a wooden plank. If you took it that way, you took it wrong. You can choose to have different feelings of your own of course.
04-19-2005, 11:04 PM
but the fact that the video was on tv, a tv show that is humoruos, makes it a media portrayal of a male, in that particular instance a young boy, having his genitals injured as humor. The audience's reaction just shows that the media portrayal in this instance did have the effect of humorizing a childs injury, an injury that is sexual to a degree. I know you like the idea that it is ok for a man to have that happen to him and not a woman, and I do too as a part of my fetish. But I take pride in the fact that I seperate that part of my sexuality from the rest of m life and especially from other peoples lives (of course I mean only to say that I do not think it should be portrayed as ok when males are injured sexually, not that it should be ok for a woman to be hurt there also). I am not suggesting that you do not, just that it is important to recognize that getting kicked in the balls (or hurt there in any way) is a very different experience for people like you and I than it is for others. Especially in the instance of a child getting hit in the groin, it can be devastating, especially when people laugh at you for it. I feel it teaches children not to respect male sexuality or for the injured kid that people wont take it seriously if they get hurt there. It has been shown in many repeated and well documented (and rather famous within the field of developmental psychology) studies that children mimic the violence they witness on television. Also a 1995 study published in a medical journal suggests that approx. 1 in 10 boys are hit in the groin in adolescence and that a significant number suffer from depression or post traumatic stress disorder a year later. Us liking an idea b/c we share a fetish and the realization of that idea in media and later reality are two seperate things and the fact that the former is ok does not mean the latter is as well. I do nt mean to lecture just to state my opinion. I feel that Julie would agree with me on this matter and feel that this was her point in posting her initial message about the AFV clip. The fact is just how prevelent the idea of a male being hit in the groin as funny is can be seen in the fact that when a child fell and injured himself in a very delicate spot (what could potentially be a serious injury) his very own mother laughed at him for it.
P.S. - I love your site dude. I let my membership lapse as I am currently in school and money is very tight, but if I had more dough I'd be a member right now. I especially love that you have sneaker busts. I love sneakers. Keep it up.
04-19-2005, 11:54 PM
I think that the fetish that many of us have originates from the unequal value we are trained to accept regarding our genitals versus those of women. Since it is a societal condition that woman's reproductive systems are valued, and those of men are not, it is a relief to accept and endulge in that lesser status.
If one is aware that one is considered to be of lesser worth, than one really has not much more than two options: a) resent it; b) accept it and have a sick fetish. A third option is to work to change it, but that invites even MORE ridicule. "Sorru, bub, yer balls got no worth."
For Julie:
The Logical Explanation
Since men have a much higher sex drive than women (c'mon, well-documented, that testosterone stuff and them WILD OATS that we love to spread), that creates a higher social "value" on women's reproductive organs, since we seek them so much. Since men's reproductive organs are less sought-after by women, that creates the imbalance, the lesser value of the male genitals as a norm.
The child fell on his nuts, which are not valued as highly as the mother's crack. That the imbalance has grown to the point where getting a child's gonads smacked on a wooden plank is funny is a side-effect of the above multiplied by the density of the population.
It's a sick society. Don't adapt to it; doing so is a sign that you have joined in a collective mental illness. better to be special and hve your own mental illness than to be part of the pack. (I've been diagnosed as being anti-social - no, really!)
To iagree and Tamakeri:
Sensitive topic. Julie didn't ask, "Would you rather I wore boots or clogs?", she asked about a situation involving a child (who, in that scene described, was learning that his reproductive organs are not as important as his mother's). If we're going to discuss whether we'd prefer Julie in boots or clogs, we can be really freewheeling, but let's not take opinions about issues as being opinions about each other. Peace, kimos.
I vote for clogs, but she'd probably ruin me.
04-20-2005, 02:32 AM
To iagree and Tamakeri:
Sensitive topic. Julie didn't ask, "Would you rather I wore boots or clogs?", she asked about a situation involving a child (who, in that scene described, was learning that his reproductive organs are not as important as his mother's). If we're going to discuss whether we'd prefer Julie in boots or clogs, we can be really freewheeling, but let's not take opinions about issues as being opinions about each other. Peace, kimos.
I vote for clogs, but she'd probably ruin me.
If the choice was only boots or clogs, I would have to go with the boots. I wouldnt feel a damn thing thru wooden clogs ;) Personally I would much prefer stockings or barefeet, that way I can feel what I am kicking :)
To all who answered my question:
Thank you :) I can, sort of, see why some people think its funnier if a guy hurts himself and am glad that you all didnt think it was funny that it was a young boy :) Maybe, when all things are equal, if that EVER happens, people who think pain is funny, will think its funny no matter which sex is involved, tho I doubt I will live long enough to see it :p
I doubt very much that I will ever 'buy into' the sick society, Trouble, I have been called sick enough as it is, without adding more, but, sick as I am, I am happy, and that is all that matters to me. I take people 'as is' and like to be taken the same :)
04-20-2005, 10:28 PM
If the choice was only boots or clogs, I would have to go with the boots. I wouldnt feel a damn thing thru wooden clogs ;) Personally I would much prefer stockings or barefeet, that way I can feel what I am kicking :)
If you are going to go bare foot, can I go with my balls bared before you? Hunh, hunh, please, please, please?
Thank you :) I can, sort of, see why some people think its funnier if a guy hurts himself and am glad that you all didnt think it was funny that it was a young boy :) Maybe, when all things are equal, if that EVER happens, people who think pain is funny, will think its funny no matter which sex is involved, tho I doubt I will live long enough to see it :p
Rather than getting more and more fair, things are getting quite the reverse in many aspects. The escalation of violence is hard to detect because of the notion of times long ago where people went around bashing each other with swords and clubs. While people fought with barbaric weapons TEHN, people do not seem to think that the even more massive waves of killing that we have oday is anywhere near as bad, or worse. Heck, killing one-hundred people with a rifle? Nowhere bear as barbaic as killing ten people with a machete.
Television, video games, etc., all are great sources of the impression that hurting or killing people with modern weapons is not just okay, it's fun! Wheeeee!
I doubt very much that I will ever 'buy into' the sick society, Trouble, I have been called sick enough as it is, without adding more, but, sick as I am, I am happy, and that is all that matters to me. I take people 'as is' and like to be taken the same :)
You and I are a different kind of sick. We will always be sickos in the minds of those who do not agree with us (or cannot understand why, for example, you and I would get off on having YOUR naked foot kick MY naked testicles). It's a consensual thing between adults.
On the other hand, people who laugh or cheer at brutality will never understand why the same events make my stomach churn and seem to have a similar effect on you. I prefer our "sick" to theirs.
04-22-2005, 04:08 PM
Kick that cunt
04-22-2005, 04:10 PM
04-22-2005, 04:41 PM
OK Julie you’re gonna be SORE for a while after this lot - happy wanking :)
Great movies :) :
Electrified Cunt movies:
Tits nailed to board:
Peg on clit needles in tits:
Cunt on fire:
Nice burnt tits:
Hung by her tits:
Tit torture:
Assorted Pussy pain:
Hogtied promo:
****** to cum:
More hogtied :):
Movies :) :
More good movies :) :
****** to come :):
04-22-2005, 05:51 PM
Well, whos been a busy boy then ??? :p
Some of those pics and clips are VERY nice :) Thank you very much.
With the amount of female BDSM on the Net now, I live in real hope that some REAL CB will start to appear soon. If it doesnt, I will just have to save my pennies and get a video camera and see if I can make it myself :p
04-22-2005, 05:59 PM
What do you like best? The pain stuff? I dig the stuff where they are helplessly restrained and ****** to cum on camera…… oh yeah…...I just luv it all any which way! :jumpsmile :wooow :jumpsmile
04-22-2005, 10:32 PM
Well, whos been a busy boy then ??? :p
Some of those pics and clips are VERY nice :) Thank you very much.
With the amount of female BDSM on the Net now, I live in real hope that some REAL CB will start to appear soon. If it doesnt, I will just have to save my pennies and get a video camera and see if I can make it myself :p
Well I could ask some of the ladies I have been working with to see if there is any interest in either giving or receiving. Never know. Lisa (my partner) "accidently" kneed one of our female models a couple of weeks ago. She was trying to demonstrate the proper methodology and she of course is used to demonstrating on a guy like me with the female model watching, and I think she just kinda forgot. So she said "Bring it straight up like this.." and then "Oh- oh my God.. Sorry. " Pretty funny at the time. No big squeals of pain from the lady involved (Jasmine), so I don't think it was solid- more of just a touch.
