View Full Version : Why was I suspended?
06-07-2005, 03:47 PM
to sara: last week I was suspended and my two posts were removed. I didn't say n e thing wrong. I'd like an explanation, that's not the way to treat someone. I e-maild someone who runs the site and she said you decided that but she didn't know why, and she told me to ask you this way.
-Boy with self respect
PS: Oh and I still can't view pics.
John P
06-08-2005, 06:42 AM
Is a suspension different than a ban? I got banned first time around and my original user name was wiped. I cannot view pics either but I can use the links here. Some of them are awesome. This place is great but I find it a bit intimidating to know that I’ll be blown away again if I make a wrong move.
06-08-2005, 10:21 AM
All you have to do is read the first post in the forum that tells you what the rules are. It really isn't very hard. If you actually READ it before you attempt to post the first time (which Pretty Boi obviously hasn't done either the previous time or this time) all your questions are answered. Just FOLLOW THE SIMPLE RULES and you have no problems. If you are either too self centered and obnoxious or just too friggin stupid to read and follow a couple of rules that are plainly posted with a big title on them that says "Important Notices To All Members From Forum Administrators ~ ~ {Read Before Posting!} " then
1- you don't belong here,
2- you deserve no respect,
3- you get what's coming
Rules apply to all, not just to new members. This is a private forum run as a service by the folks and they can make whatever rules they want. You have absolutely no rights or expectations beyond that. You are, of course, welcome to buy a server and some bandwidth and start your own forum with your own rules.
06-08-2005, 05:17 PM
It is a little presumptuous of you to assume that he hasn't read or understood the rules. Several of the rules involve judgement calls in their interpretation and application. Perhaps he has read and understood them all, but just wants to know which one he's been charged with violating. Knowing the rules usually involves also knowing something about the specifics of how they are applied.
06-08-2005, 05:42 PM
Sorry to disagree with you Smack, but it's very clear (to me) he hadn't read them before he posted (or maybe he read them but chose to ignore them.) On his very first post he says "I still can't view pics". Had he read the rules it's very clear in there when and how he gets the ability to view the pics- 1 hour AFTER his first post, yet he is clearly expecting that to have happened sometime before his first post. And I remember his two posts last week- both were trivialities like "nice pics" which are also very explicitly listed as forbidden in the rules. In my humble opinion, I don't see any room for judgement calls on either of those. I would agree that had he strayed a little off topic or posted something that leaned a little toward politics, those would be judgement calls. But based on his specific actions, it's not too big a leap (for me) to make that he didn't read them before posting. And I'm not trying to be cynical or mean-spirited, just analytical of the available evidence.
06-08-2005, 07:26 PM
Firstly, your presumptions are all untrue, secondly wtf is with your attitude? Did I insult you? First things first.
A: I asked about why i couldn't view pics AFTER i had that ability taken, not before I even got it.
B: My 2 posts were NOT "trivialities". The first was about my ballbusting experience that got me into it. And the other post was about how big balls are fun to bust. I never posted "nice pics." So you're wrong again.
C: Finally who the fvck do you think you are to say I'm "either too self centered and obnoxious or just too friggin stupid?"
You talk big behind that little screen, I guess it's to make up for how insegnificant you are in reality! You see I'm not used to being disrespected like you are. Is this your way of feeling like you have authority? Are you the type of guy who goes and buys an SUV to make up for his small dick? Let me tell you something, in REAL LIFE I'm respected. The only reason I can think of that I was suspended was either it was a freak accident or it's because I'm gay/bi/young/effeminate and that's like not the kind of boy the "administration" of this board approves of, if that's the case than I'll gladly take my presence elsewhere, sacrificing my self respect isn't worth being on this board.
I didn't ask for your attitude tamakeri, so back the fvck off grampa! You obviously have a HUGE inferiority complex. And I'm not a psychiatrist so vent somewhere else.
My question still remains unanswered. Why was I suspended? If the answer is fair I'll stay, if not, again, I'll gladly take my presence elsewhere.
It's called self-respect, tamakeri obviously doesn't know what that is.
Das Ich Uber Alles
06-08-2005, 07:48 PM
Well I apologize if I mis-remembered your posts, and stand corrected on that. But I don't hurl insults and don't argue with people who do. I keep my temper and try to respond honestly and respectfully and with civility to other people even when I disagree with them as I did with Smack. I have been wrong about things before and am willing to believe I may be wrong here. But you make yourself a very hard guy to respect when you post like you just did.
06-09-2005, 03:20 AM
Yeah, that was an order; wannah make something of it?
This forum is a great place to chill out, for mny reasons: the way babes, like Evilgrl, the sick babes, like Julie18nz, the ultra-babes, like Sara, and... okay, well, the BABES, mostly. But the other part is the civility.
