View Full Version : Supporting Sara
John P
06-16-2005, 04:26 AM
Are there any pro-Sara posters left here or have you all been banned already?
06-16-2005, 04:53 AM
Are there any pro-Sara posters left here or have you all been banned already?
I'm pro-Sara, but I'm also pro-Sharon, so I'm starting to feel [WARNING!POLITICAL COMPARISON COMING UP!] like I'm on the border betwixt Israel and the other Palestinian Territories. It's not safe on either side, but it's even more dangerous to stand in the middle.
I'm a goner fer shure... :(
John P
06-16-2005, 05:11 AM
Glad to see at least one friendly face is still here even if it is ‘pro-Sharon’. Don’t go Trouble. You are all that’s left here. U made 10% of the posts! We lost darn near 20% with Julie and inqy. Even after I’m banned too I’ll still keep watch to see hows u all get on.
Guitar Man
06-16-2005, 09:20 AM
I'm pro-Sara, but I'm also pro-Sharon, so I'm starting to feel [WARNING!POLITICAL COMPARISON COMING UP!] like I'm on the border betwixt Israel and the other Palestinian Territories. It's not safe on either side, but it's even more dangerous to stand in the middle.
I'm a goner fer shure... :(
I think it's amazing how the israelies, once subjected to the horrors of the holocaust, now subject the palestinians to the same type of ethnic cleansing in order to wipe them out. how has no one not noticed this? infact, Arial Sharon, the israeli PM, was the leader of a terrorist organisation for 30 years+, seeking out innocent palestinian families to execute them in their own homes, and now George Bush aligns himself with such a man, while at the same time declaring to rid the world of terrorism!
well there's my political post..........I'm a gonner too!
to be honest, that INQ guy was too much of a weirdo for my liking. oh well.
I've never talked to Sara directly apart form a few post replies here and there, and the same with Sharon. I don't see what the big deal is. There's no need to take sides.
06-16-2005, 09:29 AM
Dear Guitar Man,
You wont get banned if you write your political view like you just did :D dont ban people for writing what they like or dont like in regards to politics.
The people that have left has all requested there name be deleted.
Dont belive evrything you read :)
06-16-2005, 04:44 PM
I think it's amazing how the israelies, once subjected to the horrors of the holocaust, now subject the palestinians to the same type of ethnic cleansing in order to wipe them out. how has no one not noticed this? infact, Arial Sharon, the israeli PM, was the leader of a terrorist organisation for 30 years+, seeking out innocent palestinian families to execute them in their own homes, and now George Bush aligns himself with such a man, while at the same time declaring to rid the world of terrorism!
well there's my political post..........I'm a gonner too!
to be honest, that INQ guy was too much of a weirdo for my liking.Yeah, I’m right there wiv u G man!!
(1) They should free Palestine from Jewish oppression; and,
(2) That Inqy guy was nearly as weird as tonyr! (it must be a British thang - as all u Brits are weird!) :p
06-16-2005, 05:14 PM
Haven't we gone a bit off the track with this board? Who keeps the discussions on-track?
Hope we continue to be a strong board.
Guitar Man
06-16-2005, 05:49 PM
"very funny beam down my clothes"
06-16-2005, 10:24 PM
Yeah, I’m right there wiv u G man!!
(1) They should free Palestine from Jewish oppression; and,
(2) That Inqy guy was nearly as weird as tonyr! (it must be a British thang - as all u Brits are weird!) :p
It is not recent that the US has been an ally and supporter of Israel's war with the other Territories in the Palestine Valley; the Yanks have been giving them direct and indirect aid for years.
And it's not so unusual that the israelis are subjecting another group to ethnic cleansing when you consider the history: the germans subjected the jews to ethnic cleansing because they were being so heavily punished by the rest of Europe. The Treaty of Versailles was an effort to make it impossible for Germany to continue to be a nation.
-Inq (Did I have everyone fooled?)
