View Full Version : how can i get kicked
04-21-2005, 05:32 PM
how can i get a perfect stranger to kick me in the balls
04-21-2005, 06:54 PM
1- Find someone who advertises that she will do that, or someone who responds to your ad requesting it and pay her money
2- pretend to attack her in an elevator with your legs spread wide
3- find a lifestyle group, attend their meetings (munches) and go to their play parties- of course by then the ones willing to bust you won't be complete strangers anymore
Short of those three you are dreaming. It's a common dream on boards like this, but extremely unlikely to happen. You will likely be waiting a long time.
Option 1 is the easiest, safest, and most likely to succeed. Option 2 could net you a broken neck, stun-gun to the groin, pepper spray up the nose, and a trip to the slammer. Option 3 is liable to eventually work, but there is no guarantee it will be somebody you like. Also if you live in a small town you are unlikely to find such a group.
Oh- I guess I should have asked- you were referring to a female- right?
I think you can get a male stranger to bust you pretty easily.
04-21-2005, 08:32 PM
1) Get a friend and a video camera.
2) Approach a woman.
3) Tell her that you lost a bet and have to get 20 women to kick you in the balls.
4) Tell her that your friend is here to record the evidence, and that you've only
gotten 7 women to help you so far.
5) Ask her to kick you in the balls.
6) If she says no, go back to step 2 except with a different woman.
7) If she says yes, enjoy.
Now, I haven't tried this myself because I didn't come up with this idea until after I started dating my current girlfriend, but I think it would work. You've got nothing to lose by trying. It may not work on every girl, but I'd bet it will work on some.
04-21-2005, 11:10 PM
1) Get a friend and a video camera.
2) Approach a woman.
3) Tell her that you lost a bet and have to get 20 women to kick you in the balls.
4) Tell her that your friend is here to record the evidence, and that you've only gotten 7 women to help you so far.
5) Ask her to kick you in the balls.
6) If she says no, go back to step 2 except with a different woman.
7) If she says yes, enjoy.
Hey! That's almost exactly one of the methods from Andy's site (callnetuk, the famous and beloved Scambled Eggs); did YOU give him that idea? You sicko. Thanks, it's a wonderful idea, legal, pretty certain to work eventually.
04-22-2005, 02:26 PM
Its a good trick but not completely legal. There have been several incidents in obscure news recently of individuals getting busted for trying to get busted. There seems to be a recognition that this is a sexually motivated act and as a law student I have learned that most crimes that are sexually based have statutes behind them that define the crime as sexual b/c the motivation for the act is to get aroused. So although the act being sought is not sexual to the woman, and in fact she is technically assualting you, if your goal is determined to be to get aroused and especially if the lady figures this out and is offended disgusted etc. by it it could still land you in some hot water.
05-25-2005, 07:03 AM
God... America has gone down the sh!t hole.. Imagine that... "Yes your honor, while it may be true that my client was in fact causing physical damage to the defendant while he was completey clothed, he was obviously getting off on it! GUILTY!!!"
I'm glad I'm here in Tokyo where BB is quite popular and easy to find a young beautiful girl to help you out.
05-25-2005, 04:59 PM
The law is biased against men. We can be busted (by the law, that is) for looking at a girl the wrong way.
05-26-2005, 03:07 AM
you could try walking up to a girl and saying "OMG, u've got the smallest tits I have ever seen. I hope that either ur not gonna have kids or that those things can make condensed milk" If u said that to me, I would kick u, but then I would kick u if u just walked up and asked :)
05-26-2005, 03:15 AM
but then I would kick u if u just walked up and asked :)See- now there's a problem. Sounds easy until you actually TRY walking up to NZ from California. First you get sand in your shoes, then your feet get all wet, and pretty soon it becomes damn hard to breath.
05-29-2005, 09:55 AM
I want to go to New Zealand. Or Australia. Or anywhere in the Southern Hemisphere right now. New Zealand would be nice. Could then arrange a secret meeting with Julie here too :)
Not going to happen though - not with my job and my wife and a newborn baby who is still in hospital and needs a heart operation.