Prettyboi: Thank you for asking your question. This site is free; you may or may not get an answer. The "free" part means that nobody here you anything, and that is why you might get an answer, might not, and even if you do, might not be to your liking. I know, I know, life sucks.
John P.: Yes, a suspension is different from a ban. A suspension is when a moderator or administrator sets a time period for one day or more in which you are denied access to the site. Being banned means that your account is permanentlydismissed from the site.
Tamakeri, smackMyNuts: I never agree with either of you all of the time; somehow, I suspect you'll both live and won't lose any sleep over that. There is nothing here for us to fight about.
06-09-2005, 10:24 AM
Is a suspension different than a ban? I got banned first time around and my original user name was wiped. I cannot view pics either but I can use the links here. Some of them are awesome. This place is great but I find it a bit intimidating to know that I’ll be blown away again if I make a wrong move.
Good question!
Actually, there's no difference! (The difference is only semantic.)
Sharon prefers to use the term "suspend" even if it's permanent. That sounds more polite.
The system software names it a "ban" even if it's just for 24 hours. According to the software setup, a user/member can be "banned" for 24 hours, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year, or permanently.
I prefer to say "suspend" if I'm trying to be really polite, and "ban" when I'm just being "normally polite".
Also, it would seem logical to assume that a "suspension" is not as permanent as a "ban". (But it's the same thing to the forum software setup!)
When a user/member is banned/suspended their name disappears from the 'Members List'. Even if it's only a temporary ban/suspension.
Unless I say in a post that the suspension/ban is temporary, it's permanent. Most of my banning has been permanent. They're listed in a separate thread. But yes, I have suspended a member for only 24 hours, but that's because his post was just "troubling". He took it like a man (as a sexist person would say) and I still regard him as a "friend".
I don't suspend/ban anyone without a reason. Just read the rules and follow what's commonly called "common sense", taking into consideration whether or not you would like to read your post if you were another member here.
Don't worry too much about it. You say you were banned once. You survived. And you've read the "Read Before Posting!" thread now, right? So you already know that within an hour of your first post you should be able to view/download the attached pics full-size, right?
If you still can't view the pics now please let me (or Sharon) know, and we'll fix things so you can. ;)
- Sara :)
06-09-2005, 10:33 AM
to sara: last week I was suspended and my two posts were removed. I didn't say n e thing wrong. I'd like an explanation, that's not the way to treat someone. I e-maild someone who runs the site and she said you decided that but she didn't know why, and she told me to ask you this way.
-Boy with self respect
PS: Oh and I still can't view pics.
Dear PrettyBoi,
In your email you wrote, "This isn't the way to treat a new user. I would like an e-mail explaination from Sara, and if alls well and I agree to stay, I'd like my 2 posts put back up..." The below pasted-in portion of this post was the beginning of that email. I was going to send it to Sharon, leaving it up to her to edit, re-word, forward to you, or whatever. I wrote it after suspending you the first time, but Sharon decided to give you another chance (by lifting your suspension) before I had time to finish it. After pasting in what I previously wrote, I'll write my updated comments for you below:
{{-begin paste-}} - - - - - - - - - - - -
"I am in receipt of copies of your 2 emails inquiring about the cancellation of your free account at the Forums. Thanks for giving me the chance to explain a few things to you. Of course, you're free to sign up again, but if you don't follow the posting rules you will only get banned again.
Your emails indicate that you didn't take the time necessary to faniliarize yourself with the rules, tips, and posting advice that all members are encouraged to read before posting. They can be found in the "sticky" thread at the very top of every page in these forums. The thread is entitled "Important Notices To All Members From Forum Administrators ~ ~ {Read Before Posting!}". It is located at: (
Please read it. You will find the reasons for your suspension clearly mentioned there. It also says that members are given at least 2 months to make their first post. That's to avoid running into problems as you did by posting without knowing the rules. Also mentioned is the fact that the rules apply to you whether you read them or not. Some of the rules are to avoid conflicts with the forum software -- for example, the fact that the system doesn't allow first-time posters to post attachments. Other rules are to avoid conflict with the other members, by explaining what type of posts the members have decided that they don't want on the forums.
As Moderator of the Ballbusting World Forum, I received several complaints about your posts from members. I investigate such complaints as promptly as I can. In the case of your two posts, I agreed with the complaints that the first one was "trivial" according to the definition in the thread I've already mentioned. The second post was very off-topic. It may have been on-topic if you had posted it in a different thread. That's why your posts were deleted.
