View Full Version : Help please

09-18-2005, 01:26 PM
I have some kinki pics in my folder, which I have renamed.Could you tell me how to load them up.

The Rani
09-18-2005, 02:11 PM
I have some kinki pics in my folder, which I have renamed.Could you tell me how to load them up. OK dude. First you’ll have to wait until it says ‘you may post attachments’ bottom left on the forum page (this usually takes 24 hours or so after yer first post). Once that’s OK then you just need to click ‘post reply’ and the ‘manage attachments’ button below the message box. You can then browse and upload up to 5 at a time. Looking 4ward to seeing yer pics.

09-18-2005, 02:14 PM
I have some kinki pics in my folder, which I have renamed.Could you tell me how to load them up.

Now that you have posted, next time you post u will have th option to attach pics. Just go do to "Additonal options" at the bottomof the page, below the message, and click on "Manag attachments"

This option isnt available until after you have posted :)