Guitar Man
06-17-2005, 04:50 AM
america's support of israel's occupation of palestine is one of the reasons why the arab world really hate america. infact, it's just the whole western world's treatment of them, whether it be feeding them arms since 1948 (before which israel did not exist), or declaring those fighting in a war "terrorists" for daring to fight back!
one thing that really frustrated me was when our PM tony blair said "I ask you to look past the war in iraq, and look at our investment in schools!"
so, forget the fact that we've killed 100,000 innocent people that had no means to defend themselves (and then we tell them we're doing them a favour?!), and look at our investment in schools! well, as long as we have our schools, 100,000 dead arabs don't matter do they? i mean, it's so far away, and they're all terrorist scum anyway.
went a bit off topic there, but rant over.
06-17-2005, 05:31 AM
Keep ranting G-man! I fer one would like to kick Bush in the balls (back on topic ;)) for wot he did in Iraq. US foreign policy is so fucked up :(
06-17-2005, 06:12 AM
Yeah, I’m right there wiv u G man!!
(1) They should free Palestine from Jewish oppression; and,
(2) That Inqy guy was nearly as weird as tonyr! (it must be a British thang - as all u Brits are weird!) :p
Weird is a revelation of yourself. If we were all the same then that would be boring. You are you and I am me. I don't take race, nationality and all those other issues to heart. One only needs to look at the advance of the New World Order and then you should be able to see that the divisions on our planet are created and then played upon by the big shots to make even more money and cause even more pain and strife and suffering for all, even if we aren't always aware that we feel the pain others suffering in some far off place upon earth.
This is a forum and I didn't join it to hide behind the individuality of others. As for a 'British Thing', open your eyes and ears and stop shutting the pathway to your sixth sense. I'm a human before anything else and that's what makes life so great. You are a pidgeon holer whom can only come forth with the usual safe slurr of 'weird'. There are many whom would view this forum as 'weird' because its about men being inflicted upon by women via their balls.
You need to be most careful when you make definitions about those you know not of. You don't like my posts, you don't like my presence. Then ignore them and me, Mr Agent Provocateur.
As for all the troubles in the world, there all the same. Its all controlled centrally with the upper echelons in any conflict being directed by the same puppet masters. If Palestinians and the Settlers were left alone, there would be no conflict. People are too busy getting on with everyday life, which is so far detatched from the crazyness that is imposed upon them and humans in general, that in turn creates the conflict and suffering mentality. Fear brings out the worst in humans, even when they have suffered due to the fear others.
I pity you. Peace be with you in your life long efforts to be not 'WEIRD'. Perhaps you should try a false mouthstache and a pair of jackboots. it was and is the same process and methodology that he and all the other cranky puppets like him used to create even more suffering and mayhem. Isolate, criticize and then vilify.
06-17-2005, 06:44 AM
Weird is a revelation of yourself. If we were all the same then that would be boring. You are you and I am me. I don't take race, nationality and all those other issues to heart. One only needs to look at the advance of the New World Order and then you should be able to see that the divisions on our planet are created and then played upon by the big shots to make even more money and cause even more pain and strife and suffering for all, even if we aren't always aware that we feel the pain others suffering in some far off place upon earth.
This is a forum and I didn't join it to hide behind the individuality of others. As for a 'British Thing', open your eyes and ears and stop shutting the pathway to your sixth sense. I'm a human before anything else and that's what makes life so great. You are a pidgeon holer whom can only come forth with the usual safe slurr of 'weird'. There are many whom would view this forum as 'weird' because its about men being inflicted upon by women via their balls.
You need to be most careful when you make definitions about those you know not of. You don't like my posts, you don't like my presence. Then ignore them and me, Mr Agent Provocateur.
