View Full Version : Deep heat muscle cream
04-21-2005, 06:29 PM
Anybody here ever experimented with deep heat muscle cream? It hurts like a bitch when rubbed on the balls. Advice appreciated :)
Kim mentions this as kinky tip No. 6 (
PS. Sara will suggest tomorrow that I start this thread
PPS. Warning: Once the cream is applied there is little going back
04-21-2005, 07:12 PM
I have used both Deep Heat and Vicks on the crotch of my panties, feels GREAT in tight jeans and makes a walk to town WAY more fun :p
04-21-2005, 07:16 PM
i'd be curious to see what it felt like to put that stuff on balls. if you've tried that, can youdescribe it at all. like, does it feel like a burning or is it more of the type of pain you'd get from a hit or squeeze?
04-21-2005, 08:12 PM
I only tried deep heat (Ralgex) once many years ago. From that experience I can say that it takes a while to get ‘warmed up’ (so be warned). As it wasn’t so bad I just added a bit more and got quite a pleasant sort of burning. I had a good wank :) Then the stuff really kicked in to give a deep burning ache. It got too much (I’m a lightweight remember) and cussed myself for being such a perv. It took way more than an hour to ‘cool down’. I’m still inquisitiv about it but thought I’d see if anybody had any advice before I continue my experiments. I think one of the problems for me is that I only like pain when I’m aroused (otherwise it just fucking hurts). Trouble is I can’t think of anyway of turning the stuff off afterwards (?)
Hmmm, I’ve never tied Vicks Julie although I imagine it probably has more of an effect on the membranes of female genitalia than it would on testicles (anybody know?). What about toothpaste? (see sex tip No. 14 at link below).
You are SUCH a kinky girl. :iluvu:
04-21-2005, 08:16 PM
It's a lot like a burning feel. It starts slowly and then tends to get worse for a couple of minutes. After about ten to fifteen minutes, it starts to tail off unless reapplied. Although I could be wrong about the time. It might be less than that if things seem longer than they are.
It's not quite like a fire burning sensation. More like the feeling you get in your mouth when you eat food which is too spicy, except in your genitals. As I understand it it's a matter of direct chemical stimulation of your pain receptors. It's definitely quite intense, but it's not actually harmful.
In my experience, it's fairly easy to wash off with soap and water to get to a level where it's no longer intense pain. However, there will still be some tingling as it's tough to get all of it. Immersing the area in cold water (i.e. taking a seat in a bath tub) seems to do a good job neutralizing most any chemical burn, but it's generally only temporary, but it gives you time to wash it off thoroughly if you want. I've tried Icy Hot and cayenne pepper (make sure you know what you're doing with this one. Start with very, very small amounts).
04-21-2005, 08:26 PM
I typed my last post before I saw inquisitiv's last post. I suspect that Vicks would feel about the same on both sets of organs. The other chemicals tend to. Essentially, the thin, sensitive skin of the testicles (and anus for that matter) winds up being about like the mucous membranes found in areas like the mouth, eyes, nose, and vagina in terms of sensitivity to most chemicals. Which reminds me, general hint for this type of play: you'll regret it if you rub your eyes or pick your nose.
In my years reading these sort of boards, I've seen toothpaste mentioned a lot. I've never seen anyone actually report getting a noticable sensation from it. All I've ever heard are people saying that they heard from someone that it would cause a burning sensation. What I know for sure is that no toothpaste that I own causes a burning sensation no matter how much is applied or where. This makes sense since one would expect that that which burns the genitals burns the mouth. Maybe there is some brand of toothpaste -somewhere- which causes a burning feeling when applied to the skin, but until I hear someone actually report finding one, I'm skeptical.
I've also seen people mention coca cola several times. I have no idea why. I could not imagine that it would cause any interesting sensation on the testicles, but to be scientific, I tried it, and frankly, it didn't do a thing.
These recent discussions are making me feel like an old timer. I'm only 29. Of course, most of the stuff which has come up, I tried by the time I was 23 or so.
04-21-2005, 08:32 PM
Is the burn just the scrotum or does it actually effect and cause pain in the testicles. Im not a big fan of scrotal pain just ball pain.