06-05-2005, 07:33 PM
Here is the solution !!!
Place a Simple Ad in a local womans mag that reads.
Hate Men ? want to get some pay back ? One day workshop where you can really get to grips with the B'stards and it will cost you number.
(will this ad get a response ? out of a hundred women, how many do you think have had a bad male experience ?)
OK so you get your calls, tell them the course is a one day workshop, its entirely free and they get to exert some serious payback. The day is free because it will be filmed for a documentary and they agree to appear in it.
Get ya cameras ready, flim a whole day of BB, get your rocks off, meet some girls who love it, make ya movie, sell ya movie, make some money, get busted, have fun and all for under the cost of an ad.
Rock On Tommy :)
06-05-2005, 08:20 PM
Get ya cameras ready, flim a whole day of BB, get your rocks off, meet some girls who love it, make ya movie, sell ya movie, make some money, get busted, have fun and all for under the cost of an ad.
Sounds nice but I don't think you'll get past first base. Where do you do this? Your garage? A hotel room? How do you convince a stranger that it OK to come to your hotel room alone. Let's say you rent a photog studio and have a camera set up. Now you're on your way except when she sees it's only you in there and you are interviewer, cameraman, instructor and bustee, she ain't gonna like it. She's gonna think it is exactly what it is, and will probably be back with the cops. Better to be completely honest and upfront. That's my personal experience.
06-08-2005, 01:27 PM
I would say the next time you are at a strip club and getting a lap dance, talk to the dancer. I have always had great success with this approach.
06-08-2005, 04:22 PM
Sounds nice but I don't think you'll get past first base. Where do you do this? Your garage? A hotel room? How do you convince a stranger that it OK to come to your hotel room alone. Let's say you rent a photog studio and have a camera set up. Now you're on your way except when she sees it's only you in there and you are interviewer, cameraman, instructor and bustee, she ain't gonna like it. She's gonna think it is exactly what it is, and will probably be back with the cops. Better to be completely honest and upfront. That's my personal experience.
awww, why do you have to go and spoil it :) ??
06-08-2005, 05:25 PM
It could still work if you have a couple of friends to make it look good- one of them preferably female to make the follow-up contact with the girls and to make an appearance at the studio. She wouldn't need to stay for the whole deal- just meet the girls and explain that she has more marketing to do and leaves them in your capable hands. You will definitely need somebody to stand behind the camera and "direct" though or they won't believe a word of it.
06-08-2005, 09:42 PM
youre so right tamakeri.
06-09-2005, 02:43 AM
It could still work if you have a couple of friends to make it look good- one of them preferably female to make the follow-up contact with the girls and to make an appearance at the studio. She wouldn't need to stay for the whole deal- just meet the girls and explain that she has more marketing to do and leaves them in your capable hands. You will definitely need somebody to stand behind the camera and "direct" though or they won't believe a word of it.
I would add that having either one of you dressed formally (suit, tie) and the other informally (whatever you usually wear) is a good touch for appearances; one of you (cameraman, probably), is there for the "business" side of it (even if the "business" is some BS nonprofit thing) and the other is there as the workin' man. The female marketing director (or whatever) should not be dressed too casually, but doesn't need to be too formal, either. Clothes really do help set the tone for what people will expect of a situation, and will help you to stick to your roles. ("Damn, this suit itches... Oh, yeah, I'm the formal business guy from whatever it was, a 50c13... no, wait, a 503c1... errrrr...")
Yanno, this plan is getting tough. Be a whole lot simpler to save your pennies for a trip to Chicago on Amtrak...
06-10-2005, 06:12 PM
I found just asking some young ladys (when they are in a small group, never alone) to kick me tends to work.
04-24-2006, 07:19 AM
1) Get a friend and a video camera.
2) Approach a woman.
3) Tell her that you lost a bet and have to get 20 women to kick you in the balls.
4) Tell her that your friend is here to record the evidence, and that you've only
gotten 7 women to help you so far.
5) Ask her to kick you in the balls.
