View Full Version : pics and videos of women performing castrations
Castratrix's pet
11-28-2005, 01:52 PM
I would love to see some more pictures or videos of women performing castrations. Especially ones where the man being ********* is wearing a long sleeve shirt with his arms covered to his hands in long sleeves and the woman ********** him is wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.
Would love to find some pics and videos of a woman wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.
Male farm animals, for example pigs, are routinely *********. I would love to see some pics or videos of a girl or woman on a farm or a cowgirl on a ranch wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows ********** a male pig or a bull calf by cutting out his testicles with a small knife or scalpel. I would just like to see a girl or woman with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows cutting out a male's testicles and watch his manhood being destroyed at her hands. I wish I was the male she is **********.
11-28-2005, 04:00 PM
and to want to see anyone voulantarily inflict pain on a live animal , or mutilate a butchered one for your sexual needs is both sick and depraved. I can only hope that your wish comes true and the lady takes your throat and your balls.
You go gurl!
Take Julie's advice Pet and get yerself a shrink.
Castratrix's pet
11-28-2005, 05:12 PM
Let me make this clear.
I love animals and I am against the abuse of animals. I'm not wanting and I'm not trying to get anyone to abuse an animal by ********** it for anyone's pleasure, mine or anyone else's. Like I said I'm against animal abuse.
I also know the reality is that most male farm and ranch animals are *********, usually by their testicles being cut out with a small knife or a scalpel. On some farms and ranches when the male livestock is ********* the ********** is done and performed by a woman. It is going to be done to them anyway and I know there is nothing I or any of us can do to prevent male livestock on farms and ranches from being *********, it is a normal part of raising livestock.
I know it is going to be done and there are times it is done by a woman, and I just wanted to see a ********** being done by a woman.
I don't want to watch an animal being abused, I'm against the abuse of animals.
I just wanted to see an actual ********** being done by a woman and I thought this would be the only way to see an actual ********** being done by a woman.
If there are any pictures or videos of a woman performing an actual ********** on a man I would much much prefer seeing those to seeing her ********** a male farm or ranch livestock animal. But I thought there would be no chances at all of seeing a real human ********** being performed by a woman.
If anyone has or can make any pictures or videos of a woman wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows performing a ********** on a man, it doesn't matter if the pics and videos are real or made up, please post them here.
I just want to see some pics or videos of a femdom ********** where the man has his arms covered in long sleeves and the woman performing the ********** is wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.
I don't know how to make any like that myself, and I can't afford to have custom pictures or videos made, so I have to rely on people in forums like this.
I hope this clears this up.
11-28-2005, 05:15 PM
And you think that is ok ?
:cussing: :machine:
Castratrix's pet
11-28-2005, 05:26 PM
And you think that is ok ?
:cussing: :machine:
No I don't think that is ok. In fact it would be easy for me to become a vegetarian.
I wasn't done with my last post when I posted it and I edited it.
Please re-read my last post including the end of it.
Castratrix's pet
11-28-2005, 05:42 PM
Let me clear up what I'm really looking for here.
I have strong femdom ********** fantasies, fantasies about surgical ********** being performed by a woman or by women.
I also have a strong sleeve fetish. Myself, the man in my fantasies wearing a long sleeve shirt with his sleeves down and his arms covered completely to his hands. The castratrix, the woman who is performing the ********** wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.
Fo a long time I have tried to find pictures and videos that combine both things.
Femdom ********** pics and videos where the man being ********* is wearing a long sleeve shirt with his arms covered completely in long sleeves, and where the woman who is performing the ********** is wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.
I don't know how to makeup any pictures or videos like that and I can't afford to have any custom made. So I have to rely on others in forums like this who might be able to find or makeup some pictures or videos like this and post them here.
If anyone has or can makeup any femdom ********** pics or videos where the man's arms are covered in long sleeves and the castratrix is wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows, please post them here. Thank you.
I only asked about the livestock thing because even though I don't agree with doing it, I know male livestock on farms and ranches are ********* and sometimes the ********** is done by a woman. I just thought it would be easier to find pics or vids like that of a woman with her sleeves rolled up doing a ********** than it would of her doing a man as a femdom thing.
If anyone has any femdom ********** pics or vids like I asked about with her doing a man, please post them here. Thanks.
I hope this clears up the thing about the male livestock animals.
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