View Full Version : Just a question for the guys :)
08-23-2005, 03:14 PM
I recently joined another board where, every time a girl posts, she is inundated with screams of "SHES A MAN :eek: " and then the guys all sit back and try to figure out why no girls ever post. I find that rather amusing :p
Another thing that they do a LOT, is sit there and criticize the heck out of nearly every single BB site with inane comments like "Hes wearing a cup" and "She couldnt kick to save herself" and then get all over excited about some lame BB scene in a B-Grade movie.
My question is this: Why are guys so fast to criticize the work of the people trying to put their REAL work up on sites for us to see and yet get so damn excited about an obviously FAKE clip in a movie just because it has Jessica Simpson in it???? (For this question I do consider the use of a cup as still being REAL)
08-23-2005, 06:32 PM
can you give the name of this site, for interests sake..
08-23-2005, 09:40 PM
I recently joined another board where, every time a girl posts, she is inundated with screams of "SHES A MAN "
1) Because typically she IS a man.
and then the guys all sit back and try to figure out why no girls ever post.
2) Girls never post because typical girls don't go to ballbusting websites.
I find that rather amusing.
I find it amusing when a guy goes to a female oriented message board and (usually pretending to be a woman) starts asking questions about ballbusting and then posts the women's responses on a BB website. These are likely the same idiots that do #1, above.
Another thing that they do a LOT, is sit there and criticize the heck out of nearly every single BB site with inane comments like "Hes wearing a cup" and "She couldnt kick to save herself" and then get all over excited about some lame BB scene in a B-Grade movie.
Lame BB in B-grade movies are usually hotter than the fake BB on fetish sites.
My question is this: Why are guys so fast to criticize the work of the people trying to put their REAL work up on sites for us to see and yet get so damn excited about an obviously FAKE clip in a movie just because
Dude! It's the Internet. People are fast to criticize EVERYTHING! It's what the Internet was invented for. :)
Is it Kramtoad?
08-24-2005, 03:09 AM
I think I have a pretty good idea what site you're talking about. Although the site I'm thinking of had said a couple of months back that it's moderators were going to remove posts which accused women of being guys pretending to be women. But then there was a post like two weeks later with someone who was -wondering- whether or not someone was a woman pretending to be a guy, and that was let through since -wondering- wasn't -accusing-.
Fundamentally, though I think that the jumping to conclusions about gender thing has to do with three facts:
1) There are some men on the forum posing as women. I get periodic messages from people asking for site passwords and looking to trade files and that sort of thing. About 1/3 of them come from "women". Certain guys have learned that they'll get a lot more responses if they use a female name.
2) Over time, people become pessimistic. Your fetish starts to feel weird and freaky and no women you know seem interested in it, and you start to think that no women anywhere are interested in it.
3) There's a small vocal minority which pops up when a woman posts to make accusations. It's not the main people who make the initial posts, although some of them will join in the discussion down the line. Who are these people and why the accusations, I'm not sure. I do know, though, from my experience in chat rooms, that the people who did the most accusing others were people who themselves sometimes pretended to be women. What their motivation is, I don't really know. Perhaps they are trying to keep there from being very many women so that they will still be treated as special.
As for the criticisms, mostly what I've seen is a lot of criticism of the pay sites. When a site has been giving things away for free and not trying to make a buck, people have done a much better job of keeping their negative comments to themselves. No one said anything bad about my videos, for instance. But as soon as people start selling things, everyone in the world wants to tell them how to run their business.
As for the getting all excited about celebrity ball busts thing, I just don't get that. I mean, I like seeing girls that I find attractive doing ball busting, and if I know that celebrity girl X who I know to be attractive is in a clip busting some balls, then of course I'll watch it. But if it's totally fake, then it's not very exciting. And I'm always just as happy to see a clip with some attractive girl I've never heard of doing some ball busting.
I'm really thankful that this board has, for the most part, avoid the scourge of long conversations about what celebrity people want to be busted by. Those sort of conversations feel like a big flashing neon sign which says "Real Women, Please Leave! We Are Content With Imaginary Women! We Do Not Need You!"
So that's not really entirely answers to your questions, per se, but that's my responses to them, so make what you will out of them.
08-24-2005, 03:12 AM
I recently joined another board where, every time a girl posts, she is inundated with screams of "SHES A MAN "
1) Because typically she IS a man.
and then the guys all sit back and try to figure out why no girls ever post.
2) Girls never post because typical girls don't go to ballbusting websites.
I find that rather amusing.
I find it amusing when a guy goes to a female oriented message board and (usually pretending to be a woman) starts asking questions about ballbusting and then posts the women's responses on a BB website. These are likely the same idiots that do #1, above.
