View Full Version : the sound his balls make when they go 'pop'

11-07-2005, 08:11 PM
when i first explored ballbusting on the internet i remember coming across some 'pop' stories, but i cant remember where it is....does anyone know
or would someone like to submit a story that culminates with a mans balls being popped.
i suppose this scenario is such a turn on because it is the distilation of the womans 'triumph' down to a single intensified sound which
you can synchronise your own orgasm with.
i love to visualise her with a smug triumphant look on her face.
this is a scenario that someone really ought to try to do as an audio file.
someone with skills in sound recording would be able to do some awesome sound effects.
would anyone care to suggest scenarios they would like for a pop story.

i have always been turned on by the thought of a cruel rich white slave owning girl, mercilessly ballbusting her defenceless slave.

i like the idea of a wicked stepmother ballbusting her step-son.

a teacher ballbusting a shy gentle male pupil.

teasing and humiliating female prison guerds ballbusting male prisoners.

11-08-2005, 04:36 PM
My current lover is actually very interested in this; When we first started dating, after a good shag she held my balls in her hand, fiddled around a bit, squeezed lightly and said, "It sounds really bad, but everytime I hold a man's balls in my hand, I want to squeeze them till they rupture....I just want to see how it would feel." Apparently she has said this to many a male lover, and was even once kicked out of bed for saying it...I revealed my "fetish" to her shortly thereafter, and she now knows that it takes a lot more to break 'em than she imagined, though I'm sure she could manage if she really tried!
That's a good idea; I wonder what the proper foley technique for popping testicles is..maybe micing up grapes and smooshing them in a bag? For those who don't know, foley is the art of making sound effects with physical objecct, like punching a watermelon for someone getting clocked in the head, etc.. a common way of generating sound effects for film.
Your focus on the audio aspect of our kink is very interesting to me....Have you ever wondered why you have that particular focus?
One my most common fantasies that is played out in the "blue movie theater of my mind" in manifold permutations is that of a mistaken identity, where a woman mistakes me for a ****** or sex offender (I just happen to look exactly like him, ha), or someone who grabbed their ass at a club,and I am subsequently *********, tortured, kicked in the balls, etc....
Try that one on for a story perhaps.

11-08-2005, 08:07 PM
Well... how about a lamb or a pig's testicles for "foley" (you can get them at a farm, a butcher shop or a meat market)??
I read SadisticSara was a veterinary assistant, maybe she can suggest which animal has the closer resemblance in size to human testicles... (BTW it would be cool to know?)

Hope this can be done an posted some day... how about a VIDEO too while doing it??

11-09-2005, 01:35 AM
I'm not a physician, but I seriously doubt crushing a ball until it ruptures would actually make any "audible pop" as some writers pretend. Even if balls seem hard (and big and heavy, of course!), they are of a soft stuff, not at all like a bone for instance. And they are in a bag, which should absorb any possible noise.

Nethertheless, I must confess this is only a guess, no g/f has (until now!)ruptured one of my balls. We have a rule that She stops if I pass out, which has happened a couple of times, and has happened before anything was broken.

11-09-2005, 04:29 AM
Sorry to disappoint but I have to agree with crushee.
'Popping’ a testicle is no more likely to produce noise than standing on an unripe tomato or some such. There are a bunch of good popping stories listed at www.eunuch.org.

11-09-2005, 07:18 AM
Maybe you mean Number1's site. There are many storys specially with popping balls


11-09-2005, 09:44 AM
I know of a gal who will film videos of her **********, crushing, stomping, kicking balls of an animal that is about to be slaughtered. I inquired once just to see and she has no problem with it. It sounded as if a guy would be her first choice but it's hard to find volunteers.

11-09-2005, 10:26 AM
Its barbarous to kick an animal in the balls and film that for others to be sexual excited

11-09-2005, 12:57 PM
Its barbarous to kick an animal in the balls and film that for others to be sexual excited
Yes, but women... Well, let's just say we all KNOW how they ARE. (Or, at least, we know how some are and extrapolate to the rest... I think they take offense at that, but you KNOW how they ARE about taking offense at everything.)

