View Full Version : Looking for female ballbusters in Nashua, NH area
06-25-2005, 02:28 PM
Bodybuilder type looking to hook up with girls in the area for some S&M play. Let me know if interested.
Dualing Banjo
06-25-2005, 04:58 PM
Good luck!
Sharon is the only girl on this forum these days :( and she's in Denmark.
06-25-2005, 05:15 PM
Sharon is the only girl on this forum these days :( and she's in Denmark.It does appear that posts from Sara, Julie, Agnetha, Kerry and the like are now things of the past :( However, Evilgrl posted the other day so there are at least two wimmin reading this forum. However neither live very near NH so I doubt they'd be able to help BmyB666
06-26-2005, 12:20 AM
It does appear that posts from Sara, Julie, Agnetha, Kerry and the like are now things of the past :( However, Evilgrl posted the other day so there are at least two wimmin reading this forum. However neither live very near NH so I doubt they'd be able to help BmyB666
Troubling, isn't it?
I'm gunnah havetah put this on my Christmas list. It's the only solution. And, yes, if Santa decides I've been good, I'll share.
Trouble's Christmas list
Dear Santa:
I need a chick. Please drop one off on me on the 25th of December when you fly by. I would prefer a computer geek who's really into ballbusting and who has big knockers. I understand budgets are tight; I'm okay with implants, I'm not that fussy. But big? Oh, yeah, gottah be big. I don't mean REALLY big like a 48-quadrule-D, I mean, you know, big, like in the range of 34 to 40. I know you stiffed me last year, when all I asked for was a Jag; that's okay, you give me a sexy ballbusting geeky chick this year and we'll call it even.
Oh! And if she has HER OWN laptop, that would be convenient. I don't mind sharing my bed and my food, but online time is the only time I get to argue my case in all those other forums. I'll be flexible; if she doesn't come with her own laptop, I'll get her a library card so she can log on for an hour a day downtown.
Hey, anyway, thanks, big guy, and tell Mrs. Kringle I said to show you who's boss. Say it just like that; you'll thank me later.
A'ight, now we ready to ROLL! If that fat punk doesn't come through on this for me, I'll have serious justification to hike up to the North Pole and smoke some elves out of their holes. I'm betting Santa comes in with the payola, and I promise to turn her on to this forum; maybe by February I'll be done breaking her in. :D
(This is going to be SO much cooler than a stupid Jaguar -- what was I thinking?)
06-26-2005, 10:46 AM
I thought you might like to know that I'm still around and do look at the posts every so often :) . Summer is here and there's lots to do so I haven't posted for awhile. Still, its speedo's time - so much control from so little :D. I'll do an update pretty soon.
Also, its a shame Sara has gone and Julie too, I enjoyed their posts.
Aggie x
Guitar Man
06-26-2005, 11:52 AM
Couldn't help but notice that you're in the UK. Likewise! I didn't know there were any UK based women here.
Dualing Banjo
06-26-2005, 02:10 PM
Also, its a shame Sara has gone and Julie too, I enjoyed their posts.Me too. The forum's gone downhill since they left :( I'm glad to see there are still some women reading :)
Guitar man, Kerry's from the UK too but she hasn't posted for ages.
06-27-2005, 12:12 PM
I thought you might like to know that I'm still around and do look at the posts every so often :) . Summer is here and there's lots to do so I haven't posted for awhile. Still, its speedo's time - so much control from so little :D. I'll do an update pretty soon.
Hi Agnetha, good to know your still here. Please post. We need to hear from you!
06-27-2005, 11:41 PM
Dear Santa:
DAMN, boy, that was FAST!!! Thanks for putting Agnetha in my stocking, I promise to cherish her, and feed her once in a while.
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