View Full Version : Ballbusting by cousins.....warning

01-09-2006, 05:40 AM
im 23 now, when i was 16 me and my cousin used to wrestle alot. she used to always kick me in the nuts. :eek: . ALL THE TIME. at first i didnt like it. but then when she kept kneeing my balls, i started to get errected. i got the feeling she LOVED kicking my balls. so i decided to stop wrestling wit her..cuz i got horny as hell when i got BB`d by her. and was worried about this feeling i was growing with her.

just recently we had a family party. so i decided to drink a lil bit with her, cuz i never got drunk wit her. so we all drank untill everyone left upstairs or went home or whatnot. so it was just me and her talking..then she brings up, remember when we was 16, and i used to ALWAYS whoop your ass...i said, yea. but you used to always hit below the belt...and she says "hahahhahahaah, you konw you liked it".

we both are drunk at this time, and im getting HORNY just talkin about it..so i say...i bet you cant take me down this time. so we start wrestling again. and right away she starts BLASTING my balls wit knees. i must of caught like 10-15 shots to the balls...and each time im getting hornier and hornier, so i tittie twist her nipples...she looks at me shocked, cuz i touched her Tits....then she says....wit shock.... :cussing: !!!!!! then what she did next got me by surpise....she palmed and SQUEEZED my balls, and pushed me against the wall..she says, who said you can touch my tits, while squeezing my nuts and laughing. and im getting the biggest boner right about now. running thru my mind at that point was...damnn...i wanna fuck her now...so decided to take a risk..i look at her skirt, which got me more horny cuz it was a mini skirt, then i grabbed both of her tits and pushed her to my bed. when we both hit the bed she let go of my nuts. and thats when i tooked the risk and pulled out my dick, and attempted to fuck her. and i close my eyes.. and as expected...she kneed my balls...but then she grabbed my dick and put it in her pussy....and she told me...right before i cum, tell her...and im thinkin..okay. so i was fucking the shit outta her, and when i was about to cum..i told her...and right before i came, BAM!!! another knee to the balls....and let me tell you...that was the best orgasm i ever had....

so yeah...getting ball busted by your cousin could lead to sex..be careful..cuz i my cousin bust me all the time..and we fuck all the time now...i thought it would feel weird...but....it dont...i even threesomed wit her and her bf. :Baahaha:

abused berries
01-09-2006, 08:56 AM
im going to go out on a limb and say thats fucked up.

01-09-2006, 02:39 PM
well done... good story... very horny!!!

01-09-2006, 06:09 PM
That could lead to some severely braindead children.

1) You were drinking
2) It's your cousin
3) Ball busting probably doesn't make sperm MORE healthy.

I truly hope that story was just a figment of your imagination. I'm not one to usually put down stories, but when it COULD affect someone else's life... I get a little tweaked.

01-11-2006, 12:29 AM
Well, in reality cousin to cousin marriages are very common around the world and the chances of genetic disorder (although double the percentage of non-direct cousin marriages) is quite low (I think around 2.8-3% of all births). I'm not one to screw my own cousin mind you, its a what-society/culture-you-grow-up-in thing.

I will admit I am a little weirded out by the whole relationship (What do you tell your dad?? What the hell did you tell her boyfriend?), but to each his own. I figure as long as we're not into sister or mother sex we can still be marginally cool, right?

01-11-2006, 03:09 AM
A rate of 3% for phenotypic genetic disorders is extremely high. The government here launched a campaign to warn the British Pakistani community of the risks of cousin-cousin pairings in November. The rate of genetic disorders in this community is 17 times higher than that in the rest of the population as a direct result of such pairings. There will also be an accumulation of a whole bunch of non-phenotypic genetic (recessive or partial) anomalies (i.e. abnormalities that don’t show) that could then get together with a similar anomaly down the line to bugger the lineage. Cousin-cousin unions are unfair to the offspring.

Its also worth noting that the locus on chromosome 6 that controls your ability to present bits of pathogens to an important form of immune cell (the MHC locus) is the most variable part of the human genome. There is, of course, a very good reason for this as it ensures that one or two of us might survive the next bout of bubonic plague, immunodeficiency virus, SARS, H5N1-hybrid influenza strain or what-have-you. There’s a likely chance you’ll share at least half of this immune-information with your first cousin and that the offspring of such a union will be somewhat immuno-compromised. Just a few generations of cousin-shagging can leave the whole community with a lessened chance of surviving the next pestilence to sweep that land.

Whichever way you look at it, shagging your cousin where there’s any risk at all of gamete fusion is a very bad idea. If you guys cannot discontinue your frolicking then I suggest you make damn sure you use contraception.

