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05-02-2005, 10:58 AM
Hey here's some image manipulations of ball busting scenes - mostly taken from Matrock's excellent site. You can check out the unaltered pics there.

If anybody else has any let's see 'em!

05-02-2005, 10:59 AM
here's some more...

05-02-2005, 09:43 PM
Dude! You weren't kidding, those ARE really good! You captured the colours and lighting really well! Goods poses chosen to match the photos too. Nicely done, thanks for sharing!


11-07-2005, 06:17 PM
Manips along the sucking theme

11-08-2005, 01:08 AM
I was glad to revisit this thread. I'm stil floored by your photoshop skills. Really nice job matching the colors and angles. {applause}


12-17-2005, 12:22 PM
Jennifer Love Hewitt displays her ballbusting credentials

12-17-2005, 12:30 PM
Not really an image manip, but hey, i hope someone out there appreciates it.

12-18-2005, 05:55 PM
Do you take requests? I would like to see some gals standing on a guys balls with her bare feet. She would be crushing them on the ground between her foot and the floor. BTW, love your work.

12-18-2005, 08:43 PM
I'm afriad I'm not at the stage where I can take requests, I'm swamped with work at the moment, but soon...

Glad you like it - it's a bit of a mish-mash of styles, but I have a love for both photoshop and flash. I'll post what I make as I make it and that's the best I can do for now.

12-18-2005, 10:27 PM
All righty, then, let's do this by the book: Robert's Rules of Order! (sounds of groans from all over the world)

I hereby move that we put Jonoffen on salary, that our society of bb-worshipping perverted old selves may benefit, hereon, from ordering him to make pictures according to what we want to see; and that such salary shall be double whatever he is getting now, because the man's got GAME!

12-24-2005, 12:45 AM
very nice. Those pictures are awesome

12-24-2005, 08:15 AM
Great manipulations! I would love to see one of Jessica Alba someday if you get the chance. That girl's soo sexy and she has the look of sadistic ballbusting women. I'm a bit new to all this and was wondering how do you make these wonderful pics? What programs are used to achieve such fantastic work? thanx

12-25-2005, 08:32 AM
Allow me to add some off mine to this fine collection. :)

12-26-2005, 12:01 PM
I just use adobe photoshop. It takes a bit of practice and a keen eye for detail...as well as patience, but making them is simple. It's just finding the right photo's that is difficult - seeing as there aren't that many quality ballbust photo's out there for free.

The cartoon on is done in macromedia flash and isn't a simple, but just practice by using real photos as the base of your cartoon and build it up from there.

02-22-2006, 06:30 PM
I've just found a great mod for Half Life 2 called Garry's mod which lets you pose all the characters in interesting positions! The first pic is on i knocekd together in a few minutes - more complex bust on the way hopefully. The second pic is just something i put together for a kick.

02-23-2006, 12:10 PM
I love that second one. Excellent, you have a great imagination, I would never have thought to make a vid game out of it, very cool.:D

02-23-2006, 02:48 PM
A ballbust comic of sorts

04-04-2006, 12:41 PM
Tina growled angrily.
‘What’s up now?’ Liam asked wearily from the bed.
Tina turned around from the mirror and pulled on the front of her never-before-worn tops. ‘Look at this,’ she said, letting go the fabric so that it fell in baggy folds over her breasts. ‘She’s worn it and stretched it before I’ve even had a chance to go out in it.’
‘Who’s worn it?’
‘Guess?’ She put her hands up inside the top and pushed out the stretched areas to replicate a large set of tits. ‘Natalie of course; she’s always nicking my clothes and stretching them out with her big…’ she trailed off, but already Liam’s cock was twitching with the though of his girlfriend’s little sister and her massive rack.
‘I swear,’ she said, turning back to the mirror, ‘if I see her in another of my tops I’ll tear it off her.’
‘Come on, you always say that.’
‘No this time I will, I swear!’
An idea formed quickly in Liam’s head.

‘…and she just looks amazing in it,’ said Liam concluding his elaborate description of Tina’s just purchased teeny, tiny cotton top.
‘Wow,’ said Natalie. ‘That sounds gorgeous. How much was it?’
Liam smiled; he knew all he had to do was mention the price and the slender teen would be diving straight into Tina’s wardrobe. ‘Oh, about seventy quid,’ he exaggerated.
‘Wow.’ Liam could see the thought of wearing such an expensive garment taking hold of the sixteen year old’s materialistic brain. ‘Do you think it would look good on me?’ she asked finally.
Liam pretended to deliberate (with an excuse to ogle Natalie’s fantastic body he took his time and savoured the experience). He said finally, ‘Well, yeah, but Tina would kill you for wearing it.’
That settled it. Natalie was headed for Tina’s room instantly.
‘What were you two talking about?’ asked Tina returning from the kitchen.
‘Oh, nothing,’ Liam said, making himself comfortable for the show.
Seconds later there were heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. Tina was in Liam’s arms on the sofa when Natalie burst into the lounge and almost out of Tina’s low cut top. Tina’s eyes widened and so did Liam’s when he caught a load of Natalie’s abundant, jiggling cleavage. He felt his girlfriend tense as she too laid eyes on the magnificent spectacle. Tina’s teeth clenched firmly and she issued a low growl.
Natalie didn’t read the warning signals, so enthusiastic about showing off the snug fitting top. She said, oblivious, ‘What do you think?’ and then performed a tantalising twirl that left her gelatinous jugs swaying.
Tina’s blood boiled.
Natalie tugged at the material around her tightly packed in melons and added: ‘It’s a bit tight.’
That did it. ‘Tight?’ roared Tina. ‘Well, why don’t we stretch it out for you, eh?’ Springing from the sofa and out of Liam’s purposely-loose grasp, she grabbed the top and pulled it out at the chest so that Natalie’s jugs all but spilled free.
‘Tina!’ cried Natalie in horror.
‘Thieving bitch!’ Tina now grabbed the bottom of the top and yanked upward roughly. ‘Give it back!’
Liam took a sharp intake of breath as the top was lifted swiftly up to reveal the full, rounded underside of Natalie’s big breasts, but there the top’s removal was halted when Natalie caught a hold and fought back desperately.
‘Tina!’ she cried desperately. ‘I’m not wearing a bra!’
‘Tough titties!’ Tina yelled; pulling harder until the appearance of her sister’s salmon pink nipples seemed imminent.
Liam held his breath and prayed, but it wasn’t to be. Natalie struggled valiantly and managed to turn mostly away from Liam before the top was completely stripped off over her head. All Liam saw was the ample swell of flesh that was the side of Natalie’s right breast before she wrapped her arms around her abundant chest and made for the exit in tears.
‘Aren’t they your joggers too?’ Liam announced hopefully, pointing to Natalie’s tracksuit bottoms.
‘Yes, they are!’ Tina growled and before her little sister could make it out of the room, she caught her waistband and yanked downward. So unprepared for this was Natalie that she simply fell forward and completely out of the baggy trousers.
Liam managed to catch sight of her peachy ass for a brief moment before she fell out of the room and scurried away. He leapt from the couch to the doorway in time to see through the gaps in the banister her naked form racing up the stairs and then she was gone.
Left extremely excited, Liam couldn’t help feeling ultimately disappointed. He was desperate to see Natalie’s nipples; Tina’s were perfect specimens, but he had always craved them on a bigger model and Natalie was easily two cup sizes the bigger.
He sighed and slumped into the sofa, his throbbing hard-on still trying to force its way out of his jeans.
‘Little bitch,’ said Tina breathing heavily, she looked miserably at the stretched top. ‘Didn’t have a bra on; no wonder she stretches them out – her fat tits bouncing about.’ She stared at the top some more and then threw it aside.
‘Come here,’ said Liam, beckoning her closer. She moved in expecting a hug, but was surprised to be guided to her knees before his, quickly freed, stiff cock. ‘Now suck it bitch,’ he commanded, ******* her head down onto his straining meat.

Upstairs, Amy, Tina’s sister, the 18-year-old middle child, was surprised to see Natalie burst into their shared room bawling her eyes out and completely naked.
Not expecting to find her sister there, Natalie had stopped covering her baps and instead her hands covered her red and tear-drenched face. When she saw Amy staring bewildered, but impressed at her bounding rack she quickly turned away and her sobs turned to heart-rending wails.
‘What happened?’ asked Amy catching her shoulder. Feeling the warm touch, Natalie turned around and hugged Amy tightly.
‘Tina—pulled—my—top off—in—front—of—Liam,’ she spluttered in broken gasps.
‘There, there,’ comforted Amy; strangely enjoying the sensation of Natalie’s soft puppies squashing tightly against her own ample pair. ‘Why did Tina pull your top off in front of Liam?’
‘Because—she said—I’d—stolen it!’
Instantly Amy felt guilty. Only the day before she had “borrowed” Tina’s brand new top and done a pretty good job of stretching it out with her D-cup duo and a padded bra. ‘Poor thing,’ she said.
‘I only wore it because Liam said it would look good on me and then he told her to pull my trousers down.’
‘Did he now?’ Amy growled. She did not like Liam, not since, while dancing with him at her father’s wedding celebration, he “accidentally” stepped on her strapless dress and caused her boobs to fall out. She had seen something in his eyes that day.
She looked at Natalie suddenly. ‘Did he see anything – your tits?’
Natalie shrugged. ‘He might have caught a glimpse. Why?’
‘Haven’t you noticed the way he stares at them? I used to catch him looking at mine until he saw them at Dad’s party.’
‘You think he wants to see my boobs?’
‘Desperately, but if he only caught a glimpse he’ll be even more desperate now.’
Natalie looked to her big sister. ‘What do we do?’
‘Use it to our advantage.’ Natalie looked worried. Amy smiled softly and hugged her once more.
‘Don’t worry; we’ll get our own back on him my buxom baby sister.’