04-23-2005, 01:44 AM
What do you like best? The pain stuff? I dig the stuff where they are helplessly restrained and ****** to cum on camera…… oh yeah…...I just luv it all any which way! :jumpsmile :wooow :jumpsmile
I LOVE the pain stuff, especially if its f/f. It helps me with ideas of what to do with my gf when shes being naughty :p
04-23-2005, 01:49 AM
Well I could ask some of the ladies I have been working with to see if there is any interest in either giving or receiving. Never know. Lisa (my partner) "accidently" kneed one of our female models a couple of weeks ago. She was trying to demonstrate the proper methodology and she of course is used to demonstrating on a guy like me with the female model watching, and I think she just kinda forgot. So she said "Bring it straight up like this.." and then "Oh- oh my God.. Sorry. " Pretty funny at the time. No big squeals of pain from the lady involved (Jasmine), so I don't think it was solid- more of just a touch.
Damn shame you didnt have the camera rolling for that one :p At least it would have been a 'real' one instead of the usual overly fake stuff I have seen :) It would be really nice if a few of the girls would do CB, but if any have really been hit there by a person that meant it, then I doubt very much if they wouod be willing unless you paid them a hell of a lot :p Tho I am sure that there MUST be girtls out there somewhere who like to get as much as they give.
A straight up knee to the crotch doesnt hurt half as much as a very swift knee cap to the clit :bananajum :bananajum
04-23-2005, 07:31 AM
Some Pics and movies:
Nurse beats girl:
Electrified pussy:
04-24-2005, 08:03 AM
A good punch!
04-25-2005, 03:50 PM
Hey Julie. D'ya like toons?
05-01-2005, 06:37 PM
Hey Julie. D'ya like toons?
I didnt use to like toons, but as they are the only "CB" that there is on the net that isnt overly fake and over acted I have come to like them :)
I thought I better post something before everyone thought I had disappeared or something :p
05-01-2005, 07:57 PM
Hey Julie- clear out yer inbox so a guy can answer yer PM!
05-01-2005, 09:28 PM
Hey Julie- clear out yer inbox so a guy can answer yer PM!
I would like to say that I am soooooooooooooo popular here that my inbox keeps filling up (minds ABOVE belts, u dirty little boys:p) but the truth is, I am just blonde and keep forgetting to empty the "sent box" :o
05-04-2005, 02:43 AM
Do any of you girls fantasize about or enjoy the ache of having your ovaries squeezed?
05-04-2005, 03:14 AM
Do any of you girls fantasize about or enjoy the ache of having your ovaries squeezed?
A few years ago I took a karate blow to my ovaries, cant say I enjoyed the pain, just felt like throwing up every meal I had ever eaten :p I am into most other sorts of pain as this thread, especially "part one", shows :)
05-04-2005, 01:25 PM
A few years ago I took a karate blow to my ovaries, cant say I enjoyed the pain, just felt like throwing up every meal I had ever eaten :p I am into most other sorts of pain as this thread, especially "part one", shows :)
Got hit... in the ovaries...?
YES! (* Victory dance for all men of every age and colour; "throw off yuir chains, me brothers, our time is NOW!" *)
Julie, darling, love of my life, or at least of the next five seconds, please lend your bounteous aid and experience to us: how do we perfect the Ovarian Punch? Being a guy of typical guy IQ, I have no idea where they are; I'd probably hit the woman in her uterus or something. Help even the playing field: he Ovarian Punch will liberate men to be the equal (almost) of women.
05-04-2005, 05:49 PM
lol I cant believe this is still going ...excellent. I aint been on here for months, I come back and good ole Julie is setting the pace for BIG THREADS.........I like it.
So wassup julie......getttin ya cunt busted enough yet ???
Hope you all well
Catcha soon
05-05-2005, 07:03 PM
Got hit... in the ovaries...?
YES! (* Victory dance for all men of every age and colour; "throw off yuir chains, me brothers, our time is NOW!" *)
Julie, darling, love of my life, or at least of the next five seconds, please lend your bounteous aid and experience to us: how do we perfect the Ovarian Punch? Being a guy of typical guy IQ, I have no idea where they are; I'd probably hit the woman in her uterus or something. Help even the playing field: he Ovarian Punch will liberate men to be the equal (almost) of women.
They are just above the pubic bone, and slightly to the left and right, see attached pic.
If u hit with ur fingers bent over at the first knuckle, not a closed fist, it hurts WAY more :)
05-05-2005, 07:07 PM
lol I cant believe this is still going ...excellent. I aint been on here for months, I come back and good ole Julie is setting the pace for BIG THREADS.........I like it.
So wassup julie......getttin ya cunt busted enough yet ???
Hope you all well
Catcha soon
To be completely honest, I thought that this thread would have died a natural death about a week after I first posted.
Yes I am getting busted AND busting a fair bit at the moment, it helps to have a bf and gf that are really into it :bananajum
05-06-2005, 12:23 AM
They are just above the pubic bone, and slightly to the left and right, see attached pic.
If u hit with ur fingers bent over at the first knuckle, not a closed fist, it hurts WAY more :)
Now, all I need are some volunteers...
Actually, if we take the example of women who kick guys in the balls after they get dumped by said guys, then there is a woman who recently "volunteered" already! Or, I could open a martial arts class and offer free "lessons" to women.
"Welcome to my dojo. Bow to Sensei. Good. Now, you must prepare to counter the dreaded Ovarian Punch -- first, let me demonstrate. A volunteer? Ah, you in the back, enter ring with Sensei."
"Class, what did stupid volunteer do wrong? Right! Volunteer just stood there and let Sensei rack her ovaries. The only counter-move, as I am sure you can guess from watching stupid volunteer writhe in pain, is to strike first. Aim for the balls."
05-06-2005, 09:37 PM
Ok, I think I have asked this before, or it may have been in another thread or something, but I just HAVE to ask it again after reading another thread.
WHY oh WHY are MEN so damn hung up on BIG dicks, do THEY want to be on the receiving end of one or something, or have they just been watching WAY too much porn and completely lost track of reality???
Also, I have seen LOTS of Femdom sites that have face sitting on them, like its a real BIG sub thing to do. Could someone tell me whats so sub about going down on a woman??? Do men find it revolting, so see it as sub or something???
05-06-2005, 10:29 PM
Ok, I think I have asked this before, or it may have been in another thread or something, but I just HAVE to ask it again after reading another thread.
WHY oh WHY are MEN so damn hung up on BIG dicks, do THEY want to be on the receiving end of one or something, or have they just been watching WAY too much porn and completely lost track of reality???
Sensei does not remember this question coming up before. I think that MEN are hung up on BIG dicks because they figure women probably compare them (actually, we knooooow y'all do) and they don't want to come up being seen as inadequate. If one's arms are too puny, one can lift weights or dig ditches. If one is too uninformed about the topics your mate likes, you can dump her, or you can get some books and bone up on whatever it is. if you're too skinny or too fat, you can work at it few pounds at a time... but if your dick is too shrimpy, you're kind of stuck. Most men would rather err with "too big" than "too small".
Plus, the ideal size for a man's penis, according to the research in Arabia (long before it was called "Saudi Arabia") and India, based on interviews, the 'ideal size' seems to be when the penis is just long enough to reach the cervix but not to press against it. Unfortunately, women's bodies have quite a bit of variation, although probably not quite as much as in men. If this "research" is accurate (long time ago and not tremendously scientific; in the Moslem religion, sex is not "dirty", it is a gift from Allah by which human beings can perform that one thing that is the thing we know from Allah: the act of creation -- hence, some shiekh or something commissioned the research about how best it could be done, how best diseases could be avoided, etc. [the book resulting is called 'The Perfumed Garden']), then it doesn't give us any guide to how long a man's penis ought to be; so, ideally, a guy wants to be as huge as the size that would be appropriate for the largest woman he is ever going to bonk. Huge meaning the size of her vagina, of course.
Sensei has answered your forty-one word question with another 3,000-word essay. You may thank sensei now.
Also, I have seen LOTS of Femdom sites that have face sitting on them, like its a real BIG sub thing to do. Could someone tell me whats so sub about going down on a woman??? Do men find it revolting, so see it as sub or something???
Sensei will answer you. (You came to the right dojo.)
Sensei thinks women taste totally fucking GROSS; other men think that the distinctive taste is powerfully erotic ("the taste of a woman"). I do not find facesitting pictures anything other than GROSS. It's probably the guys who like going down on a woman who would find facesitting pictures erotic; they can imagine that they are the one being 'dominated' in that way, and getting some of that taste. Mmmmm. Yeah.
Now: stand still while sensei demonstrates proper Ovarian Punch for class.
05-07-2005, 08:27 PM
I can understand your point of view. I have gone down on a few women where I have wanted to throw up, same with a few guys. A bit of soap and water goes a LONG way, as does a bath instead of a shower. I really hate going down on bi girls that dont practice safe sex. I may LOVE fish, but dont like girls smelling of it :p
05-09-2005, 04:12 PM
Hi Julie,
Just a quickie as I'm just back from hols. Here's some movies.