Some further info:

01-11-2006, 07:36 AM
...Whichever way you look at it, shagging your cousin where there’s any risk at all of gamete fusion is a very bad idea. If you guys cannot discontinue your frolicking then I suggest you make damn sure you use contraception...

What a boatload of manure! All you guys act like you live in the 19th century. Two sane and consenting adults ought to be able to rub a couple parts of their body together for mutual pleasure without you doom-seekers worrying about the end of the human race due to "gamete fusion". Yes it would be bad to bring a baby into the world that is genetically compromised. How does that translate into remarks like "fucked up", "a little tweaked" and "discontinue your frolicking" ? Come on. Use a rubber and/or the pill, and be prepared to get an abortion if the rubber breaks. Aside from that- if you and your cousin (with or without her bf) are having fun- go for it. Just don't marry the girl and start a family.

01-11-2006, 08:36 AM
Yes it would be bad to bring a baby into the world that is genetically compromised.
Use a rubber and/or the pill, and be prepared to get an abortion if the rubber breaksIf its going to happen, then this we can agree on :)

Two sane and consenting adults ought to be able to rub a couple parts of their body together for mutual pleasureI'm curious as to where you draw the line (if indeed you do draw a line)?
Is it OK to fuck your mum?
Is it OK to fuck your sister?
If that’s not OK, why?

For those out there fucking their mothers then I agree with the "fucked up", "a little tweaked" and "discontinue your frolicking" comments above.

Believe me, I’ve seen some very fucked up consequences of this kind of stuff in the mountains of Turkey and there are many other examples within isolated communities around the world. Of course, none of this will lead to the end of the world - but it is likely to lead to the deletion of their lineages from the collective gene pool (some would say that the extinction of mother-fuckers - to coin a phrase - is its no bad thing!)

01-11-2006, 05:02 PM
I'm curious as to where you draw the line (if indeed you do draw a line)?
I don't draw lines between consenting sane adults engaged in purely sexual behavior in private. If you do then I want nothing to do with your self righteousness, your religion, your science, or whatever the hell it is that makes you think it's ok to make decisions for two other people whose circumstances or character you don't have any idea of who are quite simply "rubbing body parts". You do seem to have a problem separating sex for pleasure purposes and procreation. Maybe in whatever corner of the world you come from (or whatever century) the two are the same. Some of the rest of us have grown a little since then.

01-12-2006, 12:25 AM
Tamakeri, you do have a point. If they aren't making babies let people do whatever they want. I mean, there's so many messed up people in the world, why worry about a few?

Terileptil that was a nice genetics article, and you are right that inter cousin relations are especially bad when done consitently for each generation. However, when there is a lot of genetic variation within a family, that can change the resulting kids. But I think in this guy's case his family probably (hopefully) doesn't have a lot of intercousin marriages in his family tree.

01-12-2006, 01:02 AM
I’m in no doubt that guys have fucked their own daughters for pleasure throughout the centuries and will continue to do so. It’s also clear that the daughters often 'consent' to this and that the sex continues once the daughter reaches adulthood (or it even starts then). Both adults could probably pass as ‘sane’.

This kind of stuff crosses over a moral line for me. Simply ‘rubbing body parts’ can bring a whole bunch of psychological trauma along with it. In addition, the definitions of what true consent is and what an adult is can be a little blurred; the latter, for instance, varies widely depending which 'corner of the world' you happen to be in.

I’m not here to pick an argument with Tamakeri, I’m merely attempting to establish what his position is.

I thank him for enlightening me.

If Mr. Sam Adams and his cuz are both carrying a recessive familial disorder then it only takes one round for it to show :eek:

Lets hope there won't be any babes :)

01-12-2006, 09:27 AM
Am I the only one who has read any of the "You might be a red neck if..." books?!?!

Aside from the whole cousin thing. That is a very nice story.

01-12-2006, 11:30 AM
is the issue that makes cousin-cousin sex problematic for some the possibility of pregnancy? If so, would it be OK if these two cousins had oral sex (with bb of course, to please the local audience)?

would it be OK if she strapped it on and did him up the ass? would it be OK if the two cousins were male and were engaging in a circle jerk?

to me, none of these possibilities (including the one in the original post) are problematic, so long as the two parties are emotionally capable of carrying on in the context of the extended family without revealing their activities to the rest of the family.

Apart from some circle jerk activities in my preteen years with a male cousin, I have never participated in anything like the original story, but that's not to say I wouldn't be willing. Doing it with anyone in my immediate family is another matter - I grew up with those people, and I think the closeness of those relationships are incompatible with sexual inclinations.