The next morning Tina had gotten up early to go to the hairdressers leaving Liam in bed. He lazed there under the warm covers for an hour before deciding it was time to get up and have some breakfast.
Pulling on some moth-eaten boxers he wandered down stairs not expecting to find anyone around. He tried the bathroom door and it was locked. He heard the shower running inside. Thinking he could easily get some breakfast before whoever it was came out, he strolled through the lounge toward the kitchen. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Amy inside.
She was stood in front of the fridge with her back to him. And what a back. She was wearing a long T-shirt that wasn’t quite long enough to conceal her firm, round, perfect behind. The lower halves of her peachy buttocks peeked out from under the T-shirt and as she leaned into the back of the fridge she revealed that there was a dental floss-like thong hidden between, protecting her modesty which would otherwise have been on display.
Suddenly she shut the fridge door and turned around.
Liam gasped inwardly; he imagined the boner that must have been straining at his boxers as Amy looked at him. He quickly turned to leave.
‘Liam,’ Amy called after him, ‘Could you open this jar for me?’
Liam stopped at the doorway out of the lounge. If he left now he would just confirm what she might have just caught a glimpse of. He turned slowly back around, scooping a newspaper to hold out in front.
‘It’s a bit stuck,’ she explained, waving the jar. The wave caused her unencumbered funbags to jostle about underneath her baggy tee and her nipples were impressively erect thanks to the fridge. Liam couldn’t resist.
He march over to her and accepted the jar in one hand. Instinctively he passed her the paper.
Amy subdued a satisfied smile when she caught sight of his massively tented pants.
Liam quickly realised that he was exposed and deftly turned away to undo the jar. When he turned back around he found Amy had disposed of the paper.
‘It was yesterday’s,’ she explained with a smile. ‘Would you like some toast?’
‘I’m fine,’ Liam said and made to leave only to come face-to-face with a wet and semi-naked Natalie. A small white towel was wrapped loosely around the fullest extent of her rack, just above nipple level. The fluffy towel ended a way above her knees.
‘Morning, Liam,’ she said cheerfully; seeming to having forgotten about yesterday’s embarrassing events.
Liam ****** a smile and tried his best to cover the huge bulge in his boxers with casually clasped hands.
‘Are you having breakfast?’ she asked.
‘No,’ answered Amy on his behalf, ‘He’s not hungry.’
‘Oh, good,’ said Natalie with an excited smile, ‘then can we all play the game I was telling you about last night, Amy?’
Liam looked to Amy who seemed not too enthused by the thought of the game.
‘I don’t know,’ she said. ‘I don’t want to get Liam into any trouble with Tina.’
‘He won’t get in trouble,’ Natalie said, all but jumping on the spot with excitement. ‘Tina won’t be back for ages.’
‘What’s the game?’ asked Liam, instantly fascinated.
‘It’s poker, but the losers of each game have to do whatever the winner tells them,’ said Natalie.
‘Whatever the winner tells them?’ Liam asked hopefully.
‘Anything.’ Natalie grinned.
Being a not-too-shabby poker player, Liam imagined have both Natalie and her sister naked and performing debauched sexual acts for him within a few games.
‘Anything within reason,’ said Amy, immediately putting a kibosh on the whole “debauched sexual acts” – Liam knew what an awful prude Amy was. ‘It’s childish,’ she continued. ‘And you’re not even any good at poker, Natalie.’
Liam almost did a jig. ‘Well, I suppose it’s harmless fun and I have got some time to burn, so let’s play.’
Amy set the jam jar down on the counter and pushed her hair back from her pretty face, lifting the T-shirt up to show a flash of thong-clad groin in the process. ‘Okay,’ she said with reservation. ‘We’ll play.’
‘Yes,’ cheered Natalie and Liam felt his cock stiffen further.

They sat on the floor in the lounge, Liam sitting quickly to try and get a sneaky look up Natalie’s towel, but she was being especially demure. She tucked the towel as she carefully knelt down and crossed her legs strategically so as not to expose her just washed pussy. Amy on the other hand was being uncharacteristically blasé. With Natalie seated and the chance of towel slippage gone, Liam had turned his attention to her older sister and he was thoroughly rewarded.
Amy didn’t bother tucking her long T-shirt as she lowered herself to the floor. She sat crossed-legged and began to shuffle the cards she had picked up along the way. The T-shirt fell across her thighs leaving her tantalising camel’s toe on display and the crossing of her legs only exacerbated matters seeing as how her legs were open so wide. Liam’s gaze was fixed on the smooth, mounds of slightly darker flesh that sat either side of the slender slip of thong. As far as he could see she was waxed bare.
Liam was astounded at her carefree nature, but as it happened, Amy had never had any time for modesty; her body was perfect and demanded to be showed off. Unlike Natalie who looked as though she could do with a night’s sleep and a good meal inside her, Amy was tall and lean, yet curvy. While her little sister’s double-D jugs looked oversized on her slender form, Amy’s D’s fit her perfectly, finishing off the package nicely. Also, Amy’s firm skin was lightly sun-kissed contrasting with Nat’s drug-chick white flesh.
Purposely not to pulling the long T-shirt over her knees, Amy continued to shuffle the cards. Liam’s eye’s never once left her thong-clad snatch allowing her to sort the cards exactly how she wanted. She dealt the fixed cards and exchanged a knowing smile with Natalie.

‘Oh, no!’ said Natalie, in feigned dismay. She looked down at Liam’s royal flush. ‘You won. What do you want us to do?’
A myriad of suggestions sprung into Liam’s mind, but in the end he chickened out of all of them, plumping instead to test the waters. ‘Kiss,’ he said, knowing that the outcome of this dare would be a good gauge of how up for it the sisters were. If they simply pecked each other on the cheek he would know not to expect much from the game, whereas is they went at it with tongues then the game could well be an interesting one.
Natalie rolled her eyes. ‘Boys are so predictable.’
‘Tame, tame, tame,’ sighed Amy. ‘You could have made us do anything and you say kiss – you really need to be more adventurous.’
‘And specific,’ added Natalie. ‘For instance, kiss could have meant this…’ she pecked Amy on the cheek, ‘…or it could have meant this…’ sidling up close to Amy, she ran her fingers up her body, over the heavy swelling of her breast and into her long, brown hair. She then pulled her sister into a lustful kiss involving darting, wrestling tongues, nibbled lips and much abandoned groping. Liam’s boxers could hardly contain him. A whole minute later, when they finally came up for air, Liam’s balls were aching for release.
‘Right,’ he said, preparing to issue Natalie’s task, ‘now you take off—’
‘Whoa!’ objected Amy. ‘That’s your lot. We kissed.’
‘No buts. If you’d have said Amy kiss Natalie, then fair enough, but you just said kiss so your go’s over.’
‘My deal,’ said Natalie, snatching up the cards.
‘Now remember what I told you,’ said Amy, with a smile. Liam assumed she was reminding her little sister off shuffling techniques, but that wasn’t the case. Natalie nodded to her sister and then began to yawn, pushing her arms up and back causing her massive tits to be pushed dangerously out of her towel. Right then and there, Liam swore he caught his first glimpse of the pink of Natalie’s areola.
Liam disappeared into his own thoughts as Natalie blatantly fixed the cards: this time in her sister’s favour.

