View Full Version : Is Enjoying Being Busted Addictive? For how long?
04-22-2005, 05:55 AM
I recently did a post on "is it the sound of her voice" and an associated "icey cold" one.
In the former I asked if the sound of my voice had an effect during the bb session, and it seems its more how things are said than what is said. I still think a low voice works best though :)
In the latter my bf got a good kick or two (my first real ones!) and the discussion went around if this brought out his competetive nature in overcoming the pain and how he behaved afterwards.
Well, since the bb session my bf and his balls have certainly recovered ! He is very keen on sex - anywhere ;) I only have to get a hold of his balls and whisper how hard they are or ask what has he got in them for me and he is up and ready. He is happy if I grind a knee into them sometimes too - I think this reminds him of Its certainly making for a very active relationship :D
My only doubt is how long this will last, the bb kicks were his first and I'm sure there will be a time when he wants to "prove" himself again. So, any views on how long his bb high will last, and if we do it again (please :Baahaha: ) will his high last so long next time?
Aggie x
04-22-2005, 12:47 PM
I'm not sure if this is what you mean but if he knows that busting his balls really turns you on and makes you hot for sex he will comply when ever and wherever.
04-23-2005, 01:16 AM
Oh, why people got to go and bring up relationship stuff? You know we hate to think about the realities of all this stuff.
Okay, start here: variation is the spice that keeps relationships gooooood. Find something that the two of you really like and enjoy together? Well, don't stay there; come back to it, as often as it is still good, but go for novelty as much as possible.
Grab his extra-vulnerable nuts and say, in a low voice, "God, I could hurt you...." Look at his eyes, feel the pulse of his heartbeat in his balls. And then don't hurt him.
Sometime, knee him in the balls for no reason. Make it up to him after.
Spend some time holding his testicles while in bed and telling him about the ways you are going to hurt him. Don't use the low voice, be bright and cheerful and conversational. Do guys freak out when a chick grabs their balls and says in a cheerful voice, "I was at work the other day, and I thought of throwing a baseball at your nuts, so I'm going to write that down. Oh, overhand! Yeah, for sure, but not a real fastball, of course." You KNOW guys freak out when they realize that their reproductive organs are in the palm of a psycho.
Remember to look him over sometimes and tell him what a MANNNNNN-LY hunk of meat he is.
Keep the variation up and keep coming back to old favourites. You probably do most of the above already. If you were doing that to ME, I'd probably forget that I have a crush on EvilGrl and have built a shrine to her in my- uh, never mind.
Don't just addict the guy to BB; addict him to BB and everything else. He probably already is addicted to all that you've got to offer; just keep increasing the number of things that you two do. You're probaby doing just fine, no? Kick his balls sparingly (keep it a treat), be loving, be communicative, and that's it for my Dr. Phil routine for the day.
04-26-2005, 11:12 AM
Hello Magnum and Trouble,
and thanks for your posts. It looks pretty clear how you'd like things to go Trouble ! :)
My real query is not around teasing and pleasing, which happen a lot anyway and are central to how things are ;) , but on kicking his balls again. Its fine with me after last time (my reeboks are ready), and if I'm honest I can't wait.
BUT... its not something I'd want to do too often, or something I'd want to feel obliged to do as the fun would go out of it. On the other hand, if he loves it and keeps his hands on me...
Aggie x
PS maybe I'll work up towards another kick or two very soon though :D
04-26-2005, 10:19 PM
Hello Magnum and Trouble,
and thanks for your posts. It looks pretty clear how you'd like things to go Trouble !
Ah never claimed to be intelligimint, Ah gist knows whut works and what don't. (Comes from lotsa trial and error.)
You can addict him to BB, almost certainly. From the pain, the fear, or the memory of a lover making it up to him after busting his yahoos, he'll get addicted to the rush, the adrenaline, the naughty aspect of it, SOMETHING... most likely. Either that or he'll call you a psycho and end it suddenly, but since he's agreed to try it and he got through it before, he's already at least halfway won.
Remember, we have used careful and meticulous scientific study (okay, we eyeballed it, but that's all scientists really do, anyway), and if he is in the vicinity of 180cm in height, then he is in Dah Zone for being a ball-bustee. And your, ahem, 'height' is 34c, right? The EXACT size that marks a buster. Yah'll are perfect together.
How long can you keep him addicted? Probably for even longer than your Reeboks will last. From my message, I am a-sayin' that the way to make the addiction stronger and last longer is to use a lot of variation. Mmmmm. Variation. Good for your enjoyment, good for his.
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