A Rill
11-09-2005, 01:28 PM
Dear Dereknor,
I couldn’t agree more (and barbarous is an excellent word to use). Where an animal is involved there is no prospect of consent. Thus, it is just pure evil. If the authorities become aware of her videos I hope they lock her away for a very long time (with Trouble as her cellmate :)).

11-09-2005, 01:39 PM
If the authorities become aware of her videos I hope they lock her away for a very long time (with Trouble as her cellmate :)).
Better: just give her my address. Leave the authorities out of it, she and I will take care of things. Ahem.

11-09-2005, 02:16 PM
Yeah, I'd feel pretty icky watching someone torture an animal....My compassionate side would overcome the depraved libertine pervert within....The inner de Sade kowtowing to the inner mother teresa....Which despite the power exchange is not very hot.
Though, considering livestock are ********* all the time, generally without anaesthetic, filming a woman doing it wouldn't be going out of the way, and wouldn't cause the animal any more suffering than it would otherwise (and judging from videos of livestock ********** that DO exist, I'd say that the suffering is signifigant). From the perspective of the animal, whether or not humans are watching it being ********* or not is unlikely to be of consideration.
But prolonging it or causing the animal greater pain for sexual reasons is not kosher (literally or figuratively):) .
There was a video circulating for awhile that I had at one point but lost....It was a clip of a girl ********** a bull on some documentary about women being taught ranching skills...The details are fuzzy, but she gleefully and disturbingly described putting the animals testicles in the castrator and pinching down, demonstrating with the instrument in her hand, then threatening the camera man, "if you mess with me, I'll do it to you."
All moral discussions aside, I found that quite hot.

11-09-2005, 03:12 PM
I am totally with Dereknor and A Rill. There is no justification in torturing any animal in any way for sexual gratification of self or others, it is evil.


A Rill
11-09-2005, 04:51 PM
Hi Aggie,
I’m glad you agree. You’d be pretty sick otherwise.

I have an experiment for you:
Restrain yer bf and show him the pics in the ********** thread at http://femaledom.com/forum/showpost.php?p=12288&postcount=161 tell him how you’ve learned that testicles can take far more abuse without permanent damage than you’d previously realised. Suggest it turns you on. ;)
Tell us about his reaction :D (I’d be scared shitless but I'd get off on the memory later).

11-10-2005, 02:53 AM
Hi, and no.


11-10-2005, 04:10 AM
Hi Aggie, :bananawin
I never realised that you were such a regular visitor here. I’m curious as to whether your bf knows that you participate in this forum?

Dualing Banjo
11-10-2005, 04:23 AM
Aggie’s about the only gurl left here now :(

Julie’s obviously found summit better to do and we haven’t been visited by Evilgirl for a while.

Admittedly, there’s the odd one-off post from new members that ‘claim’ not to have a Y chromosome.

I’m not sure what can be done to rectify the situation. Do you have any ideas Aggie? Which bits here interest you most?
As a woman, was this place more appealing when there was a high degree of input from Sara? I think Sharon's simply too busy to put in her level of input.

Sorry to ramble on just please stay with us!

Oh and to stick to topic: I doubt they would make a noise. They'd certainly make a mess though :o

11-11-2005, 02:03 AM
Even if crushing (or cracking!) a ball does not produce an audible sound (apart from the sub's yellings!), it must induce a specific feeling in the fingers.
What do the Ladies feel when they actually break a all. Can anyone describe the physical (not mental) sensations they have in the hand. How does a ball "crack"? Can one feel a sudden rupture? Can two or several parts be felt separately in the scrotum?
Ladies answers would be appreciated... although They make Themselves a bit rare!

Dualing Banjo
11-11-2005, 02:13 AM
I doubt and of the small double X brigade we have here have ever actually ‘popped’ a ball. Evilgirl’s yer best bet though as she appears to be the most sadistic of the bunch.

