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10-25-2005, 01:57 PM
Have any of your ever been truly frightened by a Lady? Some years ago a Woman actually convinced me that she was going to Cut off my Balls - She had asked me questions like "Does anyone know you're here?" She blindfoilded me and held a knife to various parts of my body - she was convincing enough that I was totally terrified and broke down.
Damn that was great
10-25-2005, 04:43 PM
Heh i live it. My girlfriend says she wants to crush them flat, you know into mush. She says she'll do it SOMETIME in the future and it could be at any time but I'm not gonna know until the time she starts.
Thats living with a fear.
10-26-2005, 10:30 AM
Heh i live it. My girlfriend says she wants to crush them flat, you know into mush. She says she'll do it SOMETIME in the future and it could be at any time but I'm not gonna know until the time she starts.
Thats living with a fear.
Thats kind of a fantasy of mine that I hope never comes true but I love it when my wife threatens to do it. She puts plenty of pressure on my balls all the time saying she is going to crush them. tell your GF I think that she is awsome! :bananad:
10-30-2005, 01:46 AM
I've discovered somewhat recently that fear is the prime psychic activator for my various kinks surrounding women hurting my genitals ......The pain of being kicked in the balls is intense; It turns me on, and realizes a tangible reason FOR me to fear; As a male I am vulnerable in this way. Fear impregnates, Pain brings forth....
I have had a few experiences where I was very frightened by a woman; One of my first girlfriends used to sidle up to me (most memorably in the shower, but this happened a few times) and play with me until I became somewhat aroused; She would then squeeze her thumb and forefinger around the base of my penis and say something to the effect of "It would be very easy for me to cut it off." It always happened apropos of nothing, no prior conversation was related in any way; It was always followed with her stopping stimulation of my penis and walking away. This was before such fantasies had solidified in my psyche, and I was quite bothered by it actually...Being 18 and timid of girls didn't help so much. What truly scared me was the way in which she regarded my obvious fear (lump in my throat, tears in the corners of my eyes) with a dispassionate fascination; In retrospect, she was testing the limits to her ability to manipulate my emotions and the rewards it could reap, but at the time, I was terrified that she really wanted to cut off my penis.
Since my various kinks have developed in their myriad of convoluted ways, fear has developed as something to be relished in the same way as any other intense incarnate experience, especially under the auspices of intentional experimentation with such fear. The positive result of this is that through submitting the experience of fear to the current of human sexual desire, such fear has been obviated; Instead of being distraught and hurt when I am confronted with the stimulus of a lover telling me "I've always wanted to squeeze a man's testicles so hard they break" (as I recently was told), I get an erection!
Anyway, long, rambling first post tending towards solipsistic pop psychology meanderings, but this thread topic is of interest to me given my tendency towards self analysis (no, me?).
Hello to everyone, and keep up the lively discussion on all fronts...
Ta Ta!
10-31-2005, 01:39 AM
Have any of your ever been truly frightened by a Lady? Some years ago a Woman actually convinced me that she was going to Cut off my Balls - She had asked me questions like "Does anyone know you're here?" She blindfoilded me and held a knife to various parts of my body - she was convincing enough that I was totally terrified and broke down.
Damn that was great
Yes, I have. Back when I was but a boy of 12, my mother and her lesbian friend showed me what ********** by example via barrowing hogs. I'll never forget the screaming of the the piglets, the brutality of their mutiliation, or the horrible calm indifference to their suffering. I had flashbacks for many years, and developed an intense morbid obsession with the subject, intellectually and erotically.
I'm glad you found your experience with fear enjoyable. I did not find mine so.
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