View Full Version : Devices and Equipment for BB
01-27-2005, 06:49 PM
You might take a look at the MSN group:
Its a moderated group that takes permission to join, but they are quite fast in responding. Lots of ideas and plans over there!
anyone know what this is called or where i can get one. Thankyou. The pic is in that link
04-04-2005, 09:38 PM
Dear yuik,
Let me congratulate you on your clever means of not posting in the pic link :)
I have seen these, or something it, available to buy on the web somewhere.
I’ll let you know if I come across it.
There are a bunch of devices (although not the one you show) available at:
So to continue a thread......
Which device from the link above do people here prefer?
I still like the Barefoot Princess vise (see post 13 ‘unlucky for some' in the relevant link) cuz she’s so cool :)
04-05-2005, 02:27 PM
Many of these devices can be made at home. Just go to the local hardware store or home depot etc. I have made several which I know inquisitiv would enjoy. I used boards to make a trap that locks my balls onto the board so my wife can step/stomp, stand on them or whatever. For the plexiglass cylinders and crushers we have a place that specializes in plastics-
04-05-2005, 02:48 PM
Great to see you back again here Magnum :) I thoroughly appreciated your ‘in support of Trouble’ soliloquy but was worried we’d lost ya there.
Welcome back! (and sorry I missed the fun).
04-05-2005, 02:58 PM
I bet we all got summa these :)
04-07-2005, 10:28 AM
Great to see you back again here Magnum :) I thoroughly appreciated your ‘in support of Trouble’ soliloquy but was worried we’d lost ya there.
Welcome back! (and sorry I missed the fun).
Thanks Inquisitiv. I was out of town for about 4 days. I wasn't gone because of protesting "anything", just went on a trip that took 10 hours driving each way and 2 days in between. The trip from hell. I love that stretcher. I just can't believe the prices, thats why I say if you are handy with tools make your own. I have long thought about making and selling "devices" but it puts me to close to the porn business. Anyway, I need a very smooth ring to place around my nut sack so when my wife busts my balls they can't escape so easily. The problem is finding something that doesn't, chaf, scratch, cut, nick, etc. etc. :eek:
04-07-2005, 09:51 PM
just went on a trip that took 10 hours driving each way and 2 days in between. The trip from hell.Isn’t that what aircraft are for? I assume that you were transporting something too big to fly with?
I see things for sale that lock into place with an allen key or similar but I know what you mean about the prices. They’d be <25% of the price if they were sold for a non-sexual function.
There’s a whole library (16 pages) of ball-stretching to be found at:
I can’t believe how far some of these guys get! (I’ve posted some examples below)
04-10-2005, 11:54 AM
I have been told not to use plastic for fear of breakind and puncturing the balls. Magnum, what kind do you use? Is it hardened or something?
04-13-2005, 01:25 AM
Sorely tempted to get this one...
Visible Ball Crusher (
04-13-2005, 01:37 AM
and this...very pricey, but damn.
MEO Ball Cuff (
04-13-2005, 01:38 AM
Sorely tempted to get this one...
Visible Ball Crusher (
If you will pay $55 for an 8" square of plexiglas and two 4" dowels plus a couple of carriage bolts, I have a bridge you might want to take a look at in Brooklyn.
04-13-2005, 02:01 AM
If you will pay $55 for an 8" square of plexiglas and two 4" dowels plus a couple of carriage bolts, I have a bridge you might want to take a look at in Brooklyn.It costs a lot more to hire two sisters to bust you and that’s all over in <hour except for the memories.
……but what sweet memories :)
Thanks for the lead to the MEO site Tamakeri. It has a great collection interesting fetish stuff :)
04-13-2005, 07:48 AM
I’m pretty sure the ‘device’ shown below is not being used for its intended purpose but what is it?
Any ideas?
LOL, I have used one exactly like that, exactly for that! That, of course is a cuff hanger for trousers. And sorry I can't take the credit for the MEO link, that was Takkyuu_tama's post.
