View Full Version : Any chance on updating the pictures in the "Free Ballbusting Image Gallery"

Sing Lung
12-21-2005, 08:11 PM
Good day mates:

I must say that this site is really well developed and this forum totally rocks :D .

I just have two humble requests-would it be possible if some of these free ballbusting images could be updated periodically with some of your more recent updates? Lastly, if theses hot ballbusters would bust these guys more often with some sexy shoes or boots that would be cool too :) .

To conclude, I must wholeheartedly applaud the FemaleDom team for doing such a great job.

S.L. :ibow4u:

12-22-2005, 10:28 AM
if you want more boots and shoes, try looking around at different sites :) There are LOTS out there. Thats what I like about the BB sites, if you look around you can find nearly everything. It would be a pitty if every site ended up exactly the same :)

12-22-2005, 04:55 PM
It would be a pitty if every site ended up exactly the same :)
Yeah... McDonald's-style BB. 10,000 stores, all with the same paint job. Then there'd be the famed "Golden Achers": a pair of nuts painted bright yellow on each one (the coporate logo). The teenagers at the counter asking, "Hi! Welcome to McBusted! Would you care to try our new McSqueeze?"

"Naw, just a Happy Meal."

"Okay!" [sound f/x: WHUMP!]

"UHN! Guuuuuuuhh-uhhhh...ohhhh..."

"That'll be $3.99. Thanks for having your balls kneed at McBusted and have a super special day!"