Another thing that they do a LOT, is sit there and criticize the heck out of nearly every single BB site with inane comments like "Hes wearing a cup" and "She couldnt kick to save herself" and then get all over excited about some lame BB scene in a B-Grade movie.
Lame BB in B-grade movies are usually hotter than the fake BB on fetish sites.
My question is this: Why are guys so fast to criticize the work of the people trying to put their REAL work up on sites for us to see and yet get so damn excited about an obviously FAKE clip in a movie just because
Dude! It's the Internet. People are fast to criticize EVERYTHING! It's what the Internet was invented for. :)
Thanks for ur answers, but I would like to ask a few more questions that have been brought up by ur answers :)
1. How do u know its a guy??? Do they talk differently or something, or is it that guys dont really want to believe that there ARE girls out there that really do like BB and really would like to talk to guys about it??? (Me, Sadistic Sara, Evil Girl and Sharon to name just a few)
2. You could also agrue that typiocal guys dont go to BB sites or boards either, after all it IS a fetish adn not everyone is into every fetish. Do you have any facts to back up this claim or is it just as in the first question?
I also find it amusing that guys go to other message boards and pretend to be girls to get comments from girls about BB, and one could also use the arguement you used in 1 (above) that the 'girls' responding to the question are also guys pretending to be girls :p
08-24-2005, 03:19 AM
Is it Kramtoad?
Simple answer is no :p As far as I can see, Kramtoad seems to be a gay guys sight anyway. So I doubt anyone one there is too interested in girls, either real or fake :p NO, I am not critisizing Kramtoad for being a gay BB site and am NOT against gays either. That woud be very hypocritical of me seeing that I am bi with a very strong bias towards girls :)
08-24-2005, 03:24 AM
I think I have a pretty good idea what site you're talking about. Although the site I'm thinking of had said a couple of months back that it's moderators were going to remove posts which accused women of being guys pretending to be women. But then there was a post like two weeks later with someone who was -wondering- whether or not someone was a woman pretending to be a guy, and that was let through since -wondering- wasn't -accusing-.
Fundamentally, though I think that the jumping to conclusions about gender thing has to do with three facts:
1) There are some men on the forum posing as women. I get periodic messages from people asking for site passwords and looking to trade files and that sort of thing. About 1/3 of them come from "women". Certain guys have learned that they'll get a lot more responses if they use a female name.
2) Over time, people become pessimistic. Your fetish starts to feel weird and freaky and no women you know seem interested in it, and you start to think that no women anywhere are interested in it.
3) There's a small vocal minority which pops up when a woman posts to make accusations. It's not the main people who make the initial posts, although some of them will join in the discussion down the line. Who are these people and why the accusations, I'm not sure. I do know, though, from my experience in chat rooms, that the people who did the most accusing others were people who themselves sometimes pretended to be women. What their motivation is, I don't really know. Perhaps they are trying to keep there from being very many women so that they will still be treated as special.
As for the criticisms, mostly what I've seen is a lot of criticism of the pay sites. When a site has been giving things away for free and not trying to make a buck, people have done a much better job of keeping their negative comments to themselves. No one said anything bad about my videos, for instance. But as soon as people start selling things, everyone in the world wants to tell them how to run their business.
As for the getting all excited about celebrity ball busts thing, I just don't get that. I mean, I like seeing girls that I find attractive doing ball busting, and if I know that celebrity girl X who I know to be attractive is in a clip busting some balls, then of course I'll watch it. But if it's totally fake, then it's not very exciting. And I'm always just as happy to see a clip with some attractive girl I've never heard of doing some ball busting.
I'm really thankful that this board has, for the most part, avoid the scourge of long conversations about what celebrity people want to be busted by. Those sort of conversations feel like a big flashing neon sign which says "Real Women, Please Leave! We Are Content With Imaginary Women! We Do Not Need You!"
So that's not really entirely answers to your questions, per se, but that's my responses to them, so make what you will out of them.
Thanks for ur respnse Smack. It seems we feel pretty much the same way about BB. Nice looking girls make it better, but real beats fake in my books too. I LOVE Calimeangirls coz the girls are cute and Al seems to be a damn BB machine :P, but I also really like ur too even tho I can never see ur partner. What gets me about yours is what appears to be a lot of laove and respect for both people involved and, to me, that is as much a turn on as the BB itself :)
Yeah I dont have a lot of spare cash and have been grateful for the free stuff that has been posted over the months siunce I first found my first B|B site, but I do also understand that there are costs that need to be covered so I am one who does not critisize the guys for charging for their clips :)
08-24-2005, 05:16 AM
1. How do u know its a guy??? Do they talk differently or something, or is it that guys dont really want to believe that there ARE girls out there that really do like BB and really would like to talk to guys about it??? (Me, Sadistic Sara, Evil Girl and Sharon to name just a few)
This is how Trouble tells the difference between a girl and a guy on the Internet (foolproof technology, here): I ask a really tough math question like, "What's the next prime number after 61?"