But you're absolutely right on the returned value of the cost of the sisters. Intrinsically I have always had a hard time with people charging extraordinary amounts for what I would consider "ordinary" goods, whether it's a piece of plexiglass or an hour in their laire. Paying the money anyway is proof that we often think with the little head rather than the big one, I guess, no matter how immune we think we are to that.
04-13-2005, 09:45 AM
Intrinsically I have always had a hard time with people charging extraordinary amounts for what I would consider "ordinary" goods, whether it's a piece of plexiglass or an hour in their laire. Paying the money anyway is proof that we often think with the little head rather than the big one, I guess, no matter how immune we think we are to that.
This is why I mention "Home Depot" because they have the same stuff for 1/4 of the price.
04-13-2005, 03:36 PM
LOL, I have used one exactly like that, exactly for that! That, of course is a cuff hanger for trousers. And sorry I can't take the credit for the MEO link, that was Takkyuu_tama's post.I thought it might be something ‘clothing’ related as it had a coat-hanger feel about it. I've obviously never seen a cuff hanger. I’m glad it made you laugh and brought back a few happy memories :) Apologies for mixing you up with Takkyuu_tama.
04-13-2005, 04:16 PM
Good device in action in movie bottom left here :)
04-27-2005, 09:32 AM
How the heck do some of you guys get your nut sack to stretch so far?
05-08-2005, 07:51 AM
I really like the idea of this device you described. Unfortunately I can't view your attachment -- I registered, logged in, made a post... I dont know what the deal is there.
< - - - CUT - - - >
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- Sara
05-08-2005, 06:55 PM
There is also the cbt crusher.
You can find some pics in this url:
Look at the nurse. What a pretty smile she has...
05-10-2005, 11:00 AM
I've used just plain vices as well. That gets pretty nasty as you are eventually under her mercy (she can either turn the crank and finish you off or stop...)
05-11-2005, 12:36 AM
That's not a CBT crusher. The device that the nurse is holding is a screw twitch. It's used to clamp horse's lips when you have to trim their faces, if I remember correctly. Regardless, if you want to buy one, don't pay $28 for one from some place which sells it as a CBT crusher, buy it for $8 from someplace which sells horse equiptment. Once you buy it, you can use it however you want.
05-11-2005, 02:08 AM
Of course, everyone had recognised the cuff-hanger, but I would like to add one thing that has not been mentioned up to now: the hanger has a hook, and it can be used to add some weight (simply a basket with books or cans or bottles...)
Walking with that between your legs becomes uneasy, first due to the weight your sack have to bear, then because this extra load is moving between your legs and you hit it evry time you make a pace...
All that stuff is extremely cheap, and often available in hotel rooms... I remember using in a hotel in Brussels such a hanger, the plastic bag for laundry and the phone books that were provided i the room...
05-11-2005, 03:15 AM
Our Scrunt clearly has a visionary imagination when it comes to BB devices :)
05-24-2005, 11:46 AM
I bet most of us have got one of these too :)
Thats a great idea. They even make a double for mixing epoxy but in this case one for each ball.
05-25-2005, 04:16 AM
Thats a great idea. They even make a double for mixing epoxy but in this case one for each ball.Brilliant! :) Be careful though. One of mine has to move forward a couple of mm before it can be released. That could be real fun if you’re already at you max :)
05-25-2005, 04:18 AM
So how are these being held together then?
Oh bugger, I've reached my upload limit again! It doesn't take long :(
05-27-2005, 10:32 AM
my ex-girlfried liked to put my balls in a leather bag together with two steelballs in the size of a table tennis ball, then she started twisting the bag even as i pleased her to stop until she got sure i did everything she wanted from me
06-01-2005, 01:20 PM
ahaha I've done that before. cant take it for long since its sharp
Where does he buy his underwear from?
LOL, I have used one exactly like that, exactly for that! That, of course is a cuff hanger for trousers. I guess that this is one too then. I can see the full picture now :)
These are a little different. :)
06-12-2005, 03:51 PM
Ball stretching...
John P
06-13-2005, 05:55 AM
Hi thornapple,
I just wanted to say they your pictures are great (I guess I'm not allowed to say that in the pictures only thread but that its OK here). You are a very lucky man.
