View Full Version : How did you guys & girls found out about your ballbusting fetish???

11-23-2005, 09:52 PM
I did a little search through the forum and didn't found this topic so far... if its there please link your post to the right thread.

Ok. Well I found out I liked this fetish watching a ballbusting scene from the movie "Class of Nuke 'em High" when I was a teenager. Later on and by accident a girlfriend got me in the nads with her knee and I suddenly remembered the movie scene and it made the accident a pleaseant experience even when I was feeling a lot of pain.

It was then at my early teens (12-14 maybe) that I realized this was/is for me.

Sooo.. I kept looking for magazines, movies and stories with a ballbusting topics but they came along poorly... It was just until the Internet became more available to mortals that I actually found more resources on the matter.

I remember the first sites about ballbusting that I found: Velvetkick and the Hundra ring, later on stardeck9 came along.... Today, you can even find "ballbusting" as an AdSense keyword and tons of resources like Aragorns page.

And the fortune of finding this one of a kind forum of course :ibow4u:

I feel indeed very good about this, not being the only perv on the world and having unlimited resources beyond my imagination.

I would really like to know how did everyone else in the forum started out, both: boys (taking it) and girls (giving it).

Cheers!! :)


11-24-2005, 03:36 AM
I don't really remember having a big revelation that I was into this. I think it all started when I realized I was into bondage, eventually realizing I liked having my balls tied and threatened, and finally I busted myself with a toilet seat. Of course, I've been hit in the balls a few times growing up but I guess it's not really the pain that does it for me. It's got to be the situation. I think I already mentioned that I prefer to be busted by women, but I also find it exciting to have my balls in a guy's hand and at his mercy (or lack of).

11-24-2005, 04:33 AM
I remember being hugely turned on by that scene in "Class of Nuke em High", it obviously had a profound effect on me also !
What really got me hooked on busting was being in a bar with my friend and his wife...he was teasing her (goodnaturedly) but after the joke wore thin for her, she reached down and squeezed his balls tightly for a few moments...the look on both their faces and the gasping from him really turned my on. I never looked at her in the same way again.

11-24-2005, 04:54 PM
As a kind (<12) I have seen TV scenes were men got kicked. When is was >12 it was somewhere hidden in my mind and it revealed itself as something which turns me on.

11-24-2005, 07:20 PM
To be honest, I was just used to be into face/body trample, smothering and foot worship... One fun evening, I was being full weight smothered by my girlfriend, and I suppose I was struggling too much for her liking, she picked up her foot and let it come crashing into my balls... I enjoyed it, she REALLY enjoyed it, and for the past month or so, I've been enjoying it twice a week :D

11-24-2005, 10:00 PM
I mostly hated the idea, that a women would hit men in the balls, without caring to much about it and for stupid little reasons. I use to consider it ver y rude and immature. But in the past year, I notice I was heavily turned on to it. I notice my orgasim where better after watching some videos of it. After that I was hooked. The look in the women's faces of satifaction and control after busting a very strong male, was hot.

11-25-2005, 12:48 AM
First time I had sex, chick asked me (after some, yanno) if I had any... fantasies? I knew immediately want I wanted and the part of my brain that does the so-called "thinking" went, "I want WHAT?!? I don't think so!" So I did not say anything.

Fortunately, she was just the first chick; the fantasy remained and did not waver, so I went along with it.

11-25-2005, 06:26 AM
I was always obsessed with the idea of a woman kicking me in the balls, but i didn't realize for ages it was a fantasy - I just couldn't get the idea out of my head. I went looking for information on the internet and came accross velvet kick. I had never seen it presented as a sexual thing before. After a couple of minutes of browsing the site I realized I had an erection, and the penny dropped. It was a long time after that before I accepted it as normal and worked up the courage to ask my wife to knee me in the testicles - but I've never looked back!

11-25-2005, 07:14 AM
How long were you married before you got your wife to indulge in ballbusting? I was fortunate enought to ask my wife before we got married. When I found out she liked it, I knew it was a match made in heaven.

I'm also a knee lover. It's realy nice to go from pasionate kissing and fondling to a sudden knee to my balls.

11-25-2005, 09:18 AM
one of the movie scenes which got me unconsciously (i was <12) into it was a woman lying on a bed who gave an older man a little playful tab in his balls with her feet. Soft enough to stand on 2 legs, hard enough to bent foreover.

don't know which movie. anyone?

11-27-2005, 09:59 PM
I was downloading maledom stories off of the old alt.torture group and came across one of a woman who goes to a fetish dinner where the on activity of the night is a hands-on session of cbt and she practices on her waiter. It really got into her point of view and the main activity was grabbing and holding with varied pressure. I lost the story in a hard drive crash, and dejanews hasn't heard of it, but I still have the memories.

11-28-2005, 01:21 AM
I always had treams about that. If I saw that I knew that it was my thing.

11-28-2005, 09:58 AM
I got into BB via my brother Chewbally and a case of mistaken identity (humans think all Wookies look alike). When we we’re at school, the girls used to tease him that he liked having his ballies chewed. Once we got older some girl chewed his balls and found out that there was truth to the rumor. Once a rumor like that takes hold theirs no stopping it. Being younger, I had to wait a few years before I got the chance to go with a girl. When it came, the girl had obviously had wind of the gossip about Wookies and set to work with her teeth on my nads. I liked it. The whole thing became more exaggerated due to the size of our cocks: A lot of girls back then didn’t like to go all the way so often gave head to keep you happy. Our dicks are so big that only a big-mouthed v talented fellatrix stood any chance of this. Most girls can only lick Wookie cock like a cat. I think the rumor that we liked having our balls chewed combined with the fact that girls couldn’t fellate us and wouldn’t dare fuck us rapidly led to them frequently sucking/chewing on our balls. The more they chewed, the more I liked it :) I think ball chewing is the next best thing to fucking :) I reckon fucking while having them chewed would be awesome. I haven’t tried this yet as I’ve not been lucky enough to find two willing girls. However, I have a well-paying offer to try this from freaksofporn.com and will be sure to post the results here if I accept :D