View Full Version : fyi - Psychotic Ballkicking Bitch -Spikey Steps
07-05-2005, 07:57 PM
was posted on for those that have a usenet account. For those that do not know what the usenet is or how to access it let me know. this movie hurts just to watch it. an asian dom shows no mercy on a couple of guys in a dungeon, she spends 30 minutes destroying these guys. tony.
07-05-2005, 08:22 PM
Andrea outputs some great Ballbusting material.
The site is under going a makeover.
Buy products and memberships of the various Ballbusting sites as priracy is real ruining the efforts of all the Ballbusting site operators. None of us are internet bigshots, just true and dedicated people trying to create some good stuff under far from favourable internet conditions. The new2257regs are a pain to all webmasters, more so the small dedicated to a subject operators that keep 'Our Subject', Ballbusting, full of variety and for real.
07-05-2005, 09:07 PM
the usenet is one big piracy issue but it probably pales to the amount of material on the peer to peer networks. I agree we should be supporting these small producers. I was not the person who posted the usenet movie and I have purchased from queen of hearts and spikey step before. tony.
btw, I know there is two tonys here. A little confusing but my parents did name me anthony.
07-06-2005, 01:10 PM
Spikey Steps had a preview of Andrea kicking that little guy in the balls very hard. I did flinch when I saw that one. At the end of it she has one of his balls in her hand and is squeezing the living shit out of it.
07-06-2005, 03:35 PM
the usenet is one big piracy issue but it probably pales to the amount of material on the peer to peer networks. I agree we should be supporting these small producers. I was not the person who posted the usenet movie and I have purchased from queen of hearts and spikey step before. tony.
btw, I know there is two tonys here. A little confusing but my parents did name me anthony.
The piracy issue is something we have to keep reminding each other about and the effect it has on the creators of content. Your a stand up guy, so there's no problem. You pays for your content and that helps with the creation of fresh content. It might be good to inform producers of their material being availible from such sources.
My parents named me Antony, as well, but without the H, as my mum considered the H a waste of time, as nobody ever pronounces it, when it's in the name. :D
07-06-2005, 03:45 PM
Spikey Steps had a preview of Andrea kicking that little guy in the balls very hard. I did flinch when I saw that one. At the end of it she has one of his balls in her hand and is squeezing the living shit out of it.
Hi Magnum,
Spikey's stuff is very much more hardcore. Andrea, if I am correct is the main guy. The name is used both by males and females, in mainland Europe. It's very much high sensation threhold stuff but it is with good production.
is there anyway of seeing these clips? id like to be able to see what ur talkign about. if any1 knows a link or can upload them please do :)
07-06-2005, 07:26 PM
is there anyway of seeing these clips? id like to be able to see what ur talkign about. if any1 knows a link or can upload them please do :)
Do a search via Google, MSN or numerous other search engines using the term 'ballbusting'. You will find ballbusting sites. These sites along with many other adult sites survive by selling a membership which provides the purchaser with access to the site for a fixed period of time or you can purchase individual clips for viewing. It does not grant you the right to RE-DISTRIBUTE. Content generally found on free download sites (peer to peer) are infringeing the COPYRIGHT OF THE ORIGINAL CREATOR/OWNER ONCE IT HAS NOT BEEN PLACED ON THE SITE BY THEMSLEVES. IT IS ILLEGAL TO RE-DISTRIBUTE CONTENT WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED PERMISSION OF THE COPYRIGHT OWNER EVEN IF YOU HAVE PURCHASED A COPY OF THE CONTENT. YOU ARE NOT PURCHASING A COPY TO DO TOTALLY AS YOU SO WISH. This practice of downloading from INFRINGEING Sites or The Re-Distribution of Content undermines the existence, particularly of the small specialist site operators. Most, if not ALL Ballbusting sites fall into this category.
If the clips are not uploaded by the site/content owner or by someone whom has been authorised to do so by the site/content owner, then you are downloading content that is Illegally placed on the download site and this damages the site's income and reduces its abbility to finance future productions.
Site Owners invest time and money to create this content.
BUY THEM ( the right(s) to view the CONTENT, BY SPENDING MONEY WITH THE SITE(S) THAT APPEAL TO YOU rather than UNDERMINING the existence of the sites.
toughtony, how do you access usenet?. tonyr, i have no problem with signing up for sites, i just dont know what sites u were talking about!:)
07-08-2005, 01:08 PM
the usenet has been around since the inception of the internet. started on the bitnet if you go back that far. I have been using the usenet since the beginning. it used to be that if you had an isp you had access to their usenet server but the major isp's have long blocked the *good* groups so now most users must purchase a usenet account from one of the better usenet providers. there are 1000's of usenet servers on the internet and when you post to one server it propagates to all the other server. there are about 80,000 groups. when you do a google search and click on the groups tab you are searching usenet postings. do a google for usenet faq and you can read more on it. I have a usenet account at 6 bucks per month. more porn than you can shake a stick at. many good discussion groups too.
07-08-2005, 01:13 PM
I believe that andrea is wearing a cup in this movie. you never see his balls, he is wearing a few pairs of underwear and I find it hard to believe that anyones balls can take those kink of kicks for 30 minutes. he does appear in pain so perhaps he is wearing some padding in his underwear. at one point in the movie his peepee pops out and you see a cut in the movie and then it is back in again. the only reason I can think they would cut is because a cup being kicked with your penis sticking out could be bad. so he stuck it back in. I have seen other movies with andrea where he is naked and he does indeed take hard kicks. I love the cruelty on the dom in this movie. she really has fun and shows no mercy. at one point a few years ago queen of hearts was looking for volunteers in nyc to make a movie, I chickend out. not sure I could take a whole movies worth of kicks.
07-11-2005, 03:37 PM
what shoes is she wearing, and don't just answer about the heels. What are the uppers of the shoes like?
07-12-2005, 12:34 PM
The guy from the aussie site (Dave I think) has taken some very hard multiple kicks to his bare balls. I can't believe his still has any balls really. TanTan from "fighting women fan club" takes some hard shots too. It's funny but I've always thought I had tough balls but after seeing those guys I'm not sure.
08-23-2005, 04:30 PM
About aussie site : In my opinion if he has real balls they are not working :o cause when I am looking at their clips Dave cries out very artisticaly and he is
too fat for a normal guy who has enough gormones in his testes.
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