Oh and Inq, I luv all these devices you find
Thanks to both for posting. :)
06-13-2005, 03:16 PM
Do common rubber bands qualify as devises? They sure work for me, as does my vise grip...the jaws are modified a little make the pressure surface a little broader. (I hope the pic with the rubber bands on both my nuts isn't too dark.)
The rubber bands are lobster claw bands, the ones that the fishmonger puts on the claws of lobsters so they don't bite the hand that eats them.
The Geezer
Ball stretching...Hi thornapple, I guess you didn't see me looking through the window with my zoom lens then:
07-19-2005, 02:09 PM
Did anyone have a chemistry teacher (or anyone else) use these clamps on your balls? And one for the ladies, have you used them on anyone?
07-20-2005, 06:00 PM
we had one in our art department and the female technician used to pretend like she was going to use it on us sometimes. I guess it's these little things that turn into a full grown fetish!
07-21-2005, 10:31 AM
Did anyone have a chemistry teacher (or anyone else) use these clamps on your balls? And one for the ladies, have you used them on anyone?
I bet Geezer has! When it comes to squeezing devices he's the man.
07-29-2005, 07:28 PM
I bet Geezer has! When it comes to squeezing devices he's the man.
Thanks, Magnum, for the compliment...I do like my nuts stressed some when I'm in the mood. I haven't tried the beaker clamp though, my lobster bands and vise grip work pretty good and along with my hands, they're certainly my favorite ball-squeezing tools.
Here's a pic or two of my guys trapped in a homemade humbler with a thumb-screw crusher attachment. Some of my other posts may look a little more severe than these but the three dowels put some pretty severe pressure on my eggs when the thumb screws are tightened down. When the crusher bar is situated correctly, there's nowhere for the mass of the ball to ooze to except toward the ends of the humbler as they flatten. The pain is pretty severe for a few minutes after I tighten the screws...soon, another half or three-quarter turn on the thumbscrews wakes them up again.
The Geezer
PS: I'm always amused a little with the stories on some of the various BB sites about women "popping" a guy's balls with her bare hands. Maybe some of you young virile studs with rock-hard nuts don't have the elasticity in your nuts that I do but I've put some REAL severe squeezing on both my nuts with some pretty unforgiving clamping devises over the years and they haven't come anywhere near "popping." I grant that I have to work up to the severe stuff a little but once I've reached my "stop for a minute" threshhold several times in one session and have overcome the pain several times and gotten my ball(s) a little mushy, I can squeeze them with ALL my hand strength and I've got no concern about popping them. As I keep tightening down with my vise grip, I am always surprised that I can get it as tight as I can. I guess that in some severe traumatic "setup", a ball could be ruptured but I think that would be pretty hard to pop one just with hand pressure or from a knee or kick to a loosely hanging scrotum.
PPS: I've been away from the computer quite a bit lately. This site has cooled down some over the last month or two hasn't it. What's the story?
08-02-2005, 09:33 PM
Just had an awesome session with a domme in NYC. Whole time was spent working my balls, either punching, squeezing, or using a wooden meat tenderizer. The tenderizer was generally good, but near the end of the sessions we realized she had to put something soft (like a sock or towel) on it or the skin on my sac got too sensitive. Funny how much that pain was detracting from the pain in my balls...
08-03-2005, 12:41 AM
The pics in the "secret leather" site are fantastic!
Many of them show a cock remaining obviously hard while the balls are severely tortured. That's not so frequent. Congratulations!
08-04-2005, 10:48 AM
Hey Geezer, I have noticed this site cooling down a little also. i guess we better get posting. I also have to say that my balls are more pliable now than when I was younger and I can take a lot more punishment now than I used to. It's a funny thing because even 5 or 6 years ago my wife new when I was really horny because my balls would be rock hard. Now they are mostly softer. There was a guy that used to post on one of the BB sites that always was looking for guys to take the "dime challenge" which I assume meant compressing your balls to the diameter of a dime. I think I could possibly do it now but not back then. His wife was brutal to his balls. I remember him saying she would place his balls in a humbler and punch them until they squirted through it. Anyway, he, like you had some impressive pics of compression. :eek:
08-13-2005, 09:59 AM
Hey Geezer... I remember him saying she would place his balls in a humbler and punch them until they squirted through it. Anyway, he, like you had some impressive pics of compression.