As for all the troubles in the world, there all the same. Its all controlled centrally with the upper echelons in any conflict being directed by the same puppet masters. If Palestinians and the Settlers were left alone, there would be no conflict. People are too busy getting on with everyday life, which is so far detatched from the crazyness that is imposed upon them and humans in general, that in turn creates the conflict and suffering mentality. Fear brings out the worst in humans, even when they have suffered due to the fear others.
I pity you. Peace be with you in your life long efforts to be not 'WEIRD'. Perhaps you should try a false mouthstache and a pair of jackboots. it was and is the same process and methodology that he and all the other cranky puppets like him used to create even more suffering and mayhem. Isolate, criticize and then vilify.
:ibow4u: See wot I mean?! How weird was that?
06-17-2005, 06:52 AM
Typical looney ballbusting follower, all mouth and no nuts. :-)
06-17-2005, 07:09 AM
You don't like my posts, you don't like my presence. I didn’t say that nor do I think it. I have no problem with you being here tony. I just happen to think yer a little weird that’s all. Weird can be good and is usually a lot more interesting than vanilla. I hope we can all get along here.
06-17-2005, 07:32 AM
I didn’t say that nor do I think it. I have no problem with you being here tony. I just happen to think yer a little weird that’s all. Weird can be good and is usually a lot more interesting than vanilla. I hope we can all get along here.
With a name like that I knew I should keep a close eye on you.
The President asked me personaly to observe your actions and remarks in this forum.
Get used to my style of prolonged in-depth debate. One needs it if you live in a country that has such a problem when it comes to sex. Not me, just the country. :D
I also have a cranky wind up streak. :)
Anyway, in my official position of Official Observer of all issues in relation to 'Troubled' I have a number of propositions to report back to 'El Presidentie'
1. All world leaders to report to a 'Truth Commission', where they will be interogated as to their affairs of office. They would be on all fours with thighs splayed. Each time they told less than the absolute truth. We, the panel of the committee would assess the amount and power of the kicks, measured in Newtons Shoe Size Theory Units, and then after they have recovered from the cobweb clearing experience, the posed the question yet again until we the panel, are satisfied that the truth was being absolutely told. As an added attraction, they could choose the Ballbustress.
That is truely democratic comming from an Englishman of such ill-repute. ;) :iluvu:
Guitar Man
06-17-2005, 07:34 AM
Tony, surely at this time you should be at work, or some such?
your posts seem to be the result of having too much time on your hands! :D
06-17-2005, 07:37 AM
I'd better get to that boring G8 meeting. Not a Ballbustress in sight.
06-17-2005, 07:41 AM
I also have a cranky wind up streak. :) That’s all I’m about these days :)
06-17-2005, 07:55 AM
Tony, surely at this time you should be at work, or some such?
your posts seem to be the result of having too much time on your hands! :D
I say old chum, a fellow wierdo Limey.
06-17-2005, 07:56 AM
It's the only way to survive all the orgainised chaos.
06-17-2005, 08:15 AM
I'd better get to that boring G8 meeting.Do ya think any of the G8 leaders like their balls bust? Wot about that Tony B of yours? I'd as sure as hell like to see that little weasle get busted :) Hell, I'd even pay to watch it!
06-17-2005, 04:43 PM
Do ya think any of the G8 leaders like their balls bust? Wot about that Tony B of yours? I'd as sure as hell like to see that little weasle get busted :) Hell, I'd even pay to watch it!
It took me about five mins to stop laughing at one. :Baahaha: When you come to think of it, we know so little about these guys. One or two of them could even be members of all manner of forums, naughty and nice and perhaps not so nice. ;) As for Tony B being dropped by the mother of all kicks :bananajum
Not only would you pay to watch, but I'm sure all the tabloid papers would be fighting :machine: each other for the exclusive rights on that event.
Sadly :( , I don't think any of them do, because a good bust or two would make them perform better and be more of an individual rather than that clone-like nature all the leaders seem to adopt.
Then again, perhaps I'm not tonyr but Tony_?