In view of the fact that your first two posts had to be deleted because you didn't read the thread mentioned, I suspended your free membership. Neither Administrators, Moderators or Members want to be spending their time reporting bad posts or cleaning up after any member who disregards the posted rules and tries the "trial and error" method of posting by making guesses or false assumptions on his own. Members complain and are annoyed. Moderators have extra work responding to the complaints, checking them out, taking any actions required, and may feel slightly annoyed. Administrators (Sharon and myself) aren't "annoyed", but we take the time to answer your questions as I'm doing now, even when all of this information is already posted on the forums, particularly in the thread that includes the words "Read Before Posting" in its title.
In your email you wrote, "Maybe I was removed because I'm bisexual". I hope you're joking! Some of our most active and popular members are bisexual. See the threads "Julie's Fetishes" (parts 1 and 2) for an example. There's even a thread named "Transvestite Ballbusting". If you had taken the time recommended (up to two months) to familiarize yourself with the forums before posting, you would have known that. And you would have seen that I've posted several times in different threads that there will be no discrimination or favoritism here. In fact, if a member posts anything overly critical of you because of your sexual orientation or any fetish you may have, that member is subject to suspension. But of course you already know that. It's mentioned in what you agreed to when you registered. That's classified as a "hateful" post.
Please read the thread at ( to see how I handled a case where one member called another member's fetish "some sick shit".
In your email you also wrote, "Or maybe she thinks I'm underage because my post said "last year at school etc etc" by school I mean college." You're showing again that you didn't take the time recommended (yes, in that same thread) to familiarize yourself with the forum before posting. Otherwise you might have known (as most members do) that I recently finished MY exams at school (university) and I'm 26 years old!"
{{-end paste-}} - - - - - - - - - - - -
(That's all I wrote. I was going to write more but Sharon had already lifted your suspension by then, so I considered it pointless.)
Updated Comments:
Tamakeri was correct about the nature of your 2 posts (before I suspended you last week). He just didn't remember the exact wording of your posts.
In your email you wrote "I had 2 posts, in one I posted a sentance or two about how well hung guys are fun to torture..." Actually it was more like a couple of words. Not even one sentence.
I'm suspending you again. For exactly the same reasons.
Plus an additional reason now. Now you're insulting other members. That's something which I will continue to strongly discourage as long as I'm the moderator here.
In my opinion, your post above ("...back the fvck off grampa!...") is not the type of post that belongs in this forum. :( This is a place where friends get together to share various aspects of the fetishes that we have in common. Since all members have something in common, I think we should all get along as friends. If some of us can't do that, then we should at least make an effort to avoid making rude, insulting or hateful posts about other members. :)
This time I'm not deleting your posts. If Sharon disagrees with my decision to suspend you again, then she can lift your suspension again. (And so on, until one of the 3 of us gives up!)
{or until you take my advice 2 paragraphs below this}
Sharon told me that she had given you a warning about conduct on the forums when she lifted your suspension/ban. It now seems that you didn't understand that, or perhaps misunderstood it.
PrettyBoi, I have nothing against you personally. I'm only trying to help make this forum a pleasant, enjoyable and friendly place for all. It isn't my intention to be (or appear to be) "rude". My advice to you would be to sign up again under a UserName that members won't associate with "PrettyBoi", read the thread referred to above, and try to get along with the other members rather than insulting them or using harsh words. Let's try to get along. :) You're welcome to be a member here if you can just familiarize yourself with the few rules that apply to everyone here.
By the way, the reason I logged in today was to check out "bad post" reports that I received from members about your above posts. About both of your posts in this thread. Those reports were not from members who have posted in this thread.
Thanks again to the members who take the time to report "bad posts" to me. I appreciate your help in keeping these forums "user-friendly". Your cooperation means a lot to me, as moderator.
- Sara
06-10-2005, 10:46 PM
my account wont let me look at pictures. I have posted once but i still cant. Oh well im patient enough to wait for this great community.
06-11-2005, 02:36 AM
I first got your email and asked you what you had been doing since you got suspended by Sara. You told me pretty much as you wrote in #6
(without all the name calling)
then after asking Sara why she suspended you and she couldent remember what it was i gave you another chance by lifing the suspension.
Today another member told me about your new post you made using yet another username because Sara again suspended you.
I read your post and can begin to imagine what you posted first time you got suspended,
Now i do not get what your point is to come in here again to write the rubbish you just did in the post i just deleted.Who got anything out of that other then you getting some steam out.
If you cant argue and discuss without badmouthing members or writing what we think is a great fetish you call sick then stay away.
06-11-2005, 01:10 PM
Remind me to NEVER piss you off! :o
06-11-2005, 02:40 PM
Remind me to NEVER piss you off! :o
Ok you are now reminded :D
Do not write what i run here is sick
not on my postingboards anyways ;)
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