Speaking of "squirting" back out of a compressing devise, when I force my balls through a few of my smallest metal rings, getting the rings off is often better than when I put them on because by that time, I have worked on them, had my orgasm and an ready to quit. I have found that after I climax, my balls become very sensitive and having to make them ooze back through those small metal rings can be very excrutiating. Taking several rings off, one after the other, brings new meaning to exceeding one's limits and working with one ring on one ball doesn't let one quickly force the ball back through as with a takes more of a direct pressure (or squeeze) to direct the ball back through the ring. When I use my smallest rings on my most squeezable ball, it's pretty cool examining the ball as it changes shape going back through each ring. I often stop it's movement while the ring is on the middle of my ball...each end of the ball is of a larger diameter than the "waist" directly under the ring.
Small diameter metal rings are wonderful ball torture devises in and of themselves (in addition to being useful auxiliary devices to isolate a ball while you stress it with other squeezing tools). Of course, "tight" means different things to different people...and to different balls. :-) One of my balls will easily slip through a ring that I have a lot of trouble ******* my other one through. Several different sized rings are a must if you are serious about ball torture with rings. Usually I use two or three 1 & 1/2" rings at the base of my scrotum (both balls through), then at least two 1 & 1/4" rings for my tender ball and then I apply several one inch rings on my numb nut (it's not really numb but I can put a lot of pressure on it...much more than on my tender nut). I have one ring that is probably 1 1/8th that I use as a third ring on my tender nut when I'm really into a strong session and have "tenderized" or softened it a little...and then several types of clamps for when I get my series of rings on and want to do some real compression individually to my then "google eyed" eggs. The rings, of course don't get smaller once they are on and therefore don't restrict the blood flow but by using two or more rings on one ball, they form a small tube, back through which a ball can't escape. Taking each ganged ring off separately is the only way to get them all off a ball (assuming that one uses the tightest rings possible for the size of each ball).
The Geezer.
This site doesn't let me upload a picture to different threads so if you want to see the pics that I've posted, you can find the others by checking my profile, I think.
The Rani
09-06-2005, 11:11 PM
There was a guy that used to post on one of the BB sites that always was looking for guys to take the "dime challenge" which I assume meant compressing your balls to the diameter of a dime.Scrunt gets close :)
09-07-2005, 10:15 AM
The name "scrunt" sounds very familair. From where do I know that name?
The Rani
09-07-2005, 01:46 PM
You cannot be serious!
He has thousands of BB pics and must be the most prolific producer of material in the area there is!
The Rani
09-11-2005, 02:23 PM
There was a guy that used to post on one of the BB sites that always was looking for guys to take the "dime challenge" which I assume meant compressing your balls to the diameter of a dime.
These look ready to pop :)
09-17-2005, 10:55 AM
where did you find that picture and are there more like it.
The Rani
09-17-2005, 01:40 PM
where did you find that picture and are there more like it.There’ll likely be more out there somewhere. It’s usually a question of identifying the artist and doing a web search for them. I don’t see an artists mark on that piece or recognise the style. Any ideas anybody?
Who's this by?
09-19-2005, 11:45 AM
Thanks Rani, I appreciate the info. I also like the "ready to pop" pic. :D
The Rani
09-19-2005, 04:02 PM
Thanks Rani, I appreciate the info. I also like the "ready to pop" pic. :DShe's got his nuts in a vise in this wmv file. Its a shame she didn't tighten it a few more turns though :(
09-25-2005, 11:37 AM
Hey, I'm a new member and appreciate all the great information I've seen so far. Two sites I did not notice that offer neat cock and ball devices are: and Navigation to the cock and balls toys is easy. Some are pricey, but hey, it's all in good fun (or a little more serious for others).
