View Full Version : My New Avatar

05-18-2005, 04:47 PM
This image game from google images which by default means it is free to display anywhere on the internet without copyright infringements. Any whining muppets can contact google with thier problems. And sara please give this Tballs no more air time.........

05-19-2005, 01:30 AM
Rock on Tommy!

05-19-2005, 05:37 AM
Looks good, Tommy :D

I sure hope nobody objects to it. :confused: If anyone does, they'll have to produce proof that that particular image is copyrighted.

It'll be the same criteria for avatars now as for other posted images. The Femaledom.com Rules say, "If any posted pictures belong to you and you haven't given permission to have them posted please mail us and prove your ownership and we will remove them immediately."
Since my email address is set to be "hidden" here, the owner would have to either find Sharon's email address and complain to her, or else sign up and send me a Private Message.

I like your new avatar, Tommy! :D

In case anyone had their avatar disappear 2 days ago, or notices that there are fewer avatars in the database here to choose from, I'll just repeat (and elaborate on) a bit of what I posted 2 days ago in the thread "Ballbusting Get Together....Its About Time", at:
www.femaledom.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2546 (http://www.femaledom.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2546)
That's where 'Tballs' was complaining that Tommy's previous avatar was supposedly "a copyrighted image" and (incorrectly) accused him of "ripping it off".

In the interest of peace and harmony, I deleted that avatar from the database. While I was there I also deleted a few other avatars that might cause problems. ;) Actually, I deleted about 30 of them! No sense in giving anyone any possible reason to complain about "copyrighted avatars" that came from "vBulletin" as their predefined set. "vBulletin" is the name of the company that provides the software (including the standard avatars) for these forums. ( www.vbulletin.com (http://www.vbulletin.com/) ) I really don't think that company would violate any copyright laws. The lawyers of a big company like that wouldn't likely be that stupid. :Baahaha:

Any member whose avatar has disappeared as a result of this can choose an avatar from the ones remaining, upload their own custom avatar, or remain without.
Personally, I think that it would be a good idea for members to show a bit of originality by uploading their own avatar rather than using one provided by 'vBulletin'. But that's just my opinion. Uploading a custom avatar for one's own profile is easy.

Replenishing the Selection of 'Standard' Avatars:
Any member who has an original avatar that they wouldn't mind sharing (putting in the public domain) is welcome to let me know. If it's suitable, I'm willing to try to add it to our database (or to the server's file system).
The maximum size of an avatar is 120 by 120 pixels or 9.8 KB (whichever is smaller).
I have no interest for or against adding more but I'm willing to help with this if anyone is interested. I also think that the standard set of avatars provided by vBulletin is rather limited and unimaginative!
It would be good chance for artists (amateur or professional) to see their artwork used and appreciated. ;) I'm sure that an artist would know how to include their logo or signature, if they wanted to. But they'd have to tell me specifically that they wanted the avatar used and considered 'in the public domain' for me to add it to the database. And I'd forward the Private Message from the artist to Sharon for future reference.
One way to get a new avatar to me would be for the artist to place it in their profile as their "profile picture" and then send me a Private Message offering to share it. The preferred formats are '.jpg/.jpeg', or '.gif'.

- Sara :)

05-19-2005, 07:01 AM

PS. I got full permission to do this Sara so its OK :)

05-19-2005, 07:10 AM
The first image when I did a Google image search for Miss Piggy was the one posted below (go on try it – its true!). I’m beginning to see her in a different light!

05-19-2005, 05:07 PM
The picture of Miss Piggy squashing Kermit is the best avatar I have ever seen!!

David B.

05-20-2005, 12:23 AM
I hereby proclaim my avatar to be in the public do--

Wait! Screw that! My avatar is trademark and copyright 2005 Left Nut Recording Studios, all rights reserved worldwide, and my attorney will sue you down to your eyepatch if you pirate it! I expect ROYALTIES!

Oh, heck, it's public domain, already. Yes, I'm fickle. I'd love to see vBulletin offer it in their standard set, so I may well contact them, because it is one heck of a lot more imaginative than the ones they have now. Plus, Femaledom is invited and encouraged to use it.

Anyone who wants my avatar better grab it before I change my mind again and file for a patent.