11-11-2005, 08:49 AM
There was a video circulating for awhile that I had at one point but lost....It was a clip of a girl ********** a bull on some documentary about women being taught ranching skills...The details are fuzzy, but she gleefully and disturbingly described putting the animals testicles in the castrator and pinching down, demonstrating with the instrument in her hand, then threatening the camera man, "if you mess with me, I'll do it to you."
All moral discussions aside, I found that quite hot.
You mean this one... http://rapidshare.de/files/7484914/bullcast.mpg.html

It's also one of my favs... the girl is just too cute. :iluvu:

11-11-2005, 09:37 AM
Its barbarous to kick an animal in the balls and film that for others to be sexual excited

The animal can't feel it, it's dead. It is a little gruesome though. As for live animals, I agree. That goes for humans too if they are undeserving or nonconsenting. Anyway, just thought I would post it, didn't mean to kill this thread.

11-11-2005, 02:00 PM
I know of a gal who will film videos of her **********, crushing, stomping, kicking balls of an animal that is about to be slaughtered.FYI: About to be slaughtered = ALIVE!

A Rill
11-11-2005, 02:12 PM
My thoughts exactly Chewbally. Lets run it by again:
I know of a gal who will film videos of her **********, crushing, stomping, kicking balls of an animal that is about to be slaughtered. I inquired once just to see and she has no problem with it. It sounded as if a guy would be her first choice but it's hard to find volunteers.Not only is she doing it to an animal that’s ‘about to be slaughtered’ but she can’t find dead human volunteers!

Please explain Magnum. Are the animals ‘about to be slaughtered’ as you said or have they been slaughtered?

11-11-2005, 02:21 PM
Sort of reminds me of a video that circulated a few years ago, where there's a lady crushing a live mice with her sharp heels. Anyone remember this one??
This actually went to congress (in the US) and got forbidden to continue, at least in States, dont know about other countries.
Though I have seen other videos after that where crushing crabs takes place (guess they don't qualify as animals).
Anyway take a look by your self and see if suits your "fetishness": http://www.chloecreations.com/cart/crabandcaterpillarcrushwithchloe.htm

11-11-2005, 11:10 PM
I doubt and of the small double X brigade we have here have ever actually ‘popped’ a ball. Evilgirl’s yer best bet though as she appears to be the most sadistic of the bunch.

Thank you for the compliment :) However I have never gone so far as to "pop" a testicle. I will admit the thought it arousing, but it's really more fantasy. This is probably why I'm following this thread. There was probably a time in my life maybe late teens early twenties when I would have loved to try popping, but I must say that time probably has past since at my older wiser age I actually think about consequences of my actions. However there is no consequence for thinking about it :). My best guess is that the balls would make a soft squish, maybe expolding into a gelatin like substance inside the sack. Well that's my best guess and as I have proven before I really don't know as much about the male anatomy as I pretend to, so I'm probably wrong.

Oh yeah it's nice to know that I've been missed........at least by someone.


11-12-2005, 01:34 AM
Oh yeah it's nice to know that I've been missed........at least by someone.

You were missed by everybody. Except for Trouble, of course, who is the rule to every exception.

With regard to squishing testicles to gelatinous ooze, I disagree somewhat. Let's say that a 19-year-old EvilGrl were being harrassed by a certain Trouble who is very persistent about getting his hands on your deposits of adipose tissue (by which I mean your knockers). Being that said EvilGrl would be less inclined to think about consequences, and being that Trouble never did and still doesn't give a second thought to anything, let us hypothesize that my grapefruit get caught perfectly by your knee; they fail to squirm out of the way and tremendous force slams them against the public bone.

What should happen is that the tightly packed tubing inside one or both testicles should erupt out of one side (the side that leads out to the vas deferens and such), with the small tubing inside the testicle jamming into the larger tubing that conducts the swimmers, ripping the tubing to shreds.

