View Full Version : Sara, A Bondage Question Out Of Curiosity ??
In the thread "HAVING OTHER FEMALES TO PRESENT" you stated "Maybe. . .
As long as they're tied up! "----- and it made me curious, how do you view bondage ? I mean to you like to tie your partner(s) up first before you BB them or do you just do it for the fun of it ?
04-22-2005, 11:51 PM
In the thread "HAVING OTHER FEMALES PRESENT" you stated "Maybe. . .
As long as they're tied up! "----- and it made me curious, how do you view bondage ? I mean to you like to tie your partner(s) up first before you BB them or do you just do it for the fun of it ?
I prefer to have the guy tied up for several reasons:
For my benefit.) I'm much less likely to get hit by a knee or arm while the guy is instinctively trying to protect his balls. I don't want to get a 'black eye' or have my face bruised or even hurt because of a bit of consentual fun with an intimate partner.
For his benefit.) Some guys say they like it that way because they get turned on by having their prized genitals helplessly at the mercy of a sexy female who is handling, manipulating, playing with, squeezing, slapping, striking, or abusing their 'private parts' in other ways.
So, yes. I like to tie my partner up before ballbusting.
Do I like to tie him up just "for the fun of it"? You mean without any ballbusting or any other sexual/erotic activity? No, not really. Not unless we incorporate him being tied up into some kind of sexual fun or games.
I suppose I'd make an exception for a "bad guy" that I wanted to punish though. In a case like that, I'd not only use bondage but I'd probably also like to include a generous prolonged private session of genital torture that could include all kinds of ballbusting (including the most severe variations) plus maybe needles, fire, a sharp knife or razor, whacking sticks, stone throwing, severe stretching, maybe some harmful chemical substances, some lard smeared on for the benefit of a hungry carnivorous pet, and oh so much more! But I'd reserve that kind of treatment for a really bad guy who I was really angry at! ;) Not just for fun. Although now that I'm thinking about it, it sounds like it could be fun if there were no negative repercussions of any kind! :Baahaha: *Ahem* Any volunteers? :D
- Sara :)
04-23-2005, 12:21 PM
For Sure! I'd love to totally break into your appartment, knock over random belongings, leave the toilet seat up, pee everywhere but in the bowl, leave the fridge door open, use all the dishes and then when I'm tired of tossing the sofa cusions everywhere, fall asleep in your bed. I'd even pretend to stay asleep while you tied my feet to ...
HMMM, Tied up by SARA, waiting and fearing what she might has planned for her "FUN" evening-- THE LINE STARTS BEHIND ME :ibow4u:
04-24-2005, 12:55 AM
She's eithe going to regret asking for volunteers or relish the result.
Where do we sit while waiting for our turn? Got any beer? Mind if we watch The Game while we wait? How about getting us some pretzels? Ooh, is this stuff your homework? Can I play with it? Nice place you have here...
She's eithe going to regret asking for volunteers or relish the result.
Where do we sit while waiting for our turn? Got any beer? Mind if we watch The Game while we wait? How about getting us some pretzels? Ooh, is this stuff your homework? Can I play with it? Nice place you have here...
UH, TROUBLE I think the sitting position she would choose maybe a weeeeee bit uncomfortable for us ;) :(
04-25-2005, 03:56 AM
You really want the treatment that I'd give a really bad guy who I'm really angry at?
I hadn't figured on that.
By "no negative repercussions" I meant for me, of course. For you there would definitely be very negative effects. Extremely negative. Permanent effects. Nasty stuff.
The things you mentioned that you'd do to make me angry enough at you to give you the extremely bad treatment sound annoying, but not enough to make me really angry.
What would make me sufficiently angry to give you the really nasty treatment would be something like attempted ****, violent assault, or an attempt to kill -- directed at me or one of my relatives or loved ones.
But assuming you really want to get treated like a bad guy who I'm really angry at, get ready for it now!
You tried to **** me in your car, remember? I pretended to like it, but suggested that you at least rent a motel room so we can continue having "fun" in a more comfortable and private place. You like the idea of having me in a private place all alone. That way you can do whatever you want with me with no disturbances.
So, you rented this Motel room to continue having sex with me, and whatever else your sick mind has planned. You registered and paid at the front desk as a single overnight customer, using your real name, with your credit card. You left your motel door unlocked so I could get in. You had droppd me off a block away so nobody would see us going into the motel room together. Nobody here saw me arrive and enter your room. I locked your door from the inside after hanging the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the outside of your door. You thought that was a good idea, because you want to take advantage of me. You're thinking that you can get away with it because if I told the cops you tried to **** me -- it would be your word against mine and I wouldn't have any proof. You think you're so clever by taking precautions.
But I have something quite different planned.