10-31-2005, 10:57 AM
Quite by accident my wife has discovered that simple escargot thongs, which can be purchased online from any kitchen supply site, are really evil implements to use on a pair of balls. To be honest, I really dread when she brings them out. I would much rather endure her squeezing and pinching with her thumb and forefinger than those things. Use Google search to find them if you are at all interested. "Enjoy".
A Rill
10-31-2005, 11:14 AM
Quite by accident my wife has discovered that simple escargot thongs, which can be purchased online from any kitchen supply site, are really evil implements to use on a pair of balls. To be honest, I really dread when she brings them out. I would much rather endure her squeezing and pinching with her thumb and forefinger than those things. Use Google search to find them if you are at all interested. "Enjoy".FYI everybody these things are 'tongs' (OED: An implement consisting of two limbs or ‘legs’ connected by a hinge, pivot, or spring, by means of which their lower ends are brought together so as to grasp and take up objects which it is impossible or inconvenient to lift with the hand.) and not 'thongs' (OED: 1. narrow strips of hide or leather, for use as a lace, cord, band, strap, or the like. OR 2. skimpy garments (similar to a G-string) consisting of a cache-sexe and a narrow elasticated strip extending between the legs and buttocks to meet a waistband, and worn esp. as an item of swimwear.). My gf has used fire (coal) tongs on my balls. I quite like these things as she appears to be less in control of her actions with them. She doesn't like to hurt me too much but does so anyway with the tongs :D
10-31-2005, 01:32 PM
FYI everybody these things are 'tongs' (OED: An implement consisting of two limbs or ‘legs’ connected by a hinge, pivot, or spring, by means of which their lower ends are brought together so as to grasp and take up objects which it is impossible or inconvenient to lift with the hand.) and not 'thongs' (OED: 1. narrow strips of hide or leather, for use as a lace, cord, band, strap, or the like. OR 2. skimpy garments (similar to a G-string) consisting of a cache-sexe and a narrow elasticated strip extending between the legs and buttocks to meet a waistband, and worn esp. as an item of swimwear.).
OY! Guv'nor, I fought a G-string was shaped like a bloody viola di gamba - how're ya supposed to use a bloody violin as a skimpy undergarment, eh? That's wot I'd like to know.
A Rill
10-31-2005, 04:00 PM
OY! Guv'nor, I fought a G-string was shaped like a bloody viola di gamba - how're ya supposed to use a bloody violin as a skimpy undergarment, eh? That's wot I'd like to know.‘Old on a bleedin minite Uncle Sam. My old mum she brung me up real proper like so I don’t sownd a bloody bit lyke that?
A Rill
11-09-2005, 04:56 PM
Some devices
11-12-2005, 03:49 AM
Does that qualify as the dime challenge?
11-17-2005, 04:56 PM
Can anyone point me to where I can find a decent ball-leash? Open to any suggestions; we're new to this ;)
11-17-2005, 07:26 PM
11-17-2005, 07:26 PM
11-17-2005, 08:00 PM
11-17-2005, 08:03 PM
11-20-2005, 08:41 AM
I tried this on myself a few days ago.
11-20-2005, 09:09 AM
Nice one broken :) Now let see if you can ride a bicyle for 10K with that gear on :D
11-20-2005, 09:18 AM
Nice one broken :) Now let see if you can ride a bicyle for 10K with that gear on :D
I haven't tried it, but I'm going to guess that I can't. In fact, I'd go so far as to say I probably couldn't get on a bicycle.
11-20-2005, 12:42 PM
Hi Broken,
Yes, I’m not sure that I’d get on a bicycle either if I were trussed up like that!
I assume that you’re either Japanese or fluent in the language. My spoken Japanese is poor and my written skills are non-existent. Do you know your way around the web-based tamakeri? Can you point me in the direction of some good free stuff? I find I get very lost looking!
Many thanks :)
11-20-2005, 09:41 PM
Actually, my Japanese is not very good, but I can get by with daily activities (restaurants, asking directions). Reading is, of course, insanely difficult. When I'm browsing Japanese sites, I rely on Babelfish a lot. Well, that, and I do remember key kanji (like 金蹴り), so I can navigate a bit on my own. I really haven't seen much that I haven't seen on here, but I'll keep looking and share what I find.
