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View Full Version : My Girlfriend wants to remove one of my testicles.

06-20-2005, 10:28 PM
Hey guys and gals,

My girlfriend has been contemplating whether or not to remove one of my testicles. She is in the belief that it will lower my testosterone levels and therefore will make me have less of a temper. On the other hand she wants children too. I have read around and am under the belief that I will be perfectly capable of having children with only one nut. She enjoys standing on my nuts and kicking them and hurting them very much, so she feels it would be interesting to see what would happen if she removed one.

Thanks guys.

06-20-2005, 10:47 PM
Dude! You are going to far here!

Save this for fantasy land and use it as a threat. That way, you can still have nice massive load, but you get to hang on to the rest of your life too. I know we're all into some kinky stuffy here, but stay away from the Darwin list where possible. And with the great things people talk about here, you can see there are more effective ways to take it further without necessarily getting dangerous (e.g. games post). Also, you might be able to get by on one for many years but I think our levels would drop less as you get older if you had both.

06-20-2005, 11:08 PM
Yeah, I suppose thats true ay. I guess I was just a little excited that I found a girl who not only participated in my foot fetish/ball busting kinks but enjoyed them and made her horny.

Also one of her reasons that I didnt mention was that she is hoping I will become more submissive and less angry. I recently got extremely angry and punched a wall. I broke one of my knuckles and the finger no longer works. She is scared that next time it may not be the wall. So I guess her solution is to try and leave me with less testosterone.

Thanks for your reply mate, really puts things into perspective.

06-21-2005, 01:19 AM
Also one of her reasons that I didnt mention was that she is hoping I will become more submissive and less angry. I recently got extremely angry and punched a wall. I broke one of my knuckles and the finger no longer works. She is scared that next time it may not be the wall. So I guess her solution is to try and leave me with less testosterone.
In all seriousness: There are psychological and medical teatments for aggression which do not include lopping off a nut. Her fantasy is pretty wild; encourage her to make threats or talk about doing it, but make sure she knows it has to be fantasy.

Hitler reportedly had only one testicle; doesn't seem to have made him any less determined to smash Europe with a hammer. Anger management is better left to professionals; if you are finding yourself smashing things and/or hurting yourself, try talking to a councilor or talking to a doctor. Then hurry back home and have your girlfriend resume threatening you. ;)

NOT in all seriousness: Go ahead, have her chop off a ball. Freeze it in case your aggression and anger problems do not go away. If, after three to six months, you have not become more docile, tell her that she cut off the wrong one; get the frozen testicle out of the freezer, have her sew it back on, and then cut off the other one.

06-21-2005, 02:16 AM
Hey guys and gals,

My girlfriend has been contemplating whether or not to remove one of my testicles. She is in the belief that it will lower my testosterone levels and therefore will make me have less of a temper. On the other hand she wants children too. I have read around and am under the belief that I will be perfectly capable of having children with only one nut. She enjoys standing on my nuts and kicking them and hurting them very much, so she feels it would be interesting to see what would happen if she removed one.

Thanks guys.
:confused: :cussing: You cannot be SERIOUS!!!!!! :cussing: :(
Clear that idea clean out of you're hard drive and mind. Buy a puch bag!!! Or better still, get her to buy you a punch bag!!!
She is curious and you are actually contemplating the idea of her curiousity!!!
And she says, 'you're too aggressive!!!'???..........GET REAL!!!

06-21-2005, 08:48 AM
Actually, studies have linked -low- testosterone to aggressiveness in males. Not only would removing a testicle not solve the problem, it is likely to make it worse.


06-21-2005, 09:41 AM
I used to have a fairly violent temper but I take medication now which has calmed me way down. The older I get the less hot headed I get and having kids has taught me much patience. I had an episode of road rage about 10 years ago which could have killed myself, my family and anyone near me on the highway. It was at that point I realized I needed help. After seeing a shrink, counseling, medication, quiting a very stessful job, I stopped most of the stupidity. I basically changed my life because not only do you jeapordize yourself, your family, and other people, but also your health is at stake. I have known a few people who were like me that had heart attacks before 50. The ones that lived had to make serious life changes or die. Anyway, for the sake of your family or family to be, seek help and save the ball removal for fantasy (if that is one of them) or have your GF get a job like our former moderator had ********** animals. When might we hear some of your ballbusting stories? What position does your GF prefer you to be in before kicking? Does she wear shoes or kick barefoot? Just curious ya know. :D BTW, low testosterone can make you feel like shit, cause your testicles to shrink, lose your ambition/motivation for life etc. etc. This I know from experience because of high doses of medication I take due to an injury that has left me disabled and in severe pain. So low testosterone ain't the way to go.

06-21-2005, 04:39 PM
Listen!!! to Brother Magnum!!! He has dealt you the facts on a Hardcore tip, so forget the 'snipety snip'

06-21-2005, 04:41 PM
Actually, studies have linked -low- testosterone to aggressiveness in males. Not only would removing a testicle not solve the problem, it is likely to make it worse.


Tell Him again 'Brother Smack'!!! :ibow4u:

06-22-2005, 09:49 AM
Hey guys and gals,

My girlfriend has been contemplating whether or not to remove one of my testicles. She is in the belief that it will lower my testosterone levels and therefore will make me have less of a temper. On the other hand she wants children too. I have read around and am under the belief that I will be perfectly capable of having children with only one nut. She enjoys standing on my nuts and kicking them and hurting them very much, so she feels it would be interesting to see what would happen if she removed one.

Thanks guys.

i have had fantasies like that before and i still do sometimes ... but for me it's going to stay a fantasy and i don't think that anyone should be trying to remove a testicle just for kicks. As Smack mentioned, removing the testicle would not help your situation anyways.

Just my two cents


06-22-2005, 11:25 AM
There are sites on this subject. Just type in "**********" and you will probably find many. Your not alone, it's doesn't appear real common but still there are quite a few Doms that list "********** play" as part of their specialty so there must be a few guys with that fantasy.

06-22-2005, 12:53 PM
There are sites on this subject. Just type in "**********" and you will probably find many. Your not alone, it's doesn't appear real common but still there are quite a few Doms that list "********** play" as part of their specialty so there must be a few guys with that fantasy.
A FEW?!? Hell, I would love it if one of my playmates held a knife to my testicles. Especially the one who likes to get drunk before busting; she's dangerous with anything sharper than a basketball.

06-22-2005, 02:40 PM
wan a doctor has to remove a guys balls coz of cancer the guy risks infections and also the guy can become impotent so if that can happened to a professional doctor wot would happen with your girlfriend no only would you lose one nut and still be angry but you could lose the use of your penis

06-22-2005, 05:01 PM
All I can say is that you're an idiot if you do that, man. Rage is rage, one nut or not.....Honestly, I think I'd be more pissed off if I had only one nut.

06-23-2005, 03:53 PM
Also, think how stupid you will feel if you have to ask your girlfriend to kick you in the *ball*.

David B.

06-24-2005, 04:58 PM
A FEW?!? Hell, I would love it if one of my playmates held a knife to my testicles. Especially the one who likes to get drunk before busting; she's dangerous with anything sharper than a basketball.

Yikes! :eek: