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This is mostly a question to the women here but whatev'. i was curious :when you bust a guy do you really wanna hurt him or just play? A lot of girls ive been with just want to play, which is fine, but sometimes a mean girl is better!
08-15-2005, 02:26 PM
This is mostly a question to the women here but whatev'. i was curious :when you bust a guy do you really wanna hurt him or just play? A lot of girls ive been with just want to play, which is fine, but sometimes a mean girl is better!
Hello Kida,
Not really hurt him, no. Make him fear that I will, yes and let him know I could if I wanted, yes. Make his experience as intense as possible, yes. Leave him knowing he's had something to remember, that's good. Be mean? Hmm, I can do mean, but not so mean that he takes too much pain.
It all comes down to leading him with a firm hand to somewhere new with a few surprises for us both along the way.
Aggie x
08-15-2005, 02:29 PM
Hi. I am only into consentual busting, so I only ever baust as hard as the guy wants me to. I will not, however, kick a guy as hard as I possibly can; because, no matter WHAT guys say, they CAN be seriously hurt down there and I can kick extremely hard :)
I have yet to kick out of anger, and hope I never have to :)
08-15-2005, 02:51 PM
I've read Kida's question again and would ask if any men who have been busted as part of a sexual experience have got what they expected or wanted? Its such an unusual and intimate thing to have a partner do (and seems quite hard for women to do well), does the reality match the fantasy?
Aggie x
08-15-2005, 04:43 PM
I've read Kida's question again and would ask if any men who have been busted as part of a sexual experience have got what they expected or wanted? Its such an unusual and intimate thing to have a partner do (and seems quite hard for women to do well), does the reality match the fantasy?
Aggie x
Hello Aggie,
I suppose it's like other forms of foreplay in that everyone may try out a few things and learn what they like and what they don't like, then they just try to concentrate on the aspects that they find most exciting or pleasing, or which involve a level of pain that they find bearable.
Myself, I like getting my genitals trampled in high-heeled boots, as the pain can be quite intense while it is happening, but it doesn't leave me feeling sick for ages afterward as there is rarely any inflammation or bruising. I suppose I learned to like this kind of trampling, partly because it is so convenient and easy to fit in to a normal day's activities.
David B.
08-15-2005, 05:25 PM
Hello David,
its interesting that you've found a bb method that works for you and that you mention the lack of after effects. I suspect that this is what most men are afraid of, especially when they realise that actual damage is not likely.
As for me, I love my shoes ! I've special boots that I keep for when I'm in the mood and my bf knows which ones they are. I'm sure the anticipation is a huge turn on for him as he gets erect very quickly and stays that way. I like to tease him by wearing high boots when we go out - he knows what I'll use them for later, and sometimes tell him so when I think no-one's listening :)
I'd add that its taken awhile for us to get this far as he was new to bb when we met.
P.S. I've seen a couple of your sample video's, and the girls are very pretty. I especially like the accent of one blonde girl too. But... why the shorts? I love my man naked most of the time for bb.
08-15-2005, 09:23 PM
For the most part, comparing fantasy/expectations to reality/results, I only get kicked in two ways: 1) not hard enough, and 2) way too hard. This might work out well, taking the possibility of repeated strikes into account, but the people I play with who kick in the not hard enough category are the ones who are concerned that kicking them again might cause damage, and the ones who kick too hard are the ones who are keep trying to hit them again.
Diagnosis: Ah is much too fussy, and wimmin is much too clueless.
08-16-2005, 04:52 AM
P.S. I've seen a couple of your sample video's, and the girls are very pretty. I especially like the accent of one blonde girl too. But... why the shorts? I love my man naked most of the time for bb.
Hello Aggie,
The short answer is I sometimes feel self-conscious seeing myself naked. When I look in the mirror I usually think I'm either too thin or too fat... Usually too fat these days.
I was very interested that you are the instigator of BB in your relationship. The stereotype on many of these boards is that it is most often men asking how they can talk a woman into kicking their balls, but you seem to have had the opposite experience.
Reading your story about how you use your high boots to tease your bf with the idea that his balls will be kicked by the end of the day, I think your bf is a very lucky man indeed.
David B.
08-16-2005, 07:42 PM
This is mostly a question to the women here but whatev'. i was curious :when you bust a guy do you really wanna hurt him or just play? A lot of girls ive been with just want to play, which is fine, but sometimes a mean girl is better!