01-12-2006, 12:30 PM
Hi Penispuppet,
I like the way you’re thinking :) Yes, the possibility of pregnancy is certainly a big part of the ‘issue’ I have. However, I must have some innate aversion to ******, as I’d be lying to say that that’s the whole deal.

It WOULD be OK if she kicked him in the balls under the following conditions:

1. She did it really hard
2. She did it repeatedly
3. They videoed the event
4. They posted it here for all to see

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

I hope that clears up any confusion.

01-12-2006, 10:44 PM
First off, loved the story...and a nice debate going on here. I'd have to say I agree with penispuppet on this one...if it's immediate family, I definitely see that as a no-no...but cousins are extended family, and just doesn't present too much of a problem in my mind. If you wanted to marry your cousin/start a family with him/her, well, that's a little "redneck-ish", so to speak. But if it's just for what me and my mates call "fun fucking", well, I suppose what they don't know can't hurt you...experimentation and pleasure, that's all I see...

01-12-2006, 11:04 PM
A rate of 3% for phenotypic genetic disorders is extremely high. The government here launched a campaign to warn the British Pakistani community of the risks of cousin-cousin pairings in November. The rate of genetic disorders in this community is 17 times higher than that in the rest of the population as a direct result of such pairings. There will also be an accumulation of a whole bunch of non-phenotypic genetic (recessive or partial) anomalies (i.e. abnormalities that don’t show) that could then get together with a similar anomaly down the line to bugger the lineage. Cousin-cousin unions are unfair to the offspring.

Its also worth noting that the locus on chromosome 6 that controls your ability to present bits of pathogens to an important form of immune cell (the MHC locus) is the most variable part of the human genome. There is, of course, a very good reason for this as it ensures that one or two of us might survive the next bout of bubonic plague, immunodeficiency virus, SARS, H5N1-hybrid influenza strain or what-have-you. There’s a likely chance you’ll share at least half of this immune-information with your first cousin and that the offspring of such a union will be somewhat immuno-compromised. Just a few generations of cousin-shagging can leave the whole community with a lessened chance of surviving the next pestilence to sweep that land.

Whichever way you look at it, shagging your cousin where there’s any risk at all of gamete fusion is a very bad idea. If you guys cannot discontinue your frolicking then I suggest you make damn sure you use contraception.

Some further info:

okay first of all....i didnt mention if she was immediate or extended..its a cousin in law...second...you actually think id wanna make babies wit her?!?!?!??!i mean... shes kicking me in the nuts...im pretty sure im sterile by now...and if we did accidentaly have a baby...we`d get an abortion.... this is a forum dont take it too serious...who knows..i could be making this up.....hahahhah

01-13-2006, 04:40 AM
its a cousin in lawThat’s very different although I’m surprised you wrestled with your cousin’s wife when you were 16 (or that you'd call her your cousin ;)).

...second...you actually think id wanna make babies wit her?!?!?!??! I've been responsible for two pregnancies through contraception (or so they said) where the mothers refused to abort! (hence my concern). How’d ya know what she’d do?

this is a forum dont take it too serious...who knows..i could be making this up.....hahahhah Now that I believe. Have you got any more (that don’t involve relatives)? ;)

01-14-2006, 04:53 AM
[QUOTE=Terileptil]That’s very different although I’m surprised you wrestled with your cousin’s wife when you were 16 (or that you'd call her your cousin ;)).

shes not my cousins wife....shes my uncles wifes, brothers, neice.....get it...... hahah prolly got lost at

01-14-2006, 04:49 PM
[QUOTE=Terileptil]That’s very different although I’m surprised you wrestled with your cousin’s wife when you were 16 (or that you'd call her your cousin ;)).

shes not my cousins wife....shes my uncles wifes, brothers, neice.....get it...... hahah prolly got lost at

Then shes hardly a SECOND cousin, if the line you state is continually going away from your family, hardly any relative what so ever, but yes it was an interesting STORY, and do you have any more?

However, being your uncles wifes (your aunties) brothers niece, then she could be your aunties daughter, therefore your first cousin, so, no, I dont think you lost anyone, just made a rather ambiguous statement :p

01-14-2006, 06:13 PM
Awsome story, I would like to be her cousin too. Do you think she would mind? I mean what the heck I'll even be her uncle if it will get me a wrestling match with her. :D

01-19-2006, 03:15 AM
Oy! Can't a prevert shag his cousin in peace wifout all yew bloody yanks flappin' yer blasted gums?

Leave me in my cousin be, I say thee!

02-03-2006, 09:56 AM
Its all Bull Shit, and a Fantasy, so enjoy it you stiff old fuckers "_'_"
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