Hurting her big tits:
Wired pussy movies and pics:
Hogtied & ****** to cum movies & photos:
Electrical orgasms:
Hurt her tits:
Tits and cunt whipped hard:
Some pussy spanking on the beach:
Some tame F/F pussy spanking:
Some light pussy spanking vids:
Zapped in the cunt:
Tits and cunt clamped:
I like this series especially bottom left:
Pussy whipped pole dancer:
The stowaway:
Her pussy is spanked top right:
PS. Did u miss me? :)
05-11-2005, 03:50 PM
Cunt boxing!
I hope this was 'staged'.
05-11-2005, 03:55 PM
Huge fish hooks through her tits:
More abused tits:
Various Cunt and tit abuse:
And again:
Pussy clamped:
Pegged clit:
Punished tits:
Amateur slave abuse:
Naughty nurse:
Various cunts abused:
Her cunt and tist in pain:
05-12-2005, 12:49 AM
She’s in trouble (I like vid 1):
And the rest of the motherload:
05-13-2005, 04:26 AM
Hi again,
I was a wondering if anybody an this BB forum actually appreciates these ere links to Femsub stuff eyes bin providin? i.e. Is there a general sicko contingent out there reading this forum that like this as well (beyond our Julie & myself) or should i save me time & just stick to BB?
Some wired pussies:
Abducted and tortured:
05-13-2005, 05:50 AM
*raises hand, joins sicko contingent*
05-13-2005, 07:05 AM
*raises hand, joins sicko contingent*Oh good old Mr. Cellphone comes to my rescue again :)
Thank you,
Here’s some tit whipping (although a little tame):
A whipped ass:
Her cunt is beaten in middle movie on the right:
Cunt whipped and weighted bottom right:
05-13-2005, 07:09 AM
Looks like a party at Julie's house....
05-13-2005, 09:49 AM
Hey Julie,
Does asphyxiation fall within your extensive repertoire of perversions? Kerry gets wet at the thought of it. I’m not sure how unusual this is (?).
PS. Drawing of K hanging attached.
05-13-2005, 03:55 PM
Sorry if I posted this before but I like the middle movie a lot and its very relevant:
She’s tied cunt & tis are whipped:
Another wired pussy:
05-17-2005, 02:14 AM
Hey Julie,
Does asphyxiation fall within your extensive repertoire of perversions? Kerry gets wet at the thought of it. I’m not sure how unusual this is (?).
PS. Drawing of K hanging attached.
Hi Inqy :)
If its kinky, its probably in my repertoire or has been :) I love asphyxiation play and from what I have found from groups and sites, I would say its probably as popular as BB. Its nice that you and Kerry have games youi can both play and enjoy :)
Sorry I havent been around much recently. Its been a mixture of cronic clinical depression and getting back into my first love, drawing :) I have been coming in and checking the sites you have put on my thread, and some are rather YUMMY :p
05-17-2005, 10:33 PM
Sorry I havent been around much recently. Its been a mixture of cronic clinical depression and getting back into my first love, drawing :) I have been coming in and checking the sites you have put on my thread, and some are rather YUMMY :p
How couldja have clinical depression when you're surrounded by such a gang of perverted freaks like US?!?
Just kidding, I know how it is; not only is Trouble a longtime suffferer from depression, but I am also a cartoonist. By 'cartoonist' I mean, of course, that my drawings suck something harsh.
Still... I'm hoping to get some time to do some drawing and one of the things I want to do is a small comic strip featuring some BB. (The current project is a comic book in which a superhero explains water molecules and their structure -- it's the sort of task that leaves one feeling like getting kicked in the nuts to relieve the boredom, if for no other reason.)
05-18-2005, 01:22 PM
Unfortunately, I’m a member of that club too. I think it came with having too many kids by too many partners and suddenly finding that I’d better grow up fast. Growing up wasn’t in my plans – I thought I was Peter Pan. Unlike the pair of you, I’m not such a good artist but I like to have a go now and again.
Julie – you’re far too young (and kinky) to be depressed. I hope you get sorted soon. If you’re not on the meds than I recommend a short course and a change of lifestyle (in that order) but then I'm sure its more complicated than that.
Hopefully, Trouble’s comic strip will cheer us all up. In the meantime, I’ll hunt for sites that might double click yer mouse :)
05-18-2005, 01:40 PM
Hi Julie,
Can you recommend any good asphyxiation sites? I’m quite into it at the moment :)
Here’s a few pages of photos that might be of interest:
She’s spread and helpless: (I’ve always like this one)
G-clamped pussy:
Clamped pussies:
Pegged pussies:
05-18-2005, 01:50 PM
Some more:
Here she is again: (I like this one)
****** to cum:
Breath play (for Kerry):
05-18-2005, 02:03 PM
And to make sure you don’t have time to be depressed here’s a few more :)
Spur to the pussy:
Spanked pussy:
Vacuumed pussy:
Whipped pussy:
Heavy weights:
Pussy tied open:
There's not enough hair on a lot of these pussies for my liking - but I guess that's a whole nother fetish ;)
05-18-2005, 11:18 PM
to Trouble and Inqy: Thank you both for your concern, its really appreciated :) I wouldnt say I was any good at drawing, just love TRYING to draw :p I can send you a scan of my last pic IF you promise to delete it and NOT to share it as its of a very close friend who would have a FIT if she saw it anywhere on the Net.
I love your latest installment Inqy. You must either be idependantly wealthy, or desperately in need of a life, like me :p, to be able to spend THAT much time searching the net :)
05-19-2005, 01:29 AM
Hopefully, Trouble’s comic strip will cheer us all up. In the meantime, I’ll hunt for sites that might double click yer mouse :)
Sadly, the big stumbling block between here and there is a scanner. The only one in the office is a SCSI, and I have not been able to get any of the SCSI cards to work. Worse, I have decided to take ALL of the SCSI peripherals and slap them into ONE machine, and then I run into the problem of having to figure out which circuit board is best for what role, and then I run in circles, etc., etc.
But that means that if I START drawing now, I can work a lot of sucky drawings out of my system and be back in the swing of things eventually. I mean, just think of what it would be for the world of ballbusting if I actually drew a comic strip that didn't suck too badly -- golly! I have the characters picked out and the plot (more or less), so I may as well start putting down some storyboards... Ooh, yeah, storyboards: if anybody sees them and says I suck at drawing, I can just say, "I'm the writer; I'm just doing some roughs to show the artist approximately where I want things on the page."
05-19-2005, 01:55 AM
You must either be idependantly wealthy, or desperately in need of a life, like me :p, to be able to spend THAT much time searching the net :)A gazillion children (5 in nursery care) and buying three houses in the SE of England (v speny) to keep ‘em all in (it would’ve been much cheaper to go with one giant shoe!) has put paid to any chance of me being wealthy. The surfing is my time to escape from it all – its ‘therapy’ for one v fucked up mind :wooow. I think what I really need is to catch up and grow into the hectic life I’ve now got and to come to terms with all the responsibilities in entails.
I’d LUV to see your pic and will reciprocate if you promise not to laugh! :weryfun
I’m very glad to see you joking in other threads – it’s a good sign that you’re not beyond hope. :)
Keep smiling
05-19-2005, 06:52 AM
Sadly, the big stumbling block between here and there is a scanner. I used to have a scanner set up but after my last move into a small house the scanner remains in the closet and every time I need a copy of something I just put it on a flat surface and stand over it with my digital camera, then bring the pictures into the computer by USB. Just a suggestion.
play with my plums
05-19-2005, 08:23 PM
Hi all - I'm back! :)
Well I was never really away, just suffering from a bout of chronic fatigue & as it seams, like a lot of you, the depression things like that lead to!
I've fallen way behind on the forum - only viewing things occasionally but am feeling a lot better tonight & thought it was about time I did some posting. :D
I wouldn't say I was any good at drawing, just love TRYING to draw :p
Absolutely spot on!
When I'm really down, giving myself the chance to be expressive & creative is about the only way I can find/feel a true sense of being, of rising above but also harmonizing into the world around me. That my thoughts - even though poorly transfered to paper, clay, whatever - are unique in their visualization & conception, makes me feel special & enriched & I've got way past worrying if anybody else likes or is critical of these things or not. I'm only doing them for myself, so if other people understand, appreciate or even enjoy my works then thats just a bonus. :)
To add a little to the questions/answers that have come up on this thread in the past weeks :-
Ok, I think I have asked this before, or it may have been in another thread or something, but I just HAVE to ask it again after reading another thread.
WHY oh WHY are MEN so damn hung up on BIG dicks, do THEY want to be on the receiving end of one or something, or have they just been watching WAY too much porn and completely lost track of reality???
Also, I have seen LOTS of Femdom sites that have face sitting on them, like its a real BIG sub thing to do. Could someone tell me whats so sub about going down on a woman??? Do men find it revolting, so see it as sub or something???