11-21-2005, 02:10 AM
So what takes you to Tokyo?
11-21-2005, 02:50 AM
Work. I'd rather not say much more than that.
Regular household objects put to good use.
12-18-2005, 09:19 PM
A little more ballcrushing action. I can't seem to get it as tight as that scrunt guy.
12-25-2005, 01:58 PM
I like your pics. I try similar to work with pins (enclosed line) and always look to new ideas. I also tried some devices from the cellar.
12-25-2005, 02:17 PM
some useful devices from the cellar. No really flat but at least a try.
12-27-2005, 06:17 PM
I like your pics. I try similar to work with pins (enclosed line) and always look to new ideas. I also tried some devices from the cellar.
Thanks, Anton.
01-02-2006, 11:27 AM
Found a intressting site !
01-03-2006, 12:36 AM
Home made device
01-10-2006, 05:24 PM
This is just a crazy little fantasy I dreamed up one day while sitting in traffic.
A car eazed up along side me and there was a gorgeous young lady driving and looking as bored as I was.
I thought how good it would feel to be busted by her. Then I started thinking of how she could do it while driving. It would be a great idea to build a custom BB driver seat. It would flip up to allow me to lay on the floor under the seat, on my back with my face sticking out near her feet. The bottom of the seat would be spring loaded so that her weight would rest on my chest and abdomen. Then my balls would be held in place between two plates, one stationary and one moveable. The moveable plate would be connected through spring loaded mechanical linkage to the brake pedal. The spring loaded portion of the linkage would be there so as not to completely crush my balls but allow extreme pressure applied depending on how hard she stepped on the brake pedal.
So...there I am watching her car move up ahead in traffic and every time I see her brake lights come on I imagine the crushing pressure applied to my balls by her foot. Suddenly my jeans got very tight and uncomfortable. But it sure made the drive in traffic much more bearable!!!
01-10-2006, 07:08 PM
Has anyone tried a blood pressure cuff on balls? It sounds good but i imagine they would pop out of the cuff...
01-11-2006, 12:30 AM
Has anyone tried a blood pressure cuff on balls? It sounds good but i imagine they would pop out of the cuff... Yes
see: and play safely :)
01-21-2006, 04:08 PM
01-21-2006, 04:08 PM
01-21-2006, 04:09 PM
01-22-2006, 05:56 AM
great pics and excelletn quality. tks
02-08-2006, 03:18 PM
I have just found a little gadget that might be useful: "trick eggs". They look like real chicken eggs but are soft on the outside and have a hard core. In short: they have the feel of a real ball if you squeeze them, they have nearly the same size and the same weight. Just take two and put them in a little bag, and let your girlfriend grab and squeeze - for training. Or put them in your trousers without telling and brag how much you can take ;)
Bought them in Cologne, Germany. Label reads: Fernost Importe Geiss GmbH
02-19-2006, 06:53 PM
When I need a good ball busting I usually look for simple things around the house/garage. I could buy/make something good, but I can't have devices laying around for anyone to find. My best find so far is my $3 walmart caulking gun. I guess you would need two to go get both nuts, but this device has perfect pressure control. I have tried a few guns, but this cheap one works the best so far. It will apply pressure with no pinching of the scrotum. There are a lot of good looking devices you can buy/make, but from what I have seen they use wingnuts for adjusting pressure, and I find the trigger control to be the best part. Masturbating for a long period of time, gradually getting tighter and tighter. Just before orgasm, squeezing even harder to overcome the pain tolerance brings me some of the greatest orgasms I could ever imagine. My second favorite is the old wooden toilet seat. This takes a bit of work though, to get the aim dead on at the perfect time. Controlling the amount of pain with this method is difficult, but sometimes just laying my balls on the cold toilet bowl is enough to get me off. Anyone else have some favorites around the house?