‘Oh, wow!’ gasped Amy. ‘Did I win?’
‘I guess so,’ said Liam with a puzzled frown.
‘Well done!’ said Natalie, clapping excitedly. ‘What’s Liam gotta do?’ Amy looked at her sharply. ‘I mean, what have we gotta do?’
‘I don’t know…oh, I’ve got it: Liam you take your boxers off—’
‘What? No way! You said anything within reason.’
‘Yeah, but the only one I meant was that you don’t get to see my pussy.’
‘Well, we’re going to have agree to some more.’
‘Fine, but only one each. Mine is still no pussy.’
‘Right then, no cock.’
‘No pussy either,’ said Natalie.
‘That’s settled, now can we all shake on this and if anyone breaks their promise there will be consequences.’ They all shook hands and agreed, though Liam couldn’t think what the consequences could be.
‘Now, Liam,’ said Amy. ‘Take your boxers off.’
‘What? We just agreed—’
‘No cock. I know.’ She slipped off one of her tiny ankle socks and threw it him. ‘You can cover it with this – I want to see your balls.’
‘But,’ Liam spluttered; his mind raced. They’d got him. ‘I won’t,’ he said finally.
‘You will or I’ll tell Tina that you’ve been walking around all morning with a hard-on over her two little sisters.’
Liam recoiled. ‘You wouldn’t.’
‘I told you – consequences. Now get ‘em out for the girls.’
Natalie clapped her hands catching her sister’s attention.
‘And Natalie,’ said Amy, with a smile. ‘You’re going to suck on them.’
Natalie’s eye widened with horror. ‘But Amy—’
‘You suck his baby-makers or I tell Mum that you’re the reason she got thrush.’
‘I know you like sticking things up your arse, Nat, I know you steal Mum’s vibrator and I know you never wash anything…’
‘Okay,’ Natalie agreed almost tearfully. ‘I’ll suck his nuts.’
Liam was at a quandary. In order to get his balls sucked by his biggest fantasy, he had to first get them out in front of Amy, who he had always suspected didn’t particularly like him. And accepted wisdom is that girls that don’ like you have a nasty tendency to want to separate you from your balls. Of course if he didn’t get his balls out and Amy told, Tina would no doubt separate him from his jewels.
He pushed the sock under his boxers and over his semi-hard cock and stood up to pull them down carefully. The sock barely covered his member and he couldn’t imagine what it would cover once Natalie began sucking.
Amy could. She smiled.
Although the sight of the hairy pair should have disgusted her, seeing as she was about to suck then, Natalie couldn’t help but smile also. Their plan was coming together – except for the fact that it seemed her sister had now turned against her; ball-sucking was not in the plan.
‘Don’t just stare at them, Nat,’ Amy ordered. ‘Get them in your mouth.’
Natalie knelt at Liam’s feet and, with hands on her bare thighs; she leant forward and opened her mouth uncomfortably. Her hot breath on Liam’s plums had his nut-sack loosening instantly. His heavy danglers dropped the two inches straight into Natalie’s awaiting mouth. The moment the orbs touched her tongue she gagged and pulled away, taking them with her. Liam thrust his hips after her as she almost tore off his cherries. Luckily, for him Natalie coughed them out.
‘What was that?’ asked Amy, with tears of laughter running down her cheeks as she watched Liam clutch his precious ‘nads and fold in the middle. Natalie meanwhile gagged.
‘I’ve never done it before,’ Natalie cried through the coughing. ‘I’ve never had anything so hairy in my mouth and they’re so big and dangly. It’s gross.’
‘Well you’re going to have to get used to it, Nat,’ said Amy, wiping her eyes, ‘cause they’re going back in. I want Liam moaning with pleasure not agony.’
‘My balls,’ Liam murmured.
‘Yeah, yeah,’ sighed Amy. ‘Heard it all before. Stop being a girl and get those marbles back into Nat’s mouth so she can suck them properly – a girl’s got to learn sometime.’
With effort and this time more cautiously, Liam offered up his nuts once more. Natalie picked a hair from her tongue and eyed the pair once more.
‘All I have to do is suck them, right?’
‘Right,’ affirmed Amy.
With a nod, Natalie opened her mouth and simply lunged at Liam’s dangling fruit. Catching them in her gape jaws she sucked down as hard and fast as she could.
The sensation was not pleasing. Liam barely remained standing and when Natalie spat the pair out he crumpled to the floor and began moaning.
‘Well, Nat, you certain sucked them.’ Amy looked at Liam’s pathetic form. ‘Wouldn’t you agree, Liam?’
‘My balls,’ was all he could manage in reply.
‘Yeah, I thought so.’ Amy chuckled. ‘Next game.’
‘I don’t want to play,’ moaned Liam and it looked as though he was attempting to crawl away.
‘You’ll have to handle this,’ whispered Amy, giving her little sister a wink. Natalie winked back and crawled over to where Liam was making his slow, feeble escape.
‘I’m sorry, Liam,’ she said innocently, ‘I didn’t mean to hurt, you. I’ve never sucked balls before; you’re my first. Please stay and play—whoops!’ Suddenly her towel came loose and fell almost away. She caught it just in time to clutch it to her tits, but it was enough to keep Liam in the game.

The cards were already fixed when Liam was able to sit upright again, and it was Natalie’s turn to win.
‘Aces are good, right?’ she asked, putting down three.
Liam let out a deep, pitiable moan.
‘What are you groaning for? I’ve got such a good one for you! When we were playing last night, Barry made me shove a bottle up my pussy,’ Liam’s ears pricked up instantly, as did his prick, ‘so to get my revenge I made him shove both his nuts into the bottle – it was hilarious!’
‘So he had to squeeze his plums through the bottle neck?’
‘That’s genius!’ Amy squealed slapping her thighs. ‘Shame we haven’t got a bottle.’
‘Never mind,’ said Natalie with a shrug. Liam sighed with relief. ‘He can shove his nuts through this instead.’ Liam looked down in horror to see she was slipping off her chunky thumb ring.
‘I’ll never fit my nuts through that!’ he gasped.
‘Oh, don’t flatter yourself,’ said Amy with an evil grin.
‘Yeah, Barry’s balls were nice and fat and he managed. You’ve got it easy.’
Liam looked down at his balls conscious that they weren’t the biggest examples.
‘How old is Barry?’ Amy asked; just to rub it in.
‘My age,’ Natalie said, shrugging again.
‘Hear that, Liam? Three years younger than you and he’s more of a man.’ Amy was relishing it and to Liam it felt as if his balls had shrunken smaller still and that was before Natalie added:
‘And still growing.’
Liam became aware that his nutsack was tightening with shame.
‘Better fit your balls through the ring,’ said Amy, noticing also, ‘while you can still find them.’ She and Natalie shared a giggle, and, humiliated, Liam accepted the ring.
With the ring in his left hand, Liam took hold of his right nut and began to push it through the impossibly small gap, never realising that while it may be excruciating to get it through, it would be neigh-on-impossible to get it back out.
He was in trouble long before his nut was halfway through. He urged the orb through the ring as gently as he possible could, but still tears were beginning to well in his eyes. Amy and Natalie watched with baited breath as his right plum warped and changed colour under the pressure of his pressing thumb, until finally the globe popped out the other side of the cheap plastic band.
Liam collapses backward in a heap and brought his knees up to his chest leaving his nutsack hanging exposed above his arsehole. Natalie couldn’t help herself, she reached over and took the aching nut between her finger and thumb and squeezed with the wicked disregard of the teenager she was.
Liam let out a shrill shriek and fell onto his side in a tight ball.
‘Natalie!’ Amy growled, slapping her sister’s arm.
‘What?’ asked Natalie with mock-naivety. Then quickly her angelic face twisted into a snarl. ‘And what gives you the right to tell me off after what you just made me do, eh? Just wait until he gets his other nut through the ring – have I’ve got a forfeit for you.’
‘Natalie,’ Amy sounded instantly desperate. She leaned in close so that Liam wouldn’t hear. ‘I only made you do that so he would get his balls out; you saw him; he was about to back out completely.’ Natalie just smiled cruelly. ‘What are you going to make me do?’
Natalie turned to Liam and snapped, ‘Liam! Stop being a pussy and get your other nut in there, now!’ At her command, Liam reached between his legs and took careful hold of his bigger, left plum. ‘Sit up, you pathetic worm!’ Natalie was really getting into it. Unconsciously, her hand had slipped down and under her towel and was now subtly rubbing her stiff clit. She bit her bottom lip.
With a quiet moan, Liam pulled himself onto his knees and braced himself for the final push. It had taken great effort and caused him great pain to force his right nut through the ring; he looked through half-shut, teary ears down at his left nut as he rolled it between his fingers and assessed its size. It was as big as his right and then half again. He gave an awful groan and the girls swore they could see what remained of his dignity and fight seep physically out from him.
Knitting his sweaty brow, Liam opted against the slowly, slowly approach he had taken with the right nut and with one concerted effort, ****** his left nugget through the ring.
The pop was audible. His scrunched eyes opened suddenly to bulge from his head and even Amy and Natalie panicked for a spilt-second- but only for a split-second as, when a high-pitched squeal began to leak from Liam’s open mouth, the girls burst suddenly into a fit of giggles. As they rolled about on the carpet, Liam remained frozen like a statue; his rigid muscles not allowing him to collapse as his brain recommended.
Tears streamed down all three of their faces, but again Natalie was not slow to see her chance to cop a feel. She thrust out her hand and caught hold of Liam’s ring-constricted scrotum expecting to find only one occupant, but was surprised to find that two still remained.
‘Holy fuck!’ she gasped. ‘He still has both bollocks!’
‘Bollocks!’ said Amy incredulously. ‘There’s no way. You heard that pop.’
‘Feel for your self,’ Natalie’s eyes were wide and honest. Amy leaned forward and with a sceptical frown, accepted Liam’s goods.
‘Fuck me,’ she gasped. She looked up past Liam’s sock-covered, floppy member and impressively tensed stomach muscles to his agony-racked face. ‘He seems to think he popped one.’
‘Well,’ said Natalie with a shrug and a grin, ‘Let’s make him aware it’s still there.’
Amy’s beautiful, plump lips stretched into the biggest, meanest grin that Natalie had ever seen, and then her fingers bore down on Liam’s defenceless left plum.
Instantly Liam was reanimated. He lurched forward and then slowly, slowly sank forward into Amy’s awaiting bosom.
The high-pitched squeal that had continued to escape from his mouth was replaced by a wretched groan and the sound of bubbling spit from deep within his throat, then as his face buried into his girlfriend’s sister’s generous cleavage he was al but silent.
Amy let go of his swelling marble and his red, throbbing nutsack swung back and forth like a meaty pendulum. Amy watched entranced, then as the ballooning ballbag came to a rest she turned back to see Natalie at the peak of a ground-shaking orgasm.