I stopped being worried about penis size once I got to 14 & it grew beyond the ruler I was measuring with. I'm sure every boy measures it frantically at that age. I'd be surprised if I was speaking for every guy here now though but to me penis size was important in my mind in order to bring the maximum amount of pleasure to the girl I wanted to be with & once it got past the end of that six inch ruler I ceased to worry about it. I guess you could say that width is more important but I'd like to think that the girls could do some tightening exercises to help level the playing field on that one. ;) Anyway the overriding desire to bring pleasure to a girl leads me to the next part of the question :-
I get pleasure from giving pleasure so the thought of going down - unless she's completely unwashed etc - really appeals but if I was ****** to do it like it was some sort of derogatory punishment like such an act was demeaning to me or men in general then I would refuse. I'll do odd roll play a bit, to please someone but I could never be a doormat or go against my principles.
Nope... cant say as I've ever wanted to be on the receiving end of anything - especially a dick! :eek: And as for losing track of reality & watching too much porn - is there such a thing? - & losing track of reality, well let me just say "Iz'nt dizz Hiedi's? Hime da plum'a & hive cumm round, to rod hur zink. Now lett mi juzt gett mi tool owt! Oowh... Yahhh. Oooohh Yah........."
Do any of you girls fantasize about or enjoy the ache of having your ovaries squeezed?
A similar question to this has popped into my mind before so I will think I will now start a new thread on it called 'What If?'.
Well it feels good to start posting again & I hope that any other depressed people out there feel better soon, YOU know who you are. ;)
05-20-2005, 12:09 AM
Nope... cant say as I've ever wanted to be on the receiving end of anything - especially a dick! :eek: And as for losing track of reality & watching too much porn - is there such a thing? - & losing track of reality, well let me just say "Iz'nt dizz Hiedi's? Hime da plum'a & hive cumm round, to rod hur zink. Now lett mi juzt gett mi tool owt! Oowh... Yahhh. Oooohh Yah........."
Uncle Morty! You're ALIVE!!!
When I was coming up, I was the tallest kid in my age group; stronger than almost everybody; pretty much smarter than the average bear; that kind of thing. I gew up expecting that I was always going to be bigger than other people, amarter on every topic, etc., etc. (I stopped growing at 12 which is why I am till a mere 178 or so cm in height -- and I sure am not the strongest person around here or anywhere else, and I am not the brainiac I thought I would be.) As a part of all that, I figured I would have the biggest dick, as well. I mean, if I am going to be taller, stronger, and smarter than every other human on the planet (I must have been even harder to put up with back then than I am now!), why not have the most hugest wang to go with it?
Now, these days, nobody seems to care whether I have a big dick or not, or whether I can do anything particularly well or not, but people around 12-14 are both curious and competitive. about everything, especially anything having to do with sex. (I assume that we were all 12-14 once, right? Right.) Situations come up, people noticed that there was something different about me, and I didn't bother to measure anything; I grew up knowing my dick was big enough that my peers found it unusual. And it's not like I had any time to worry about whether or not I measured up; I was far too busy admiring myself in the mirror and thinking about what I was going to do once I had reached my appropriate height of seven feet and completed my campaign to be the first to bear both the name and title of Vercingetorix.
I had at least enough sense to keep quiet about my megalomania, so I reached adulthood without having been defenestrated.
05-21-2005, 07:07 AM
Some vids:
Victoria gets wired:
Stardust is wired:
Katja is hogtied and pussy spanked:
Sweet’s tiny tits are vacuumed while a machine fucks her:
Brutal tit torture:
Asorted vids from Becky’s dungeon:
Again, including some cunt pain :)
05-22-2005, 07:47 AM
And some more:
Victoria gets wired:
Stardust is wired:
Katja is hogtied and pussy spanked:
Sweet’s tiny tits are vacuumed while a machine fucks her:
Some light tit spanking:
Hogtied and hurting:
Nipple biting etc. :
05-22-2005, 08:34 AM
And ders more :)
Lola gets a foot up her cunt:
Cunt abuse:
Pussy whipped in the woods:
Two abused cunts:
Pliers to the clit! :eek::
Another abused cunt:
Weights on the pussy:
05-22-2005, 10:00 AM
05-22-2005, 01:31 PM
Some light cunt spanking:
Some more:
Spanked clit:
Needles and fists:
05-22-2005, 01:36 PM
Apologies as I now see I posted a few things twice above. I'm not sure how that happened. There listed as the same so it should be easy to miss them. Forgive me,
05-22-2005, 03:02 PM
WARNING:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
I’ve uploaded some Real Movies of REAL pain for the sick puppies amongst you to download. I’m not sure if these will work (so let me know). When I’ve tried to upload ‘extreme’ stuff before its been deleted by rapidshare (and These sites clearly draw a line somewhere as to what is acceptable. The files below may overstep such a line (?). What the files show is clearly stated so I don’t want anybody complaining about their content. I guess there may be some doubt as to whether the lass involved ‘consented’ to this. I very much hope she did get off on it (otherwise its just sick). Feel free to remove Sara if deemed inappropriate.
First she’s hung upside down and her pubes are set on fire:
Then her tits are whipped:
Then one is burnt multiple times with a lit cigarette:
Then the other is cooked:
Finally her cunt is wired up to some serious electricity:
05-22-2005, 03:04 PM
Varied abuse:
She’s ****** to cum:
Some breath-play:
And again:
05-23-2005, 01:45 PM
She’s hogtied and helpless:
PS. Julie does it hurt much when ure tits are tied and go purple like in the movies at the bottom? (assuming you’ve tried it that is)
Another pegged pussy:
Buckets of water hung on Harmony’s tits:
Jamie gets her pussy wired:
05-23-2005, 04:57 PM
She’s hogtied and helpless:
PS. Julie does it hurt much when ure tits are tied and go purple like in the movies at the bottom? (assuming you’ve tried it that is)
Another pegged pussy:
Buckets of water hung on Harmony’s tits:
Jamie gets her pussy wired:
Yes it hurts, but a very YUMMIE sort of pain :D
As far as teh warning goese with the other vids. If people find THAT too extreme, then maybe they are reading the WRONG thread :p
05-23-2005, 10:47 PM
Yes it hurts, but a very YUMMIE sort of pain :D
As far as teh warning goese with the other vids. If people find THAT too extreme, then maybe they are reading the WRONG thread :pWell we’ve had people grossed out by the ********** thread because it had links to…..wait for it….. yes it had links to severed testicles! So I thought it’d pay to let people know what they were getting. That 'sort' of stuff was certainly extreme enough to get my IP address banned from using rapidshare :(
So what sort of pain don’t you find ‘YUMMIE’?
05-24-2005, 01:47 AM
So what sort of pain don’t you find ‘YUMMIE’?
Give her to me for a week. Before the 168 hours are up, I will have found SOMETHING which does not get her to say, "Yummie! Do that again!"
05-25-2005, 04:11 AM
Give her to me for a week. Before the 168 hours are up, I will have found SOMETHING which does not get her to say, "Yummie! Do that again!"168 hours of torturing Julie. Now there’s sumthing to get hot about :) Hey I’d settle for just 1.68 hours. I’m sure I’d get her to safeword but I’m not sure I’d hear it though the gag! :eek:
To move on (because I’m all of a quiver now just tinkin bout it :wooow), I thought the below was an interesting invention. Better still if they hooked though the nipple rings. I’ll take 6 pints of beer up here in the attic please – careful not to spill any mind or I’ll have to punish you :)
I'm not sure where these are from but the two angles nicely show how trusssed up and helpless she is. :)
05-26-2005, 11:10 PM
Some YUMMIE photos:
VERY yummie indeed :) All trussed up, ready for dinner, or should that be, all trussed up and ready to BE dinner? :p
05-26-2005, 11:12 PM
I'm not sure where these are from but the two angles nicely show how trusssed up and helpless she is. :)
VERY nice to see pics of a girl that looks like shes passed puberty :)
Nice to meet another Dr Who fan too :)
05-30-2005, 04:37 AM
Hi Julie,
I've been away again. Thanx for the encouragement :)
Here's some movies:
Tied and cunt zapped by the pool:
Some mild whipping:
Cunt whipping:
Pegging her pussy:
Painful movies:
Three real movies of lasses getting needles pushed through their tits:
Some light pussy whipping top right and she’s 'hoisted' bottom left:
05-30-2005, 07:10 AM
Tied purple tits at:
Tortured tits:
Streched cunt:
Cunt abuse:
Abused tits:
Vaccumed clit (looks like fun :)):
05-31-2005, 12:35 PM
Saw this pic and instantly thought of our Julie- (
05-31-2005, 01:33 PM
Examples of picture pages below but there’s plenty more here if anybody is interested just pick a date and look around:
05-31-2005, 01:36 PM
Faith gets wired:
Shannon gets wired:
Lynn gets the water treatnment :):
Not sure if we had Carly before (?):
Purple tits outdoors:
Pretty flexible:
A real favourite:
Hogtied and machine fucked:
05-31-2005, 09:21 PM
Whipped cunt:
Tied tits n pegged cunt:
Pegged cunt:
Weights on cunt and tits:
Darling’s cunt is shocked in the last movie :):
Jade is machine fucked and vacuumed:
Isabella is helpless:
Sarah is machine fucked and pussy whipped in third movie:
Chanta’s pussy is wired in last movie here:
A whipped asses:
Whip those pegs of her tits:
Some nice pussy whipping here :):
Some nice tit abuse:
Clamped cunt in first vid:
Two girls abuse her:
06-02-2005, 01:16 PM
I like luv this lady. :iluvu: There’s lots of stuff with her in. She’s mean and equally happy when dom or sub and with man or woman.