02-20-2006, 01:14 PM
Take two pieces of 3/4" plastic pipe. Secure the ends to wooden "horses", balls between them with me standing. They are strong enough to hold my balls firmly but if I give a painful tug, they will pop out with quite a burst of pain. My wife then takes one of these extruded foam "noodles" - about 2" thick, 6 ft long that we bought at Toys-R-Us. Swings hard aiming for my balls. Most times she misses. When she connects it really gets my attention; however I must try to stay standing because falling down will give me considerable pain before my nuts slip out between the pipes. We place a bet of some kind and she gets so many swings (depending on the bet). If after so many swings, my balls are still between the pipes, I win. If they fall out or are knocked out by a solid swing, I lose.
If she swings horizontal, she misses a lot but sometimes the force of the blow itself will push may balls through. If she swings with a downward stroke, she connects more often but most blows lose some of their energy hitting the plastic pipes or deflecting off by stomach.
The other is to secure the pipes low on the wooden horses and I am in standard "humbler" position. I never bet for higher than 5 swings in this position. Not only does it hurt more per swing and accuracy is better, I just cannot hold as still in this position.
If we are not betting, then she may use a piece of 3/8" Quest tubing as her whip. Great thing about this is when disassembled, nothing is special. Just looks like ordinary stuff.
One I want to try when my wife is out of town on business. Use the same plastic pipes. Tie a rope at each end and connect this rope to a electric wench on slow. Tie my hands with a 6 foot piece of rope to a pole that I cannot reach until after the pipes pull off my balls. Start the wench. As it tightens, it pulls little by little. At first the slack is taken up in the rope, then the wench slowly flexes the pipe until there is enough pressure to pull the pipes free of my balls. Slow creshendo pain building to an inevitable peak the "pop" my balls squeeze through the pipes. The first time I will probably try this with her around so she can get me out if needed.
Again, when torn down, nothing special other than sore balls.
How much force it takes depends on how close to my balls the pipes are tied together. At 10 feet, they come off only mildly painfully. At 2 feet, I would worry about damage before release.
Remember, Safe Sane Consensual.
02-22-2006, 01:30 PM
do you think you can make pics of this device?
02-24-2006, 09:26 AM
Don't have a digital camera. May be a while.
03-10-2006, 12:24 AM
i have a device thats pretty fun,i used a ceiling fan without the blades mounted vertically,on a stand with a heavy base,i used small rectangular wooden blocks then attached 4" by2" leather straps these mounted where the blades went (it was a 4 blade fan) two of these are used opposite each other. forward and reverse plus three speed settings ,it works very well i will try to get a pic of it posted in action ,im also working on an auto puncher using a car electric door lock unit ,hi sharon when are you going to take a vaction and see me in san diego ?you work way to hard !!!
04-14-2006, 05:37 PM
I made my version of the device that Barefoot Princess used in this post:
I went to the 99 cent store and bought a rubber ball, a squeegee and some electrical tape. I carved out a 1/2 inch hole about one inch into the ball, and then I unscrewed the handle from the squeegee and inserted it into the hole in the ball. I wrapped it with about 3-4 feet of electrical tape to hold it in place and to cover the ball for color uniformity (see photo).
Let me tell you, this little device is absolutely sinister. I put on my bb briefs (with a scrotum hole to expose only my balls (see photo)) and tried it a few times on myself, and it works like a charm. I find this to be quite effective for self-busting - much better than a ball in a sock or even my own hand, but I still hold back. My wife & I have yet to play with it, but we will soon.
All in all, an excellent gizmo for $2.97 (plus tax)
Good stuff Penispuppet maybe you should set up an online store!
Greetings all! I've been following this site for some time now, but I've never had much to contribute.
I recently put together a relatively simple device, and I've never had so much fun with a homemade toy! My wife partakes in ballbusting quite frequently, however, I get a little kinkier when she's not around. This is for those of you who enjoy ballbusting/stretching and anal penetration combined...(which I'm curious how many others are into... hopefully no one is offended...)