I have some idea of the noise that this would make; I have a friend whose breasts I have crushed against my chest until they suddenly made a snapping noise and collapsed. She looked somewhat distressed, which I attributed to embarrassment, and let her go. The first time I did this I thought, "Golly, I didn't know boobs did that!" So, months later, she got a hug like that a second time. She shoved me away and explained that she had implants; my bad. I bring this up because, implanted bag or internal organ, it is possible to get something inside another person's body to make an audible sound when you put enough pressure on it.

Would rupturing balls be audible? Yes, but it is very uncertain whether they would be audible in the sense that EvilGrl would get to hear it (certainly not over my whimpering and wheezing). As to the gelatinous state: that would certainly take several kicks/stomps. Testicles are designed to avoid damage, first, and to withstand damage, second (and to leave the owner of the balls in question with a prolonged state of suffering so that he is less careless about going after 19-year-old EvilGrl's adipose tissue); there is nothing from a hard blow with a knee, crowbar, etc., that would tend to cause the "walls" of the testicle (the hard gristle covering) to break; it's the stuff inside those walls that would break. The covering of the kuh-jillion little tubules is tough stuff, and it would just collapse like a bag as repeated stomps to the groin turn the tubey shit to the desired gelatinous state.

Cowper's gland would break and get mulched easily; the seminal vesicles would break; the epididymis would break easily (as often as I have sex, it's a wonder mine haven't broken all on their own!); the tubes inside the guy's nuts would break if you tried really, really hard and got incredibly lucky; there's all kinds of associated tubes and cords and fibrous sheaths n' stuff that would break; but breaking the outer covering of the nut? I don't see it, not without something sharp.

Of course, this would never happen, but only because we cannot return EvilGrl to 19. >:)

11-12-2005, 06:55 AM
*lough* I think most guys here are really turned on when you say, that the tought is arousing for you, evilgrl

11-12-2005, 05:12 PM
You were missed by everybody.
What should happen is that the tightly packed tubing inside one or both testicles should erupt out of one side (the side that leads out to the vas deferens and such), with the small tubing inside the testicle jamming into the larger tubing that conducts the swimmers, ripping the tubing to shreds.

Sounds absolutely delightful.


11-12-2005, 09:34 PM
Sounds absolutely delightful.

Um... Marry me?

11-13-2005, 07:32 AM
I wonder what it would be like for the girl when she squeezes the ball and it goes "pop". She could probably feel it in her hand. Hey, maybe this is why we have two balls so evilgrl could try it on one of them :-).

11-13-2005, 08:37 AM
I wonder what it would be like for the girl when she squeezes the ball and it goes "pop". She could probably feel it in her hand. Hey, maybe this is why we have two balls so evilgrl could try it on one of them :-).

Interesting, this has always been my philosophy as well. "Hey you've got two balls so what if I broke just one?" Now the sack will look a little strange with only one left, but that's what pants are for. :)


Dualing Banjo
11-13-2005, 12:44 PM
Thank you for the compliment :) However I have never gone so far as to "pop" a testicle. I will admit the thought it arousing, but it's really more fantasy. :iluvu: I love Evilgrl:iluvu:

Let's hear more.

PS. How old are you now? and how many balls have you busted? :bananad:

11-13-2005, 09:34 PM
... There was probably a time in my life maybe late teens early twenties when I would have loved to try popping, but I must say that time probably has past since at my older wiser age I actually think about consequences of my actions...

What!!!? ... where is that passion and enthusiasm now??

Anyway, there's a share of wisdom: "try late teens early twenties babes for a meaner ball popping experience" :ibow4u: ...... Ouch!!!

Will it be possible to know your current age range, just for the sake of science and research??

11-13-2005, 09:55 PM

PS. How old are you now? and how many balls have you busted? :bananad:

Current age 25, so not over the hill just yet.


11-14-2005, 11:56 AM
Ohh, 25 just like me. 25 is not an age where it is too late to do some crazy stuff :-). Well it is maybe too early for me to loose a nut ... but what can I say it is a nice fantasy.