You offered me a drink, so we're having one each. That drink I gave you had knockout drops in it. You didn't even notice me putting the drops in your drink. I had the knockout drops in a vial in my purse. You were thinking so much about all the things you're planning to do to me that it wasn't hard for me to add the drops to your drink when you weren't watching. You drank it all, so you're starting to feel tired, weak and a bit dizzy. It doesn't take long to affect you. You're feeling too tired to move now. You were sitting on the bed, so I'm taking off all of your clothes now. You seem aware of what's happening, but the drug makes you not care, as well as making you too sleepy to object or even move much.
I find your wallet and remove all the cash. I find your car keys and quickly check to see what's in your car. In the trunk of your car I find some ropes and a hunting knife. Looks like you were planning to tie me up and **** me. And a hunting knife? You were going to use that to threaten, hurt ot torture me, I guess. That stuff in your car trunk makes me think that maybe you've done some nasty things to other girls. Or maybe what you had in mind for me is a fantasy of yours, and you were just waiting to find a pretty young woman like me under the right circumtances.
Now that you're completely naked, I'll tie your hands and feet to the 4 bedposts.There! You can't get loose by yourself now.
You're a sex pervert and you're dangerous. Guys who **** or tie up girls to torture them shouldn't be left free to do that ever again.
I've read that it's testosterone that fuels your sex drive. Your misguided sex drive wouldn't exist without testosterone. It's produced mainly in your testicles, so ********** will get rid of your perverted sex drive. I'm going to cure you.
I've also read that a guy with no nuts can recover his sex drive with the hormone testosterone, either through injections or patches. I can't let that happen. A ****** can't **** more victims without a penis though. So I'm going to cure you completely and permanently. I'm doing you a favor. Also a favor for any future **** victims you might have attacked. You might not like the idea of me curing you like this, but it'll keep you out of prison. If you were to be caught and convicted as a ****** some day, a few years in prison would be very hard on you. You wouldn't like how rapists like you are treated in prison.
Pardon? It isn't fair, you say? I know you probably think that way right now, but that'll change. In a couple of months your body will have adapted to the whole change, and you'll be wanting to thank me for having cured you. You'll become less aggressive. You'll be 'domesticated' and passive -- not just your behavior but your ideas and way of thinking too. And not only will you be physically incapable of ****** anyone -- you won't waste so much time thinking about sex. You won't even be interested in sex after a couple of months.
I have most of what I need to cure you in my purse. It's not big enough for everything I'd like, but it'll have to do. We'll have to do without anesthetic, but that won't affect the operations since you can't move around much anyway. Here, let me stuff this facecloth into your mouth and tape your mouth well with this really sticky duct tape. We don't want you making too much noise. And you can still breathe fine through your nose. At least I have my sewing kit here. That means I can probably stitch you up enough so you don't bleed to death -- provided you cooperate by not wiggling around too much.
No hurry. I'm going to sit here and take a break for a few minutes. Another drink for me and a cigarette. I'll just think out loud about what comes next. ~~puff~~ ... I'm thinking that I'm being too nice to you by just curing you. You really deserve some kind of punishment for having tried to **** me. So before curing you, I'm going to punish you.
Let me have a look in my purse. Hmmm... Well, I have some pins, needles, razor blades, my lighter, and a pile of stuff that I'll have to look through. Then there's your hunting knife, and a tire iron from your car. In the bathroom there's one of those soap on a rope things.
While I look around the room and in my purse for more stuff, you just wait there.
Looks like "emby" died of a heart attack before I even got to the fun part.
Any of your buddies (other members) who want to take his place can post something below this.
- Sara :)
04-25-2005, 07:34 AM
Ok Sara,
You've got my attention... What are you going to do to my nuts with all those nasty items? Although the ********** threats are fun, if I have no nuts anymore, I can't be hurt. Ballbusting is no longer sexy or punishing without any balls. ********** is too merciful, like the block.. Make me suffer, punish me. Make me your stressball punching/punishing bag trapped in your house... HAHA yes!
Also, quick question... Do you ever switch? In other words, is there any ounce of Sara that enjoys being submissive? I enjoy both being dominant and submissive. Obviously a simple yes will do because I don't want to destroy any of the guys' fantasies here. But if it's no, please elaborate because it will make everybody here that much more fearful, and aroused. Lotsa detail please... :ibow4u:
04-25-2005, 01:58 PM
Although the ********** threats are fun, if I have no nuts anymore, I can't be hurt. Ballbusting is no longer sexy or punishing without any balls. ********** is too merciful, like the block.. Make me suffer, punish me. Make me your stressball punching/punishing bag trapped in your house... HAHA yes!
Some people don't seem to have read or understood the entire thread.
Rather than have people misunderstand the purpose and place of such an extreme treatment, I'll just end the thread here.
This is not something that I do. Sorry to have confused or mislead anyone.
- Sara :)
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