So you want me to come out and be racked in public, eh? :letsplay
06-17-2005, 06:52 PM
Keep ranting G-man! I fer one would like to kick Bush in the balls (back on topic ;)) for wot he did in Iraq. US foreign policy is so fucked up :(
:eek: Now, look here, son... Yew may think Ah did a bad job in Iraqitania, but know this:
Anyone who busts the Commander-in-Chief's cajones is liable to get smoked outtah his whole, run up a flagpole, and buried up to his neck in the desert.
Nuthin' personal, that's just an old Texas sayin'. The only hands, feet, and knees that go between these legs are Laura's. Speakin' of who, Ah'm supposed to download some pics to help give her ideas for tonight's.... er... "strategic ordinance meetin'". No, Ah did NOT just make that up.
06-17-2005, 08:55 PM
Nice Ava..Avatr..Avia… picture Trouble. It’s good to see ya back to yer old self. Fer a while there I’m a sure people were getting us a mixed up :confused:
06-17-2005, 08:58 PM
Then again, perhaps I'm not tonyr but Tony_?
So you want me to come out and be racked in public, eh? :letsplay So you’d be the one with the guitar would you Tony?
06-19-2005, 04:43 PM
So you’d be the one with the guitar would you Tony?
Where's that guy I used to get on so well with from your side of the water. He used to blow on a sax whilst she blew on his... ;)
06-27-2005, 11:57 PM
I actually support Israel more than the palestinians but i do agree that they deserve their homeland.
06-28-2005, 02:01 AM
I actually support Israel more than the palestinians but i do agree that they deserve their homeland.
From what I hear, they are both semites. Ishmael is the father of Islam and the father of Judaism. Late 1800s, early 1900s, "Israel" was in Argentina. This is a war that makes no sense; no-one wants to fight it, not the israelis, not the palestinians. There are ways out, but neither side will take them at this point; they've been fighting so long that they'll just keep fighting.
I support Israel's right to exist, but I do not support Sharon (Ariel Sharon, I mean; I support our resident Sharon, which is pronounced differently) or the settlers on the West Bank. Ariel Sharon would be a great test subject to see if being suspended upside-down over a vat of hog's fat by a piano wire tied around a man's balls will give him enough fortitude to use the muscles in his scrotum to hold on.
Guitar Man
06-28-2005, 10:03 AM
I think this war makes sense. Israel think Arabic people are scum and have no right to exist at all, let alone in what they claim to be their homeland. Palestine does not want to fight, as they have no means to. Israel on the other hand (particularly Sharon) do not want peace, they want what they say is rightfully theirs, and have America's unconditional support, both moral and by flooding them with arms.
There is no way out. What's laughable is that Israel have invaded most of it, and then say that they will negotiate 5% of what they have took. No wonder the Palestinians refuse. It's like taking someone's house and offering to give up a chair.
Even worse is that while Israel have been invading since 1948, using the Holocaust as a political weapon in justifying doing so, they have been "fighting the cause", but if the Palestinians dare to fight back against this invasion, they are called terrorists!! America are most guilty of throwing that label around when it just doesn't make any sense to. Apparently, Iraqi's who resist American ****** are also "terrorists". How dare they fight back and defend their country, can't they see they're being done a favour? Just ask the 100,000 civilians that were blown into the sky.
06-28-2005, 10:51 PM
"Terrorist" is what the bigger army calls the smaller army; similar to how the people who win a war are "heroes" and those who lose are "war criminals".
The majority of Israelis are not behind Sharon; but they are not united in one single alternative, which is why Sharon &co. maintain their control and their war. Similarly, Bush (who looks awful gosh darn similar to me) does not have the support of very many Americans (nowhere near 51%), but the rest of us are not unified behind one alternative.
I have a picture of a Palestinian kid throwing a rock at a tank. I know where the Israelis get their tanks, but where did that darn terrorist kid find a rock?!?
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