11-14-2005, 12:31 PM
There's no such thing as "an age where it is too late to do some crazy stuff". Any limitations like that are purely in your mind. (Unless you are talking about some activity that you can get away with as a juvenile offender but would go to jail for as an adult. Jail is not in purely your mind.)

11-14-2005, 03:41 PM
Tamakeri, yes i know i was just trying to provoke evilgrl a little bit.

11-14-2005, 08:29 PM
Current age 25, so not over the hill just yet.


Mademoiselle EvilGirl,

By the power invested in me, through years of perversion, I solemnly declare you: Still IN your early twenties ...from now on, and until your 30th birthday.

So please, do not hesitate to follow your impluses.


11-15-2005, 10:20 AM
Well, since I can't get ahold of her I will assume it's dead although it does get me to thinking maybe not. It sounded to me that the ********** was done and then various things were done with the testes afterwards. I don't think it was one animal, I think it was like a production line. I have been to a slaughter house and there ain't much time for ballbusting while still attached if you know what I mean. Who knows though, I didn't really think to ask and she didn't talk much. I think it was some farm gal that did alot of ********** (remember Sarah) and liked to play with the balls afterwards. I grew up in farm country and in 4H gals (and guys) used their teeth to ******** sheep (I'm being very serious) and every now and then a "ball" fight would break out (throwing them at each other), the gals were the worst offenders. Anyway, that was my take on it.

My thoughts exactly Chewbally. Lets run it by again:Not only is she doing it to an animal that’s ‘about to be slaughtered’ but she can’t find dead human volunteers!

Please explain Magnum. Are the animals ‘about to be slaughtered’ as you said or have they been slaughtered?

11-16-2005, 09:26 AM
if i found the right girl, i must just let her pop one of em... not until then tho.

11-16-2005, 12:53 PM
This has been an ongoing discussion between my girlfriend and I. Whenever she gets into the ballbusting mode (her favorite is squeezing) she talks alot about wanting to pop them for good, wants to know how it would really feel like, that sort of thing. On a few occasions, she really wanted to and would have if I let her...despite the fact that it was my own fantasy as well I had to eventually tell her not to do it yet.

We agreed that she would do it SOMETIME in our life, presuming we stay together. One ball crushed at a significant point ( 3 year anniversary or something major and far down the road), and the other one to be crushed far beyond that, when we're done with the prospect of kids (or, perhaps if something really bad happened and it had to be made up to her). At any rate, I don't have health insurance right now so it definetely won't be anytime before that.

11-17-2005, 09:22 AM
You may want to wait a little longer than your 3 year anniversary. That isn't very long. Have her go buy some mountain oysters and pop those, or maybe some grapes or something when your doing the ballbusting. Who knows, maybe it would satisfy thst craving for a while.

11-21-2005, 03:31 AM

12-08-2005, 10:52 AM
Take It 25 Years Not 3 Are You Daft

12-15-2005, 06:41 PM

and after an evening clubbing with my man, he has gone to bed so I hope this post makes some sense...

and I must say that this thread has had me interested for a while. I've always focussed on the balls as a pair although each will have received a good amount of attention during a session. I had supposed that the pain has been to some degree divided between them and my man has not been aware that one or other testicle could be been the target of my affections, as I have not thought of things this way.