She gives to girl:
She gives to boy:
She gets:
06-02-2005, 02:40 PM
Inqy what the hell did you do?!?!?!
Her account has been suspended! You just posted those links a few minutes ago.
06-02-2005, 02:43 PM
I like luv this lady. :iluvu: There’s lots of stuff with her in. She’s mean and equally happy when dom or sub and with man or woman.
She gives to girl:
She gives to boy:
She gets:
BUGGER :confused: Her account with Whippedass has been suspended
What do ya mean suspended (plz explain)? The links are still good aren't they??? :confused:
She's Kym Wilde ( and she does it all. :)
You can tell I don't wanna work 2nite!
I hope these work for y'all!
06-02-2005, 03:48 PM
What do ya mean suspended (plz explain)? The links are still good aren't they???
No they are not. The site appears to have been suspended very shortly after you copied those links.
Here's the link I am trying (as example) (
and here's what I get with it:
Account for domain has been suspended
Along with some graphics which doesn't reproduce well here.
Not just me either. Read the other posts in both threads. Several of us have said this, not just me.
Last try was Thursday 2:45 PM California time
HHmmm... I see what you mean. I'm often going in through back doors ;) Looks like they're on to it.
Can you clean up the dead posts for me?
Here's a few from fetish hotel (I hope these buggers work!)
Pegs on cunt:
More pegs:
And again:
A beaten cunt :) :
Weighted cunt:
Kinky nun:
06-02-2005, 10:07 PM
You can tell I don't wanna work 2nite!
Forgive me for pointing this out, sir, but:
I am just one of those guys. You know, the kind of guy who you tell, "Hey, man, I just got tickets to the [soccer, football, whatever] game between [dumb name of team] and [stupid name of other team]! Wannah go?" and I replies, "[dumb team] vs. [stupid tem]? Hunh. Well, which team do I play on?" and then you say, "We;re not going to PLAY, you troglodyte, we're going to WATCH!" and then I says, "I'd rather play. I've got a [insert name of the required equipment] and there's a vacant lot cross the street..."
This extends o BB as well. Do I wannah watch some guy get kicked in the junk? Well, that's all fine and dandy. But I'd rather play. >:)
I-quv, you know I luv you like the brother I never had (which is a lot more than the sister I did have), but, damn, man, isn't Kerry's foot available to help you skip work? ;)
06-03-2005, 02:25 AM
Sir, You are forgiven.
You’re right of course. If only it were that simple.
There are several relevant facts I should address here:
First, I’d walk a million miles to see that game if either [whatever] or [stupid name] were LIVERPOOL (Champions of Europe) [look carefully and you’ll see me dancing]. I feel sure that our Julie wud swim to Scouseville from New Zealand to see that game too if she could (hey Julie we gotta do that some time).
Second, I sometimes work as I surf (it’s a long boring video meeting kinda story).
Third, I’m v hobbled at the moment when it comes to wimmin. I got 4 of ‘em that wants a piece of me and most of ‘em have young babies by me (another long story). I often find myself babysitting a my older kids (2-6 years old) from evening to morning on my own. Kerry is in a different town and also has 2X kids of her own. The bottom line (of this paragraph anyway) is that tings ain’t as easy as they might seem af first glance.
Fourth, we’re now straying dangerously off the topic of Julie’s fetishes and run the risk of pissing Sara off. (Apologies Sara but I felt the need to respond to the above banter from that affable Troubled gentleman). However, since:
(1) ‘fetish’ has a meaning that need not involve any kind of sexual excitement (it can mean something worshiped/revered too);
(2) Julie worships/reveres LIVERPOOL FC
I say we stay the right side of the line that marks ‘on thread’.
Wot do u think Julie?
PS. Its probably best if we keep this thread to the art of hurtin wimmin :jumpsmile
06-03-2005, 05:12 AM
(1) ‘fetish’ has a meaning that need not involve any kind of sexual excitement (it can mean something worshiped/revered too);
(2) Julie worships/reveres LIVERPOOL FC
I say we stay the right side of the line that marks ‘on thread’.
Wot do u think Julie?
PS. Its probably best if we keep this thread to the art of hurtin wimmin :jumpsmile
What do I think ??? I think LIVERPOOL rule the WORLD :bananajum :bananajum :bananajum
I also feel that, if the great Troubled one managed to stay on topic for 5 consequtive posts, Sara, along with the rest of us, would die of shock :p
I think LIVERPOOL rule the WORLD :bananajum :bananajum :bananajumYaaahoooooo!!!
Alrite….. alrite…. carm down, carm down.
Julie is simply too good to be true! :iluvu:
Am I dreamin?.......Pinch me!.........
Better still pinch the purple YUMMIES below (HARD) :)
You'll never walk alone,
Knife in tits & cunt :):
mature cunt pegged and whipped:
Rope atween her legs:
Shaved pussy whipped:
Her tits are nailed and she’s not happy about it :eek:
Her tits are tied and burnt with cigarettes :eek::
Helplessly restrained:!bdp.html
Wired pics:
Bound tits:
And again:
06-05-2005, 01:03 AM
Normally, I'm not into domming fems, but this is extremely hot, and very short to boot.
BTW, Julie, if you have broadband & want a huge amount of this sort of stuff, PM me.Wa-hoo! So Jiggy’s got an archived library of gurls in pain too! Wota guy. Wota perv. I’d luv a HUGE amount of this sorta stuff (I’m havin to imagine wot it is tho’ until I get around to foolin rapidshare with some slight-of-hand).
06-05-2005, 01:27 AM
Sorry Inqy, but I actually don't. Just had the one is all...!
Not to worry. Yer doin just great as it is. :)
06-05-2005, 02:04 AM
Inqy, check your PM. Julie, you might want to make some space in your PM! :)
OK Julie,
I’m off to sort my life out (lord knows it needs sorting out). I’ll leave you with these links to pics. Sounds like Jiggy will keep ya happy until I return :).
Tit torture in da woods:
She wears red whip welts and a hooly hooly skirt: (OK so I lied about the skirt)
Skewered tits and sewn up cunt:
Clamped and vacccumed:
Tortured Asian:
Stinging nettles to the cunt:
Clamped cunt & nailed tits:
Clamped nipples:
Weighted cunt:
Cunt vs. bolt-croppers and cunt vs chainsaw (hardly a fair fight):
OK Julie,
I’m back for a short while only. I’d better get this thread back where it belongs; So LETS GET BUSTING CUNTS. As you say yourself, there’s not to much ‘real’ CB out there so lets begin with a few cartoons :) I’ve altered a bunch of these first ones (but not so as to remove any marks from the original artist). All it took was some digital slight of hand (or I guess that should be move of foot). Enjoy,
Inqy breaks into song…….. “Those magnificent men and their cunt busting machines….” NNoo I can’t take any more! Just post the bloody pictures already!
Mouse traps on pussy:
Another wired pussy:
Some great old hogtied movies where she’s pulled around by her tits on a plastic sheet :)
Hey Julie, Is it a turn off to see men hurt women?
I only ask as there's a lot of that kinda artwork out there.
Some artists seems to include Femdom too (I guess these are more to your liking?)
I've got some nice 'real' photos to post too. But I guess they'll have to wait.:asleep
06-11-2005, 05:15 PM
I have no problem watching men cause pain to girls. I have had some of my best orgasms watching my bf kick and knee my gf into oblivion :) The problem I have with the very few good vids I have seen on the net is that the men are ALWAYS in the way of what is happening, like its THEM that everyone wants to see :( They are also just too methodical about it and dont appear to be having any fun what so ever, unlike when a woman is dishing out the pain on either a guy or a girl. The men actually appear rather bored with what they are doing and THAT is what the turn off for me is. If I had the money and resourses, what I would dearly LOVE to do is maker a Calimeangirls site in reverse (Hi Tam:) ) Where the girls were kicking each other and were guys would do some kicking too, IF I could find a guy willing to kick hard enough :)
Some of these cartoons would be a good 'story board' for a CB site. If ANYONE ever grows big enough balls to set one up. Its way more popular than people think, just way more 'undergraound' than BB :(
Julie :bananad: :bananad:
I'm gonna have to find something you don't like! How about rats up the cunt?