It took the three of them several minutes to recover enough for Natalie to issue Amy’s forfeit and, several times, both had denied Liam’s desperate requests to quit the game.
‘Amy,’ Natalie said with a smile, ‘I want you to take Liam’s fat bollocks…’ she let the tension build, ‘…and stick them up your cunt.’
‘What?’ screamed Amy and Liam simultaneously.
‘No fucking way!’
‘Yes way. I’ve got a tale about you that Mum wouldn’t be too happy hearing.’
‘Why exactly her boyfriend Steve left her without so much as a goodbye.’
‘You don’t know why,’ said Amy, unconvinced.
‘Well, I should imagine it’s hard to say goodbye with your nuts knocked up into your throat.’ Amy gasped. ‘You used to sneak in from school to watch him showering, I used to catch you at it all the time, then, one day, he caught you at it himself so you kicked in his bare balls with your Doc Martins.’
‘How do I know? Easy. When I came home from school later he was still curled up on the bathroom floor clutching a purple nutsack and you were upstairs frigging yourself silly.’
Amy was distraught. ‘Please, Nat. I don’t want to—’
‘Get his balls in your minge, Amy or I tell Mum you busted her boyfriend’s balls so bad he crawled off and never came back.’
‘Okay,’ Amy said. She was doing well to hold back the tears; Liam on the other hand didn’t even try.
‘Please, not my balls. Anything. Leave my balls alone.’
Natalie rolled her eyes. ‘Cheer up, Liam; it’s your shuffle next; you never know you might win one and then maybe your balls will get a rest.’
‘Nat,’ said Amy, ‘how will I get them up their without him or you seeing my pussy? They’re the rules remem—’
‘I know,’ said Natalie impatiently. ‘But it’s up to you to keep it covered…Oh, and’ —she leaned in close to whisper—‘just so you can’t fake the whole thing; when his balls are in there, take away both your hands and make him squeal.’ Amy didn’t follow. ‘You know; give him a good, hard squeeze with that tight little cooch of yours.’
Amy nodded and then looked over at Liam. He was a sorry state: sweat-soaked and pale through pain, terror and humiliation. His balls were even worse. Angry red globes bulging with veins, they seemed to be swelling by the second, which meant that Amy had no time to waste contemplating logistics. She pushed herself across the carpet to him and, grabbing his ankle, flipped him onto his side. She then slid in-between his legs until their groins bumped with painful consequences for the male half of the coupling. The actual insertion was going to be awkward, Amy had to push in his slippery nuts with one hand while holding aside her thong and pussy lips with the other. The ring around his scrotum helped matters slightly by keeping his usual evasive marbles trapped in a tight pouch.
Amy took hold of his nuts and gave them a sharp squeeze to get his attention. ‘If you look at my minge I’ll crush your balls in my hand, I swear, Liam! Understand?’ Liam nodded compliantly and then looked away – like he could watch anyway; he would not doubt be cross-eyed as soon as she started.

04-21-2006, 09:16 AM
Awesome story! is there gonna be a sequel?

04-21-2006, 12:11 PM
Yeah really good story! Please write a sequel!

04-22-2006, 03:25 PM
very. very good!!!!

04-26-2006, 02:17 AM
wow, great!

04-26-2006, 09:01 AM
I'm glad you like it. I have many more, mostly TV series based, but all are unfinished as I have trouble keeping interest in one thing for long. I have continued with this story, but not quite finished it. Maybe i will soon. And I'll look back over my collection for any more worth posting.

05-03-2006, 03:06 PM
Tina growled angrily.
‘What’s up now?’ Liam asked wearily from the bed.
Tina turned around from the mirror and pulled on the front of her never-before-worn tops. ‘Look at this,’ she said, letting go the fabric so that it fell in baggy folds over her breasts. ‘She’s worn it and stretched it before I’ve even had a chance to go out in it.’
‘Who’s worn it?’
‘Guess?’ She put her hands up inside the top and pushed out the stretched areas to replicate a large set of tits. ‘Natalie of course; she’s always nicking my clothes and stretching them out with her big…’ she trailed off, but already Liam’s cock was twitching with the though of his girlfriend’s little sister and her massive rack.
‘I swear,’ she said, turning back to the mirror, ‘if I see her in another of my tops I’ll tear it off her.’
‘Come on, you always say that.’
‘No this time I will, I swear!’
An idea formed quickly in Liam’s head.

‘…and she just looks amazing in it,’ said Liam concluding his elaborate description of Tina’s just purchased teeny, tiny cotton top.
‘Wow,’ said Natalie. ‘That sounds gorgeous. How much was it?’
Liam smiled; he knew all he had to do was mention the price and the slender teen would be diving straight into Tina’s wardrobe. ‘Oh, about seventy quid,’ he exaggerated.
‘Wow.’ Liam could see the thought of wearing such an expensive garment taking hold of the sixteen year old’s materialistic brain. ‘Do you think it would look good on me?’ she asked finally.
Liam pretended to deliberate (with an excuse to ogle Natalie’s fantastic body he took his time and savoured the experience). He said finally, ‘Well, yeah, but Tina would kill you for wearing it.’
That settled it. Natalie was headed for Tina’s room instantly.
‘What were you two talking about?’ asked Tina returning from the kitchen.
‘Oh, nothing,’ Liam said, making himself comfortable for the show.
Seconds later there were heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. Tina was in Liam’s arms on the sofa when Natalie burst into the lounge and almost out of Tina’s low cut top. Tina’s eyes widened and so did Liam’s when he caught a load of Natalie’s abundant, jiggling cleavage. He felt his girlfriend tense as she too laid eyes on the magnificent spectacle. Tina’s teeth clenched firmly and she issued a low growl.
Natalie didn’t read the warning signals, so enthusiastic about showing off the snug fitting top. She said, oblivious, ‘What do you think?’ and then performed a tantalising twirl that left her gelatinous jugs swaying.
Tina’s blood boiled.
Natalie tugged at the material around her tightly packed in melons and added: ‘It’s a bit tight.’
That did it. ‘Tight?’ roared Tina. ‘Well, why don’t we stretch it out for you, eh?’ Springing from the sofa and out of Liam’s purposely-loose grasp, she grabbed the top and pulled it out at the chest so that Natalie’s jugs all but spilled free.
‘Tina!’ cried Natalie in horror.
‘Thieving bitch!’ Tina now grabbed the bottom of the top and yanked upward roughly. ‘Give it back!’
Liam took a sharp intake of breath as the top was lifted swiftly up to reveal the full, rounded underside of Natalie’s big breasts, but there the top’s removal was halted when Natalie caught a hold and fought back desperately.
‘Tina!’ she cried desperately. ‘I’m not wearing a bra!’
‘Tough titties!’ Tina yelled; pulling harder until the appearance of her sister’s salmon pink nipples seemed imminent.
Liam held his breath and prayed, but it wasn’t to be. Natalie struggled valiantly and managed to turn mostly away from Liam before the top was completely stripped off over her head. All Liam saw was the ample swell of flesh that was the side of Natalie’s right breast before she wrapped her arms around her abundant chest and made for the exit in tears.
‘Aren’t they your joggers too?’ Liam announced hopefully, pointing to Natalie’s tracksuit bottoms.
‘Yes, they are!’ Tina growled and before her little sister could make it out of the room, she caught her waistband and yanked downward. So unprepared for this was Natalie that she simply fell forward and completely out of the baggy trousers.
Liam managed to catch sight of her peachy ass for a brief moment before she fell out of the room and scurried away. He leapt from the couch to the doorway in time to see through the gaps in the banister her naked form racing up the stairs and then she was gone.
Left extremely excited, Liam couldn’t help feeling ultimately disappointed. He was desperate to see Natalie’s nipples; Tina’s were perfect specimens, but he had always craved them on a bigger model and Natalie was easily two cup sizes the bigger.
He sighed and slumped into the sofa, his throbbing hard-on still trying to force its way out of his jeans.
‘Little bitch,’ said Tina breathing heavily, she looked miserably at the stretched top. ‘Didn’t have a bra on; no wonder she stretches them out—her fat tits bouncing about.’ She stared at the top some more and then threw it aside.
‘Come here,’ said Liam, beckoning her closer. She moved in expecting a hug, but was surprised to be guided to her knees before his, quickly freed, stiff cock. ‘Now suck it bitch,’ he commanded, ******* her head down onto his straining meat.