BUT,,, how the little things make a difference ! Following the recent kicks that I have done (see the competetive touch etc posts), he has had one ball (the left sometimes, the right the others) which is a bit more sore than the other. I have concentrated my ball busting on this sore ball with less force than usual but have made more use of teasing and aggression in my voice to let him know just what I could do to his (very slightly) damaged manhood. I'll whisper to him that even afterwards he'd still have one good ball left for me. It does make him flinch and squirm around when I hold or crush it and say that the (painful) ball is smaller than the other, so he won't need it so much, or that his pain free testicle looks so nice and full that I'd better leave it alone until I want his sperm.
His pain threshold seems lower and I can, through a good squeeze or 3 and a long slow suck and spit out, easily have him pleading for me to take the other one, which I find a huge turn on. Buy focussing on the one testicle I've found I can make him plead a lot more and thus make him open to this base side of himself, and I find this very sexual.
I don't know why, perhaps its just his thinking that "there's always the other one" or its just a temorary escape from the pain, but his sexual urge is very strong when I finish the ball busting and bring him to orgasm with my mouth or hands. When I tell him to come and that I want both balls when he ejecutates, and put my hands around them, he almost faints with the experience. I do find it so beautiful and often let him come on my breasts. That way we can both see his sperm and I always tell him how much there is and how good his balls must be.

Its late, time for bed, Agnetha xx

12-15-2005, 08:48 PM
One word from Agnetha is worth a thousand of these lame pics in the other posts. "Look! A blonde AND a bunette!" "His balls are tied up in this one!" "What's she doing with that knife? (And the ridiculous outfit?)"

The side of, shall we say, smut that Agnetha understands which seems to elude so many is that eroticism happens in the brain (not in the eyes, although males are reportedly found to be more sensitive to visual input -- whatever, the eroticism still happens in the mind, not in the eyeballs). Her descriptionss are of actual events, and trying to get under the psychology of a guy (a guy who is probably the eny of many an hombre here). Makes one word from Aggie worth a thousand pics.

"Look! She's tied his nuts to a bulldozer!" "In this one, she's got him right where she wants him!" "Check this -- sucks head and balls!" Sheesh, who cares? I can see any of that stuff by looking down. (Well, okay, no woman has tied my balls to a bulldozer, and I am pretty lucky so far.)

Pants off to Aggie -- er, HATS, I mean! Hats off to Aggie! Yeah, that's what I meant.


and after an evening clubbing with my man, he has gone to bed so I hope this post makes some sense...

and I must say that this thread has had me interested for a while. I've always focussed on the balls as a pair although each will have received a good amount of attention during a session. I had supposed that the pain has been to some degree divided between them and my man has not been aware that one or other testicle could be been the target of my affections, as I have not thought of things this way.

BUT,,, how the little things make a difference ! Following the recent kicks that I have done (see the competetive touch etc posts), he has had one ball (the left sometimes, the right the others) which is a bit more sore than the other. I have concentrated my ball busting on this sore ball with less force than usual but have made more use of teasing and aggression in my voice to let him know just what I could do to his (very slightly) damaged manhood. I'll whisper to him that even afterwards he'd still have one good ball left for me. It does make him flinch and squirm around when I hold or crush it and say that the (painful) ball is smaller than the other, so he won't need it so much, or that his pain free testicle looks so nice and full that I'd better leave it alone until I want his sperm.
His pain threshold seems lower and I can, through a good squeeze or 3 and a long slow suck and spit out, easily have him pleading for me to take the other one, which I find a huge turn on. Buy focussing on the one testicle I've found I can make him plead a lot more and thus make him open to this base side of himself, and I find this very sexual.
I don't know why, perhaps its just his thinking that "there's always the other one" or its just a temorary escape from the pain, but his sexual urge is very strong when I finish the ball busting and bring him to orgasm with my mouth or hands. When I tell him to come and that I want both balls when he ejecutates, and put my hands around them, he almost faints with the experience. I do find it so beautiful and often let him come on my breasts. That way we can both see his sperm and I always tell him how much there is and how good his balls must be.

Its late, time for bed, Agnetha xx

12-18-2005, 06:32 AM
Hello Trouble,

and I'm glad you enjoyed my post. I wasn't sure how coherent it was !

Threre do seem to be a lot of files shared at the moment and very very few do anything for me. Still, there are more posts now with people saying they enjoy these images and I can hope that more members will share what, if any, real ballbusting experiences they have had.

Aggie x

12-18-2005, 07:00 AM
Hello Trouble,

and I'm glad you enjoyed my post. I wasn't sure how coherent it was !