04-21-2005, 08:38 PM
In my experience, it's fairly easy to wash off with soap and water to get to a level where it's no longer intense pain. However, there will still be some tingling as it's tough to get all of it. Immersing the area in cold water (i.e. taking a seat in a bath tub) seems to do a good job neutralizing most any chemical burn, but it's generally only temporary, but it gives you time to wash it off thoroughly if you want.Hi smack,
Our posts uploaded 4 min apart so I didn’t know what was coming either. Thanks for the soap and water tip. I’ll be more likely to experiment knowing that I can ‘get out of jail’. I think these creams differ in their amounts of, and specific type of, active ingredient. Some of the things hurt like hell when applied anywhere – so start easy.
04-21-2005, 08:40 PM
Is the burn just the scrotum or does it actually effect and cause pain in the testicles. Im not a big fan of scrotal pain just ball pain. It’s a ‘deep’ heat and gets yer balls :)
Wow this is a fast burning thread!
04-22-2005, 12:05 AM
Some people are extremely sensitive to toothpaste. During one of "my turns," I used Crest on one of my ex's nipples. At first, she didn't feel anything, then she safeworded, then I took it off, then she cried for 15 minutes.
I don't play with chems anymore. More power to you if you do.
04-22-2005, 04:03 AM
I once managed to get a couple of drops of anti-perpirant-deodorant spray transferred from my fingertips to the tip of my penis. It burnt so fiercely that there were soon tears in my eyes. I remember it was very difficult to wash off, as the anti-perspirant seemed to keep itself dry as it clung to the skin, pushing the water away. The burning sensation took about 20 minutes to subside, but it definitely taught me to be more careful when handling chems.
David B.
04-22-2005, 07:54 AM
Not to be contrary, but I'm going to disagree with inquistiv in his answer to iagree. I don't find the chemical sensations to ever go deep. I always feel them right at the skin, so I would say it's definitely scrotal.
That's part of why I don't do them that much. I like scrotal pain, but deep ball pain is better.
04-22-2005, 09:18 AM
i will have to agree with Smack, i have had deep heat and ben gay on my balls quite a few times and i haven't felt the sensation in my balls just at the scrotum and what a sensation that is, it brings tears to my eyes ... lol.
04-22-2005, 12:40 PM
I've had Icy-Hot applied to the old nut sack and didn't care for it much. As Inquisitiv said, there ain't no going back and trying to rub it off makes it worse. :(
04-22-2005, 03:11 PM
Not to be contrary, but I'm going to disagree with inquistiv in his answer to iagree. I don't find the chemical sensations to ever go deep. I always feel them right at the skin, so I would say it's definitely scrotal.
That's part of why I don't do them that much. I like scrotal pain, but deep ball pain is better.I think smack is far more qualified to comment than I. I tried this just once and over 20 years ago. I just remember that it hurt like a bitch. Maybe that pain just makes me think it must’ve been testicular (?). I too am not into scrotal pain. Maybe I should just try it again and see? Thanks to all for the input on this one :)
05-13-2005, 07:52 AM
I guess stinging nettles would only induce scrotal pain too (?)
05-13-2005, 08:50 AM
I've had Icy-Hot applied to the old nut sack and didn't care for it much. As Inquisitiv said, there ain't no going back and trying to rub it off makes it worse. :(
I've used the same product (and had it used on me) and alone it is not all that great... as an added sensation in other play it was a nice addition though.
12-20-2007, 12:52 PM
Movie with stinging nettles here:
12-20-2007, 01:35 PM
If you enjoy getting hit, it is not for certain you will enjoy Icy Hot. That stuff really feels like it is burning. I think the worst spot is if you get it on the under side of your urethra. Ouch!
It doesn't wash off with soap. You have to use something oil based, or just suffer for 15 minutes or sometimes longer.
It's not something I'd like to do again.
If anyone has used coca cola, what's the thrill? Does it hurt? What's it like?
01-04-2008, 09:03 AM
If anyone has used coca cola, what's the thrill? Does it hurt? What's it like?
Sometimes yes. If your gland is dry and you dip it in a glass of coke, letting it sit for a bit, a burn will start and it gets worse the longer you hold it in. It makes since since Coke is after all an acid, carbonic I think.
As to on the scrotum, I've never noticed anything.