Upstairs, Amy, Tina’s sister, the 18-year-old middle child, was surprised to see Natalie burst into their shared room bawling her eyes out and completely naked.
Not expecting to find her sister there, Natalie had stopped covering her baps and instead her hands covered her red and tear-drenched face. When she saw Amy staring bewildered, but impressed at her bounding rack she quickly turned away and her sobs turned to heart-rending wails.
‘What happened?’ asked Amy catching her shoulder. Feeling the warm touch, Natalie turned around and hugged Amy tightly.
‘Tina—pulled—my—top off—in—front—of—Liam,’ she spluttered in broken gasps.
‘There, there,’ comforted Amy; strangely enjoying the sensation of Natalie’s soft puppies squashing tightly against her own ample pair. ‘Why did Tina pull your top off in front of Liam?’
‘Because—she said—I’d—stolen it!’
Instantly Amy felt guilty. Only the day before she had “borrowed” Tina’s brand new top and done a pretty good job of stretching it out with her D-cup duo and a padded bra. ‘Poor thing,’ she said.
‘I only wore it because Liam said it would look good on me and then he told her to pull my trousers down.’
‘Did he now?’ Amy growled. She did not like Liam; hadn’t since, while dancing with him at her father’s wedding celebration, he “accidentally” stepped on the hem of her strapless dress before twirling her. She looked at Natalie suddenly.
‘Did he see anything—your tits?’
Natalie shrugged. ‘He might have caught a glimpse. Why?’
‘Haven’t you noticed the way he stares at them? I used to catch him looking at mine all the time…until Dad’s party.’
Natalie managed a snigger through the tears. ‘When your tits flopped out I thought they were going to take out the buffet.’ Amy frowned, self-consciously covering her abundant chest. Natalie detected her embarrassment and stopped laughing. ‘So you think he wants to see my boobs?’
‘Desperately,’ said Amy plainly. ‘But if he only caught a glimpse he’ll be even more desperate now.’
Natalie looked to her big sister who had a look of intense concentration. ‘What do we do?’
Amy smiled. ‘We use it to our advantage of course.’ Natalie looked worried so Amy hugged her once more. ‘Don’t worry; we’ll get our own back on him my buxom, baby sister.’

The next morning Tina had gotten up early to go to the hairdressers leaving Liam in bed. He lazed there under the warm covers for an hour before deciding it was time to get up and have some breakfast.
Pulling on some moth-eaten boxers he wandered down stairs not expecting to find anyone around. He tried the bathroom door and it was locked. He heard the shower running inside. Thinking he could easily get some breakfast before whoever it was came out, he strolled through the lounge toward the kitchen. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Amy inside.
She was stood in front of the fridge with her back to him. And what a back. She was wearing a long T-shirt that wasn’t quite long enough to conceal her firm, round, perfect behind. The lower halves of her peachy buttocks peeked out from under the T-shirt and as she leaned into the back of the fridge she revealed that there was a dental floss-like thong hidden between, protecting her modesty which would otherwise have been on display.
Suddenly she shut the fridge door and turned around.
Liam gasped inwardly; he imagined the boner that must have been straining at his boxers as Amy looked at him. He quickly turned to leave.
‘Liam,’ Amy called after him, ‘Could you open this jar for me?’
Liam stopped at the doorway out of the lounge. If he left now he would just confirm what she might have just caught a glimpse of. He turned slowly back around, scooping a newspaper to hold out in front.
‘It’s a bit stuck,’ she explained, waving the jar. The wave caused her unencumbered funbags to jostle about underneath her baggy tee and her nipples were impressively erect thanks to the fridge. Liam couldn’t resist.
He march over to her and accepted the jar in one hand. Instinctively he passed her the paper.
Amy subdued a satisfied smile when she caught sight of his massively tented pants.
Liam quickly realised that he was exposed and deftly turned away to undo the jar. When he turned back around he found Amy had disposed of the paper.
‘It was yesterday’s,’ she explained with a smile. ‘Would you like some toast?’
‘I’m fine,’ Liam said and made to leave only to come face-to-face with a wet and semi-naked Natalie. A small white towel was wrapped loosely around the fullest extent of her rack, just above nipple level. The fluffy towel ended a way above her knees.
‘Morning, Liam,’ she said cheerfully; seeming to having forgotten about yesterday’s embarrassing events.
Liam ****** a smile and tried his best to cover the huge bulge in his boxers with casually clasped hands.
‘Are you having breakfast?’ she asked.
‘No,’ answered Amy on his behalf, ‘He’s not hungry.’
‘Oh, good,’ said Natalie with an excited smile, ‘then can we all play the game I was telling you about last night, Amy?’
Liam looked to Amy who seemed not too enthused by the thought of the game.
‘I don’t know,’ she said. ‘I don’t want to get Liam into any trouble with Tina.’
‘He won’t get in trouble,’ Natalie said, all but jumping on the spot with excitement. ‘Tina won’t be back for ages.’
‘What’s the game?’ asked Liam, instantly fascinated.
‘It’s poker, but the losers of each game have to do whatever the winner tells them,’ said Natalie.
‘Whatever the winner tells them?’ Liam asked hopefully.
‘Anything.’ Natalie grinned.
Being a not-too-shabby poker player, Liam imagined have both Natalie and her sister naked and performing debauched sexual acts for him within a few games.
‘Anything within reason,’ said Amy, immediately putting a kibosh on the whole “debauched sexual acts”—Liam knew what an awful prude Amy was. ‘It’s childish,’ she continued. ‘And you’re not even any good at poker, Natalie.’
Liam almost did a jig. ‘Well, I suppose it’s harmless fun and I have got some time to burn, so let’s play.’
Amy set the jam jar down on the counter and pushed her hair back from her pretty face, lifting the T-shirt up to show a flash of thong-clad groin in the process. ‘Okay,’ she said with reservation. ‘We’ll play.’
‘Yes,’ cheered Natalie and Liam felt his cock stiffen further.

They sat on the floor in the lounge, Liam sitting quickly to try to get a sneaky look up Natalie’s towel, but she was being especially demure. She tucked the towel as she carefully knelt down and crossed her legs strategically so as not to expose her just washed pussy. Amy on the other hand was being uncharacteristically blasé. With Natalie seated and the chance of towel slippage gone, Liam had turned his attention to her older sister and he was thoroughly rewarded.
Amy didn’t bother tucking her long T-shirt as she lowered herself to the floor. She sat crossed-legged and began to shuffle the cards she had picked up along the way. The T-shirt fell across her thighs leaving her tantalising camel’s toe on display and the crossing of her legs only exacerbated matters seeing as how her legs were open so wide. Liam’s gaze was fixed on the smooth, mounds of slightly darker flesh that sat either side of the slender slip of thong. As far as he could see she was waxed bare.
Liam was astounded at her carefree nature, but as it happened, Amy had never had any time for modesty; her body was perfect and demanded to be showed off. Unlike Natalie who looked as though she could do with a night’s sleep and a good meal inside her, Amy was tall and lean, yet curvy. While her little sister’s double-D jugs looked oversized on her slender form, Amy’s D’s fit her perfectly, finishing off the package nicely. Also, Amy’s firm skin was lightly sun-kissed contrasting with Nat’s drug-chick white flesh.
Purposely not to pulling the long T-shirt over her knees, Amy continued to shuffle the cards. Liam’s eye’s never once left her thong-clad snatch allowing her to sort the cards exactly how she wanted. She dealt the fixed cards and exchanged a knowing smile with Natalie.

‘Oh, no!’ said Natalie, in feigned dismay. She looked down at Liam’s royal flush. ‘You won. What do you want us to do?’
A myriad of suggestions sprung into Liam’s mind, but in the end, he chickened out of all of them, plumping instead to test the waters. ‘Kiss,’ he said, knowing that the outcome of this dare would be a good gauge of how up for it the sisters were. If they simply pecked each other on the cheek he would know not to expect much from the game, whereas is they went at it with tongues then the game could well be an interesting one.
Natalie rolled her eyes. ‘Boys are so predictable.’
‘Tame, tame, tame,’ sighed Amy. ‘You could have made us do anything and you say kiss—you really need to be more adventurous.’
‘And specific,’ added Natalie. ‘For instance, kiss could have meant this…’ she pecked Amy on the cheek, ‘…or it could have meant this…’ sidling up close to Amy, she ran her fingers up her body, over the heavy swelling of her breast and into her long, brown hair. She then pulled her sister into a lustful kiss involving darting, wrestling tongues, nibbled lips and much abandoned groping. Liam’s boxers could hardly contain him. A whole minute later, when they finally came up for air, Liam’s balls were aching for release.
‘Right,’ he said, preparing to issue Natalie’s task, ‘now you take off—’
‘Whoa!’ objected Amy. ‘That’s your lot. We kissed.’
‘No buts. If you’d have said Amy, kiss Natalie, then fair enough, but you just said kiss so your go’s over.’
‘My deal,’ said Natalie, snatching up the cards.
‘Now remember what I told you,’ said Amy, with a smile. Liam assumed she was reminding her little sister off shuffling techniques, but that wasn’t the case. Natalie nodded to her sister and then began to yawn, pushing her arms up and back causing her massive tits to be pushed dangerously out of her towel. Right then and there, Liam swore he caught his first glimpse of the pink of Natalie’s areola.
Liam disappeared into his own thoughts as Natalie blatantly fixed the cards: this time in her sister’s favour.

