View Full Version : spirituality and religion in female domination
Castratrix's pet
10-23-2005, 08:53 AM
Is there an element of spirituality in female domination? Can femdom or is femdom a religion, perhaps a Goddess based religion?
Since it is said that all of us seek God, then I ask the following.
By putting himself so totally in the control and at the mercy of a woman and by serving her as her "slave", is the man really serve and worship God by serving and worshipping the dominatrix/mistress? What then is his real preception of God?
Is the dominatrix/mistress really seeking to be God?
What is it that dominant women and submissive men are really seeking through femdom and femdom fantasies? What is it that the dominatrix/mistress and her "slave" are really seeking through female domination and why are they seeking those things? Where did femdom really start and come from and what does that say about human beings?
I have asked these questions for a long time.
In my own case, I'm a submissive male who is very drawn to Goddess worship and to female domination, with strong fantasies of ********** performed by a woman or by women and of then personally serving the castratrix at whose hands my manhood is destroyed as her very own personal eunuch slave.
What is it that I'm really searching for here? I would like to know what others think of this.
Castratrix's pet
10-25-2005, 10:56 AM
Would some others here please share their views on this subject?
I know these are some very different questions and thoughts on the whole area of female domination, and it gets into some very deep and different philosophical and psychological things with femdom.
But I would like to know what others views are on the thing of spirituality and religion in femdom and on the questions I asked in my first post when I started this thread.
I know this is an area that is rarely if ever discussed or even thought about in terms of female domination, and it may have interesting and long term implications. It may make some question what they are really searching for through femdom, both women and men and open up a whole new level or area or theme in femdom.
So what do others think, what are your views on the questions I posed in this thread?
10-26-2005, 12:53 PM
I'm so glad someone brought this topic up!! :D :bananajum
-I believe that female or male sexual domination is a social construction based on achieving an all encompassing (one which a person can be immersed in the details so much so that a virtual reality is created) realization of sexual pleasure.
-This is closely tied to ego, which, in a Freudian sense, is tied to acts of sexuality or violent urges.
-It appears to me that just as animals in animal societies natrually assume dominant or submissive roles, so do humans; the reason for this behavior's existance is, I believe, because dominant and submissive personalities serve practical roles in society, and... allows for the practical application of social status to the normal routine of one's actions which are conducted by him based on sets of principals of non-action or action.
=Meaning that it serves a practical purpose for the happiness and well being of the individual AND the society.
-such a dynamic (of submission and dominance) allows for a symbiotic relationship between human organisms. Social Domanance can be expressed in explicit :iluvu: sexual or :machine: violent way or in terms of morals and principals :cussing: (examples include: Supression by President George W. Bush of homosexual personalities through rationalizations based on the Christian faith :ibow4u: and text (which assumes itself to be an undeniable truth and absolutely correct) that homosexuality is wrong, and thereby the government is justified to take legal action to restrict it. :( If you have ever watched dogs play, you can see that one may lay on his/her back while the other pursues. I think this is similar to the sexual "play" that humans interact in.
-It is not good, I believe, to label this behavior as superficial or a waste of time or even upsurd, because these physical pleasures are a very important element of our happiness. This is what nature has tought us, and it would not be correct to assume that the more austere path towards sexual pleasure would lead to more control and happiness in non-sexual life. :letsplay
-Music I think is a similar way to assume dominant and submissive roles in providing either a background or a leadership musical part. Leadership meaning a part which is presented without regard necesarily to the desire of the other band members but moreso with regards to one's own personal futurustic vision of himself and his bandmates's music. This can be compared to playing in the immediate sense when musicians are improvising.