05-20-2005, 04:04 AM
WooHoo...........Thanks Guys.

Rock On Tommy :)

05-20-2005, 09:48 AM
This image game from google images which by default means it is free to display anywhere on the internet without copyright infringements. Any whining muppets can contact google with thier problems. And sara please give this Tballs no more air time.........

Now, I don't care what you use as your avatar, whether or not it is something copyrighted, so don't take this as a complaint about the avatar itself. But, dude, you have no idea what you're talking about. Google images are not public domain images. They're just images which are on web pages. For example, this one: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.jackstem.com/Wolf_Man-Copyright.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.jackstem.com/toc.htm&h=686&w=500&sz=115&tbnid=kUyb0AVoKaIJ:&tbnh=136&tbnw=99&hl=en&start=1&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcopyright%2Bwolf%2Bman%26hl%3Den%26lr %3D%26sa%3DG (sorry for it having to be such a long URL) has an explicit "all rights reserved" notice on it. Just because you stick an image on your web page doesn't mean that you give up all copyright to it.

If you want to learn about copyright, check out the Copyright Basics at http://www.copyright.gov/circs/circ1.html or their FAQ at http://www.copyright.gov/help/faq/ or the Info page on the Copyright Website http://www.benedict.com/info/info.aspx


play with my plums
05-20-2005, 06:33 PM
The first image when I did a Google image search for Miss Piggy was the one posted below (go on try it – its true!). I’m beginning to see her in a different light!

Yikes is that who I think it is from Big Bro? :eek:

Erm... &...oh yeah - Rock on Tommy! :)

05-21-2005, 02:57 AM
Smack is correct of course but as I see it (and I have absolutely no legal expertise wotsoever) the bottom line is: “What the hell are 'they' gonna do?”. Femaledom are covered by their blurb (nicely done guys ;)) so who they gonna chase? I’m more familiar with international patent law (I have a few). There’s not two months go by without me getting shots over the bow from some multinational drug company or some such saying I cannot do what I’m doing and they’re gonna sue my ass etc. etc. I always say: “bring it on” and of course they never do and nor can they. I’ve done nothing wrong. They’re just trying to intimidate me.

Now were I to profit from somebody else’s 'invention' they may have a worthwhile (and that's the key here as I see it) case to stop me doing so and/or take a damn good share of that profit and stick me for the costs of doing so. As I only exploit such things ‘academically’ what they gonna sue for? It costs tens of thousands to bring a case anyway so even if one did infringe small-time (not that I have or ever would) they’d be highly unlikely to challenge through the courts.

So how does copyright work then? I assume there must be similarities when it actually comes to taking legal action. Why ever bring a case against somebody that is not profiting from your ‘image’ or where it cannot be proved that their use of the image has reduced the earnings of the holder of the copyright? Why ever bring a case against lowly John Doe/Fred Bloggs when they’re worth sod all so you’d presumably have to pick up the costs yerself?

I can (sort of) understand the legalities of copyright but at what point does it become worth the bother of perusing legal action?

Power to the people & Rock on Tommy!

05-21-2005, 01:32 PM
*Nerd Alert*
For those seeing a physician who has advised them to avoid nerds, skip this message and be advised that the surgeon general thinks BB may carry health risks, but is a real hoot.


Copyright law was never intended to mean that a person can not create a parody of someone else's work or create satire based on someone else's work. If I were to write a comic book about Fat Man and the Boy Blunder, with Fat Man having a costume very similar, even qualifying as possibly being a "distinctive likeness", who drove a Fatmobile out of the Fat Cave every night, and was constantly "loosening his Fat Belt", what could DC do? That's right, Chester, nothing. Copyright law does not cover satire. Marvel Comics Group has one bunch of superheroes ("Squadron Supreme") who are blatant ripoffs of DC's Justice League of America; they also have the Imperial Guard who are blatant rip-offs of DC's Legion of Super-Heroes. Parody is a common theme in comics, as are "homages" (a rip-off of someone else's work that just barely scrapes by and gets around copyright violation).

So, how about Kermit the Dog? A blatant rip-off? Legal. Hilariously, it's legality arises from the intention to satirize a known work of someone else. Yes, Hubert, you CAN make money while making fun of your evil enemies (like Disney). but let's leave Kermit to rest for the moment...