6) If she says no, go back to step 2 except with a different woman.
7) If she says yes, enjoy.
Now, I haven't tried this myself because I didn't come up with this idea until after I started dating my current girlfriend, but I think it would work. You've got nothing to lose by trying. It may not work on every girl, but I'd bet it will work on some.
well Smack, I think that you're the guru of this teenage kids.
watch this devious kid "working" the unsuspecting girl and telling her she "missed" only to get some more...
04-24-2006, 10:34 AM
I wish we could get some of the gals to give us their oppinion on this. There are many ways but you probably don't want to get arrested, get the sh-t kicked out of you etc. or pepper sprayed so it's a fine line. I always figured if a guy went to one of those fetish balls (I realize they may not live near anything like it) and had a sign that read "Lady's please kick me in the balls" you could get more kicks than you could ever want. The only problem is I'm sure there would be guys wanting to kick you too but once a gal gets a drink in her plus the fetish environment would make it a sure thing.:D
04-25-2006, 01:10 AM
I wish we could get some of the gals to give us their oppinion on this. There are many ways but you probably don't want to get arrested, get the sh-t kicked out of you etc. or pepper sprayed so it's a fine line. I always figured if a guy went to one of those fetish balls (I realize they may not live near anything like it) and had a sign that read "Lady's please kick me in the balls" you could get more kicks than you could ever want. The only problem is I'm sure there would be guys wanting to kick you too but once a gal gets a drink in her plus the fetish environment would make it a sure thing.:D
So, in other words, the school I went to. Gotcha.
04-25-2006, 05:24 PM
Cmon guys!!
You can't just walk down the street with a silly t-shirt yelling "bust me lady, please"! Much people can't understand ballbusting! You just have to look for a girl that likes it (a real ballbuster) and then make her angry... this is the only way it works, except complicity!!!!!!
I expecially don't like the "wannabe-raper" solution: even if you can block the non-ballbust attacks (you know there will ba a reaction... cmon! To stop a pepper-spray you just need to put your hand on the target line) how would you feel if the girl starts crying or screaming or she calls for help??
So the only problem is: how to find a ballbuster? There are many ways: make girls drink at parties and then make 'em angry (it works! If there is a ballbuster among the girls, she will always go for the balls when drunk! Alcohol helps a lot!), start a discussion about the strongest sex or about fighting (soon you will discover the girls you'll have to be friend with), just start playfighting (this is my favourite method! One of the ballbusters i discovered is my actual girlfriend!)...
I think that's all! Hope i did help you!
04-25-2006, 07:38 PM
:Baahaha: :Baahaha: :Baahaha: :Baahaha: :Baahaha: :Baahaha: :Baahaha:
A complete stranger.
Well, one should just be abusive with one's thighs wide apart.
Perhaps a sign on the torso with a downward facing arrow titled 'Kick Me in the Balls'
This would work very well on a Friday and Saturday night as all of the United Kingdom gets pissed and ultra violent on the streets.
Be warned, the kicks may well be for real, with no regard for the pleasure principle, which is what most into ballbusting do it for.
Kindly let us know the results of your search.
Kindest of Regards
TonyR 'da Rambler':) :D ;) :Baahaha:
04-25-2006, 07:47 PM
Well quoted Bro Iagree,
The law is quite firm about such busts.
Perhaps I should run for office somewhere and make changes to this so that our dude could get racked all day long. The United Kingdom would be ideal as we have so many surveilence cameras watching us, the most of any nation on the planet. Then with all the numerous reality cop shows, we could watch the weekly collection of busts. Perhaps the show could be called, 'Lights, Cameras, Ballbusts'
Or one could have live casts called, 'Ballbusts Live and Direct'
Ignorance of the law, is a crime in itself'
TonyR 'da Rambler':) :D ;) :Baahaha: :Baahaha:
Its a good trick but not completely legal. There have been several incidents in obscure news recently of individuals getting busted for trying to get busted. There seems to be a recognition that this is a sexually motivated act and as a law student I have learned that most crimes that are sexually based have statutes behind them that define the crime as sexual b/c the motivation for the act is to get aroused. So although the act being sought is not sexual to the woman, and in fact she is technically assualting you, if your goal is determined to be to get aroused and especially if the lady figures this out and is offended disgusted etc. by it it could still land you in some hot water.
