View Full Version : Scrambled Eggs
I'm sure many members of this forum are familiar with the now defunct site of Scrambled Eggs, and like me have hoped it would return. I have been in correspondance with a contributor to that site, and Andy, the guy who owned Scambled Eggs, closed it because it was under attack from a hacker. Scrambled Eggs was a wonderful website, but because of these attaacks on it it will not return. I'm sure everbody who knew the site will join with me in wishing that the attackers balls are burned in hell! If the attacker was female, in respect of equel oppurtunities, may an equelly sensitive part of her anatomy suffer the same fate! And to Andy, thankyou for what you did, your site expressed such enthusiasm for ballbusting, and if you can find a way to revive your site, you would please a lot of people. And in case your reading this, Joannie feels the same.
02-21-2006, 08:59 AM
That's awful...
02-25-2006, 01:27 PM
Yes. bring eggs back
04-05-2006, 12:00 PM
Am I mistaken, or did Scrambled Eggs deal with Non Consensual ball busting?
In other words, men who aren't into it and didn't ask for it?
Am I mistaken, or did Scrambled Eggs deal with Non Consensual ball busting?
In other words, men who aren't into it and didn't ask for it?
Not that I'm aware of.
04-05-2006, 11:43 PM
I have a copy of Andy's site from just before it vanished. (Jealous?) There was a non-consensual section, but it was about "How to get busted by a stanger." -- Andy advised against it as being dangerous and possibly against the law, depending on where you lived and what you did, but posted numerous examples reported by individuals of how they went out and got women to kick hem in the nuts (ranging from the stupid to the implied **** to grabbing a breast at a pub to challenging chicks who already seemed pissed off). There was nothing on Scrambled Egges that encouraged this behaviour; Andy said he was posting it because so many men were interested in getting busted by strangers.
The focus of the site was consensual ballbusting.
Try, you found Joan??? That's awesome!
Actually, wait -- the hard drive with Andy's site just went to California for data recovery. The server on which it was backed up went down around the same time that the hard drive crashed (what are the odds?).
04-06-2006, 10:42 AM
It's nice to know that Andy is still about.
The hacker related problems I am all too familiar with, running my own bb/female feet related site.
There is either an individual or a group of individuals whom keep on trying to put the spanner in the works of ballbusting. Sites get targeted or the individuals behind BB related sites, seem to suffer with the problem of targeted hacking.
The reality of it is that they either don't want bb sites around or certain bb sites around.
Scrambled Eggs was not a self content driven site. It was a resource point for those whom were into bb or wanted to be into it or just find out about it.
Only time will tell, if these Hackers have drifted away or are still lurking.
The one thing I do know is that they will not succeed ultimately as Ballbusting is above and beyond them.
Hi Trouble,
Yes, Joannie is the lady I've been corresponding with for some time. She's given me an interesting view on how some women look at BB. She says most women fantasise about BB for a variety reasons but few carry it out. I was intrigued that she says she gets really turned on by watching other girls bust a guy as most girls don't dare do it themselves but love to see another girl live their dream, and that girls gain confidence in numbers. I've tried to persuade her to join this community but I'm not sure if she will. But anyway she loves my drawings and has sent me a ballbusting story she wrote ( its very good!) and I'm illustrating it for her.
And I do wish Andy would contact us. His site was really hot.
04-06-2006, 11:02 PM
Cool enough. Yeah, chicks are weird and they keep it all among each other and clam up when one of us is around.Glad to know joannie has found someone in whom she can confide. ;)
Do we get to see Joannie's illustrated story when it is done or is it all for her? [Warning: I may throw a tantrum if the answer is anything less than, "Absolutely!"]
I have a scanner now. I started a bb comic and then lost it. I get so irked by losing things that I have not taken it up again; if I do, it will be when THAT DAMN COMIC turns up. I shouldn't have any trouble making additional comics, I'm just pissed off because I started one and it vanished...
Cool enough. Yeah, chicks are weird and they keep it all among each other and clam up when one of us is around.Glad to know joannie has found someone in whom she can confide. ;)
Do we get to see Joannie's illustrated story when it is done or is it all for her? [Warning: I may throw a tantrum if the answer is anything less than, "Absolutely!"]
I have a scanner now. I started a bb comic and then lost it. I get so irked by losing things that I have not taken it up again; if I do, it will be when THAT DAMN COMIC turns up. I shouldn't have any trouble making additional comics, I'm just pissed off because I started one and it vanished...
Not sure if Joannies story will be shown on this site, that will be her decision. But the first pic I did for it is already on the cartoon thread. Its called "Bustin the Flasher" which is the title of Joannies tale.
04-09-2006, 12:54 AM
Not sure if Joannies story will be shown on this site, that will be her decision. But the first pic I did for it is already on the cartoon thread. Its called "Bustin the Flasher" which is the title of Joannies tale.
Oooh! A TRUE story!
04-18-2006, 07:54 AM
I'm sure many members of this forum are familiar with the now defunct site of Scrambled Eggs, and like me have hoped it would return. I have been in correspondance with a contributor to that site, and Andy, the guy who owned Scambled Eggs, closed it because it was under attack from a hacker. Scrambled Eggs was a wonderful website, but because of these attaacks on it it will not return. I'm sure everbody who knew the site will join with me in wishing that the attackers balls are burned in hell! If the attacker was female, in respect of equel oppurtunities, may an equelly sensitive part of her anatomy suffer the same fate! And to Andy, thankyou for what you did, your site expressed such enthusiasm for ballbusting, and if you can find a way to revive your site, you would please a lot of people. And in case your reading this, Joannie feels the same.
yes,i know scrambled eggs site and i always liked it! can anybody stop that idiot hacker? i want to see scrambled eggs on the net! may be in a different domain and more protected against hackers
04-19-2006, 12:20 AM
yes,i know scrambled eggs site and i always liked it! can anybody stop that idiot hacker? i want to see scrambled eggs on the net! may be in a different domain and more protected against hackers
A coder replies:
Using the current models of software and communication protocol design, troubles with hackers will only be getting worse.Intrusion countermeasure electronics will continue to get better, but the current aim for scalable and open-ended design has led to some very cruddy programming.
Worse, software tools have improved incredibly. This is a bad thing because better tools are enabling less competent people to generate software products.
Being a hacker is less trendy than it once was (I think...), but they have a lot of room to wiggle.
06-08-2008, 01:03 PM
Most of the site can be accessed here:
snack marvin
06-19-2008, 01:48 PM
Great, panchogrande, maybe Trouble could send you the missing content so we have the entire site online again...?
06-27-2008, 05:25 AM
Nice panchogrande, this was one of the first busting sites I ever saw. A real trip down memory lane. It's a shame some idiot hacker had to ruin it for the rest of us.
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