Threre do seem to be a lot of files shared at the moment and very very few do anything for me. Still, there are more posts now with people saying they enjoy these images and I can hope that more members will share what, if any, real ballbusting experiences they have had.

Aggie x
when I read your posts and public profile...
THIS is exactly what I'm hooked to....
SIGH.... :o what else can I say?
yours in the sense of smooth ladies hands on hard tied balls...

12-18-2005, 07:09 AM
I enjoyed your post also. Reading about real thoughts and experiences is most stimulating. I should write more about mine, but I'm not sure which thread to use. Maybe Trouble can tell me?

12-18-2005, 11:15 AM
I enjoyed your post also. Reading about real thoughts and experiences is most stimulating. I should write more about mine, but I'm not sure which thread to use. Maybe Trouble can tell me?
Oh, NOW you've done it -- just for that, I am NEVER going to post another vitriol-laden, snarky, broadly-aimed criticism of All Things Not Trouble. Sure, sure, right NOW you're thinking, "Cool. Trouble says he's going to be nice from now on." But the guilt! My God, man, what about the guilt?!? When you wake up at three in the morning in a cold sweat thinking, "I... I... took away the one pleasure Trouble has in life... making a complete ass of himself. Oh, Lord, what have I DONE?!?", THEN how are you going to face yourself in the mirror? Ah-HA!! Didn't think this one through, did you? ;)

I think the topic has been brought up before (real BB); I'll look for one of those threads and try to revivie it. If I can't find one of them, I'll start a new thread on the topic.

12-18-2005, 03:06 PM
sec post all about Aggie :D

God, i had to comment it! Agnetha your writing is truely inspiring and do bring visions into the mind! I havent read something like that in months.. Its good to have someone like you sharing your experiences, your man sure got his balls in good hands! ;)

Its been a while I havnet got my balls hurt, but Im looking to meet an bb partner of mine, hopefully i will write some more experiences of myself in here for you all to read! ;)

12-18-2005, 03:17 PM
Hello aemrcl,

and I am pleased that you like my latest update. I have tried to keep my posts as a loose diary of my experiences, especially in the last few months when my man has been getting more into ballbusting as part of our sexual activities.
Also, there are a number of old posts that I did by way of introduction
although I think you will need to search the archive for them.

Agnetha x

12-19-2005, 06:52 AM
You mean this one... http://rapidshare.de/files/7484914/bullcast.mpg.html

It's also one of my favs... the girl is just too cute. :iluvu:

Glee. That is all.

12-19-2005, 10:20 AM
Trouble betng nice? Now I know we'll have a white Christmas in July.

Old Geezers never die, they just smell that way.

Merry Christmas to Trouble and his lonesome 'nads.

01-06-2006, 10:24 PM
I know of a gal who will film videos of her **********, crushing, stomping, kicking balls of an animal that is about to be slaughtered. I inquired once just to see and she has no problem with it. It sounded as if a guy would be her first choice but it's hard to find volunteers.

Just who is this girl? Does she post these kinds of things on the Internet??? :confused:

01-10-2006, 02:21 PM
just because I am curious...
Some time ago I read in a Forum of a girl who crushed (popped) one testicle in a cbt session. She told, that it was not intentional, but that she pointed the testicles with her heels for a prolonged time with almost her full weight and then suddenly one popped. I just can't remember where I read about that, and I can not tell you of my own experience, since I actually never broke a human testicle.
But I am still looking for experiences

01-10-2006, 04:17 PM
I read that posting, too. But can't remember. I think it was a german ballbusting forum. But I think she didn't said that it made some noise, the man just screamed very loud. I'm not sure if it was a permanent damage or not

01-10-2006, 06:13 PM
I read that post, i think it was in one or several of the yahoo ballbusting forums. She said it was exciting, that she was scared at first, and ran and got him ice. I think she may have said he passed out, but i definitely she said he was very nice about it, imagine that, what women would ever think she could actually rupture a mans testicle by stepping on it and then have him say, "no really dont worry about it"

01-11-2006, 12:32 AM
Yes, exactly this was it. She told he passed out and she brought him some ice.
She was worried because he would hate her now, but he didn't. He loved her.
What a nice story. If we would only knew her we could ask her if it made some noise....
Or we just have to try.