-On a personal note, when I first realized that I loved to watch and participate in this, I thought something was wrong with me. But I think what it means when you do realize that you like this is that you are in touch with what you want, which I think is always a good thing. We have a whole community who mutually benifit one another by doing and receiving humiliating actions and talking about our love of them. In a deeper way, this makes sense since the essence of human expression is the love and the pain and the story of how we loved the pain of our life. Life is always irony and the things which we know we do not want often are what we feel we want. It is the human struggle that we share to unify these two inseperable undenyable aspects of human life. As for what we should do with regards to others you need not worry as long as you ask "why do I want this". Then surely you will not oppress where it is not welcome, and you will only submit against oppression if you know you cannot overcome it, then you are living natrually and have nothing to fear. Thanks for listening and I hope I don't sound pretentious. Have a nice day and I hope it makes you happy to know that you are all an integral part of my happiness!!! :) :) :)
If you find what I said interesting and would like me to respond to the question about religion and god with women who actually are seriously spiritual about femdom, then I will.
Castratrix's pet
10-26-2005, 03:22 PM
Jigillo42, please respond to the questions about religion and God with women who actually are seriously spiritual about femdom.
The questions and ideas about spirituality in femdom and of femdo being a religion or form of religion at least to some people is an aspect of femdom we don't often consider but maybe we should consider it.
10-26-2005, 06:06 PM
A religion can be made up of anything. I know there are websites and things where females talk about the philosophy of femaledom. They say that there are benifits to an all female dominated society and some say that that's the way it was meant to be. I think these are fabrications just like principals of Christianity, but moreso I think it is a response to the male dominated european and american society. It's like black people being racist against white people. Whites have oppressed blacks for so long, it's like a backlash. It's not surprising that people take it so seriously as to call it religion, because many people call many things religion. All religion is is a set of principals which are looked on as absolutely true, then a set of acceptable behaviors are created based off of that. People create or subscribe to religion based on whatever is convinient for them. I think some of these women are mad about being dominated for so long and want to turn the tables. I think someone who wants to be ********* should consider the reality of immasculation. I wonder what type of violence has been a part of your life, or if you had been exposed to ********** in the movies at a young age. Did you have a sister who was domineering? Do you hate yourself? These could all be parts of the psyche of someone who wants this. Or are you very lonely? I'm confused by this, although I understand the fantasy, I would never wish for the reality.
10-27-2005, 01:09 AM
My question to you is do you subscribe to a religion like this and if you do, why? How do you think it benifits you or harms you and how do you think it affects your interactions with other people. How does it affect your self image and how do you think it affects the image other people have of you?
Castratrix's pet
10-31-2005, 01:03 PM
In many ways I guess I do follow such a religion. In looking back at my childhood and formative years I can find nothing that would have caused me to have such beliefs and femdom Goddess based spirituality. To make a long story short, my upbringing and childhood and my family and how I was raised was normal and conventional in every way, I can find nothing that would have caused this, and I have looked deep and long at my childhood and background to find something that might have caused these feelings and fantasies.
In terms of religion and church and spirituality, it was all normal and conventional as well. Even though it is not what I was raised with, I have always just felt most comfortable perceiving of God only as female as Goddess.
I have never been comfortable with images or perceptions of God as male. I have always only been comfortable with images and perceptions of God as female of God as Goddess. I don't know why that is, but that's how I've always felt.
What I feel in my Goddess spirituality and in female power, female control, female domination, and male submission to women is a kind of security. There is something about all this that feels comfortable and secure to me.
In male inferiority and submission to women, in famale domination and ********** performed by women, I feel a kind of balance. Balance and such between The Goddess and human beings, balance between female and male, between women and men. A creating and maintaining of that balance, as if this is one of the roles and purposes for which The Goddess created me. I think this is what I'm really seeking through female domination and through my femdom ********** fantasies.
Castratrix's pet
11-16-2005, 02:52 PM
From what others and I myself have said here, I feel female domination can be and for some people it is a religion. It is a religion where the woman is God and Her power over the man is total and omnipotent, and the man may truly be worshipping The Goddes through worshipping the woman who is dominating him.