Guy petending to be girl: "67. Why? lol"
Actual girl: "What's a prime number?"
2. You could also agrue that typiocal guys dont go to BB sites or boards either, after all it IS a fetish adn not everyone is into every fetish. Do you have any facts to back up this claim or is it just as in the first question?
Last I heard tell, men (and not skinny boys, but REAL BEEF CAKES like me) still greatly outnumber women in terms of clogging up the Internet, and men still have the advantage over women in that we know what porn is for. The odds of finding a real woman on the Interne are much the teeny-weeny.
Oh, alternatives to math questions would be something about computers ("So, I hear that Western Digital has a new EIDE unit out with 16MB of cache -- do you know if it's SATA?" [only guys know the answer to this]) or the internal combustion engine ("Well, Zeke, if we add some kerosene to that Techron, yew figger we can git a Chevvy 4-door from 0 to 60 in under 12?" [only guys know the answer to this]) or sports ("Hey, do you remember who was MVP for the Patriots in 1978?" [only guys... well, you get the idea]).
Since we can not actually feel the pain from watching some other dude get racked (although it certainly does seem like it...), it does not necessarily matter if the bust is real or not, or even obviously fake or not; the implication, the threat, the situation, everything contributes to sexual arousal. I'd rather have a real bust done to me by my one of my friends, but when it comes to watching, I'd REALLY like to see Jennifer Aniston try to kick Angelina Jolie in the crotch, only to have her jump out of the way and have Aniston's poor foot whack Brad in the ghoulies, instead -- even if it is obviously fake (but, judging from the gossip columns, it wouldn't be).
If I drop by New Zealand, can't miss me: I'll be the guy talking to your chest asking you if you can multiply seven by nine.
08-24-2005, 01:31 PM
Actually, Trouble, you're wrong. Men do not greatly outnumber women on the internet any more. In fact, in the US, more women use the internet than men. Here's an article:
And that's from 2000. At this point, women may outnumber men on the internet period.
08-24-2005, 03:34 PM
I know exactly what site your talking about. It pisses me off when some of these guys have nothing better to do than talk smack. We recently got rid of one such idiot. He was so bad I thought that he must be kidding at first. Sometimes I can tell whether or not it's a guy because of the way it is written. One gal answered a question of mine which was why don't more gals post. Her reasoning was because so many guys ask her to meet them and kick them in the nuts. If you ever leave Julie, I will be heart broken and probably commit suicide or something.
08-24-2005, 07:56 PM
I know exactly what site your talking about. It pisses me off when some of these guys have nothing better to do than talk smack. We recently got rid of one such idiot. He was so bad I thought that he must be kidding at first. Sometimes I can tell whether or not it's a guy because of the way it is written. One gal answered a question of mine which was why don't more gals post. Her reasoning was because so many guys ask her to meet them and kick them in the nuts. If you ever leave Julie, I will be heart broken and probably commit suicide or something.
Your safe Magnum :) I cant see myself leaving this board in the near future. At least most of the guys here are sane (Trouble excluded :p) and friendly :) I know I havent been posting much recently but I have just been having a lot going down and as soon as one things over another one starts, and people ask me why I dont watch Soaps, I dont need to, I LIVE one :p
08-25-2005, 12:49 PM
At least most of the guys here are sane (Trouble excluded :p) and friendly :)
That's just her little way of saying she wuvs me. Ooh, kiss, kiss, kiss. :iluvu:
08-26-2005, 12:57 PM
That's just her little way of saying she wuvs me. Ooh, kiss, kiss, kiss. :iluvu:
Hmmmmm. :Baahaha:
05-21-2006, 01:05 PM
I know exactly what site your talking about. It pisses me off when some of these guys have nothing better to do than talk smack. We recently got rid of one such idiot. He was so bad I thought that he must be kidding at first. Sometimes I can tell whether or not it's a guy because of the way it is written. One gal answered a question of mine which was why don't more gals post. Her reasoning was because so many guys ask her to meet them and kick them in the nuts. If you ever leave Julie, I will be heart broken and probably commit suicide or something.
I totally agree.
men shouldn't be stupid to girls when they show their interest.
we need more women here...:jumpsmile
and those who are here mustn't be scared away.
they should scare us :eek:
05-21-2006, 06:55 PM
Hi Jules,
This is my belief on what you have glady overserved and commented on.