06-12-2005, 02:59 AM
I'm gonna have to find something you don't like! How about rats up the cunt?
Oh, don't you remember the thread that started with Julie posting her desire to have more sites that featured rats crawling up some certain crevices? Well, of course you don't, I made it up, but that's not the point. The point is that Julie is the King, Queen, Duke, and Duchess of Perv (which is right next to York). Heck, if Tamakeri had a video for $9.98 that featured Julie, stripped down, greased up, and rats implanted by ham-fisted tractor drivers (who enjoyed it and were no bored and methodical), I'd shell out the clams, set up my drool bucket, and let Julie's image take me away.... Mmmmmmm. Yeah.
06-12-2005, 03:01 AM
I'm gonna have to find something you don't like! How about rats up the cunt?
Ok, Ok, u found one of my weaknesses. I LOVE pet rats but dont fancy having one rammed up my pussy :eek: Tho I did see a vid of a girl having white mice put up hers. THAT was a turn on, not saying I would like it, but LOVED watching it. Oh I am a sick little puppy :o
Yep ure a true sicko Julie. Like the new Avatar btw. Do you want a CB one made up? Let me know if any pics really hit the spot and I'll keep my eye out for similar. In the meantime here's some more men inflicting pain:
I quite like the first of these ‘devil’ toons. Looks like you could have a lot of fun with that sort of seesaw! :)
There’s a bit of cunt sewing (for want of a better term) shown two posts above. This seems to be a less rare form of inflicting cunt pain than CB itself. Does anybody have any ideas why this might be? Have you ever tried a needle and thread yerself Julie? The pics below are not for the squeamish! :eek:
Moxxie gets her cunt hurt :):
is it "easy" to get permanent damage in the tits Julie?
i think about when it is purpel to long and so on?
is the tits gething less senstetiv when they get purpel?
ps sorry about bad english
06-12-2005, 07:20 PM
is it "easy" to get permanent damage in the tits Julie?
i think about when it is purpel to long and so on?
is the tits gething less senstetiv when they get purpel?
ps sorry about bad english
U can get permanent damage ie: damage to mamary glands if u stay tied to long or too tight. My tits get way MORE sensitive when tiered tight and have turned purple, just like, I suppose guys balls do when tied up tightly.
No probs with the English. I type it worse than u do and its my first language :p
06-13-2005, 12:54 AM
There’s a bit of cunt sewing (for want of a better term) shown two posts above. This seems to be a less rare form of inflicting cunt pain than CB itself. Does anybody have any ideas why this might be? Have you ever tried a needle and thread yerself Julie? The pics below are not for the squeamish! :eek:
Sewing the labia together is called infibulation. It is a barbaric practice which is, so I hear, most commonly practiced in Africa. Typically, after a woman is married, she is expected to have the labia sewn together after her first night with her husband so that when he enters her the next time, he pushes against the sewn threads, ripping them out and gaining the sensation of breaking her hymen again. Also, it has a similar function to a "chastity belt" -- if some other guy comes along and your wife wants to mess with him, she's sewn together. Breaking through the threads causes damage and that's a huge price to pay for an extramarital affair (leaves damage, pain, and evidence).
If it is not seen often in SM pictures and fantasy, I would suspect that that would be because it is a reality in some cultures and it is a horrifying practice. There are, for example, no cultures in which it is commonly practiced to hang one's wife by the tits or to electroshock her genitals, so those are kinky. If there were cultures around the planet that did either of those things habitually, then it would not be sick, it would be disgusting.
Infibulation is often done with wives who have also had the clitoris cut off, to remove most of their sensation and thereby decrease their reason to have extramarital affairs.
I'm too squeamish for the sewing thing, but others might like to fantasize about it.
The stuff I’m talking about is part of the S&M scene and is way more common than CB itself (although nothing like as common as bound up tits etc.). Maybe it does have cultural roots (?). Personally, I like cunts to be the way nature intended: intact, hairy and open. :) I’m still inquistiv ‘bout wot people get out of sewing them up or having them sewn up.
G-clamps (OK so strictly speaking maybe the last ones don't strictly count as 'Gs' (?). Nevertheless, these things come in an impressive array of sizes [I'm taking about the clamps not the tits])
Oh and as I was saying two posts above: I quite like my pussies open. :)
06-30-2005, 10:57 PM
Hello People,
Yes, its ME, I am back again.
I have had a few email conversations with Sharon and have now come back. Sorry to all of you that were so glad to see me leave :p
Sharon has asked me to explain what happened, from MY point of view, about why I left, so here goes :)
I didnt want to be around to see this board slip to the level of lots of other boards if Sara left, and a few posts that were lodged while all the crap was going down, just proved to me what MAY have happened if she wasnt here to keep things under control. Then, when she was actually banned a few 'ballless' posters started slanging off about how much they had hated her here anyway. (Amazing how a guy with NO BALLS would be into BB :p) So, that just proved to me, at the time, that this board probably would slip to the level of so many others, and just turn into a board of back stabbers and "ballless" wonders, so I asked Sharon to remove my profile. I decided to come back after receiving a few emails from members asking me to, and after talking with Sharon I dercided I would give it another try. So, here I am :)
07-01-2005, 12:21 AM
Yes, its ME, I am back again.
My favourite luscious and lascivious pervert! You and Evilgrl, I mean! *Smoochies*
I have had a few email conversations with Sharon and have now come back. Sorry to all of you that were so glad to see me leave :p
Yeah, right, like anybody could enjoy life without their salty snacks... Um, yes, that was a reference to you.
(Amazing how a guy with NO BALLS would be into BB :p
You can use Manuel Alphonse Rodriguez de la Rocha's huevos to show them what they are missing... :bananajum
07-01-2005, 01:14 AM
Hello People,
Yes, its ME, I am back again.
I have had a few email conversations with Sharon and have now come back. Sorry to all of you that were so glad to see me leave :p
Sharon has asked me to explain what happened, from MY point of view, about why I left, so here goes :)
I didnt want to be around to see this board slip to the level of lots of other boards if Sara left, and a few posts that were lodged while all the crap was going down, just proved to me what MAY have happened if she wasnt here to keep things under control. Then, when she was actually banned a few 'ballless' posters started slanging off about how much they had hated her here anyway. (Amazing how a guy with NO BALLS would be into BB :p) So, that just proved to me, at the time, that this board probably would slip to the level of so many others, and just turn into a board of back stabbers and "ballless" wonders, so I asked Sharon to remove my profile. I decided to come back after receiving a few emails from members asking me to, and after talking with Sharon I dercided I would give it another try. So, here I am :)
Hi Julie,
Welcome back!
Im sure all including myself are happy to see you around here again ;)
Also i think everybody have understanding for you leaving and why you where afraid of what would happen.
Me and a few others will try to monitor the forum as time allows and i hope that all of you will use the report bad post links so the forum will be a nice place to visit for us all. :bananawin
07-01-2005, 02:00 AM
Welcome back, sure I don't really know you a whole lot...but I'm glad you are back, you were a cool person on the forum and well welcome back.
07-01-2005, 09:51 AM
:bananajum :bananawin :bananad: :ibow4u: :D :letsplay . I'm Very happy also. I say we all get together and have one huge ballbusting, cuntbusting extravaganza. Anyone interested?
07-01-2005, 03:35 PM
:bananajum :bananawin :bananad: :ibow4u: :D :letsplay . I'm Very happy also. I say we all get together and have one huge ballbusting, cuntbusting extravaganza. Anyone interested?
Bro Magnum,
This event would be the stone groove of stone grooves!!! :bananad: :bananajum
I'm ready ;) :letsplay
Put it up as a main thread and we'll see what can happen from there :D :ibow4u:
07-02-2005, 05:28 PM
Thanks for all the 'welcome backs" :)
I am still sorting out my new appartment, but will be back into full posting mode again soon :)
07-02-2005, 06:49 PM
Thanks for all the 'welcome backs" :)
I am still sorting out my new appartment, but will be back into full posting mode again soon :)
It is nice to know you're still around. It is very important to have a quality female perspective on 'Our Art'
Loking forwards to your future posts.
Regards and Respects :)
08-31-2005, 03:39 PM
here we go, I found it. Thank you Sharon :loveeyes
09-01-2005, 12:34 AM
Thanks to both Sharon and Julie! If not for the two of you, I fear I might have gone completely sane.
09-01-2005, 02:56 AM
Thanks to both Sharon and Julie! If not for the two of you, I fear I might have gone completely sane.
Trouble ??? Sane ??? :eek: :p
I pray to the Gods above that that NEVER happens :iluvu:
09-01-2005, 09:50 AM
It won't. Trouble be TWISTED!!! :D
09-02-2005, 09:11 PM
Julie, here is a great pic of a tight crotchrope. Have you tried this, and if so did you like it? This seems to be a central theme in female bondage, so it would seem to be an excellent disciplinary measure for the ladies when they are misbehaving or acting bratty. Would you concur with that? Can you or someone else post this pic here, as I have only provided a link?