01-11-2006, 10:16 PM
Im not so sure he "loved her" I dont think they were in a serious relationship, or not heading towards marriage anyway, I think they ended upjust still friends but yeah great story, seemed very true.

02-09-2006, 06:15 PM
"I know of a gal who will film videos of her **********, crushing, stomping, kicking balls of an animal that is about to be slaughtered. I inquired once just to see and she has no problem with it. It sounded as if a guy would be her first choice but it's hard to find volunteers."

I've checked, and searched and have never found a woman interested or willing to ******** a guy. I've seen pictures of woman about to but assume those are just pictures of play and no ********** is actually done. Does anyone know of any woman that has or wants to do a guy:iluvu:

02-10-2006, 04:14 PM
If you keep searching you will find someone.

Mr. Farknocker
08-19-2006, 12:50 PM
Dear Dereknor,
I couldn’t agree more (and barbarous is an excellent word to use). Where an animal is involved there is no prospect of consent. Thus, it is just pure evil. If the authorities become aware of her videos I hope they lock her away for a very long time (with Trouble as her cellmate :)).

No problem. We just need to find a sheep that's into bb.

08-21-2006, 10:49 PM
No problem. We just need to find a sheep that's into bb.

Sheep? I'm sure there's a better animal to use. Sheep are too...cuddly.:Baahaha:

10-28-2007, 03:29 PM
i know from experience that sheep testicles rupture real easy... but not quick as ovaries though haha

10-28-2007, 04:01 PM
I know of a gal who will film videos of her **********, crushing, stomping, kicking balls of an animal that is about to be slaughtered. I inquired once just to see and she has no problem with it. It sounded as if a guy would be her first choice but it's hard to find volunteers.

Well... Mr Magnum , where is an update ? :thumbup

08-10-2009, 04:54 AM
My current lover is actually very interested in this; When we first started dating, after a good shag she held my balls in her hand, fiddled around a bit, squeezed lightly and said, "It sounds really bad, but everytime I hold a man's balls in my hand, I want to squeeze them till they rupture....I just want to see how it would feel." Apparently she has said this to many a male lover, and was even once kicked out of bed for saying it...I revealed my "fetish" to her shortly thereafter, and she now knows that it takes a lot more to break 'em than she imagined, though I'm sure she could manage if she really tried!
That's a good idea; I wonder what the proper foley technique for popping testicles is..maybe micing up grapes and smooshing them in a bag? For those who don't know, foley is the art of making sound effects with physical objecct, like punching a watermelon for someone getting clocked in the head, etc.. a common way of generating sound effects for film.
Your focus on the audio aspect of our kink is very interesting to me....Have you ever wondered why you have that particular focus?
One my most common fantasies that is played out in the "blue movie theater of my mind" in manifold permutations is that of a mistaken identity, where a woman mistakes me for a ****** or sex offender (I just happen to look exactly like him, ha), or someone who grabbed their ass at a club,and I am subsequently *********, tortured, kicked in the balls, etc....
Try that one on for a story perhaps.

what about the sound of a balloon burst, but slowed down by a factor of 10?
the slowed down sound of a nut cracking?
slowed down lightbulb being crushed/smashed?

09-02-2009, 03:01 PM
Sounds absolutely delightful.


Wow...you're everyones' (Well all the sub male pain toy's) wet dream. For me it is just the fact you seem to be turned on by inflicting sadistic torture to a helpless cock and or ball.

I think I'm in love too.:ibow4u:

09-03-2009, 01:58 AM
I too like these stories where the ball goes "pop", where his eyes roll back as the woman orgasms as she grinds and mushes his testicle.......