What about if I draw a Dalek? Well, since I am not selling my picture of a Dalek, it would just be "fan art" which does not get anyone in trouble (unless the evil company is Disney). Even better, if I drew the Dalek to look a wee bit more like a pepper pot, I could call it a "parody" and sell it to the guys who hand out vBulletin. Woo hoo!

For example, my current Avatar is a parody of Darth Vader getting kicked in the nuts by Princess Leia. I know, I know, my art sucks and it turned out looking like a billboard...


A little closer to home: I could make a drawing of Tamakeri (maybe call it "Tom E. Kerry"?) and sell it and claim it as parody. Any copyright Tamakeri has of himself would not be violated. Of course, if I did that, then he might stop handing out so much great free stuff, and THAT would suck. We like free stuff.

05-26-2005, 01:45 PM
This ole "copyrights" and "avatars" issue has caused some fun.

Indeedy, smack you are bang on. I am not entirely ignorant to copyrights, but could not really be arsed to write a legally watertight position on why I was using this avatar after some sad "muppet" got all emotional because my avatar was kermit.

So thanks for the info and I dont take it as a dig.

I own copyrights too and have created many copyrighted materials myself that are worth more than a paultry sum. If someone was intended to sell my work as their own, then they better be doing it from an underground bunker. However, if they wish to display or show my work with full credits to where it came from then I take that as a compliment.

05-26-2005, 01:47 PM
Oh yeah...........and Rock On Tommy :P

05-26-2005, 05:13 PM
Are animated GIFs allowed for avators at this place? (Couldn't anything about this in the FAQ).


05-26-2005, 07:07 PM
Are animated GIFs allowed for avators at this place? (Couldn't anything about this in the FAQ).

Yes, besides '.jpg/.jpeg', -- gifs are allowed as avatars, animated or not.
The maximum allowed size of an avatar is 120 by 120 pixels or 9.8 KB (whichever is smaller).

- Sara :)

play with my plums
05-26-2005, 08:55 PM
Ok... I've glanced at this thread a couple of times now & just have to say something more than - Rock on Tommy... :ibow4u:

I also have had to look into & go down the patent/copyright road for my own reasons & can say from my heart that the whole things a crock of shit (excuse my earthling)! If anybody wishes I can quote examples of abuses of it that make the procedure somewhat farcical & if anyone other than the creative developer/owner or site hoster I'm showing said works of has an issue with seeing my avatar then they can suck my hairy balls! :p

Peace out!

05-26-2005, 10:38 PM
I've noticed Inquizzer's new avatar(s): his first account uses the first Doctor from Doctor Who, then the second account uses Troughton, then the third account uses Pertwee.

I thought that posting pics from a British TV series was in the nice, normal range of deranged that we all share, but then I noticed the TARDIS; my God, man, what kind of sexual pervert uses a pic of the TARDIS as part of his Avatar?

Call me a lightweight, but that's just too deviant for me. [Shudder]

05-27-2005, 12:54 AM
I've noticed Inquizzer's new avatar(s): his first account uses the first Doctor from Doctor Who, then the second account uses Troughton, then the third account uses Pertwee.

I thought that posting pics from a British TV series was in the nice, normal range of deranged that we all share, but then I noticed the TARDIS; my God, man, what kind of sexual pervert uses a pic of the TARDIS as part of his Avatar?

Call me a lightweight, but that's just too deviant for me. [Shudder]I figured the Tardis would enable the non-Who-familiar crowd in on the idea that it’s all the same reincarnated 'champion' poster ;) (what does come after supreme?)
Tom Baker here we come! :)

05-27-2005, 01:28 AM
Hi guys found a site where you can download avatars for free so there shouldn't be any copywrite issues (that's where I got the Vader one) the site is ...

they are zip files just to let you know and they have a lot to choose from.
hope you like my new avatar since black mage isn't around anymore (R.I.P. little dude) but that's life nothing lasts forever, hope you guys like the link. Oh yeah I think they are saved as gif. (maybe not all of them?) format so you might want to save it as a jpeg. or not your choice trying to be helpful.