09-03-2005, 08:31 PM
Julie, how about this...
The Rani
09-15-2005, 04:15 PM
The Rani
09-27-2005, 02:22 AM
Hi Julie,
There's some toons with painful cunts :) at link below. I quite like the one where they swing her onto the tree branch.
10-07-2005, 10:09 PM
Movies of abused tits
And pussy
The Rani
10-11-2005, 11:30 PM
The Rani
10-11-2005, 11:32 PM
I reckon this could hurt :D
10-16-2005, 01:12 PM
OK lets bust some cunts:
I’ve posted a movie at of a hottie getting some cunt pain :)
The Rani
10-19-2005, 12:01 AM
Some cunts in pain etc.
10-21-2005, 07:31 PM
Busted cunt
10-21-2005, 08:10 PM
Some anime cunt torture
Dualing Banjo
10-27-2005, 06:27 AM
Movies of babes in distress at:
This one’s called Julie!
11-17-2005, 08:06 PM
Taran Beast
12-04-2005, 10:48 PM
Hey Julie,
It’s nice to see you back in these parts again. I was a wondering:
1. For myself, the anticipation of and fear of the bust is as much (or more) of the whole experience as the bust itself. Does CB work in this way? i.e. Do you get kick from, for instance, being tied with your legs apart and knowing that a real hard bust is coming – or may come?
2. Is pain inside the cunt good too? Do you like a bit of cervix bashing or is it something only to be done outside? (so to speak).
It seems that testicles have all the CGI fun here. I think it is time this balance was redressed!
Here's a link to some pussy pain:
Oh and Solonian: Please post your pictures as attachments. If you link to them as above then they go when the link goes down :(
Taran Beast
12-04-2005, 11:19 PM
Oh sh*t, the system won't let me edit that link above. It should be
Looks like stinging nettles will make a pussy go puffy :)
12-15-2005, 03:37 PM
A couple of cunt busts
12-21-2005, 05:14 PM
Cunts in pain
12-22-2005, 10:35 AM
Thanks for all the pics guys, some are VERY yummy :p
THere use to be a CB forum at I used to belong to it but can no longer sign in OR re-register. I know some of the guys from it read the posts here, so if anyone knows what happened to it could they please leave me a message?
12-22-2005, 05:20 PM
Thanks for all the pics guys, some are VERY yummy :pWhich ones are yummiest? (and why?)
12-24-2005, 08:33 AM
More 3D girl pain :)
12-26-2005, 01:42 PM
I know how this is probably way out of date but just read the posts about you having problems and wanted to say welcome back julie :)
12-28-2005, 04:03 PM
Happy New Year Julie. Stay outa of trouble.
Pussy is flogged in this wmv file:
And zapped with electricity in this one:
12-28-2005, 06:42 PM
Being a switch I truely enjoy both ball and cunt torture/pain/busting. I really enojoyed these pics and a few videos. Thanks all!
01-14-2006, 06:40 AM
:) :) :) :)
01-14-2006, 04:52 PM
What can one say, other than "Tighter, tighter, harder, harder"?
:bananad: :bananajum :bananad:
01-14-2006, 05:40 PM
Hey Julie, I don't know if you have been asked this yet but do you prefer a guy or a gal doing the torture? Just curious. :D
01-14-2006, 11:19 PM
Hey Julie, I don't know if you have been asked this yet but do you prefer a guy or a gal doing the torture? Just curious. :D
No, I dont think anyone here has ever asked. I prefer a girl to be doing the torturing, but beggers cant be choosers, as the old saying goes :p
Bok the Gargoyle
01-17-2006, 05:08 AM
Have you ever tried self abuse?
01-19-2006, 03:18 AM
No, I dont think anyone here has ever asked. I prefer a girl to be doing the torturing, but beggers cant be choosers, as the old saying goes :p
Oy! I fought it were "cheggers can't be boozers" -- ya mean all this time I've had it wrong and made a dadgum fool of m'self? Well, let me and my cousin BE, I say!
Bok the Gargoyle
01-19-2006, 06:02 AM
Oi Govner, ar u takin the piss with that Limey coloUr or is this sumfing new for 2006? ‘Light green’ writin is so passé. You nearly fooled me that u was a proper gentleman until eyes saw ure signiture.
01-19-2006, 11:49 AM
No, I dont think anyone here has ever asked. I prefer a girl to be doing the torturing, but beggers cant be choosers, as the old saying goes :p
Would it help if we dressed as women? :D
01-21-2006, 04:11 PM
01-21-2006, 04:12 PM
01-21-2006, 04:14 PM
01-21-2006, 04:15 PM
01-21-2006, 04:17 PM
01-22-2006, 08:03 AM
I like hurting pussies :)
crush me
01-26-2006, 08:10 AM
Perhaps I'm showing my age on this one, but many years ago, when I would read various underground comix, like Zapped, there was a story about a guy named Cunt Socker. He would proclaim " Cunt Socker's my name and cunt sockin's my game". Then of course came the zoom-kapow! Personaly, I could never see myself as a cunt socker. I'm more of the cunt sucker type. As for the swift kick, I would have to be the kickee and not the kicker ;)
James Market
02-02-2006, 06:09 PM
There are not enough sites for CB. I really like to see CB...especially if the girl shows no reaction.
02-03-2006, 07:32 PM
There are not enough sites for CB. I really like to see CB...especially if the girl shows no reaction.
Personally, I hate it when there is no reaction for two reasons.
1. That is about as much fun as watching a guy get kicked and not reacting and
2. It falsifies the VERY true fact that girls get hurt there too
02-04-2006, 04:15 PM
I must agree there are too few sites on cuntbusting, but I did manage to find one decent one you all might want to check out if you don't mind foreign languages they do have quite a few pics. And its free !!
02-05-2006, 01:56 PM
Great site Cowboy - Yeeeeehaaaa! :ibow4u:
She's tied and cunt spanked in this mpg :D
02-14-2006, 05:15 AM
:bananad: :bananad: :bananad: :bananad:
02-14-2006, 01:44 PM
:bananajum :bananajum :bananajum :bananajum
02-14-2006, 01:57 PM
02-14-2006, 02:13 PM
I never knew that it was possible to completely hang a woman by only her tits :D Have you ever tried this Julie?
This lass is in real trouble.
02-14-2006, 02:27 PM
I never knew that it was possible to completely hand a woman by only her tits :D Have you ever tried this Julie?
This lass is in real trouble.
Yes, done that a few times and hell is it FUN :bananad:
Love the pics btw:) Especailly the ones of the girl with the clmps tied to her toes. I think I need to go have a cold shower now :o
02-14-2006, 02:32 PM
Yes I really liked the peril aspect of the toes-to-pussy shots. I’m v glad u appreciate them. What’s she gonna do when her legs get tired? :weryfun
Just have a wank like I did instead of the cold shower :D
I naively thought that full weight tit suspension might rip something. I can see I have a lot to learn.
02-14-2006, 04:52 PM
Yes I really liked the peril aspect of the toes-to-pussy shots. I’m v glad u appreciate them. What’s she gonna do when her legs get tired? :weryfun
Just have a wank like I did instead of the cold shower :D
I naively thought that full weight tit suspension might rip something. I can see I have a lot to learn.
Oh, bugger waiting for her legs to get tired, just tickle her feet :D
02-15-2006, 01:46 AM
Oh, bugger waiting for her legs to get tired, just tickle her feet :DI like the way you're thinking :D
02-15-2006, 01:53 AM
I've seen a few more toe-pussy clamp Hogtied samples. I'll keep my eye out for them. I have to say that I'm very impressed with how they manage to truss up some of their girls.
02-15-2006, 03:04 AM
I like the way you're thinking :D
A mouse trap on a pussy, maybe its just my rather sick sense of humour, but I have always found that rather amusing :p
02-15-2006, 07:28 AM
Blood bitch pussy torture (v severe)
Wired pussy (mild):
Whenever I click on the link for "Wired pussy" it says that it can't find the server? Is it anything to do with the browser I'm using which is Safari?
02-15-2006, 12:44 PM
Whenever I click on the link for "Wired pussy" it says that it can't find the server? Is it anything to do with the browser I'm using which is Safari?No its because those links are eons old!
The main site can be found at:
02-15-2006, 07:23 PM
It took a while but I found the tailer to match the toe clamp pics :) It's a maledom scene so not your very favourite Julie :o
02-15-2006, 07:26 PM
They don't quite get this girl off the floor but she's in a bit of trouble :)
02-15-2006, 07:31 PM
Now this girl is in real trouble :bananajum
If only she'd fall over :D
02-15-2006, 07:38 PM
Do you have any full suspension tit hanging photos/movies Julie?