‘Oh, wow!’ gasped Amy. ‘Did I win?’
‘I guess so,’ said Liam with a puzzled frown.
‘Well done!’ said Natalie, clapping excitedly. ‘What’s Liam gotta do?’ Amy looked at her sharply. ‘I mean, what have we gotta do?’
‘I don’t know…oh, I’ve got it: Liam you take your boxers off—’
‘What? No way! You said anything within reason.’
‘Yeah, but the only one I meant was that you don’t get to see my pussy.’
‘Well, we’re going to have agree to some more.’
‘Fine, but only one each. Mine is still no pussy.’
‘Right then, no cock.’
‘No pussy either,’ said Natalie.
‘That’s settled, now can we all shake on this and if anyone breaks their promise there will be consequences.’ They all shook hands and agreed, though Liam couldn’t think what the consequences could be.
‘Now, Liam,’ said Amy. ‘Take your boxers off.’
‘What? We just agreed—’
‘No cock. I know.’ She slipped off one of her tiny ankle socks and threw it him. ‘You can cover it with this—I want to see your balls.’
‘But,’ Liam spluttered; his mind raced. They’d got him. ‘I won’t,’ he said finally.
‘You will or I’ll tell Tina that you’ve been walking around all morning with a hard-on over her two little sisters.’
Liam recoiled. ‘You wouldn’t.’
‘I told you—consequences. Now get ‘em out for the girls.’
Natalie clapped her hands catching her sister’s attention.
‘And Natalie,’ said Amy, with a smile. ‘You’re going to suck on them.’
Natalie’s eye widened with horror. ‘But Amy—’
‘You suck his baby-makers or I tell Mum that you’re the reason she got thrush.’
‘I know you like sticking things up your arse, Nat, I know you steal Mum’s vibrator and I know you never wash anything…’
‘Okay,’ Natalie agreed almost tearfully. ‘I’ll suck his nuts.’
Liam was at a quandary. In order to get his balls sucked by his biggest fantasy, he had to first get them out in front of Amy, who he had always suspected didn’t particularly like him. And accepted wisdom is that girls that don’ like you have a nasty tendency to want to separate you from your balls. Of course, if he didn’t get his balls out and Amy told, Tina would no doubt separate him from his jewels.
He pushed the sock under his boxers and over his semi-hard cock and stood up to pull them down carefully. The sock barely covered his stiffening member and he couldn’t imagine what it would cover once Natalie began sucking.
Amy could. She smiled.
Although the sight of the hairy pair should have disgusted her, seeing as she was about to suck then, Natalie couldn’t help but smile also. Their plan was coming together—except for the fact that it seemed her sister had now turned against her; ball-sucking was not in the plan.
‘Don’t just stare at them, Nat,’ Amy ordered. ‘Get them in your mouth.’
Natalie knelt at Liam’s feet and, with hands on her bare thighs; she leant forward and opened her mouth tentatively. Her hot breath on Liam’s plums had his nut-sack loosening instantly. His heavy danglers dropped the two inches straight into Natalie’s awaiting mouth. The moment the orbs touched her tongue she gagged and pulled away, taking them with her. Liam thrust his hips after her as she almost tore off his cherries. Luckily for him, Natalie coughed them out.
‘What was that?’ asked Amy, with tears of laughter running down her cheeks as she watched Liam clutch his precious ‘nads and fold in the middle. Natalie meanwhile gagged.
‘I’ve never done it before,’ Natalie cried through the coughing. ‘I’ve never had anything so hairy in my mouth and they’re so big and dangly. It’s gross.’
‘Well you’re going to have to get used to it, Nat,’ said Amy, wiping her eyes, ‘cause they’re going back in. I want Liam moaning with pleasure not agony.’ This was a lie.
‘My balls,’ Liam murmured.
‘Yeah, yeah,’ sighed Amy. ‘Heard it all before.’ She had. Many, many times. ‘Stop being a girl and get those marbles back into Nat’s mouth so she can suck them properly—a girl’s got to learn sometime.’
With effort and this time more cautiously, Liam offered up his nuts once more. Natalie picked a hair from her tongue and eyed the pair once more.
‘All I have to do is suck them, right?’
‘Right,’ affirmed Amy.
With a nod, Natalie opened her mouth and simply lunged at Liam’s dangling fruit. Catching them in her gaping jaws she sucked down as hard and fast as she could.
The sensation was not pleasing, much like dangling your balls into powerful vacuum cleaner with teeth. Liam barely remained standing and when Natalie spat the pair out he crumpled to the floor and began moaning.
‘Well, Nat, you certain sucked them.’ Amy looked at Liam’s pathetic form. ‘Wouldn’t you agree, Liam?’
‘My balls,’ was all he could manage in reply.
‘Yeah, I thought so.’ Amy chuckled. ‘Next game.’
‘I don’t want to play,’ moaned Liam and it looked as though he was attempting to crawl away.
‘You’ll have to handle this,’ whispered Amy, giving her little sister a wink. Natalie winked back and crawled over to where Liam was making his slow, feeble escape.
‘I’m sorry, Liam,’ she said innocently, ‘I didn’t mean to hurt, you. I’ve never sucked balls before; you’re my first. Please stay and play—whoops!’ Suddenly her towel came loose and fell almost away. She caught it just in time to clutch it to her tits, but it was enough to keep Liam in the game.

The cards were already fixed when Liam was able to sit upright again, and it was Natalie’s turn to win.
‘Aces are good, right?’ she asked, putting down three.
Liam let out a deep, pitiable moan.
‘What are you groaning for? I’ve got such a good one for you! When we were playing last night, Barry made me shove a bottle up my pussy,’ Liam’s ears pricked up instantly, as did his prick, ‘so to get my revenge I made him shove both his nuts into the bottle—it was hilarious!’
‘So he had to squeeze his plums through the bottle neck?’
‘That’s genius!’ Amy squealed slapping her thighs. ‘Shame we haven’t got a bottle.’
‘Never mind,’ said Natalie with a shrug. Liam sighed with relief. ‘He can shove his nuts through this instead.’ Liam looked down in horror to see she was slipping off her chunky thumb ring.
‘I’ll never fit my nuts through that!’ he gasped.
‘Oh, don’t flatter yourself,’ said Amy with an evil grin.
‘Yeah, Barry’s balls were nice and fat and he managed. You’ve got it easy.’
Liam looked down at his balls conscious that they weren’t the biggest examples.
‘How old is Barry?’ Amy asked; just to rub it in.
‘My age,’ Natalie said, shrugging again.
‘Hear that, Liam? Three years younger than you and he’s still packing bigger apples in his satchel.’ Amy was relishing it and to Liam it felt as if his balls had shrunken smaller still and that was before Natalie added:
‘And his are still growing.’
Liam became aware that his nutsack was tightening with shame.
‘Better fit your balls through the ring,’ said Amy, noticing also, ‘while you can still find them.’ She and Natalie shared a giggle, and, humiliated, Liam accepted the ring.
With the ring in his left hand, Liam took hold of his right nut and began to push it through the impossibly small gap, never realising that while it may be excruciating to get it through, it would be neigh-on-impossible to get it back out.
He was in trouble long before his nut was halfway through. He urged the orb through the ring as gently as he possible could, but still tears were beginning to well in his eyes. Amy and Natalie watched with baited breath as his right plum warped and changed colour under the pressure of his pressing thumb, until finally the globe popped out the other side of the cheap plastic band.
Liam collapses backward in a heap and brought his knees up to his chest, leaving his nutsack hanging exposed and vulnerable above his arsehole. Natalie couldn’t help herself, she reached over and took the aching nut between her finger and thumb and squeezed with the wicked disregard of the teenager she was.
Liam let out a shrill shriek and fell onto his side in a tight ball.
‘Natalie!’ Amy growled, slapping her sister’s arm.
‘What?’ asked Natalie with mock-naivety. Then quickly her angelic face twisted into a snarl. ‘And what gives you the right to tell me off after what you just made me do, eh? Just wait until he gets his other nut through the ring—have I’ve got a forfeit for you.’
‘Natalie,’ Amy sounded instantly desperate. She leaned in close so that Liam wouldn’t hear. ‘I only made you do that so he would get his balls out; you saw him; he was about to back out completely.’ Natalie just smiled cruelly. ‘What are you going to make me do?’
Natalie turned to Liam and snapped, ‘Liam! Stop being a pussy and get your other nut in there, now!’ At her command, Liam reached between his legs and took careful hold of his bigger, left plum. ‘Sit up, you pathetic worm!’ Natalie was really getting into it. Unconsciously, her hand had slipped down and under her towel and was now subtly rubbing her stiff clit. She bit her bottom lip.
With a quiet moan, Liam pulled himself onto his knees and braced himself for the final push. It had taken great effort and caused him great pain to force his right nut through the ring; he looked through half-shut, teary ears down at his left nut as he rolled it between his fingers and assessed its size. It was as big as his right and then half again. He gave an awful groan and the girls swore they could see what remained of his dignity and fight seep physically out from him.
Knitting his sweaty brow, Liam opted against the slowly, slowly approach he had taken with the right nut and with one concerted effort, ****** his left nugget through the ring.
The pop was audible. His scrunched eyes opened suddenly to bulge from his head and even Amy and Natalie panicked for a spilt-second- but only for a split-second as, when a high-pitched squeal began to leak from Liam’s open mouth, the girls burst suddenly into a fit of giggles. As they rolled about on the carpet, Liam remained frozen like a statue; his rigid muscles not allowing him to collapse as his brain recommended.
Tears streamed down all three of their faces, but again Natalie was not slow to see her chance to cop a feel. She thrust out her hand and caught hold of Liam’s ring-constricted scrotum expecting to find only one occupant, but was surprised to find that two remained.
‘Holy fuck!’ she gasped. ‘He still has both bollocks!’
‘Bollocks!’ said Amy incredulously. ‘There’s no way—you heard that pop.’
‘Feel for yourself,’ Natalie’s eyes were wide and honest. Amy leaned forward and with a sceptical frown, accepted Liam’s goods.
‘Fuck me,’ she gasped. She looked up past Liam’s sock-covered, floppy member and impressively tensed stomach muscles to his agony-racked face. ‘He seems to think he popped one.’
‘Well,’ said Natalie with a shrug and a grin, ‘Let’s make him aware it’s still there.’
Amy’s beautiful, plump lips stretched into the biggest, meanest grin that Natalie had ever seen, and then her fingers bore down on Liam’s defenceless left plum.
Instantly Liam was reanimated. He lurched forward and then slowly, slowly sank forward into Amy’s awaiting bosom.
The high-pitched squeal that had continued to escape from his mouth was replaced by a wretched groan and the sound of bubbling spit from deep within his throat, then as his face buried into his girlfriend’s sister’s generous cleavage he was all but silent.
Amy lifted him by the hair and let go of his swelling marble to watch his red, throbbing nutsack swung back and forth like a meaty pendulum. She observed the swinging meat for over a minute, entranced by the hypotonic motion, then as the ballooning ballbag came to a rest she turned back to see Natalie, with hand a blur beneath her towel, at the peak of a ground-shaking orgasm.