It's nothing more than a few pieces of 1/2" PVC, a screw and nut, a 2" ring, and some electrical tape. You can add whatever you like to the end of it -- I use electrical tape with a condom over top so I can make my own size/shape. Drill the outside holes large enough for the head of the screw to fit through, fasten it all together so nothing is protruding, and get ready for an addicting toy! It works like a lever with your balls as the fulcrum!
Let me know if anyone tries it and enjoys it as much as I have... or if you come up with some cool modification for it!
I'm computer stupid so I hope I can get the attachments to work...
06-29-2006, 08:23 PM
Ingenious! I've got to build one and try it.
There may be some interesting variants and/or improvements.
07-05-2006, 05:34 PM
Post number 88, that sounds like allot of fun, especially the testing phase to get the pipes tied at the right distance for the proper pressure before the balls slide through. My idea on this device is for it to be tied to a stationary object in the humbler position, the mistress is on her hands and knees before you, and you have to stretch your balls to reach her with your tongue. You are timed for how long it takes to pleasure her. You’re punished for the amount of time it takes and if your balls slip out you receive the maximum punishment, then start over.
07-07-2006, 06:03 PM
I have not tried it with the plastic pipes. We have done a variant. Balls in one of the split-ring collars that have eye bolts threaded. Tie bunjie to eyebolt in wall. Long piece of bunjie cord in between. The farther she moves away, the more pull.
Another variant is that she has a rope in her hand that passes through a bolt in the ceiling and then to the split ring collar or to a parachute. While I pleasure her, she can pull on the rope. Have also hung a weight on the rope. This gives a baseline tug the she still has the end of the rope and can pull on it.
When we built our bedroom, a number of hidden or camoflaged attachments were built in to the walls and ceiling. The one in the ceiling is very solid, built to support a "swing" (2x6's strung between the 2x8 ceiling joists).
Penis Puppett
What did you make your bb shorts out of? The material looks as if it would resist tearing or stretching too much?
02-17-2008, 09:06 AM
She's got his nuts in a vise in this wmv file. Its a shame she didn't tighten it a few more turns though :(
Could someone please re-upload this, it's no longer available.
02-21-2008, 01:30 PM
I am also building my own device for squeezing my testicles. First version in wood. It is consisting of three sticks with circular crosssection each with a diameter of 25mm. Viewed from the side on the crosssections they build a triangle with even sides with the balls trapped in between.
Like holding you balls between two fingers and the thumb...
I planned wing srews for easy an fast handling. Additinally I try springs applying constant pressure.
Maybe I post a picture if it is finished, unless I am so happy with it that I prefer to sell it;).
I also though of a construction of an alu version, but it is a bit more difficult to manufacture at home.
02-28-2008, 05:20 PM
Hello all. It's been a while. My Mistress ordered me to do this to myself last night.
03-22-2008, 06:40 AM
gday. the tools that i use when selfbusting are pretty simple. i just used an old meccano set (its like a building set with small metal parts to make things with). The first device i have squeezes my nuts. It is basically similar to a humbler, where you have two bars come together above your balls and hold them in place. Then i have a flat piece that screws down to squish my balls. its pretty fun to use, i make a game out of it by closing it one turn at a time, hold it for a while, then another turn.
The second device i have is like a catapult. i made it from the same set. Basically i made a catapult with the arm about half a metre long. it is sprung by a big rubber band, so when you pull it down, it whips back up really fast. The problem with it is that as soon as you let it go, you know when your balls are getting it, so what i do is use blu-tack to hold the end of the catapult to the ground and position myself so that my nuts are where the end of the arm hits, and so that i cant see it coming. when the blu-tack cant hold anymore,WHACK!
03-24-2008, 01:56 PM
I finished my squeezing tool desribed some posts ago. It works fine (the springs always give the right adjusted pressure) if the balls stay in place. One disadvantage of the described construction is that the balls flip out of their trap through their movability in the sack skin. In the next update I will trap them completly by blocking the direction to the body. It is a bit more complicated to build....
06-21-2023, 07:10 PM
I just got a cordless percussion massager used for deep tissue massages. The sucker throws hundreds of punches per second and will pummel your nuts as hard, as fast and as long as you want.
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