01-05-2008, 07:55 AM
Not sure if this is the same stuff as you mentioned when referring to Icy Hot, but Ice Gel is pretty good as well. Basically the exact opposite of Deep Heat. Deep Heat gave me a slight swelling as well as burning, and Ice Gel gave me a slight reduction in teste size....never used one after the other, that'd be way nuts, but yeah....if you like a good "squeeze" with a bit of a burning feeling, Ice Gel is good! Can't believe people actually want the feeling to go away after 2-3 minutes (washing it off etc?!?!)....10-15 minutes is just the right amount of time for a bit of pain!
01-05-2008, 08:40 AM
Not sure if this is the same stuff as you mentioned when referring to Icy Hot, but Ice Gel is pretty good as well. Basically the exact opposite of Deep Heat. Deep Heat gave me a slight swelling as well as burning, and Ice Gel gave me a slight reduction in teste size....never used one after the other, that'd be way nuts, but yeah....if you like a good "squeeze" with a bit of a burning feeling, Ice Gel is good! Can't believe people actually want the feeling to go away after 2-3 minutes (washing it off etc?!?!)....10-15 minutes is just the right amount of time for a bit of pain!
If you tie your balls up, the cold makes them shrink and puts pressure on them.
01-03-2009, 11:21 AM
On a few occasions over the years I have experimented with applying red pepper cream to different parts of my genitals while performing CBT. I make the cream by mixing equal parts of coarse crushed red pepper and lotion. I use the coarse red pepper used in pizza shakers. As part of the CBT, I coat small areas of the scrotum or shaft with the cream while enjoying other activities such as binding and clamps. If you try this be careful since it takes a while for the skin to get hot and just as long to cool it down ... usually 5 to 15 minutes. I use cold water or a cold cloth for cooling the skin. I like to get started by inserting a pea size amount into the tip of my cock & down the urethra about an inch. I have tried this about a dozen times over the past few years with no ill effects. A small amount inserted into the tip is quite pleasurable and as I develop pre-cum, a tingling-burning descends down my shaft. I always drink a lot of water and am ready to pee when it becomes too intense! Anyone have experience with this type of urethral play involving hot lotions in the urethra? I ask because yesterday I pushed the envelop by squirting a teaspoon of the coarse cream down my urethra with an eye dropper followed by a very large vitamin E pill as a penis plug. This activity was an intense turn-on and I am continuing to fantisize about this. The vitamin pill coating dissolved after a few minutes and was easily ejected. The majority of the burning went away as soon as I urinated. I really enjoyed the discomfort, but I am concerned about safety. I am interested in hearing about others experiences with this type of activity.
01-04-2009, 12:59 AM
If you are into lotions like deep heat, vickes, icy hot etc, then give chilli oil a try, you can get it from pretty much any supermarket, on the isle with all the cooking oils and things, the best one to get is the bottles with the chillies still in them (much stronger)
I remember an adventurous girl tied me to the bed and blindfolded me once, many years ago, she told me she was going to give me the best handjob i had ever had, then poured the oil all over my cock and balls, and dribbled a little into my urethra, it felt amazing for about 30 seconds and then the burning started! as she slowly wanked me, the burning seemed to get worse, i mentioned this to her and all she did was laugh, get up off the bed and walk out, leaving me to suffer untill my flatmate came home about 3 hours later.
Apparently she was pissed at me for going out drinking without her, we broke up a little while after but i still fantasise about having this done to me again, but maybe finish the hj...or at least stay around to untie me!
01-04-2009, 04:32 AM
I would NOT try this, lol. This seems like all pain and no pleasure :(
01-09-2009, 11:42 AM
Anybody here ever experimented with deep heat muscle cream? It hurts like a bitch when rubbed on the balls. Advice appreciated :)
Kim mentions this as kinky tip No. 6 (
PS. Sara will suggest tomorrow that I start this thread
PPS. Warning: Once the cream is applied there is little going back
Had my GF apply some deep heat to my balls once and it's an intense but good sensation. It did not hurt as much as I thought it would.
01-09-2009, 12:04 PM
try painting the underside with nail polish.. it is a wonderful burn!!
01-09-2009, 05:46 PM
I once had my balls sprayed with 'Ralgex' - and I thought they were on fire!!