11-17-2005, 10:04 AM
I think that it is generally very easy for men to feel guilty about the oppression of women and to wish to atone for it, precisely because we are held culpable for it. Not all women and not all men, of course, but there are some situations which show how the domination of women is just not the fault of every man:
* When I was young and in need of cash (as opposed to today, when I am old and in need of cash), I worked in fast food. There were chicks there who were all uppity about that "70 cents that women make on every dollar that men make" line. We all made minimum wage or very close to it -- NOBODY at that store was making 70 cents on the dollar compared to anyone else. The original, widely-quoted study was admitted to be incorrect by the authors. Even if they managed to arrive at the correct number at the time by incorrect means, the gap is certainly neither as wide as it once was nor is it getting worse. And the guys flipping burgers had NOTHING at all to do with any inequity of pay IN OTHER PROFESSIONS where the salaries ranged widely enough that some people really did make 1.42 times as much as their female counterparts.
* There was an Equal Rights Amendment enacted by Congress. (So far as I can tell, it would have been superfluous, since it would have duplicated the 14th Amendment.) It did not have the support of every woman and could not have gotten a passing vote without the support of many men. Are some guys jerks? Sure, but, even in Congress, not all of them all of the time. (ERA failed ratification by the States before its sundown clause killed the matter.)
* Believe it or not (and some feminists don't believe it), but not all men are rapists, not all men are brutal wife-beaters, not all men are insensitive, and not all men have never known how to bring up a child (my favourite woman on the planet was raised by her father; she refuses to wear cosmetics and thinks other women are crazy [okay, hold ME guilty if you will, but how can a man NOT love a woman who refuses to wear lipstick just because she thinks it's a senseless waste of money?]).
* Many women have let me know that not only did they take up kicking guys in the nuts for self-defense from playground boys who were bothering them, but thought it worked really great and took up using it as a method of entertainment (for them if not for the boys on the receiving end), and that kicking boys in the balls is almost always assumed to be considered merited by teachers and school staff; no penalty for kicking guys in the nuts. In my experience, guys are too embarrassed to report this kind of thing to teachers if/when they get racked unprovoked. The message to girls (many, if not most, of whom grow up to be women): they get to kick guys in the nuts as their birthright.
(As a male -- oops, let me be fully honest -- as a STUDLY male -- no, wait, still not quite right -- as a TURBO-STUDLY male, I have yet to receive written notice that I have the birthright to go around flattening boobs with punches, except from Julie18nz who likes that kind of thing.)
I am not arguing that men and women are on an equal footing and that societal prejudice does not exist, but I am saying that it is not present in every circumstance, but men, even men who have nothing to do with enforcing patriarchy, often receive full blame, presumably based on genetic similarity to other men who DID do something wrong, which is like holding all women culpable for Joan of Arc being a fascist. (Yes, the first time I called Joan of Arc a fascist, some Feminazi told me that she was insane, not a fascist; I responded by asking, "Was Hitler sane?" -- this was the first time I ever saw a Feminazi shut up. I may be masochistic and submissive, but it gives me great joy to see Feminazis thinking for the first time in their lives, and I notice that they cannot talk and think at the same time.)
So why would a man wish to be emasculated? The desire has crossed my mind, also. A man would wish to be emasculated because, without the dick and/or nuts, we become freed of the guilt; or at least that is what we tell ourselves. Although I can not see how, reasonably, I am to blame for women making 70 cents on the dollar according to a study from years ago which the authors later admitted was flawed, I still soak up some of the accusations that the Feminazis keep throwing at me, and, in my fantasies, I think that ********** would serve to remove the offending apparatus. No longer would I be accused of being a potential ******, but possibly be accused of being a friend or something. That would rule, I like having women for lovers and sexual playthings, but I would really love to have one as a friend.
Unless she's a Feminazi, of course. :)
And the problem with the fantasy is that it is wrong; sadly, women see through that kind of trick and would just accuse a ********* man as trying to get out from under the blame he and everyone from his gender deserves. My friend, the chick raised by her father, and I would say: "Yeah, blah blah blah to you, too."
Castratrix's pet
11-21-2005, 08:58 AM
I have an inner and personal spirituality which says that God is female and The Castratrix is God, and that is part of what guides me in the direction I'm going.
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