It took the three of them several minutes to recover enough for Natalie to issue Amy’s forfeit and, several times, both had denied Liam’s desperate requests to quit the game.
‘Amy,’ Natalie said with a smile, ‘I want you to take Liam’s fat bollocks…’ she let the tension build, ‘…and stick them up your cunt.’
‘What?’ screamed Amy and Liam simultaneously.
‘No fucking way!’
‘Yes way. I’ve got a tale about you that Mum wouldn’t be too happy to hear.’
‘What?’ Amy said incredulously.
‘Why exactly her old boyfriend Steve left her without so much as a goodbye.’
‘You don’t know why,’ said Amy, unconvinced.
‘Well, I should imagine it’s hard to say goodbye with your nuts knocked up into your throat.’ Amy gasped. ‘You used to sneak in from school to watch him showering, I used to catch you at it all the time, then, one day, he must have caught you at it himself, so you caved in his balls.’
‘How do I know? Easy. When I came home from school later he was still curled up on the bathroom floor clutching a purple nutsack and you were upstairs frigging yourself silly.’
Amy was distraught. She looked down at Liam’s rapidly inflating dangleberries and then, with desperation, back at her little sister. ‘Please, Nat. I don’t want to—’
‘And if I remember rightly it happened during your rock chick phase—Oh, those poor bollocks never stood a chance against your Doc Martins.’ Natalie narrowed her eyes. ‘Tell me, did you pop them both with just a kick or did you get stuck in with your boot when he was down?’
‘I didn’t pop both,’ Amy asserted with near-hysterical veal. ‘I checked. Don’t tell Mum.’
‘Now how should I phrase it? “Mum, Amy busted your favourite bit of cock’s balls so bad he crawled off and never came back” or “Mum, your darling daughter got caught knob-watching so popped Steve’s jewels all over your lino. ’
Okay!’ yelled Amy. ‘I’ll do it.’ She was doing well to hold back the tears; Liam on the other hand didn’t even try.
‘Please, not my balls. Anything. Leave my balls alone.’
Natalie rolled her eyes. ‘Cheer up, Liam; it’s your shuffle next. You never know you might win one and then maybe your balls will get a rest.’ She stifled a chuckled.
‘Nat,’ said Amy, ‘how will I get them up their without him or you seeing my pussy? They’re the rules remem—’
‘I know,’ said Natalie impatiently. ‘But it’s up to you to keep it covered…Oh, and’ —she leaned in close to whisper—‘just so you can’t fake the whole thing; when his balls are in there, take away both your hands and make him squeal.’ Amy didn’t follow. ‘You know; give him a good, hard squeeze with that tight little cooch of yours.’
Amy nodded sadly and then looked over at Liam. He was a sorry state: sweat-soaked and pale through pain, terror and humiliation. His balls were even worse. Angry red globes bulging with veins, they seemed to be swelling by the second, which meant that Amy had no time to waste contemplating logistics. She pushed herself across the carpet to him and, grabbing his ankle, flipped him onto his side. She then slid in-between his legs until their groins bumped with painful consequences for the male half of the coupling.
Amy took hold of Liam’s nuts and gave them a sharp squeeze to get his attention. ‘If you look at my minge I’ll crush your balls flat in my hand, I swear, Liam! Understand?’ He nodded compliantly and then looked away, though thoughts of getting a sneaky peek were at the front of his mind—maybe while Amy was concentrating on the awkward insertion.
Amy gave one last pleading look at Natalie, but to no avail. Checking Liam was looking away, Amy pulled aside her thong and began the tricky procedure.
Her pussy lips were sealed tight with revulsion, but luckily, were still extremely moist from the arousing events of the past half hour. Parting her slick flaps, Amy did as Liam had done previously and began with the smaller nut first. As soon as the orb was pressed against her hole she knew she was in trouble—it was too fat. She squashed it between her fingers in an effort to make it a more comfortable shape. The adjustments didn’t make matters any more comfortable for Liam however. His teeth were bared suddenly and any thoughts of spying Amy’s cunt were forgotten as his brain was awash with ball-pain.
Natalie was laughing it up. ‘Go on, Liam—look at Amy’s pussy. Just take a peek.’
‘Shut up, Nat!’ said Amy through gritted teeth.
‘Liam, just take a look at her tight, pink, dripping hole.’
‘You do, Liam and your nuts are history.’ To make sure he understood completely, she squeezed his right plum to near-breaking point and was surprised to feel the nut disappear from her grip with a wet pop.
‘That had to be a rupture!’ Natalie cheered, but from the look of discomfort on Amy’s face, she was wrong. The swelling ‘nad had simply slipped under the pressure of Amy’s grip to fire at speed up her awaiting gash.
‘Is it up there?’ asked Natalie desperately curious. Biting her bottom lip, Amy nodded. A single tear ran down her cheek. ‘Oh, what’s it feel like?’ Instantly, Amy’s freed hand caught hold of Natalie’s soft left tit and squeezed like hell. Natalie let out a strangled whimper and fell onto her side clutching her aching melon.
In truth, it hadn’t felt that painful; the wiry hair that covered Liam’s scrotum meant it did feel exceedingly scratchy against her sensitive, pink flesh, but Amy just didn’t feel like describing it to her sister in words.
Deciding she couldn’t go through with it, Amy reached down to withdraw Liam’s bollock, only have the other rammed unceremoniously into her by a furious Natalie. Amy screamed as the fat nugget stretched her cunt lips apart and rocketed inside, knocking the other nut deeper inside her, but her screams were drowned out by the high-pitched wail that erupted from deep within Liam. The terrible howl was so intense that actually seemed to originate all the way from his mistreated balls.
Not that either Amy or Natalie cared; a catfight was underway.
After violating both two people with one stone, Natalie leapt on top of Amy and continued the abuse by grabbing hold of her sister’s quivering jugs and squeezing them cruelly.
The pain caused Amy’s muscles to contract, sucking Liam’s nuts deeper into her pussy until even Natalie’s thumb ring disappeared, painfully inside. Natalie’s cruel hands twisted Amy’s tits this way and that as she fought to stay astride her older sister and Amy’s pussy muscles reacted in the only way they knew how: by clamping down on Liam’s happysack with vice-like force.
Fighting back, Amy grabbed Natalie’s hair and jerked her this way and that, but Natalie’s grasp was firm around her sister’s supple tit-flesh.
That’s when Amy realised that there was only one thing left for it.
With Natalie’s hair firmly in hand, she clenched every muscle she had beneath her waist harder than she ever had before.
Liam had several immediate reactions to this: he let out a squeal, crossed his eyes and wished himself dead, but the reaction that Amy took advantage of was his urge to sit abruptly upright and clutch his ballbag. As he did, Amy rammed her little sister’s head back into his face. The impact hurt Liam more, but Natalie was sufficiently stunned for Amy to roll and pin.
With the catfight nearing its climax and adrenaline pumping, neither participant had noticed that thanks to Amy’s brilliant reversal, Liam’s nuts had been twisted an entire 180 degrees inside of her. It was the straw that broke the camel’s bollocks as far as Liam was concerned—he passed out.