04-25-2006, 11:24 PM
Here is a t-shirt which offends plenty of women, but not all of them. (If you can stomache wearing something that is not offensive to ALL women, this may work to find the ballbusters) ====>
Arrow pointing down to crotch.
Above arrow, printing in style of the "got milk?" ads -- but says, "got wang?"
I was living with some friends, and one of the guys got THAT SHIRT and one of the girls said it was offensive and faked a punch to his gonads; so he ALMOST got what he wanted, but she was another guy's girl (in the same house n' stuff), so the faked-out punch is all he could really expect from her.
Probably does wonders to alienate all the chicks who would not like him anyway. :D
04-25-2006, 11:47 PM
if you want to get a consensus from regular girls, go to and ask some girls there.
04-26-2006, 10:28 AM
So, in other words, the school I went to. Gotcha.
Trouble- I think that there is a gal in just about every state that wants to kick you in the nuts.:D
04-27-2006, 08:19 PM
I seriously wonder why that could possibly be.:D :D
Trouble- I think that there is a gal in just about every state that wants to kick you in the nuts.:D
04-27-2006, 11:52 PM
I seriously wonder why that could possibly be.:D :D
Well, there's a little trick to it: I am a serious jerk when I put my mind to it. Now, those of you who live with female types are probably used to the usual aggravated female, because, like it or not, men (i.e., those of us with huevos) are biologically incapable of caring whether you want us to leave the toilet seat down or not. However, that doesn't take being a real serious, down-and-dirty jerk, that just takes having a y-chromosome.
Now, with Trouble: you get the Real Deal. He doesn't remember your birthday. He doesn't remember your anniversary. He doesn't remember Valentine's Day. Heck, he doesn't remember HIS OWN birthday. He takes down your photograph and hangs up one of Jennifer Aniston where the girlfriend's pic used to be.
We are talking one serious, grade-Z, capital L loser of a jerk-hole. But that's just when I want to get kicked in the nuts; the rest of the time I am just incapable of caring about my ladyfriend's opinion about leaving the toilet seat up. Or down. Whatever she said. (I wasn't listening.)
04-28-2006, 09:30 AM
i have walked our local red light district and asked the street girls to kick me and for £5 they have been happy to do just that that way im not upsetting anyone.
04-28-2006, 11:12 AM
:Baahaha: :Baahaha: :Baahaha:
Too much!!!:Baahaha: :Baahaha: :Baahaha:
Well, there's a little trick to it: I am a serious jerk when I put my mind to it. Now, those of you who live with female types are probably used to the usual aggravated female, because, like it or not, men (i.e., those of us with huevos) are biologically incapable of caring whether you want us to leave the toilet seat down or not. However, that doesn't take being a real serious, down-and-dirty jerk, that just takes having a y-chromosome.
Now, with Trouble: you get the Real Deal. He doesn't remember your birthday. He doesn't remember your anniversary. He doesn't remember Valentine's Day. Heck, he doesn't remember HIS OWN birthday. He takes down your photograph and hangs up one of Jennifer Aniston where the girlfriend's pic used to be.
We are talking one serious, grade-Z, capital L loser of a jerk-hole. But that's just when I want to get kicked in the nuts; the rest of the time I am just incapable of caring about my ladyfriend's opinion about leaving the toilet seat up. Or down. Whatever she said. (I wasn't listening.)
04-29-2006, 01:43 PM
Well, there's a little trick to it: I am a serious jerk when I put my mind to it. Now, those of you who live with female types are probably used to the usual aggravated female, because, like it or not, men (i.e., those of us with huevos) are biologically incapable of caring whether you want us to leave the toilet seat down or not. However, that doesn't take being a real serious, down-and-dirty jerk, that just takes having a y-chromosome.