Another good burning sensation comes from Ginger root. I was made tp wear a 'fig' as part of a task about a year ago...and She rubbed my cock end with the Ginger as well. OMG!!! Talk about a burning sensation!! It only lasted for about 20 minutes but it was 20 minutes of agony!!
01-10-2009, 07:44 AM
I've had Icy hot rubbed on my nipples and balls while I was tied, it was great as long as she was working me over, really enhanced the experence, she however dipped a cotton swab in aolochol and ran that down my cock as I came. That was not fun, for several days afterward!
01-10-2009, 08:34 AM
I've never put it on my testicles, but I've put it on my armpits by accident. I HATED IT. It's a burning pain from hell... and it doesnt go away.
I would never put it on my testicles
01-14-2009, 04:56 PM
She doesn't do it very often, but my girl loves to put deep heat on my balls. Sometimes she'll spray them with deoderant - both very painful and she loves to laugh at me as i lie there in pain :)
Good news - for keyholders anyway "Deep Heat Muscle Rescue Neck and Shoulder Cream". It has a soft sponge applicator that makes it very easy to use with out getting on your fingers. At least as potent as regular Deep Heat but without that nasty smell.
If you are into lotions like deep heat, vickes, icy hot etc, then give chilli oil a try, you can get it from pretty much any supermarket, on the isle with all the cooking oils and things, the best one to get is the bottles with the chillies still in them (much stronger)
I remember an adventurous girl tied me to the bed and blindfolded me once, many years ago, she told me she was going to give me the best handjob i had ever had, then poured the oil all over my cock and balls, and dribbled a little into my urethra, it felt amazing for about 30 seconds and then the burning started! as she slowly wanked me, the burning seemed to get worse, i mentioned this to her and all she did was laugh, get up off the bed and walk out, leaving me to suffer untill my flatmate came home about 3 hours later.
Apparently she was pissed at me for going out drinking without her, we broke up a little while after but i still fantasise about having this done to me again, but maybe finish the hj...or at least stay around to untie me!
Wow this is an amazing story...
09-07-2013, 12:07 AM
Good news - for keyholders anyway "Deep Heat Muscle Rescue Neck and Shoulder Cream". It has a soft sponge applicator that makes it very easy to use with out getting on your fingers. At least as potent as regular Deep Heat but without that nasty smell.
As a lover of female hands I would appreciate and advise the use of medical gloves on the Lady's wonderful hands.
A great look anyway anytime.
As a lover of female hands I would appreciate and advise the use of medical gloves on the Lady's wonderful hands.
A great look anyway anytime.
True and pretty much essential with most heat rubs but there are times when its nice not to have to dress upl.
09-07-2013, 05:55 PM
T'was just an idea to protect the lovely dommes pretty hands from damage.
So, maybe you want to do this spontaniously. In that case just go ahead and do it.
If you plan to go to the movies and want your slave to have something nice to feel while watching, just give him a rub shortly before starting off.... ;)
Castratrix's pet
09-08-2013, 08:27 AM
If she does it right she could give her victim the sensation of her c@strating him. Read something some years ago where a guy said his wife and some of her girlfriends tied him to the bed. The wife told her girlfriends that she was going to c@strate him. She slowly applied something real hot that he sais really burned and hurt like she was cutting. She also used some kind of fake blood for effect. Then at the end she cleaned as much of the hot stuff off as she could and applied Ora-Jell which numbed his sack and balls so it felt like they were gone. She held up what she said were his balls and because of the pain followed by numbness he thought she had really c@strated him. He said it really played good with his mind. He had a huge hard-on and even came even though it hurt like hell. He said after that she sometimes threatened to do it for real.
T'was just an idea to protect the lovely dommes pretty hands from damage.
So, maybe you want to do this spontaniously. In that case just go ahead and do it.
If you plan to go to the movies and want your slave to have something nice to feel while watching, just give him a rub shortly before starting off.... ;)
I like to have the option to do it at the movies! <weg>
09-09-2013, 12:13 AM
I like to have the option to do it at the movies! <weg>
I'd like to be by your side then...
11-11-2013, 09:40 PM
Part of the experience for me is the smell.
Good news - for keyholders anyway "Deep Heat Muscle Rescue Neck and Shoulder Cream". It has a soft sponge applicator that makes it very easy to use with out getting on your fingers. At least as potent as regular Deep Heat but without that nasty smell.
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