I like the playing but I love the hurt too. For me it's the reason I like it so much. I mean if it didn't hurt I'd just kick him in the leg.
08-17-2005, 02:50 PM
Thats why I love you Evilgrl. I lay awake at night thinking about how hard you would kick and stomp on my balls. :iluvu:
08-18-2005, 01:31 PM
I like the playing but I love the hurt too. For me it's the reason I like it so much. I mean if it didn't hurt I'd just kick him in the leg.
Isn't she just DREAMY?!?
I mean, I know she is saying what every other woman on the planet thinks, but at least she is SAYING it!!!
I'd promise you my first born, EvilGrl, but I'm afraid you'd take it the wrong way. Actully, wait! Take it the wrong way! Please!!
08-20-2005, 12:35 PM
I really don't care for the kicking, just like the punching... not sure why, but that's what really turns me on.
08-20-2005, 07:07 PM
I just want to say that my first experience with getting kicked in the balls was when I was in first grade. I was on the playground during recess and this girl comes up to me and asks if she could kick me. At first I said "No" but then she just kicked me right there. It hurt for like a minute or so but she didn't seem to care and just walked away like it wasn't a big deal (I guess at that age a lot of thing aren't a big deal).
Anyway, ever since that day I keep remembering that exact moment and how it all happened. I remember ever little detail in my memory; what I was wearing, what she was wearing, how it felt, what I did, etc. So what I would like to say is that I really enjoy "ball busting" that involves I can remember about that one incident.
I am now 19 years old and can truely appreciate what she did for me that day. I don't know if I would be interested if she hadn't but at least I find this kind of thing sexy.
09-06-2005, 03:41 PM
My girlfriend usually only does it when I want it to be done, meaning its just play. Unfortunately it also means that it never gets done unless I ask for it. It would be a major turn-on for her to just get into it and start busting me...because either she might like it at that time or because she wants to do it, but it rarely ever happens.
There have been a few times, though, where she went at it with intention to hurt. Either because we were wrestling and I was winning (and she's stubborn), or because she was mad at me for any number of reasons. On those occasions...those awesome occasions, she kicks and hits and squeeses so incredibly hard. I remember one time she shouted "does this hurt yet!?" as she was squeezin them and as I said yes she said "well I havent hurt them enough yet!" and squeezed harder. Whoa boy, smile on my face thinking about this already...
Regarding being busted by a gf, as spoken about by Agnetha, David B and others I have never asked a gf to bust me, the closest I have ever come to that was a girl who would threaten to knee me and playfully raise her knee close to my groin.
I wanted to ask her to knee me properly, but felt this could destroy our relationship.
However if you visit a professional lady you can indulge your fantasies in full, knowing that your session with her is where it it ends. Thus as I have described in a couple of my earlier messages you can get a woman to act out with you your fantasies with no inhibitions, in complete privacy, and it can be wonderful!
Regards Try.
Ya as seen above i think evilgirl may be the hottest woman of all times, just a thought xo evilgirl!!
09-15-2005, 11:13 PM
Ya as seen above i think evilgirl may be the hottest woman of all times
a) We haven't seen her; and
b) we don't need to; evilgrl is a killer babe, not just because of her deadly aim, but mostly because of that. ;)
09-15-2005, 11:29 PM
a) We haven't seen her; and
b) we don't need to; evilgrl is a killer babe, not just because of her deadly aim, but mostly because of that. ;)There used to be a very nice picture of evilgrl around if you looked at the right portal profiles and killer doesn't even start to cover, but alas no more.
09-15-2005, 11:58 PM
There used to be a very nice picture of evilgrl around if you looked at the right portal profiles and killer doesn't even start to cover, but alas no more.
WHAT?!? You mean that evilgrill is not just a killer personality with killer aim and killer instinct, but ALSO has a killer bod???
Ay carumba!
I bet there is no END to the unwanted male attention; the parade of guys who can't take a hint. Her knees are probably sore all the way up to her hip bone. Poor woman; she needs someone like Manuel Alphonse Rodriguez de la Rocha to save her...
09-20-2005, 10:47 PM
dont kick hard... please...
a) We haven't seen her; and
b) we don't need to; evilgrl is a killer babe, not just because of her deadly aim, but mostly because of that. ;)
I mean hot because of what she writes. A woman can be hot regardless of what she looks like.
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