Now, with Trouble: you get the Real Deal. He doesn't remember your birthday. He doesn't remember your anniversary. He doesn't remember Valentine's Day. Heck, he doesn't remember HIS OWN birthday. He takes down your photograph and hangs up one of Jennifer Aniston where the girlfriend's pic used to be.
We are talking one serious, grade-Z, capital L loser of a jerk-hole. But that's just when I want to get kicked in the nuts; the rest of the time I am just incapable of caring about my ladyfriend's opinion about leaving the toilet seat up. Or down. Whatever she said. (I wasn't listening.)
I guess that there is a verity of "approaches" to our thing ranging in scale:
Some wimpy guys like it when a mean mistress BB their nice and thoughtful little ass, and some devilish like it when they drive their nice little "Miss Muppet" into rage.
I think it's quit interesting considering that this is somewhat of a "specific" fetish.
04-29-2006, 06:31 PM
Wear a T-Shirt that says "BALLS OF STEEL"
It won't get you kivked in the nuts out of the blue, but it would probably be a great conversation starter - then you might be able to mention your fondness for ballbusting.
Good luck
04-30-2006, 12:38 AM
Ooh! And Trouble's OTHER trick: waiting until the chick (the one he's been nailing for some months now) is almost, but not quite, out of earshot, and then asking one of her friends, "Okay, that girl? You know, the one with the fake nobs that I've been hammering? What is her NAME??? What? 'Elaine'? Oh! EILEEN! Yeah, that sounds right."
Extra Credit: Accidentally call her Elaine a few times to really rub it in.
P.S.: I really did NOT KNOW Eileen's name.
06-05-2006, 07:21 AM
well Smack, I think that you're the guru of this teenage kids.
watch this devious kid "working" the unsuspecting girl and telling her she "missed" only to get some more...
Another bunch working 3 highschool girls. very cute.....
I got to ask you guys: anyone else into this innocence kicking thing?
[very off topic and off femaledom.
A cute white girl dancer shakin' that ass infront of the cam:]
06-07-2006, 05:48 AM
Afternoon all. Just joined and thought I should post some stuff. Enjoying reading so far, though it does stop me working...
I ended up finding a girl on the faceparty website. I sedn out a few random messages on there, just testing the waters etc, usually more around my foot and shoe fetish than busting per se. Not sure how well I would do just randomly messaging girls asking them to bust my balls - might be worth a try though!
Anyway, I met this girl, first time was just foot and shoe worship, nothing too wild, but it turned out she was into rather more. In fact she even mentioned that she had kicked a guy in the balls before and was into it :) :)
As you will imagine, we have met a few times since then, and enjoy a range of fun activities. We went from ball kicking and busting with her shoes on and my jeans on, to fully naked (me!). I have since been kicked every which way. Standing, lying, hands and knees from behind (Mmmmmmm). She has the ability to kick hard enough to feel good but not cripple, so I can take a lot of abuse over a couple of hours. I also love just lying at her feet while she puts a foot in my face and another on my cock and balls, with lots of pressure and pushing etc. She also used a few things on me, to really whack and hit the little suckers, and I once had 36 clothespegs all over my cock and balls, fun - especially when being whacked off with a ruler! :) What else? Hmmmm, had my cock and balls tied up with string and pulled around. Lots of other humiliating stuff which I am happy to share if appropriate, though not really ball busting. A couple of main themes now is I am always naked and she is fully clothed, and I dont get relief, just sent away with aching balls! Lovely :)
Anyway, happy to answer questions. Just thinking it has been too long since I let her at my balls. Looking forward to sharing more on here.
06-08-2006, 11:53 PM
:) :):bananad: ............:wooow
06-09-2006, 04:03 PM
I have found one technique that works for me is to compliment a girl on how beautiful her feet and legs are. If she likes that I just go from there, a little foot fetish action, massaging, kissing etc...:bananajum Girls love having their feet rubbed!:iluvu: I just keep going and seeing how far we can go. Maybe a little footrub on my crotch and if they like that then we bring up the kicking and by then they should be right in the mood!:jumpsmile
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