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View Full Version : A small BB program

06-28-2005, 06:29 PM
I threw together a quick BB program to have fun with the girlfriend on Sunday. I thought I'd share it with some you guys to get some feedback.

A couple notes about the program. First, you will require the .NET runtime which is available at http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=262D25E3-F589-4842-8157-034D1E7CF3A3&displaylang=en (most of you probably already have it). Second, I guarantee this does not contain a virus, but for those of you who don't trust the internet, I would not be offended if you choose not to download the file. It's up to you. And third, I'm only going to keep it posted for a very limited time, so if you do want to take it, get it while you can.

And now for the feedback part. :) If you were looking for a non-visual game to play (I'm not a graphics man :)) what would you want to see in it?


06-30-2005, 04:13 PM
Thats pretty good, I like it!

06-30-2005, 07:50 PM
There seems to be a problem with the random number range, as the selected value in each category never reaches the value entered (always a maximum of 1 less than the entered value). Enter a "2" in each field and note the selected values are always 1 (never 2).

If I say I can handle 10 kicks, shouldn't I be able to (possibly) receive them? ;^)


06-30-2005, 10:46 PM
There seems to be a problem with the random number range, as the selected value in each category never reaches the value entered (always a maximum of 1 less than the entered value). Enter a "2" in each field and note the selected values are always 1 (never 2).

If I say I can handle 10 kicks, shouldn't I be able to (possibly) receive them? ;^)


heh, I guess I never tried it with numbers that low. I have it set up so that the minimum you can receive is 50% of the entered value, the max should theoretically be 100%. However, it could be max minus one.

Considering I put it together in about an hour on Sunday afternoon, I'm sure there are lots of quirks I didn't catch. That would be a pretty easy fix, though. Thanks for pointing it out. :)