I recently joined another board where, every time a girl posts, she is inundated with screams of "SHES A MAN :eek: " and then the guys all sit back and try to figure out why no girls ever post. I find that rather amusing :p
Because many of the forums have been innundated by weak men whom use the forums to express themsleves via the alter ego they have created that they have not the guts, bollocks, balls to be like in everyday life. For them, it is easy to tear down the figure of a woman in a forum. In the real world, women will take them on all the way and more than likely win. Western society has them pretty fucked up. They want women, but only on their terms of perception. Hence when a real dame shows up and she doesn't comply with their warped pre-concieved vision, the attack from the safety of the forums alter ego.
It is amusing, just about. But it is real and that is far more worrying.:confused:
Another thing that they do a LOT, is sit there and criticize the heck out of nearly every single BB site with inane comments like "Hes wearing a cup" and "She couldnt kick to save herself" and then get all over excited about some lame BB scene in a B-Grade movie.
It is so easy to do. The attitude of such critics changes when they realise that you are nearer to them than they first thought. Ballbusting is a fantasy that only a small proportion of forum members actually take part. One only has to read some of the regular naive shit that such pretenders come forth with and that is so clearly obvious. Their not about real, their about false and contrived, that's why they over excited about 'some lame BB scene in a B-Grade movie'. Hollywierd provides them with the rubbish, the brain damaging fodder, that they are so eager to drug them up from reality and real ballbusting. One only needs to look at the replies with regards to the lack of errections in Bb content thread, and one knows that fantasy land is at play big fucking time.
My question is this: Why are guys so fast to criticize the work of the people trying to put their REAL work up on sites for us to see and yet get so damn excited about an obviously FAKE clip in a movie just because it has Jessica Simpson in it???? (For this question I do consider the use of a cup as still being REAL)
Very few have the know how, the guts, the determination, the desire and the will, to start their own sites and/or create the content to put up for others to see. More so, even less, will be in front of the camera, hence there is a 'BIG TIME ENVY', thing at play. Jessica Simpson is very much safe as she is manufatured by the factory of dreams, Hollywierd Inc. A true BallBustress, will almost always, be nothing like Jessie and she will bust for real. Real is where too many of the dudes wish to be far from. They are happy being part of the maddening crowd.
I am only to glad to be far from it.:thumbup
True Bandwidth from one of the few and very much for real femmes of 'Our Forum'
Great Thread Jules:ibow4u: :thumbup :D
05-21-2006, 07:09 PM
Hi Jules,
This is my belief on what you have glady overserved and commented on.
A true BallBustress, will almost always, be nothing like Jessie and she will bust for real.
and that's some awesome experience .
I love it !
05-21-2006, 07:13 PM
Ain't nothing like the real THING!!!!:D :bananajum :thumbup
and that's some awesome experience .
I love it !
05-22-2006, 03:12 AM
Thanks for ur respnse Smack. It seems we feel pretty much the same way about BB. Nice looking girls make it better, but real beats fake in my books too. I LOVE Calimeangirls coz the girls are cute and Al seems to be a damn BB machine :P, but I also really like ur too even tho I can never see ur partner. What gets me about yours is what appears to be a lot of laove and respect for both people involved and, to me, that is as much a turn on as the BB itself :)
Yeah I dont have a lot of spare cash and have been grateful for the free stuff that has been posted over the months siunce I first found my first B|B site, but I do also understand that there are costs that need to be covered so I am one who does not critisize the guys for charging for their clips :)
Ms. Julie. Please forgive me for assuming to advise You, but i doubt its just me that thinks this. If you are low on cash, i'm sure many men on here, myself included, would be willing to pay for You to get some "feet-on" experience.
05-23-2006, 12:05 AM
Ms. Julie. Please forgive me for assuming to advise You, but i doubt its just me that thinks this. If you are low on cash, i'm sure many men on here, myself included, would be willing to pay for You to get some "feet-on" experience.
Max: Please pardon me for being a dour and humourless jerk, but: Julie18nz is not a prostitute; please don't talk to her like one.
05-23-2006, 01:47 AM
Jules carries the type and level of respect in 'Our Forum' to the point that you'd best tread very carefully.
Ms. Julie. Please forgive me for assuming to advise You, but i doubt its just me that thinks this. If you are low on cash, i'm sure many men on here, myself included, would be willing to pay for You to get some "feet-on" experience.
06-15-2006, 08:54 PM
because they are not sure and then ther do that
06-16-2006, 04:59 PM
if it would be all about money...
than the fun is all gone.
I work for my money.
is kicking balls working?
but I do know there are mny women in it to get money this way.
a pity is all I can say.
06-17-2006, 01:51 AM
YO! Kinky Chicky! Yeah, YOU, Julie18nz, ya sick and utterly lovable puppy, you! Can you ask a question that is a bit more... yanno... provocative... than asking us why some guys act like they are all dick, no balls?
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