When he came round, he found himself propped up against the sofa as he had been before the last forfeit. His legs were spread eagle and his stretched, swollen, slightly distorted nuts were laid out on the carpet before him; Natalie’s ring still encircling his sack. Beside the throbbing pair, was a hand of cards. He sighed wretchedly.
‘Final round,’ said Amy, he words dripping with venom. She was scowling at Natalie who was scowling back with equal malice.
‘Winner takes all,’ agreed Natalie, prompting Liam to question:
‘What is it we’re playing for?’ The sisters hadn’t given him eye contact since he came round, but suddenly their eyes were on him and the specific part of him they were eyeing made Liam extremely uncomfortable.
‘We’re playing for whatever we want,’ said Amy. ‘Whoever wins gets to choose the final forfeits.’
‘Let’s play,’ said Natalie. Amy and Natalie picked up their cards, their eyes keenly scanned their hands, Liam’s eyes simply tried to focus.
His pain had become a strangely dulled sensation replaced by the acute awareness of every influence on his testicles. For instance, he could feel the pulsing of blood around his massive orbs; to the point where he swore you could see them visibly throb. He could feel the carpet, soft as it was, pressing unevenly into the back of his nuts against their own weight. Most worryingly, he could feel the stress that the swelling was putting on his plums; they felt like water balloons filled to bursting point.
‘Do you want to keep them or not?’ asked Amy, nodding down at his jewels.
‘Of course I do,’ he gasped in horror. Then he noticed she was looking slightly to the left of his danglers, at his cards. Sheepishly he picked them up and inspected them. ‘I’ll swap two.’ To his astonishment, he picked up two aces.
Next Natalie took two cards. ‘Wait,’ she said, staring with dismay at the new cards. ‘This isn’t right.’ It had been agreed by both sisters that the round be fixed so that Natalie won.
‘What do you mean?’ asked Amy with concern.
Natalie noticed Liam was looked at her with a trace of suspicion. ‘Oh, nothing.’ Then with an anxious urgency: ‘Amy, swap your cards.’
Amy swapped two also. ‘Uh-oh,’ she said. She looked at Natalie and then the both of them looked at Liam.
‘Let’s see them then,’ Liam said with a smile. The girls put down their terrible hands. ‘I didn’t mean your cards.’ Liam grinned.
‘You stupid little bitch,’ Amy muttered.
‘What did you just call me?’ snapped Natalie.
‘Girls, girls. Now I know both your dirty little secrets so don’t try to get out of this. Now, let me make sure I do this right: Natalie, you take off your towel. Amy you take off your T-shirt and thong.’
‘But what about our—?’ began Amy.
‘Pussies?’ finished Liam, his sock-clad schlong inflating and the five-inch length of scrotum below beginning to tighten.
‘Tell you what, you’ve got a spare sock, Amy and Natalie,’ he eyed her towel-cloaked form lecherously, ‘you can have this one.’ He pulled off the soft, cotton ankle sock covering his dick with a purposeful languor as though he was unveiling a fantastic prize. What he put on display did capture both girls’ attention though. Both started at the stiff monument of manliness with awe and the hint of fear.
‘But his balls were so small,’ gasped Natalie before the musky-smelling sock hit her square in the face.
‘So,’ said Liam, obscenely stroking his solid cock, ‘who’s first?’ His eyes were on Natalie, but as she put a hand on the knot of her towel, Amy reached across and stopped her.
‘I’ll go first,’ she said unselfishly.
‘You don’t have to,’ said Natalie.
‘He’s seen mine already.’ Natalie nodded and looked away as Amy took hold of the bottom of her T-shirt and lifted it over her head to reveal the fantastic treasures she hid beneath.
Liam was surprised how blown away he was by the awesome pair. He had seen them some months ago at a party when he had purposefully stepped on Amy’s dress and twirled her. He thought back to how the dress had corkscrewed down the swell of her tits before passing the point of no return and simply falling to the ground, leaving her spinning; baps flopping wildly, wearing only a silky G-string in front of a gawking crowd of family and friends.
As dick-stiffening as it had been, his view of her melons had been compromised slightly by the sheer degree of their gelatinous jiggling and the speed at which she covered up afterwards.
Now his view was completely unobstructed, he could take in the sheer size and perfection of her funbags. Amy tossed the T-shirt aside, removed her sock and climbed to her feet. Turning so that her full, round rear filled Liam’s vision; she began slowly and carefully peeling off her thong.
Liam could hardly stop himself from cumming—and he knew the best was still to come.
The thong hit the floor and Amy delicately kicked it aside; making sure her legs didn’t part far enough to show the real goods. She placed the sock over her exposed slit and turned back around to kneel on the floor with infinitely more care and modesty than she had used at the start of the game.
‘There,’ she said finally and she closed her eyes and let Liam absorb her every curve. She was perfect, but Liam was too much of a tit man settle for second best. Gripping his meat tightly, he composed himself best he could and looked to his girlfriend’s baby sister. Natalie looked mortified. She looked at her ball-busting big sister, naked and defeated before a throbbing cock and balls.
‘You said he wouldn’t get to see them,’ she whimpered to Amy.
‘I’m sorry,’ her sister said sorrowfully.
Biting her bottom lip and unable to maintain eye contact with Liam, Natalie took hold of the knot in her towel and loosened it off. The by now dry towel fell away from her back and ass, but Natalie maintained her hold on the front corner, denying Liam the sight of her massive breasts for a few more agonising seconds before finally…
The back door slammed shut. Natalie’s eyes widened and she pulled the towel to her chest.
Tina was back!
It took Liam just a second more to realise what was going on, but by that time both Amy and Natalie had bolted for the stairs.
Liam tried to stand, but his legs were still too weak from the considerable ball-torture he had received over the past hour or so. His eyes filled with panic. He scoured his immediate area for some form of clothing, his boxers, even a sock would have done right then.
Tina entered the room. ‘Hey,’ she greeted chirpily, not noticing his nakedness behind the couch. ‘You like my hair?’
‘Er, sure.’
‘What are you doing still undressed?’
‘I was…’
‘Oh, look at that,’ Tina said, spotting Amy’s thong. She marched over the tiny undergarment and picked it up. ‘I bet this is Natalie. She always leaves her—’ She turned around and froze instantly. Her eyes locked onto her boyfriend’s battered, bloated happy-sack.
‘What the fuck?’
‘I can explain,’ Liam said pitifully. ‘I, er, sat on them.’
‘Really?’ said Tina bitterly, ‘then how exactly did Natalie’s ring get round your nutsack?’
‘This isn’t Natalie’s—’ he looked down at the ring and noticed for the first time that her baby sister’s name was clearly etched into the ring. ‘Ah,’ he said, right before he felt Tina’s foot stomp down on his helpless ‘nads.
The pain that his brain had been doing so well to block returned tenfold as Tina’s leather sole all but flattened his balls into the carpet. The ring around his scrotum didn’t help matters; keeping his usual evasive marbles trapped in a tight pouch with nowhere to go.
‘You fucking pig!’ Tina growled, twisting her foot so that his pancaked balls had no choice but to roll with it. She waved the juice-soaked thong in his face accusingly. ‘I ought to crush your worthless cherries right now.’
‘Ought to?’ Amy repeated to herself, as she peered through the crack in the door. She turned to Natalie. ‘She’s not going to do it. He has to pay!’
‘But what can we—?’ started Natalie, but before she could finish the question Amy shoved her through, minus her towel and it was then that Liam saw what he had been so desperate to see for so long now. His cock hardened of its own accord; he could do nothing to stop it and though he tried, he just couldn’t take his eyes off Natalie’s perfectly huge and bouncing rack.
‘You bastard,’ Tina growled and, as Liam’s testicles collapsed with a sickening crunch, he staggeringly came harder and more powerfully than ever before as two bollocks-worth of spunk erupted high enough and arced far enough to coat Natalie’s fat titties with the mother load of gentleman’s goo.
Liam passed out with a smile.

05-03-2006, 07:44 PM
nice story, but maybe on wrong thread???

09-27-2006, 02:14 AM
exellent works

09-30-2006, 08:25 AM
Very interesting, but i agree with julie: it's in the wrong thread!!

09-30-2006, 04:23 PM
Is there a free (or affordable) software to make such manipulations besides expensive ones like Photoshop? Thanks...:wooow

09-30-2006, 06:20 PM
Hi Dieter2!

Ulead Photoimpact 10 or 11 is very good, simple to use, and not so expensive.