I cannot seem to find any :(
I love the way she begs to be let down in this movie :D
02-15-2006, 08:00 PM
Still not off the floor :o
02-15-2006, 08:01 PM
Now this lot is too much for my liking
02-15-2006, 08:11 PM
A wired pussy:
02-18-2006, 01:14 PM
How about nailing them down?
02-23-2006, 11:25 AM
Hey Julie,
I am a 23 yr old UK guy also into BB and CB.
I am a new member to the forum and haven't posted anything before. I saw your original thread detailing the glaring lack of real CB sites. Having to trawl the internet in order to find poorly filmed fake busts with little or no reaction is a total pain. I would be a big supporter of you grabbing a camera and filming your Cbusting (as long as you posted it on the forum!)
I accidently busted my older sister when I was 8. She was 15 at the time and we were play fighting in the living room. I rolled forward and thrust out a fist, not really looking where it was going. It landed with a thud in her crotch. She reacted just like a guy would! She yelped and bent over at the waist, holding her crotch. I tried to apologise but she lifted her head and screamed at me. I ran away.
Another time I was in the park with a friend of mine and we started bothering this older teenage couple who were sitting by the pool. The guy started taking the piss out us, asking us things like "do you play with your willy in the bath?" As they were walking out of the park, and seemingly for no reason, my friend just hauled off and punched the girl in the crotch. Again, the same reaction: yelp, bend over, hold crotch. My friend got chased by the guy. I ran away.
It's strange how so few people know that a bust works identically on a girl as it does to a guy. Why is that? You would think as children that guys would occasionally get in a revenge bust on a girl who has busted them for no reason and from there the knowledge would spread. Evidently not.
Anyhow, let me know how the busting goes and email me at if you fancy chatting about busting (BB or CB)
p.s. is still up and running, maybe you just need to re-register.
Peter D
02-24-2006, 02:33 AM
If tits are whipped like this so that they bleed does it result in any long-term scar formation?
Peter D
02-24-2006, 02:35 AM
I don't think this one is off the floor either.
02-24-2006, 04:46 AM
Lift off!!!:)
02-24-2006, 04:52 AM
a few more!
02-24-2006, 01:35 PM
Fuckin great Cyrus! :ibow4u:
I especially like the one in the middle. They look like they're about to pop :iluvu:
I'd have never have thought it possible but julies done it and you have photos :thumbup
Where did you find 'em?
02-27-2006, 04:22 PM
Wow! I'd have never thought it possible.:eek: Do you have and movies?
03-01-2006, 08:00 PM
I never knew that it was possible to completely hang a woman by only her tits :D Have you ever tried this Julie?
This lass is in real trouble.
This one really made me hard. I have a lactation fetish too and this tit suspension shot with her milk literally flowing from her tortured tits and puddling on the floor almost made me cum in my pants. Thanks Tollmaster
P.S. Where did you find these?
03-01-2006, 10:41 PM
What a great collection of sick puppies this place attracts! :D
I’m glad you like the photos. Unfortunately, I visit so many sick places I’m not sure where exactly those shots came from. I used to string an ex-gf up by her tits (because she asked me too). I wish I’d have known how much weight they could really have taken :D I used to arrange it so that I'd hurt her first and then have her get her own back by busting may balls - Oh Yeah! I'm getting off on the thought of it all.
Yes Collin, I’d be VERY interested in seeing movies of tit hanging!
03-02-2006, 02:06 AM
Fuckin great Cyrus! :ibow4u:
I especially like the one in the middle. They look like they're about to pop :iluvu:
I'd have never have thought it possible but julies done it and you have photos :thumbup
Where did you find 'em?
Don't remember where i found them. Have some tit-hanging movies but they are in realmedia (.rm) and I don't know how to cut them:( They are very large files and I have a slow connection, so I can't upload whole movie.
Here is a short one for U :)
03-02-2006, 02:22 AM
Thanks Cyrus :thumbup
Sadly, Rapidshare doesn't work for me anymore because I have a 'shared IP address' BASTARDS!
Thanks for trying anyway.
I can't wait to see some of this :bananajum :bananajum :bananajum :bananajum
03-02-2006, 12:57 PM
Hey all found another website with animated cb. Thought you might like to check it out, unfortunately it is in japenese which I cannot read.
I was also wondering if someone with more computer knowledge than me could tell me if there is a way to make internet explorer translate these pages to english?
Ok here is the link
Peter D
03-03-2006, 08:43 PM
Some tortured breasts
Peter D
03-03-2006, 08:43 PM
And a tortured cunt
Peter D
03-03-2006, 09:02 PM
Peter D
03-03-2006, 09:03 PM
A cunt on a string! Now that's different :weryfun
I'd like to see her lifted off the floor :eek:
Number 3
03-08-2006, 10:32 PM
Wow! This stuff is amazing. :ibow4u:
Thank you :)
Number 3
03-08-2006, 10:44 PM
This one really made me hard. I have a lactation fetish too Pumping the milk from her tits
Number 3
03-10-2006, 10:08 AM
I bet this hurts
03-10-2006, 09:36 PM
Can someone post this pic as I don't know how to put a pic in this thread. Here is a link to a pic of several clothespins on this lovely beaver. Julie, ever tried this??
03-10-2006, 11:54 PM
there u go, and yes I have done this, LOTS of times :D
Number 3
03-12-2006, 08:33 AM
This one really made me hard. I have a lactation fetish too and this tit suspension shot with her milk literally flowing from her tortured tits and puddling on the floor almost made me cum in my pants. Thanks TollmasterThere's milk a plenty in this movie:
Number 3
03-13-2006, 06:50 AM
Monks put a mouse trap on pussy (middle top row) and make her squeal:
Number 3
03-14-2006, 10:19 AM
I like the look on her face :)
I think she's going to struggle with taking the whole bottle.
Sadly for her, she's restrained and will have no choice.
Number 3
03-14-2006, 10:26 AM
Now that's what I call a well-aimed kick to the cunt!
Number 3
03-14-2006, 10:28 AM
How bad does a violet wand to the cunt hurt? Ever tried it Julie?
Number 3
03-14-2006, 02:19 PM
There's just so many ways to hurt a pussy :)
Its difficult to know where to begin :bananad:
03-14-2006, 05:41 PM
How bad does a violet wand to the cunt hurt? Ever tried it Julie?
No, sadlly, I have never tied that, but would certainly LOVE to :bananad: It is nice to see some guys here are into a bit of "give and take" :D
03-14-2006, 05:50 PM
YAY, I am a SUPREME poster :bananad: :bananad: :bananajum :bananajum :bananad: :bananad:
Ok, I have calmed down now :o
Number 3
03-15-2006, 02:20 AM
It is nice to see some guys here are into a bit of "give and take" :DGive and take is the best :D Its best where I give first as then I can go just slightly beyond her limits :) I find that if I'm too rough with her she'll be too rough with me when its my turn ;)
03-15-2006, 03:56 AM
[QUOTE=Number 3]This probably smarts a bit too
For some reason these pics don't come up and are just little white boxes with a red cross. Anyone else have this problem?
Love the pics i can see of yours number 3. Keep them coming
Number 3
03-15-2006, 02:50 PM
For some reason these pics don't come up and are just little white boxes with a red cross. Anyone else have this problem?
Love the pics i can see of yours number 3. Keep them coming
Sorry Andrew,
I only linked to those pictures and I guess the links are dead now :( They mostly showed red-hot pokers in the pussy or pliers pulling nipples and all that kind of horny (4 sickos) stuff. I guess you'll just have to use your imagination! Most of the the stuff that I've posted in this thread has been completely removed by "the management". I can only imagine that there have been some complaints about it :confused: I'm very sorry if it offended anybody.
I'm pleased to see that many of the remaining pics are being viewed >30X a day by the sickos that visit here :)
PS. I should point out that I thank "the management" for allowing a pussy oriented thread at a BB forum :ibow4u:
03-15-2006, 08:53 PM
YAY, I am a SUPREME poster
Whale, chute, lil' lady, I been a supreme poster since yah'll wuz in diapers. Last time yew wuz in diapers wuz wut, day a'fore yesterday?
Give and take is the best :D Its best where I give first as then I can go just slightly beyond her limits :) I find that if I'm too rough with her she'll be too rough with me when its my turn ;)I like this too :) Thanks for the pics. Where's the cartoon you posted yesterday gone? Can you post again as I didn't save it :(
03-24-2006, 07:14 PM
Totally off topic here, but then probably around 90% of my posts are. My kitten, Jeffery, died last night. He was five months old, but only the size of a six week old kitten. I am not taking it very well :( Not sure how long it will be b4 I post again, but I doubt that this board will notice me not here for a while.
Sorry to hear about Jeffery :( I hope these help cheer up up when you get back here:
How to stop a slave from biting your cock :D
03-27-2006, 03:34 AM
My condolences. Take your time, we'll keep an eye on things in the meantime.
Cunt zapping in bottom right movie:
Nikki's tits must hurt :D
I like this one :) I think her nipples might tear off with a bit more pulling :D
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