View Full Version : First time: any recommendations?
08-05-2005, 03:32 AM
It is going to happen next week: I've made an appointment with a woman who says she will really enjoy kicking my balls. It is the first time for both of us. I Hope to get some good advice from all the experienced guys over here.
Where should we start? Any recommendations for the way she will kick? Are there things I should try to avoid? Should she start with soft kicks and gradually increase the force?
I am a bit afraid that ballbusting is really enjoyable thing to fantasize about but that reality differs a lot.
08-05-2005, 05:36 AM
please report us what happens
OK who is it ? :D
I think you should go for just one hit. That could be a kick or a knee.
As long as it is unexpected, well placed and hard.
08-05-2005, 10:10 AM
Where should we start? Any recommendations for the way she will kick? Are there things I should try to avoid? Should she start with soft kicks and gradually increase the force?
I am a bit afraid that ballbusting is really enjoyable thing to fantasize about but that reality differs a lot.
If you find that kicks hurt too much, or for too long, try to interspace these with some trampling of genitals (I like this in high-heel boots). The difference is trampling tends to hurt quite a bit while it is actually happening, but 90 percent of the pain disappears as soon as the girl takes her heel away. A strong kick, on the other hand, can leave you curled up in a ball for 20 minutes.
I would tell her to start off with light kicks, especially if you are paying this woman. If she's a pro-domme, she's not going to care about anything except the money you pay her, so you may well end up getting a lot more hurt than you bargained for if you tell her something like "Okay, kick as hard as you can".
David B.
08-23-2005, 04:14 PM
Two weeks ago I also met a woman who agreed to kick my balls, we decided to meet again if I would like it. And only now I realized that I really liked it, cause after our first meeting my balls hurt for two days. I thought that it wasn't my hobby anymore, but now I want to feel this pain again and again. :)
So I think you will not be dissappointed by your choice.
Good luck.
04-02-2006, 08:09 AM
Iwant to know were do you find women who like to do this stuff.
I've had no luck:(
04-02-2006, 11:04 AM
QUICK TOLD ME how to find those girls
how u tell them?
i m embarass to say it ou but i love that activity madly
04-04-2006, 07:37 PM
It's good that you are going to experience and hopefully enjoy for real. Play safe and pay a lot of attention to her. If she starts to become to aggressive move away from the action and make her know why. Avoid being tied up and take it at a pace you are comfortable with. Forget bravado and have a clear, non spurring safeword agreed between you beforehand. A word like, 'Mercy', may just spur her on.
Enjoy Brother Fuego:) ;)
TonyR 'da Rambler' :D ;)
It is going to happen next week: I've made an appointment with a woman who says she will really enjoy kicking my balls. It is the first time for both of us. I Hope to get some good advice from all the experienced guys over here.
Where should we start? Any recommendations for the way she will kick? Are there things I should try to avoid? Should she start with soft kicks and gradually increase the force?
I am a bit afraid that ballbusting is really enjoyable thing to fantasize about but that reality differs a lot.
04-04-2006, 08:38 PM
Start off slow is the only advice I can give you. Best not to dive right in.
..and remember, reality must not be so bad, if the kink is still around and going strong, eh?
Ace Hardlight
04-04-2006, 10:32 PM
Just remember to check after every kick to see if they are still there and fine. On your first seeeion, you will probably find your pain tolerence level [mentally and physically].
just one hard kick
no nonsense
04-05-2006, 08:06 AM
Bro Jet,
Now, now. I truely expect better advice to flow from yourself.
What if this one hard kick turns out to do damage to our dear beloved breatheren.
Advise one's fellow breateren, correctly, please. Afterall, we want ballbusting followers and not ballbusting victims.
TonyR 'da Rambler':D :) ;)
just one hard kick
no nonsense
04-07-2006, 12:47 AM
try all kinds of different things to see what feels best, although you might have an idea what you want (i.e. you know you want kicking more than slapping, if I understand). I mean try standing, lying, sitting.
I strongly recommend you try barefoot. Even if boots R your thing, try it. She'll like it more as she can feel directly, and the top of the foot is generally clean (not touching the ground in ordinary walking) and very sensitive. Whatever new level of force you like with boots try at least briefly with bare feet.
Do you like trampling, squeezing, toys? Or more precisely, do you like the idea of them (as maybe you can't answer empirically yet)?
I thought I should ask before suggesting anything, as I figure it depends on what you're in to.
04-07-2006, 12:58 AM
another question: Do you like the buster to be nude, or in any particular outfit?
Do you like a particular view, like upskirt, or the skirtless equivalent (looking up)
I think the advice is good to start slow.
I think 'one good hard' can be good with a slap or punch when the balls are free swinging, as opposed to a punch into something. It could take seconds or perhaps minutes before your ready for one. You can work up to that.
My Humble Opinion is that kicks should always be gentle. They hurt the surrounding areas too much.
But start of somewhat gentle, and you can always get tougher. You'll maximise your chances of being into it for a while.
Bon Apetit!
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